#pragma once
 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Surface.h"
#include "GraphSubset.h"
#include <vector>
namespace OpenXcom
namespace helper
 * This is empty argument to `ShaderDraw`.
 * when used in `ShaderDraw` return always 0 to `ColorFunc::func` for every pixel
class Nothing
 * This is scalar argument to `ShaderDraw`.
 * when used in `ShaderDraw` return value of `t` to `ColorFunc::func` for every pixel
template<typename T>
class Scalar
	T& ref;
	inline Scalar(T& t) : ref(t)
 * This is surface argument to `ShaderDraw`.
 * every pixel of this surface will have type `Pixel`.
 * Modify pixels of this surface, that will modifying original data.
template<typename Pixel>
class ShaderBase
	typedef Pixel* PixelPtr;
	typedef Pixel& PixelRef;
	const PixelPtr _orgin;
	const GraphSubset _range_base;
	GraphSubset _range_domain;
	const int _pitch;
	///copy constructor
	inline ShaderBase(const ShaderBase& s):
	 * create surface using vector `f` as data source.
	 * surface will have `max_y` x `max_x` dimensions.
	 * size of `f` should be bigger than `max_y*max_x`.
	 * Attention: after use of this constructor you change size of `f` then `_orgin` will be invalid
	 * and use of this object will cause memory exception.
     * @param f vector that are treated as surface
     * @param max_x x dimension of `f`
     * @param max_y y dimension of `f`
	inline ShaderBase(std::vector<Pixel>& f, int max_x, int max_y):
		_range_base(max_x, max_y),
		_range_domain(max_x, max_y),
	inline PixelPtr ptr() const
		return _orgin;
	inline int pitch() const
		return _pitch;
	inline void setDomain(const GraphSubset& g)
		_range_domain = GraphSubset::intersection(g, _range_base);
	inline const GraphSubset& getDomain() const
		return _range_domain;
	inline const GraphSubset& getBaseDomain() const
		return _range_base;
	inline const GraphSubset& getImage() const
		return _range_domain;
 * This is surface argument to `ShaderDraw`.
 * every pixel of this surface will have type `Pixel`.
 * You cant modify pixel in that surface.
template<typename Pixel>
class ShaderBase<const Pixel>
	typedef const Pixel* PixelPtr;
	typedef const Pixel& PixelRef;
	const PixelPtr _orgin;
	const GraphSubset _range_base;
	GraphSubset _range_domain;
	const int _pitch;
	///copy constructor
	inline ShaderBase(const ShaderBase& s):
	///copy constructor
	inline ShaderBase(const ShaderBase<Pixel>& s):
	 * create surface using vector `f` as data source.
	 * surface will have `max_y` x `max_x` dimensions.
	 * size of `f` should be bigger than `max_y*max_x`.
	 * Attention: after use of this constructor you change size of `f` then `_orgin` will be invalid
	 * and use of this object will cause memory exception.
     * @param f vector that are treated as surface
     * @param max_x x dimension of `f`
     * @param max_y y dimension of `f`
	inline ShaderBase(const std::vector<Pixel>& f, int max_x, int max_y):
		_range_base(max_x, max_y),
		_range_domain(max_x, max_y),
	inline PixelPtr ptr() const
		return _orgin;
	inline int pitch() const
		return _pitch;
	inline void setDomain(const GraphSubset& g)
		_range_domain = GraphSubset::intersection(g, _range_base);
	inline const GraphSubset& getDomain() const
		return _range_domain;
	inline const GraphSubset& getBaseDomain() const
		return _range_base;
	inline const GraphSubset& getImage() const
		return _range_domain;
 * This is surface argument to `ShaderDraw`.
 * every pixel of this surface will have type `Uint8`.
 * Can be constructed from `Surface*`.
 * Modify pixels of this surface, that will modifying original data.
class ShaderBase<Uint8>
	typedef Uint8* PixelPtr;
	typedef Uint8& PixelRef;
	const PixelPtr _orgin;
	const GraphSubset _range_base;
	GraphSubset _range_domain;
	const int _pitch;
	///copy constructor
	inline ShaderBase(const ShaderBase& s):
	 * create surface using surface `s` as data source.
	 * surface will have same dimensions as `s`.
	 * Attention: after use of this constructor you change size of surface `s`
	 * then `_orgin` will be invalid and use of this object will cause memory exception.
     * @param s vector that are treated as surface
	inline ShaderBase(Surface* s):
		_orgin((Uint8*) s->getSurface()->pixels),
		_range_base(s->getWidth(), s->getHeight()),
		_range_domain(s->getWidth(), s->getHeight()),
	 * create surface using vector `f` as data source.
	 * surface will have `max_y` x `max_x` dimensions.
	 * size of `f` should be bigger than `max_y*max_x`.
	 * Attention: after use of this constructor you change size of `f` then `_orgin` will be invalid
	 * and use of this object will cause memory exception.
     * @param f vector that are treated as surface
     * @param max_x x dimension of `f`
     * @param max_y y dimension of `f`
	inline ShaderBase(std::vector<Uint8>& f, int max_x, int max_y):
		_range_base(max_x, max_y),
		_range_domain(max_x, max_y),
	inline PixelPtr ptr() const
		return _orgin;
	inline int pitch() const
		return _pitch;
	inline void setDomain(const GraphSubset& g)
		_range_domain = GraphSubset::intersection(g, _range_base);
	inline const GraphSubset& getDomain() const
		return _range_domain;
	inline const GraphSubset& getBaseDomain() const
		return _range_base;
	inline const GraphSubset& getImage() const
		return _range_domain;
 * This is surface argument to `ShaderDraw`.
 * every pixel of this surface will have type `const Uint8`.
 * Can be constructed from `const Surface*`.
 * You cant modify pixel in that surface.
class ShaderBase<const Uint8>
	typedef const Uint8* PixelPtr;
	typedef const Uint8& PixelRef;
	const PixelPtr _orgin;
	const GraphSubset _range_base;
	GraphSubset _range_domain;
	const int _pitch;
	///copy constructor
	inline ShaderBase(const ShaderBase& s):
	///copy constructor
	inline ShaderBase(const ShaderBase<Uint8>& s):
	 * create surface using surface `s` as data source.
	 * surface will have same dimensions as `s`.
	 * Attention: after use of this constructor you change size of surface `s`
	 * then `_orgin` will be invalid and use of this object will cause memory exception.
     * @param s vector that are treated as surface
	inline ShaderBase(const Surface* s):
		_orgin((Uint8*) s->getSurface()->pixels),
		_range_base(s->getWidth(), s->getHeight()),
		_range_domain(s->getWidth(), s->getHeight()),
	 * create surface using vector `f` as data source.
	 * surface will have `max_y` x `max_x` dimensions.
	 * size of `f` should be bigger than `max_y*max_x`.
	 * Attention: after use of this constructor you change size of `f` then `_orgin` will be invalid
	 * and use of this object will case memory exception.
     * @param f vector that are treated as surface
     * @param max_x x dimension of `f`
     * @param max_y y dimension of `f`
	inline ShaderBase(const std::vector<Uint8>& f, int max_x, int max_y):
		_range_base(max_x, max_y),
		_range_domain(max_x, max_y),
	inline PixelPtr ptr() const
		return _orgin;
	inline int pitch() const
		return _pitch;
	inline void setDomain(const GraphSubset& g)
		_range_domain = GraphSubset::intersection(g, _range_base);
	inline const GraphSubset& getDomain() const
		return _range_domain;
	inline const GraphSubset& getBaseDomain() const
		return _range_base;
	inline const GraphSubset& getImage() const
		return _range_domain;
/// helper class for handling implementation differences in different surfaces types
/// Used in function `ShaderDraw`.
template<typename SurfaceType>
struct controler
	//you need create your own specification or use different type, no default version
	 * function used only when `SurfaceType` can be used as destination surface
	 * if that type should not be used as `dest` dont implements this.
	 * @return start drawing range
	inline const GraphSubset& get_range();
	 * function used only when `SurfaceType` is used as source surface.
	 * function reduce drawing range.
	 * @param g modify drawing range
	inline void mod_range(GraphSubset& g);
	 * set final drawing range.
	 * @param g drawing range
	inline void set_range(const GraphSubset& g);
	inline void mod_y(int& begin, int& end);
	inline void set_y(const int& begin, const int& end);
	inline void inc_y();
	inline void mod_x(int& begin, int& end);
	inline void set_x(const int& begin, const int& end);
	inline void inc_x();
	inline int& get_ref();
/// implementation for scalars types aka `int`, `double`, `float`
template<typename T>
struct controler<Scalar<T> >
	T& ref;
	inline controler(const Scalar<T>& s) : ref(s.ref)
	//cant use this function
	//inline GraphSubset get_range()
	inline void mod_range(GraphSubset&)
	inline void set_range(const GraphSubset&)
	inline void mod_y(int&, int&)
	inline void set_y(const int&, const int&)
	inline void inc_y()
	inline void mod_x(int&, int&)
	inline void set_x(const int&, const int&)
	inline void inc_x()
	inline T& get_ref()
		return ref;
/// implementation for not used arg
struct controler<Nothing>
	const int i;
	inline controler(const Nothing&) : i(0)
	//cant use this function
	//inline GraphSubset get_range()
	inline void mod_range(GraphSubset&)
	inline void set_range(const GraphSubset&)
	inline void mod_y(int&, int&)
	inline void set_y(const int&, const int&)
	inline void inc_y()
	inline void mod_x(int&, int&)
	inline void set_x(const int&, const int&)
	inline void inc_x()
	inline const int& get_ref()
		return i;
template<typename PixelPtr, typename PixelRef>
struct controler_base
	const PixelPtr data;
	PixelPtr ptr_pos_y;
	PixelPtr ptr_pos_x;
	GraphSubset range;
	int start_x;
	int start_y;
	const std::pair<int, int> step;
	controler_base(PixelPtr base, const GraphSubset& d, const GraphSubset& r, const std::pair<int, int>& s) :
		data(base + d.beg_x*s.first + d.beg_y*s.second),
		ptr_pos_y(0), ptr_pos_x(0),
		start_x(), start_y(),
	inline const GraphSubset& get_range()
		return range;
	inline void mod_range(GraphSubset& r)
		r = GraphSubset::intersection(range, r);
	inline void set_range(const GraphSubset& r)
		start_x = r.beg_x - range.beg_x;
		start_y = r.beg_y - range.beg_y;
		range = r;
	inline void mod_y(int&, int&)
		ptr_pos_y = data + step.first * start_x + step.second * start_y;
	inline void set_y(const int& begin, const int&)
		ptr_pos_y += step.second*begin;
	inline void inc_y()
		ptr_pos_y += step.second;
	inline void mod_x(int&, int&)
		ptr_pos_x = ptr_pos_y;
	inline void set_x(const int& begin, const int&)
		ptr_pos_x += step.first*begin;
	inline void inc_x()
		ptr_pos_x += step.first;
	inline PixelRef get_ref()
		return *ptr_pos_x;
template<typename Pixel>
struct controler<ShaderBase<Pixel> > : public controler_base<typename ShaderBase<Pixel>::PixelPtr, typename ShaderBase<Pixel>::PixelRef>
	typedef typename ShaderBase<Pixel>::PixelPtr PixelPtr;
	typedef typename ShaderBase<Pixel>::PixelRef PixelRef;
	typedef controler_base<PixelPtr, PixelRef> base_type;
	controler(const ShaderBase<Pixel>& f) : base_type(f.ptr(), f.getDomain(), f.getImage(), std::make_pair(1, f.pitch()))
}//namespace helper
}//namespace OpenXcom

V690 The 'ShaderBase' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the copy assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.