 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <algorithm>
#include "ProjectileFlyBState.h"
#include "ExplosionBState.h"
#include "Projectile.h"
#include "TileEngine.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "Pathfinding.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleUnit.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleItem.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedBattleGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/Tile.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Engine/Sound.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleItem.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "AIModule.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "Explosion.h"
#include "BattlescapeState.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleUnitStatistics.h"
#include "../fmath.h"
namespace OpenXcom
 * Sets up an ProjectileFlyBState.
ProjectileFlyBState::ProjectileFlyBState(BattlescapeGame *parent, BattleAction action, Position origin) : BattleState(parent, action), _unit(0), _ammo(0), _projectileItem(0), _origin(origin), _originVoxel(-1,-1,-1), _projectileImpact(0), _initialized(false), _targetFloor(false)
ProjectileFlyBState::ProjectileFlyBState(BattlescapeGame *parent, BattleAction action) : BattleState(parent, action), _unit(0), _ammo(0), _projectileItem(0), _origin(action.actor->getPosition()), _originVoxel(-1,-1,-1), _projectileImpact(0), _initialized(false), _targetFloor(false)
 * Deletes the ProjectileFlyBState.
 * Initializes the sequence:
 * - checks if the shot is valid,
 * - calculates the base accuracy.
void ProjectileFlyBState::init()
	if (_initialized) return;
	_initialized = true;
	BattleItem *weapon = _action.weapon;
	_projectileItem = 0;
	if (!weapon) // can't shoot without weapon
	if (!_parent->getSave()->getTile(_action.target)) // invalid target position
	if (_parent->getPanicHandled() &&
		_action.actor->getTimeUnits() < _action.TU)
		_action.result = "STR_NOT_ENOUGH_TIME_UNITS";
	_unit = _action.actor;
	_ammo = weapon->getAmmoItem();
	if (_unit->isOut() || _unit->getHealth() == 0 || _unit->getHealth() < _unit->getStunlevel())
		// something went wrong - we can't shoot when dead or unconscious, or if we're about to fall over.
	// reaction fire
	if (_unit->getFaction() != _parent->getSave()->getSide())
		// no ammo or target is dead: give the time units back and cancel the shot.
		if (_ammo == 0
			|| !_parent->getSave()->getTile(_action.target)->getUnit()
			|| _parent->getSave()->getTile(_action.target)->getUnit()->isOut()
			|| _parent->getSave()->getTile(_action.target)->getUnit() != _parent->getSave()->getSelectedUnit())
			_unit->setTimeUnits(_unit->getTimeUnits() + _unit->getActionTUs(_action.type, _action.weapon));
		_unit->lookAt(_action.target, _unit->getTurretType() != -1);
		while (_unit->getStatus() == STATUS_TURNING)
	Tile *endTile = _parent->getSave()->getTile(_action.target);
	int distanceSq = _parent->getTileEngine()->distanceUnitToPositionSq(_action.actor, _action.target, false);
	bool isPlayer = _parent->getSave()->getSide() == FACTION_PLAYER;
	if (isPlayer) _parent->getMap()->resetObstacles();
	switch (_action.type)
	case BA_LAUNCH:
		if (_ammo == 0)
			_action.result = "STR_NO_AMMUNITION_LOADED";
		if (_ammo->getAmmoQuantity() == 0)
			_action.result = "STR_NO_ROUNDS_LEFT";
		if (distanceSq > weapon->getRules()->getMaxRangeSq())
			// special handling for short ranges and diagonals
				// special handling for maxRange 1: allow it to target diagonally adjacent tiles (one diagonal move)
				if (weapon->getRules()->getMaxRange() == 1 && distanceSq <= 3)
				// special handling for maxRange 2: allow it to target diagonally adjacent tiles (one diagonal move + one straight move)
				else if (weapon->getRules()->getMaxRange() == 2 && distanceSq <= 6)
			// out of range
			_action.result = "STR_OUT_OF_RANGE";
	case BA_THROW:
		if (!validThrowRange(&_action, _parent->getTileEngine()->getOriginVoxel(_action, 0), _parent->getSave()->getTile(_action.target)))
			// out of range
			_action.result = "STR_OUT_OF_RANGE";
		if (endTile &&
			endTile->getTerrainLevel() == -24 &&
			endTile->getPosition().z + 1 < _parent->getSave()->getMapSizeZ())
			_action.target.z += 1;
		_projectileItem = weapon;
	bool forceEnableObstacles = false;
	if (_action.type == BA_LAUNCH || (Options::forceFire && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0 && isPlayer) || !_parent->getPanicHandled())
		// target nothing, targets the middle of the tile
		_targetVoxel = Position(_action.target.x*16 + 8, _action.target.y*16 + 8, _action.target.z*24 + 12);
		if (_action.type == BA_LAUNCH)
			if (_targetFloor)
				// launched missiles with two waypoints placed on the same tile: target the floor.
				_targetVoxel.z -= 10;
				// launched missiles go slightly higher than the middle.
				_targetVoxel.z += 4;
	else if (!_action.weapon->getRules()->getArcingShot())
		// determine the target voxel.
		// aim at the center of the unit, the object, the walls or the floor (in that priority)
		// if there is no LOF to the center, try elsewhere (more outward).
		// Store this target voxel.
		Tile *targetTile = _parent->getSave()->getTile(_action.target);
		Position hitPos;
		Position originVoxel = _parent->getTileEngine()->getOriginVoxel(_action, _parent->getSave()->getTile(_origin));
		if (targetTile->getUnit() &&
			((_unit->getFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER) ||
			if (_origin == _action.target || targetTile->getUnit() == _unit)
				// don't shoot at yourself but shoot at the floor
				_targetVoxel = Position(_action.target.x*16 + 8, _action.target.y*16 + 8, _action.target.z*24);
				if (!_parent->getTileEngine()->canTargetUnit(&originVoxel, targetTile, &_targetVoxel, _unit, isPlayer))
					_targetVoxel = Position(-16,-16,-24); // out of bounds, even after voxel to tile calculation.
					if (isPlayer)
						forceEnableObstacles = true;
		else if (targetTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) != 0)
			if (!_parent->getTileEngine()->canTargetTile(&originVoxel, targetTile, O_OBJECT, &_targetVoxel, _unit, isPlayer))
				_targetVoxel = Position(_action.target.x*16 + 8, _action.target.y*16 + 8, _action.target.z*24 + 10);
		else if (targetTile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL) != 0)
			if (!_parent->getTileEngine()->canTargetTile(&originVoxel, targetTile, O_NORTHWALL, &_targetVoxel, _unit, isPlayer))
				_targetVoxel = Position(_action.target.x*16 + 8, _action.target.y*16, _action.target.z*24 + 9);
		else if (targetTile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL) != 0)
			if (!_parent->getTileEngine()->canTargetTile(&originVoxel, targetTile, O_WESTWALL, &_targetVoxel, _unit, isPlayer))
				_targetVoxel = Position(_action.target.x*16, _action.target.y*16 + 8, _action.target.z*24 + 9);
		else if (targetTile->getMapData(O_FLOOR) != 0)
			if (!_parent->getTileEngine()->canTargetTile(&originVoxel, targetTile, O_FLOOR, &_targetVoxel, _unit, isPlayer))
				_targetVoxel = Position(_action.target.x*16 + 8, _action.target.y*16 + 8, _action.target.z*24 + 2);
			// dummy attempt (only to highlight obstacles)
			_parent->getTileEngine()->canTargetTile(&originVoxel, targetTile, MapData::O_DUMMY, &_targetVoxel, _unit, isPlayer);
			// target nothing, targets the middle of the tile
			_targetVoxel = Position(_action.target.x*16 + 8, _action.target.y*16 + 8, _action.target.z*24 + 12);
	if (createNewProjectile())
	else if (isPlayer && (_targetVoxel.z >= 0 || forceEnableObstacles))
 * Tries to create a projectile sprite and add it to the map,
 * calculating its trajectory.
 * @return True, if the projectile was successfully created.
bool ProjectileFlyBState::createNewProjectile()
	// create a new projectile
	Projectile *projectile = new Projectile(_parent->getMod(), _parent->getSave(), _action, _origin, _targetVoxel, _ammo);
	// add the projectile on the map
	// set the speed of the state think cycle to 16 ms (roughly one think cycle per frame)
	// let it calculate a trajectory
	_projectileImpact = V_EMPTY;
	double accuracyDivider = 100.0;
	// berserking units are half as accurate
	if (!_parent->getPanicHandled())
		accuracyDivider = 200.0;
	if (_action.type == BA_THROW)
		_projectileImpact = projectile->calculateThrow(_unit->getThrowingAccuracy() / accuracyDivider);
		if (_projectileImpact == V_FLOOR || _projectileImpact == V_UNIT || _projectileImpact == V_OBJECT)
			if (_unit->getFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER && _projectileItem->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_GRENADE)
			_parent->getMod()->getSoundByDepth(_parent->getDepth(), Mod::ITEM_THROW)->play(-1, _parent->getMap()->getSoundAngle(_unit->getPosition()));
			// unable to throw here
			delete projectile;
			_action.result = "STR_UNABLE_TO_THROW_HERE";
			_action.TU = 0;
			return false;
	else if (_action.weapon->getRules()->getArcingShot()) // special code for the "spit" trajectory
		_projectileImpact = projectile->calculateThrow(_unit->getFiringAccuracy(_action.type, _action.weapon) / accuracyDivider);
		if (_projectileImpact != V_EMPTY && _projectileImpact != V_OUTOFBOUNDS)
			// set the soldier in an aiming position
			// and we have a lift-off
			if (_ammo->getRules()->getFireSound() != -1)
				_parent->getMod()->getSoundByDepth(_parent->getDepth(), _ammo->getRules()->getFireSound())->play(-1, _parent->getMap()->getSoundAngle(_unit->getPosition()));
			else if (_action.weapon->getRules()->getFireSound() != -1)
				_parent->getMod()->getSoundByDepth(_parent->getDepth(), _action.weapon->getRules()->getFireSound())->play(-1, _parent->getMap()->getSoundAngle(_unit->getPosition()));
			if (!_parent->getSave()->getDebugMode() && _action.type != BA_LAUNCH && _ammo->spendBullet() == false)
			// no line of fire
			delete projectile;
			if (_parent->getPanicHandled())
				_action.result = "STR_NO_LINE_OF_FIRE";
				_unit->setTimeUnits(_unit->getTimeUnits() + _action.TU); // refund shot TUs for berserking
			return false;
		if (_originVoxel != Position(-1,-1,-1))
			_projectileImpact = projectile->calculateTrajectory(_unit->getFiringAccuracy(_action.type, _action.weapon) / accuracyDivider, _originVoxel, false);
			_projectileImpact = projectile->calculateTrajectory(_unit->getFiringAccuracy(_action.type, _action.weapon) / accuracyDivider);
		if (_targetVoxel != Position(-16,-16,-24) && (_projectileImpact != V_EMPTY || _action.type == BA_LAUNCH))
			// set the soldier in an aiming position
			// and we have a lift-off
			if (_ammo->getRules()->getFireSound() != -1)
				_parent->getMod()->getSoundByDepth(_parent->getDepth(), _ammo->getRules()->getFireSound())->play(-1, _parent->getMap()->getSoundAngle(projectile->getOrigin()));
			else if (_action.weapon->getRules()->getFireSound() != -1)
				_parent->getMod()->getSoundByDepth(_parent->getDepth(), _action.weapon->getRules()->getFireSound())->play(-1, _parent->getMap()->getSoundAngle(projectile->getOrigin()));
			if (!_parent->getSave()->getDebugMode() && _action.type != BA_LAUNCH && _ammo->spendBullet() == false)
			// no line of fire
			delete projectile;
			if (_parent->getPanicHandled())
				_action.result = "STR_NO_LINE_OF_FIRE";
				_unit->setTimeUnits(_unit->getTimeUnits() + _action.TU); // refund shot TUs for berserking
			return false;
	if (_action.type != BA_THROW && _action.type != BA_LAUNCH)
	return true;
 * Animates the projectile (moves to the next point in its trajectory).
 * If the animation is finished the projectile sprite is removed from the map,
 * and this state is finished.
void ProjectileFlyBState::think()
	/* TODO refactoring : store the projectile in this state, instead of getting it from the map each time? */
	if (_parent->getMap()->getProjectile() == 0)
		Tile *t = _parent->getSave()->getTile(_action.actor->getPosition());
		Tile *bt = _parent->getSave()->getTile(_action.actor->getPosition() + Position(0,0,-1));
		bool hasFloor = t && !t->hasNoFloor(bt);
		bool unitCanFly = _action.actor->getMovementType() == MT_FLY;
		if (_action.type == BA_AUTOSHOT
			&& _action.autoShotCounter < _action.weapon->getRules()->getAutoShots()
			&& !_action.actor->isOut()
			&& _ammo->getAmmoQuantity() != 0
			&& (hasFloor || unitCanFly))
			if (_action.cameraPosition.z != -1)
			if (_action.cameraPosition.z != -1 && _action.waypoints.size() <= 1)
			if (!_parent->getSave()->getUnitsFalling() && _parent->getPanicHandled())
			if (!_unit->isOut())
			if (_parent->getSave()->getSide() == FACTION_PLAYER || _parent->getSave()->getDebugMode())
		if (_action.type != BA_THROW && _ammo && _ammo->getRules()->getShotgunPellets() != 0)
			// shotgun pellets move to their terminal location instantly as fast as possible
		if (!_parent->getMap()->getProjectile()->move())
			// impact !
			if (_action.type == BA_THROW)
				Position pos = _parent->getMap()->getProjectile()->getPosition(Projectile::ItemDropVoxelOffset);
				pos.x /= 16;
				pos.y /= 16;
				pos.z /= 24;
				if (pos.y > _parent->getSave()->getMapSizeY())
				if (pos.x > _parent->getSave()->getMapSizeX())
				BattleItem *item = _parent->getMap()->getProjectile()->getItem();
				_parent->getMod()->getSoundByDepth(_parent->getDepth(), Mod::ITEM_DROP)->play(-1, _parent->getMap()->getSoundAngle(pos));
				if (Options::battleInstantGrenade && item->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_GRENADE && item->getFuseTimer() == 0)
					// it's a hot grenade to explode immediately
					_parent->statePushFront(new ExplosionBState(_parent, _parent->getMap()->getProjectile()->getPosition(Projectile::ItemDropVoxelOffset), item, _action.actor));
					_parent->dropItem(pos, item);
					if (_unit->getFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER && _projectileItem->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_GRENADE)
						_parent->getTileEngine()->setDangerZone(pos, item->getRules()->getExplosionRadius(), _action.actor);
			else if (_action.type == BA_LAUNCH && _action.waypoints.size() > 1 && _projectileImpact == V_EMPTY)
				_origin = _action.waypoints.front();
				_action.target = _action.waypoints.front();
				// launch the next projectile in the waypoint cascade
				ProjectileFlyBState *nextWaypoint = new ProjectileFlyBState(_parent, _action, _origin);
				if (_origin == _action.target)
				if (_parent->getSave()->getTile(_action.target)->getUnit())
					_parent->getSave()->getTile(_action.target)->getUnit()->getStatistics()->shotAtCounter++; // Only counts for guns, not throws or launches
				if (_ammo && _action.type == BA_LAUNCH && _ammo->spendBullet() == false)
				if (_projectileImpact != V_OUTOFBOUNDS)
					int offset = 0;
					// explosions impact not inside the voxel but two steps back (projectiles generally move 2 voxels at a time)
					if (_ammo && _ammo->getRules()->getExplosionRadius() != 0 && _projectileImpact != V_UNIT)
						offset = -2;
					_parent->statePushFront(new ExplosionBState(_parent, _parent->getMap()->getProjectile()->getPosition(offset), _ammo, _action.actor, 0, (_action.type != BA_AUTOSHOT || _action.autoShotCounter == _action.weapon->getRules()->getAutoShots() || !_action.weapon->getAmmoItem())));
					if (_projectileImpact == V_UNIT)
					int firingXP = _unit->getFiringXP();
					// special shotgun behaviour: trace extra projectile paths, and add bullet hits at their termination points.
					if (_ammo && _ammo->getRules()->getShotgunPellets()  != 0)
						int i = 1;
						while (i != _ammo->getRules()->getShotgunPellets())
							// create a projectile
							Projectile *proj = new Projectile(_parent->getMod(), _parent->getSave(), _action, _origin, _targetVoxel, _ammo);
							// let it trace to the point where it hits
							int secondaryImpact = proj->calculateTrajectory(std::max(0.0, (_unit->getFiringAccuracy(_action.type, _action.weapon) / 100.0) - i * 5.0));
							if (secondaryImpact != V_EMPTY)
								// as above: skip the shot to the end of it's path
								// insert an explosion and hit
								if (secondaryImpact != V_OUTOFBOUNDS)
									if (secondaryImpact == V_UNIT)
									Explosion *explosion = new Explosion(proj->getPosition(offset), _ammo->getRules()->getHitAnimation());
									if (_ammo->getRules()->getExplosionRadius() != 0)
										_parent->getTileEngine()->explode(proj->getPosition(offset), _ammo->getRules()->getPower(), _ammo->getRules()->getDamageType(), _ammo->getRules()->getExplosionRadius(), _unit);
										_parent->getSave()->getTileEngine()->hit(proj->getPosition(offset), _ammo->getRules()->getPower(), _ammo->getRules()->getDamageType(), _unit);
							delete proj;
					if (_unit->getFiringXP() > firingXP + 1)
						_unit->nerfFiringXP(firingXP + 1);
				else if (_action.type != BA_AUTOSHOT || _action.autoShotCounter == _action.weapon->getRules()->getAutoShots() || !_action.weapon->getAmmoItem())
			delete _parent->getMap()->getProjectile();
 * Flying projectiles cannot be cancelled,
 * but they can be "skipped".
void ProjectileFlyBState::cancel()
	if (_parent->getMap()->getProjectile())
		Position p = _parent->getMap()->getProjectile()->getPosition();
		if (!_parent->getMap()->getCamera()->isOnScreen(Position(p.x/16, p.y/16, p.z/24), false, 0, false))
			_parent->getMap()->getCamera()->centerOnPosition(Position(p.x/16, p.y/16, p.z/24));
 * Validates the throwing range.
 * @param action Pointer to throw action.
 * @param origin Position to throw from.
 * @param target Tile to throw to.
 * @return True when the range is valid.
bool ProjectileFlyBState::validThrowRange(BattleAction *action, Position origin, Tile *target)
	// note that all coordinates and thus also distances below are in number of tiles (not in voxels).
	if (action->type != BA_THROW)
		return true;
	int offset = 2;
	int zd = (origin.z)-((action->target.z * 24 + offset) - target->getTerrainLevel());
	int weight = action->weapon->getRules()->getWeight();
	if (action->weapon->getAmmoItem() && action->weapon->getAmmoItem() != action->weapon)
		weight += action->weapon->getAmmoItem()->getRules()->getWeight();
	double maxDistance = (getMaxThrowDistance(weight, action->actor->getBaseStats()->strength, zd) + 8) / 16.0;
	int xdiff = action->target.x - action->actor->getPosition().x;
	int ydiff = action->target.y - action->actor->getPosition().y;
	double realDistance = sqrt((double)(xdiff*xdiff)+(double)(ydiff*ydiff));
	return realDistance <= maxDistance;
 * Validates the throwing range.
 * @param weight the weight of the object.
 * @param strength the strength of the thrower.
 * @param level the difference in height between the thrower and the target.
 * @return the maximum throwing range.
int ProjectileFlyBState::getMaxThrowDistance(int weight, int strength, int level)
	double curZ = level + 0.5;
	double dz = 1.0;
	int dist = 0;
	while (dist < 4000) //just in case
		dist += 8;
		if (dz<-1)
			curZ -= 8;
			curZ += dz * 8;
		if (curZ < 0 && dz < 0) //roll back
			dz = std::max(dz, -1.0);
			if (std::abs(dz)>1e-10) //rollback horizontal
				dist -= curZ / dz;
		dz -= (double)(50 * weight / strength)/100;
		if (dz <= -2.0) //become falling
	return dist;
 * Set the origin voxel, used for the blaster launcher.
 * @param pos the origin voxel.
void ProjectileFlyBState::setOriginVoxel(const Position& pos)
	_originVoxel = pos;
 * Set the boolean flag to angle a blaster bomb towards the floor.
void ProjectileFlyBState::targetFloor()
	_targetFloor = true;
void ProjectileFlyBState::projectileHitUnit(Position pos)
	BattleUnit *victim = _parent->getSave()->getTile(pos / Position(16,16,24))->getUnit();
	BattleUnit *targetVictim = _parent->getSave()->getTile(_action.target)->getUnit(); // Who we were aiming at (not necessarily who we hit)
	if (victim && !victim->isOut())
		if (_unit->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER && victim->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER)
		if (victim == targetVictim) // Hit our target
			int distanceSq = _parent->getTileEngine()->distanceUnitToPositionSq(_action.actor, victim->getPosition(), false);
			int distance = (int)std::ceil(sqrt(float(distanceSq)));
			int accuracy = _unit->getFiringAccuracy(_action.type, _action.weapon);
			// code from Map::drawTerrain(), where the crosshair accuracy is calculated
			if (Options::battleUFOExtenderAccuracy)
				RuleItem *weapon = _action.weapon->getRules();
				int upperLimit =  weapon->getAimRange();
				int lowerLimit =  weapon->getMinRange();
				if (_action.type == BA_AUTOSHOT)
					upperLimit =  weapon->getAutoRange();
				else if (_action.type == BA_SNAPSHOT)
					upperLimit =  weapon->getSnapRange();
				if (distance > upperLimit)
					accuracy -= (distance - upperLimit) * weapon->getDropoff();
				else if (distance < lowerLimit)
					accuracy -= (lowerLimit - distance) * weapon->getDropoff();
				if (accuracy < 0)
					accuracy = 0;	
			if (distance > 30)
			if (accuracy < distance)
		if (victim->getFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE)
			AIModule *ai = victim->getAIModule();
			if (ai != 0)
		// Record the last unit to hit our victim. If a victim dies without warning*, this unit gets the credit.
		// *Because the unit died in a fire or bled out.
		if (_action.weapon != 0)
		if (_ammo != 0)

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'targetTile'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer.

V525 The code contains the collection of similar blocks. Check items '16', '16', '24' in lines 507, 508, 509.