 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Projectile.h"
#include "TileEngine.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "Particle.h"
#include "../Engine/SurfaceSet.h"
#include "../Engine/Surface.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleItem.h"
#include "../Mod/MapData.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleUnit.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleItem.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedBattleGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/Tile.h"
#include "../Engine/RNG.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "../fmath.h"
namespace OpenXcom
 * Sets up a UnitSprite with the specified size and position.
 * @param mod Pointer to mod.
 * @param save Pointer to battlesavegame.
 * @param action An action.
 * @param origin Position the projectile originates from.
 * @param targetVoxel Position the projectile is targeting.
 * @param ammo the ammo that produced this projectile, where applicable.
Projectile::Projectile(Mod *mod, SavedBattleGame *save, BattleAction action, Position origin, Position targetVoxel, BattleItem *ammo) : _mod(mod), _save(save), _action(action), _origin(origin), _targetVoxel(targetVoxel), _position(0), _bulletSprite(-1), _reversed(false), _vaporColor(-1), _vaporDensity(-1), _vaporProbability(5)
	// this is the number of pixels the sprite will move between frames
	_speed = Options::battleFireSpeed;
	if (_action.weapon)
		if (_action.type == BA_THROW)
			_sprite = _mod->getSurfaceSet("FLOOROB.PCK")->getFrame(getItem()->getRules()->getFloorSprite());
			// try to get all the required info from the ammo, if present
			if (ammo)
				_bulletSprite = ammo->getRules()->getBulletSprite();
				_vaporColor = ammo->getRules()->getVaporColor();
				_vaporDensity = ammo->getRules()->getVaporDensity();
				_vaporProbability = ammo->getRules()->getVaporProbability();
				_speed = std::max(1, _speed + ammo->getRules()->getBulletSpeed());
			// no ammo, or the ammo didn't contain the info we wanted, see what the weapon has on offer.
			if (_bulletSprite == -1)
				_bulletSprite = _action.weapon->getRules()->getBulletSprite();
			if (_vaporColor == -1)
				_vaporColor = _action.weapon->getRules()->getVaporColor();
			if (_vaporDensity == -1)
				_vaporDensity = _action.weapon->getRules()->getVaporDensity();
			if (_vaporProbability == 5)
				_vaporProbability = _action.weapon->getRules()->getVaporProbability();
			if (!ammo || (ammo != _action.weapon || ammo->getRules()->getBulletSpeed() == 0))
				_speed = std::max(1, _speed + _action.weapon->getRules()->getBulletSpeed());
	if ((targetVoxel.x - origin.x) + (targetVoxel.y - origin.y) >= 0)
		_reversed = true;
 * Deletes the Projectile.
 * Calculates the trajectory for a straight path.
 * @param accuracy The unit's accuracy.
 * @return The objectnumber(0-3) or unit(4) or out of map (5) or -1 (no line of fire).
int Projectile::calculateTrajectory(double accuracy)
	Position originVoxel = _save->getTileEngine()->getOriginVoxel(_action, _save->getTile(_origin));
	return calculateTrajectory(accuracy, originVoxel);
int Projectile::calculateTrajectory(double accuracy, const Position& originVoxel, bool excludeUnit)
	Tile *targetTile = _save->getTile(_action.target);
	BattleUnit *bu = _action.actor;
	int test;
	if (excludeUnit)
		test = _save->getTileEngine()->calculateLine(originVoxel, _targetVoxel, false, &_trajectory, bu);
		test = _save->getTileEngine()->calculateLine(originVoxel, _targetVoxel, false, &_trajectory, 0);
	if (test != V_EMPTY &&
		!_trajectory.empty() &&
		_action.actor->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER &&
		_action.autoShotCounter == 1 &&
		((SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) == 0 || !Options::forceFire) &&
		_save->getBattleGame()->getPanicHandled() &&
		_action.type != BA_LAUNCH)
		Position hitPos = Position(_trajectory.at(0).x/16, _trajectory.at(0).y/16, _trajectory.at(0).z/24);
		if (test == V_UNIT && _save->getTile(hitPos) && _save->getTile(hitPos)->getUnit() == 0) //no unit? must be lower
			hitPos = Position(hitPos.x, hitPos.y, hitPos.z-1);
		if (hitPos != _action.target && _action.result.empty())
			if (test == V_NORTHWALL)
				if (hitPos.y - 1 != _action.target.y)
					return V_EMPTY;
			else if (test == V_WESTWALL)
				if (hitPos.x - 1 != _action.target.x)
					return V_EMPTY;
			else if (test == V_UNIT)
				BattleUnit *hitUnit = _save->getTile(hitPos)->getUnit();
				BattleUnit *targetUnit = targetTile->getUnit();
				if (hitUnit != targetUnit)
					return V_EMPTY;
				return V_EMPTY;
	bool extendLine = true;
	// even guided missiles drift, but how much is based on
	// the shooter's faction, rather than accuracy.
	if (_action.type == BA_LAUNCH)
		if (_action.actor->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER)
			accuracy = 0.60;
			accuracy = 0.55;
		extendLine = _action.waypoints.size() <= 1;
	// apply some accuracy modifiers.
	// This will results in a new target voxel
	applyAccuracy(originVoxel, &_targetVoxel, accuracy, false, extendLine);
	// finally do a line calculation and store this trajectory.
	return _save->getTileEngine()->calculateLine(originVoxel, _targetVoxel, true, &_trajectory, bu);
 * Calculates the trajectory for a curved path.
 * @param accuracy The unit's accuracy.
 * @return True when a trajectory is possible.
int Projectile::calculateThrow(double accuracy)
	Tile *targetTile = _save->getTile(_action.target);
	Position originVoxel = _save->getTileEngine()->getOriginVoxel(_action, 0);
	Position targetVoxel;
	std::vector<Position> targets;
	double curvature;
	targetVoxel = _action.target * Position(16,16,24) + Position(8,8, (1 + -targetTile->getTerrainLevel()));
	bool forced = false;
	if (_action.type == BA_THROW)
		BattleUnit *tu = targetTile->getUnit();
		if (!tu && _action.target.z > 0 && targetTile->hasNoFloor(0))
			tu = _save->getTile(_action.target - Position(0, 0, 1))->getUnit();
		if (Options::forceFire && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0 && _save->getSide() == FACTION_PLAYER)
			targets.push_back(_action.target * Position(16,16,24) + Position(0, 0, 12));
			forced = true;
		else if (tu && ((_action.actor->getFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER) ||
		{ //unit
			targetVoxel.z += tu->getFloatHeight(); //ground level is the base
			targets.push_back(targetVoxel + Position(0, 0, tu->getHeight()/2 + 1));
			targets.push_back(targetVoxel + Position(0, 0, 2));
			targets.push_back(targetVoxel + Position(0, 0, tu->getHeight() - 1));
		else if (targetTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) != 0)
			targetVoxel = _action.target * Position(16,16,24) + Position(8,8,0);
			targets.push_back(targetVoxel + Position(0, 0, 13));
			targets.push_back(targetVoxel + Position(0, 0, 8));
			targets.push_back(targetVoxel + Position(0, 0, 23));
			targets.push_back(targetVoxel + Position(0, 0, 2));
		else if (targetTile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL) != 0)
			targetVoxel = _action.target * Position(16,16,24) + Position(8,0,0);
			targets.push_back(targetVoxel + Position(0, 0, 13));
			targets.push_back(targetVoxel + Position(0, 0, 8));
			targets.push_back(targetVoxel + Position(0, 0, 20));
			targets.push_back(targetVoxel + Position(0, 0, 3));
		else if (targetTile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL) != 0)
			targetVoxel = _action.target * Position(16,16,24) + Position(0,8,0);
			targets.push_back(targetVoxel + Position(0, 0, 13));
			targets.push_back(targetVoxel + Position(0, 0, 8));
			targets.push_back(targetVoxel + Position(0, 0, 20));
			targets.push_back(targetVoxel + Position(0, 0, 2));
		else if (targetTile->getMapData(O_FLOOR) != 0)
	int test = V_OUTOFBOUNDS;
	for (std::vector<Position>::iterator i = targets.begin(); i != targets.end(); ++i)
		targetVoxel = *i;
		if (_save->getTileEngine()->validateThrow(_action, originVoxel, targetVoxel, &curvature, &test, forced))
	if (!forced && test == V_OUTOFBOUNDS) return test; //no line of fire
	// finally do a line calculation and store this trajectory, make sure it's valid.
	while (test == V_OUTOFBOUNDS)
		Position deltas = targetVoxel;
		// apply some accuracy modifiers
		if (_action.type == BA_THROW)
			applyAccuracy(originVoxel, &deltas, accuracy, true, false); //calling for best flavor
			deltas -= targetVoxel;
			applyAccuracy(originVoxel, &targetVoxel, accuracy, true, false); //arcing shot deviation
			deltas = Position(0,0,0);
		test = _save->getTileEngine()->calculateParabola(originVoxel, targetVoxel, true, &_trajectory, _action.actor, curvature, deltas);
		if (forced) return O_OBJECT; //fake hit
		Position endPoint = getPositionFromEnd(_trajectory, ItemDropVoxelOffset) / Position (16, 16, 24);
		Tile *endTile = _save->getTile(endPoint);
		// check if the item would land on a tile with a blocking object
		if (_action.type == BA_THROW
			&& endTile
			&& endTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)
			&& endTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getTUCost(MT_WALK) == 255
			&& !(endTile->isBigWall() && (endTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall()<1 || endTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall()>3)))
			test = V_OUTOFBOUNDS;
	return test;
 * Calculates the new target in voxel space, based on the given accuracy modifier.
 * @param origin Startposition of the trajectory in voxels.
 * @param target Endpoint of the trajectory in voxels.
 * @param accuracy Accuracy modifier.
 * @param keepRange Whether range affects accuracy.
 * @param extendLine should this line get extended to maximum distance?
void Projectile::applyAccuracy(Position origin, Position *target, double accuracy, bool keepRange, bool extendLine)
	int xdiff = origin.x - target->x;
	int ydiff = origin.y - target->y;
	double realDistance = sqrt((double)(xdiff*xdiff)+(double)(ydiff*ydiff));
	// maxRange is the maximum range a projectile shall ever travel in voxel space
	double maxRange = keepRange?realDistance:16*1000; // 1000 tiles
	maxRange = _action.type == BA_HIT?46:maxRange; // up to 2 tiles diagonally (as in the case of reaper v reaper)
	RuleItem *weapon = _action.weapon->getRules();
	if (_action.type != BA_THROW && _action.type != BA_HIT)
		double modifier = 0.0;
		int upperLimit = weapon->getAimRange();
		int lowerLimit = weapon->getMinRange();
		if (Options::battleUFOExtenderAccuracy)
			if (_action.type == BA_AUTOSHOT)
				upperLimit = weapon->getAutoRange();
			else if (_action.type == BA_SNAPSHOT)
				upperLimit = weapon->getSnapRange();
		if (realDistance / 16 < lowerLimit)
			modifier = (weapon->getDropoff() * (lowerLimit - realDistance / 16)) / 100;
		else if (upperLimit < realDistance / 16)
			modifier = (weapon->getDropoff() * (realDistance / 16 - upperLimit)) / 100;
		accuracy = std::max(0.0, accuracy - modifier);
	int xDist = abs(origin.x - target->x);
	int yDist = abs(origin.y - target->y);
	int zDist = abs(origin.z - target->z);
	int xyShift, zShift;
	if (xDist / 2 <= yDist)				//yes, we need to add some x/y non-uniformity
		xyShift = xDist / 4 + yDist;	//and don't ask why, please. it's The Commandment
		xyShift = (xDist + yDist) / 2;	//that's uniform part of spreading
	if (xyShift <= zDist)				//slight z deviation
		zShift = xyShift / 2 + zDist;
		zShift = xyShift + zDist / 2;
	int deviation = RNG::generate(0, 100) - (accuracy * 100);
	if (deviation >= 0)
		deviation += 50;				// add extra spread to "miss" cloud
		deviation += 10;				//accuracy of 109 or greater will become 1 (tightest spread)
	deviation = std::max(1, zShift * deviation / 200);	//range ratio
	target->x += RNG::generate(0, deviation) - deviation / 2;
	target->y += RNG::generate(0, deviation) - deviation / 2;
	target->z += RNG::generate(0, deviation / 2) / 2 - deviation / 8;
	if (extendLine)
		double rotation, tilt;
		rotation = atan2(double(target->y - origin.y), double(target->x - origin.x)) * 180 / M_PI;
		tilt = atan2(double(target->z - origin.z),
			sqrt(double(target->x - origin.x)*double(target->x - origin.x)+double(target->y - origin.y)*double(target->y - origin.y))) * 180 / M_PI;
		// calculate new target
		// this new target can be very far out of the map, but we don't care about that right now
		double cos_fi = cos(Deg2Rad(tilt));
		double sin_fi = sin(Deg2Rad(tilt));
		double cos_te = cos(Deg2Rad(rotation));
		double sin_te = sin(Deg2Rad(rotation));
		target->x = (int)(origin.x + maxRange * cos_te * cos_fi);
		target->y = (int)(origin.y + maxRange * sin_te * cos_fi);
		target->z = (int)(origin.z + maxRange * sin_fi);
 * Moves further in the trajectory.
 * @return false if the trajectory is finished - no new position exists in the trajectory.
bool Projectile::move()
	for (int i = 0; i < _speed; ++i)
		if (_position == _trajectory.size())
			return false;
		if (_save->getDepth() > 0 && _vaporColor != -1 && _action.type != BA_THROW && RNG::percent(_vaporProbability))
	return true;
 * Get Position at offset from start from trajectory vector.
 * @param trajectory Vector that have trajectory.
 * @param pos Offset counted from begining of trajectory.
 * @return Position in voxel space.
Position Projectile::getPositionFromStart(const std::vector<Position>& trajectory, int pos)
	if (pos >= 0 && pos < (int)trajectory.size())
		return trajectory.at(pos);
	else if (pos < 0)
		return trajectory.at(0);
		return trajectory.at(trajectory.size() - 1);
 * Get Position at offset from start from trajectory vector.
 * @param trajectory Vector that have trajectory.
 * @param pos Offset counted from ending of trajectory.
 * @return Position in voxel space.
Position Projectile::getPositionFromEnd(const std::vector<Position>& trajectory, int pos)
	return getPositionFromStart(trajectory, trajectory.size() + pos - 1);
 * Gets the current position in voxel space.
 * @param offset Offset.
 * @return Position in voxel space.
Position Projectile::getPosition(int offset) const
	return getPositionFromStart(_trajectory, (int)_position + offset);
 * Gets a particle reference from the projectile surfaces.
 * @param i Index.
 * @return Particle id.
int Projectile::getParticle(int i) const
	if (_bulletSprite != -1)
		return _bulletSprite + i;
		return -1;
 * Gets the project tile item.
 * Returns 0 when there is no item thrown.
 * @return Pointer to BattleItem.
BattleItem *Projectile::getItem() const
	if (_action.type == BA_THROW)
		return _action.weapon;
		return 0;
 * Gets the bullet sprite.
 * @return Pointer to Surface.
Surface *Projectile::getSprite() const
	return _sprite;
 * Skips to the end of the trajectory.
void Projectile::skipTrajectory()
	while (move());
 * Gets the Position of origin for the projectile
 * @return origin as a tile position.
Position Projectile::getOrigin() const
	// instead of using the actor's position, we'll use the voxel origin translated to a tile position
	// this is a workaround for large units.
	return _trajectory.front() / Position(16,16,24);
 * Gets the INTENDED target for this projectile
 * it is important to note that we do not use the final position of the projectile here,
 * but rather the targetted tile
 * @return target as a tile position.
Position Projectile::getTarget() const
	return _action.target;
 * Is this projectile drawn back to front or front to back?
 * @return return if this is to be drawn in reverse order.
bool Projectile::isReversed() const
	return _reversed;
 * adds a cloud of vapor at the projectile's current position.
void Projectile::addVaporCloud()
	Tile *tile = _save->getTile(_trajectory.at(_position) / Position(16,16,24));
	if (tile)
		Position tilePos, voxelPos;
		_save->getBattleGame()->getMap()->getCamera()->convertMapToScreen(_trajectory.at(_position) / Position(16,16,24), &tilePos);
		tilePos += _save->getBattleGame()->getMap()->getCamera()->getMapOffset();
		_save->getBattleGame()->getMap()->getCamera()->convertVoxelToScreen(_trajectory.at(_position), &voxelPos);
		for (int i = 0; i != _vaporDensity; ++i)
			Particle *particle = new Particle(voxelPos.x - tilePos.x + RNG::seedless(0, 4) - 2, voxelPos.y - tilePos.y + RNG::seedless(0, 4) - 2, RNG::seedless(48, 224), _vaporColor, RNG::seedless(32, 44));

V1077 The 'Projectile' constructor contains potentially uninitialized members. Inspect the following: _sprite.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer '_save->getTile(hitPos)'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'targetTile'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'targetTile'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer.