// This file was copied from the bsnes project.
// This is the license info, from ruby.hpp:
  version: 0.08 (2011-11-25)
  license: public domain
#pragma once
#ifndef __NO_OPENGL
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <SDL_opengl.h>
#include <string>
namespace OpenXcom
class Surface;
std::string strGLError(GLenum glErr);
#define glErrorCheck() {\
	static bool reported = false;\
	GLenum glErr;\
	if (OpenGL::checkErrors && !reported && (glErr = glGetError()) != GL_NO_ERROR)\
		reported = true;\
		do \
		{ \
			Log(LOG_WARNING) << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": glGetError() complaint: " << strGLError(glErr);\
		} while (((glErr = glGetError()) != GL_NO_ERROR));\
class OpenGL {
  GLuint gltexture;
  GLuint glprogram;
  bool linear;
  bool shader_support;
  uint32_t *buffer;
  Surface *buffer_surface;
  unsigned iwidth, iheight, iformat, ibpp;
  static bool checkErrors;
  /// call to resize internal buffer; internal use
  void resize(unsigned width, unsigned height);
  /// actually returns pointer to data buffer where one is to write the image
  bool lock(uint32_t *&data, unsigned &pitch);
  /// make all the pixels go away
  void clear();
  /// make the buffer show up on screen
  void refresh(bool smooth, unsigned inwidth, unsigned inheight, unsigned outwidth, unsigned outheight, int topBlackBand, int bottomBlackBand, int leftBlackBand, int rightBlackBand);
  /// set a shader! but what kind?
  bool set_shader(const char *source);
  /// same but for fragment shader?
  void set_fragment_shader(const char *source);
  /// and vertex?
  void set_vertex_shader(const char *source);
  /// init(), because we're too cool to initialize everything in the constructor
  void init(int width, int height);
  /// more like exit, because destructors are for uncool people
  void term();
  /// Try to set VSync!
  void setVSync(bool sync);
  /// constructor -- like we said, we're too cool to actually construct things
namespace OpenXcom { class OpenGL {}; }

V690 The 'Surface' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the copy assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.