 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "GraphsState.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "../Engine/Game.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Engine/Palette.h"
#include "../Engine/Surface.h"
#include "../Engine/InteractiveSurface.h"
#include "../Savegame/Country.h"
#include "../Savegame/Region.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleCountry.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleRegion.h"
#include "../Interface/Text.h"
#include "../Engine/LocalizedText.h"
#include "../Interface/TextButton.h"
#include "../Interface/ToggleTextButton.h"
#include "../Savegame/GameTime.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedGame.h"
#include "../Interface/TextList.h"
#include "../Engine/Action.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "../Engine/Unicode.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleInterface.h"
namespace OpenXcom
struct GraphButInfo
	LocalizedText _name;
	int _color;
	bool _pushed;
	GraphButInfo(const LocalizedText& name, Uint8 color): _name(name), _color(color), _pushed(false) {}
 * Initializes all the elements in the Graphs screen.
 * @param game Pointer to the core game.
GraphsState::GraphsState() : _butRegionsOffset(0), _butCountriesOffset(0)
	// Create objects
	_bg = new InteractiveSurface(320, 200, 0, 0);
	_bg->onMousePress((ActionHandler)&GraphsState::shiftButtons, SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP);
	_bg->onMousePress((ActionHandler)&GraphsState::shiftButtons, SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN);
	_btnUfoRegion = new InteractiveSurface(32, 24, 96, 0);
	_btnUfoCountry = new InteractiveSurface(32, 24, 128, 0);
	_btnXcomRegion = new InteractiveSurface(32, 24, 160, 0);
	_btnXcomCountry = new InteractiveSurface(32, 24, 192, 0);
	_btnIncome = new InteractiveSurface(32, 24, 224, 0);
	_btnFinance = new InteractiveSurface(32, 24, 256, 0);
	_btnGeoscape = new InteractiveSurface(32, 24, 288, 0);
	_txtTitle = new Text(230, 16, 90, 28);
	_txtFactor = new Text(38, 11, 96, 28);
	_txtMonths = new TextList(205, 8, 115, 183);
	_txtYears = new TextList(200, 8, 121, 191);
	// Set palette
	//add all our elements
	add(_txtMonths, "scale", "graphs");
	add(_txtYears, "scale", "graphs");
	add(_txtTitle, "text", "graphs");
	add(_txtFactor, "text", "graphs");
	for (int scaleText = 0; scaleText != 10; ++scaleText)
		_txtScale.push_back(new Text(42, 16, 80, 171 - (scaleText*14)));
		add(_txtScale.at(scaleText), "scale", "graphs");
	Uint8 regionTotalColor = _game->getMod()->getInterface("graphs")->getElement("regionTotal")->color;
	Uint8 countryTotalColor = _game->getMod()->getInterface("graphs")->getElement("countryTotal")->color;
	//create buttons (sooooo many buttons)
	size_t offset = 0;
	for (std::vector<Region *>::iterator iter = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->begin(); iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->end(); ++iter)
		// always save in toggles all the regions
		Uint8 color = 13 + 8 * (offset % GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS);
		_regionToggles.push_back(new GraphButInfo(tr((*iter)->getRules()->getType()), color));
		// initially add the GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS having the first regions information
		if (offset < GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
			_btnRegions.push_back(new ToggleTextButton(88, 11, 0, offset*11));
			add(_btnRegions.at(offset), "button", "graphs");
		_alienRegionLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
		_xcomRegionLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	if (_regionToggles.size() < GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
		_btnRegionTotal = new ToggleTextButton(88, 11, 0, _regionToggles.size()*11);
		_btnRegionTotal = new ToggleTextButton(88, 11, 0, GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS*11);
	_regionToggles.push_back(new GraphButInfo(tr("STR_TOTAL_UC"), regionTotalColor));
	_alienRegionLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	_xcomRegionLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	add(_btnRegionTotal, "button", "graphs");
	offset = 0;
	for (std::vector<Country *>::iterator iter = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->begin(); iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->end(); ++iter)
		// always save in toggles all the countries
		Uint8 color = 13 + 8 * (offset % GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS);
		_countryToggles.push_back(new GraphButInfo(tr((*iter)->getRules()->getType()), color));
		// initially add the GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS having the first countries information
		if (offset < GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
			_btnCountries.push_back(new ToggleTextButton(88, 11, 0, offset*11));
			add(_btnCountries.at(offset), "button", "graphs");
		_alienCountryLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
		_xcomCountryLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
		_incomeLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	if (_countryToggles.size() < GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
		_btnCountryTotal = new ToggleTextButton(88, 11, 0, _countryToggles.size()*11);
		_btnCountryTotal = new ToggleTextButton(88, 11, 0, GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS*11);
	_countryToggles.push_back(new GraphButInfo(tr("STR_TOTAL_UC"), countryTotalColor));
	_alienCountryLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	_xcomCountryLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	_incomeLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	add(_btnCountryTotal, "button", "graphs");
	for (int iter = 0; iter != 5; ++iter)
		offset = iter;
		_btnFinances.push_back(new ToggleTextButton(88, 11, 0, offset*11));
		_btnFinances.at(offset)->setInvertColor(13 + (8*offset));
		add(_btnFinances.at(offset), "button", "graphs");
		_financeLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	// load back the button states
	std::string graphRegionToggles = _game->getSavedGame()->getGraphRegionToggles();
	std::string graphCountryToggles = _game->getSavedGame()->getGraphCountryToggles();
	std::string graphFinanceToggles = _game->getSavedGame()->getGraphFinanceToggles();
	while (graphRegionToggles.size() < _regionToggles.size()) graphRegionToggles.push_back('0');
	while (graphCountryToggles.size() < _countryToggles.size()) graphCountryToggles.push_back('0');
	while (graphFinanceToggles.size() < _financeToggles.size()) graphFinanceToggles.push_back('0');
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _regionToggles.size(); ++i)
		_regionToggles[i]->_pushed = ('0'==graphRegionToggles[i]) ? false : true;
		if (_regionToggles.size()-1 == i)
		else if (i < GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _countryToggles.size(); ++i)
		_countryToggles[i]->_pushed = ('0'==graphCountryToggles[i]) ? false : true;
		if (_countryToggles.size()-1 == i)
		else if (i < GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _financeToggles.size(); ++i)
		_financeToggles[i] = ('0'==graphFinanceToggles[i]) ? false : true;
	Uint8 gridColor = _game->getMod()->getInterface("graphs")->getElement("graph")->color;
	// set up the grid
	_bg->drawRect(125, 49, 188, 127, gridColor);
	for (int grid = 0; grid !=5; ++grid)
		for (int y = 50 + grid; y <= 163 + grid; y += 14)
			for (int x = 126 + grid; x <= 297 + grid; x += 17)
				Uint8 color = gridColor + grid + 1;
				if (grid == 4)
					color = 0;
				_bg->drawRect(x, y, 16 - (grid*2), 13 - (grid*2), color);
	//set up the horizontal measurement units
	std::string months[] = {"STR_JAN", "STR_FEB", "STR_MAR", "STR_APR", "STR_MAY", "STR_JUN", "STR_JUL", "STR_AUG", "STR_SEP", "STR_OCT", "STR_NOV", "STR_DEC"};
	int month = _game->getSavedGame()->getTime()->getMonth();
	// i know using textlist for this is ugly and brutal, but YOU try getting this damn text to line up.
	// also, there's nothing wrong with being ugly or brutal, you should learn tolerance.
	_txtMonths->setColumns(12, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17);
	_txtMonths->addRow(12, " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ");
	_txtYears->setColumns(6, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34);
	_txtYears->addRow(6, " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ");
	for (int iter = 0; iter != 12; ++iter)
		if (month > 11)
			month = 0;
			std::ostringstream ss;
			ss << _game->getSavedGame()->getTime()->getYear();
			_txtYears->setCellText(0, iter/2, ss.str());
			if (iter > 2)
				std::ostringstream ss2;
				ss2 << (_game->getSavedGame()->getTime()->getYear()-1);
				_txtYears->setCellText(0, 0, ss2.str());
		_txtMonths->setCellText(0, iter, tr(months[month]));
	// set up the vertical measurement units
	for (std::vector<Text *>::iterator iter = _txtScale.begin(); iter != _txtScale.end(); ++iter)
	// Set up objects
	if (_game->getMod()->getSurface("GRAPH.BDY", false))
	// Set up buttons
	_btnGeoscape->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GraphsState::btnGeoscapeClick, Options::keyCancel);
	_btnGeoscape->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GraphsState::btnGeoscapeClick, Options::keyGeoGraphs);
	std::string graphRegionToggles;
	std::string graphCountryToggles;
	std::string graphFinanceToggles;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _regionToggles.size(); ++i)
		graphRegionToggles.push_back(_regionToggles[i]->_pushed ? '1' : '0');
		delete _regionToggles[i];
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _countryToggles.size(); ++i)
		graphCountryToggles.push_back(_countryToggles[i]->_pushed ? '1' : '0');
		delete _countryToggles[i];
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _financeToggles.size(); ++i)
		graphFinanceToggles.push_back(_financeToggles[i] ? '1' : '0');
 * Returns to the previous screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnGeoscapeClick(Action *)
 * Switches to the UFO Region Activity screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnUfoRegionClick(Action *)
	_alien = true;
	_income = false;
	_country = false;
	_finance = false;
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnRegions.begin(); iter != _btnRegions.end(); ++iter)
 * Switches to the UFO Country activity screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnUfoCountryClick(Action *)
	_alien = true;
	_income = false;
	_country = true;
	_finance = false;
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnCountries.begin(); iter != _btnCountries.end(); ++iter)
 * Switches to the XCom Region activity screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnXcomRegionClick(Action *)
	_alien = false;
	_income = false;
	_country = false;
	_finance = false;
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnRegions.begin(); iter != _btnRegions.end(); ++iter)
 * Switches to the XCom Country activity screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnXcomCountryClick(Action *)
	_alien = false;
	_income = false;
	_country = true;
	_finance = false;
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnCountries.begin(); iter != _btnCountries.end(); ++iter)
 * Switches to the Income screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnIncomeClick(Action *)
	_alien = false;
	_income = true;
	_country = true;
	_finance = false;
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnCountries.begin(); iter != _btnCountries.end(); ++iter)
 * Switches to the Finances screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnFinanceClick(Action *)
	_alien = false;
	_income = false;
	_country = false;
	_finance = true;
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnFinances.begin(); iter != _btnFinances.end(); ++iter)
 * Handles a click on a region button.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnRegionListClick(Action * action)
	size_t number = 0;
	ToggleTextButton *button = dynamic_cast<ToggleTextButton*>(action->getSender());
	if (button == _btnRegionTotal)
		number = _regionToggles.size() - 1;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < _btnRegions.size(); ++i)
			if (button == _btnRegions[i])
				number = i + _butRegionsOffset;
	_regionToggles.at(number)->_pushed = button->getPressed();
 * Handles a click on a country button.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnCountryListClick(Action * action)
	size_t number = 0;
	ToggleTextButton *button = dynamic_cast<ToggleTextButton*>(action->getSender());
	if (button == _btnCountryTotal)
		number = _countryToggles.size() - 1;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < _btnCountries.size(); ++i)
			if (button == _btnCountries[i])
				number = i + _butCountriesOffset;
	_countryToggles.at(number)->_pushed = button->getPressed();
 * handles a click on a finances button.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnFinanceListClick(Action *action)
	size_t number = 0;
	ToggleTextButton *button = dynamic_cast<ToggleTextButton*>(action->getSender());
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _btnFinances.size(); ++i)
		if (button == _btnFinances[i])
			number = i;
	_financeToggles.at(number) = button->getPressed();
 * remove all elements from view
void GraphsState::resetScreen()
	for (std::vector<Surface *>::iterator iter = _alienRegionLines.begin(); iter != _alienRegionLines.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<Surface *>::iterator iter = _alienCountryLines.begin(); iter != _alienCountryLines.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<Surface *>::iterator iter = _xcomRegionLines.begin(); iter != _xcomRegionLines.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<Surface *>::iterator iter = _xcomCountryLines.begin(); iter != _xcomCountryLines.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<Surface *>::iterator iter = _incomeLines.begin(); iter != _incomeLines.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<Surface *>::iterator iter = _financeLines.begin(); iter != _financeLines.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnRegions.begin(); iter != _btnRegions.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnCountries.begin(); iter != _btnCountries.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnFinances.begin(); iter != _btnFinances.end(); ++iter)
 * updates the text on the vertical scale
 * @param lowerLimit minimum value
 * @param upperLimit maximum value
void GraphsState::updateScale(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit)
	double increment = ((upperLimit - lowerLimit) / 9);
	if (increment < 10)
		increment = 10;
	double text = lowerLimit;
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
		text += increment;
 * instead of having all our line drawing in one giant ridiculous routine, just use the one we need.
void GraphsState::drawLines()
	if (!_country && !_finance)
	else if (!_finance)
 * Sets up the screens and draws the lines for country buttons
 * to toggle on and off
void GraphsState::drawCountryLines()
	//calculate the totals, and set up our upward maximum
	int upperLimit = 0;
	int lowerLimit = 0;
	int totals[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	for (size_t entry = 0; entry != _game->getSavedGame()->getFundsList().size(); ++entry)
		int total = 0;
		if (_alien)
			for (size_t iter = 0; iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->size(); ++iter)
				total += _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry);
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry) > upperLimit && _countryToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					upperLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry);
		else if (_income)
			for (size_t iter = 0; iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->size(); ++iter)
				total += _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getFunding().at(entry) / 1000;
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getFunding().at(entry) / 1000 > upperLimit && _countryToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					upperLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getFunding().at(entry) / 1000;
			for (size_t iter = 0; iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->size(); ++iter)
				total += _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry);
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry) > upperLimit && _countryToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					upperLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry);
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry) < lowerLimit && _countryToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					lowerLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry);
		if (_countryToggles.back()->_pushed && total > upperLimit)
			upperLimit = total;
	//adjust the scale to fit the upward maximum
	double range = upperLimit - lowerLimit;
	double low = lowerLimit;
	int grids = 9; // cells in grid
	int check = _income ? 50 : 10;
	while (range > check * grids)
		check *= 2;
	lowerLimit = 0;
	upperLimit = check * grids;
	if (low < 0)
		while (low < lowerLimit)
			lowerLimit -= check;
			upperLimit -= check;
	range = upperLimit - lowerLimit;
	double units = range / 126;
	// draw country lines
	for (size_t entry = 0; entry != _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->size(); ++entry)
		Country *country = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(entry);
		std::vector<Sint16> newLineVector;
		int reduction = 0;
		for (size_t iter = 0; iter != 12; ++iter)
			int x = 312 - (iter*17);
			int y = 175 - (-lowerLimit / units);
			if (_alien)
				if (iter < country->getActivityAlien().size())
					reduction = country->getActivityAlien().at(country->getActivityAlien().size()-(1+iter)) / units;
					y -= reduction;
					totals[iter] += country->getActivityAlien().at(country->getActivityAlien().size()-(1+iter));
			else if (_income)
				if (iter < country->getFunding().size())
					reduction = (country->getFunding().at(country->getFunding().size()-(1+iter)) / 1000) / units;
					y -= reduction;
					totals[iter] += country->getFunding().at(country->getFunding().size()-(1+iter)) / 1000;
				if (iter < country->getActivityXcom().size())
					reduction = country->getActivityXcom().at(country->getActivityXcom().size()-(1+iter)) / units;
					y -= reduction;
					totals[iter] += country->getActivityXcom().at(country->getActivityXcom().size()-(1+iter));
			if (y >=175)
				y = 175;
			if (newLineVector.size() > 1 && _alien)
				_alienCountryLines.at(entry)->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), _countryToggles.at(entry)->_color+4);
			else if (newLineVector.size() > 1 && _income)
				_incomeLines.at(entry)->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), _countryToggles.at(entry)->_color+4);
			else if (newLineVector.size() > 1)
				_xcomCountryLines.at(entry)->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), _countryToggles.at(entry)->_color+4);
		if (_alien)
		else if (_income)
	if (_alien)
	else if (_income)
	// set up the "total" line
	std::vector<Sint16> newLineVector;
	Uint8 color = _game->getMod()->getInterface("graphs")->getElement("countryTotal")->color2;
	for (int iter = 0; iter != 12; ++iter)
		int x = 312 - (iter*17);
		int y = 175 - (-lowerLimit / units);
		if (totals[iter] > 0)
			int reduction = totals[iter] / units;
			y -= reduction;
		if (newLineVector.size() > 1)
			if (_alien)
				_alienCountryLines.back()->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), color);
			else if (_income)
				_incomeLines.back()->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), color);
				_xcomCountryLines.back()->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), color);
	if (_alien)
	else if (_income)
	updateScale(lowerLimit, upperLimit);
 * Sets up the screens and draws the lines for region buttons
 * to toggle on and off
void GraphsState::drawRegionLines()
	//calculate the totals, and set up our upward maximum
	int upperLimit = 0;
	int lowerLimit = 0;
	int totals[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	for (size_t entry = 0; entry != _game->getSavedGame()->getFundsList().size(); ++entry)
		int total = 0;
		if (_alien)
			for (size_t iter = 0; iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->size(); ++iter)
				total += _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry);
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry) > upperLimit && _regionToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					upperLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry);
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry) < lowerLimit && _regionToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					lowerLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry);
			for (size_t iter = 0; iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->size(); ++iter)
				total += _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry);
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry) > upperLimit && _regionToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					upperLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry);
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry) < lowerLimit && _regionToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					lowerLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry);
		if (_regionToggles.back()->_pushed && total > upperLimit)
				upperLimit = total;
	//adjust the scale to fit the upward maximum
	double range = upperLimit - lowerLimit;
	double low = lowerLimit;
	int check = 10;
	int grids = 9; // cells in grid
	while (range > check * grids)
		check *= 2;
	lowerLimit = 0;
	upperLimit = check * grids;
	if (low < 0)
		while (low < lowerLimit)
			lowerLimit -= check;
			upperLimit -= check;
	range = upperLimit - lowerLimit;
	double units = range / 126;
	// draw region lines
	for (size_t entry = 0; entry != _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->size(); ++entry)
		Region *region = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(entry);
		std::vector<Sint16> newLineVector;
		int reduction = 0;
		for (size_t iter = 0; iter != 12; ++iter)
			int x = 312 - (iter*17);
			int y = 175 - (-lowerLimit / units);
			if (_alien)
				if (iter < region->getActivityAlien().size())
					reduction = region->getActivityAlien().at(region->getActivityAlien().size()-(1+iter)) / units;
					y -= reduction;
					totals[iter] += region->getActivityAlien().at(region->getActivityAlien().size()-(1+iter));
				if (iter < region->getActivityXcom().size())
					reduction = region->getActivityXcom().at(region->getActivityXcom().size()-(1+iter)) / units;
					y -= reduction;
					totals[iter] += region->getActivityXcom().at(region->getActivityXcom().size()-(1+iter));
			if (y >=175)
				y = 175;
			if (newLineVector.size() > 1 && _alien)
				_alienRegionLines.at(entry)->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), _regionToggles.at(entry)->_color+4);
			else if (newLineVector.size() > 1)
				_xcomRegionLines.at(entry)->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), _regionToggles.at(entry)->_color+4);
		if (_alien)
	// set up the "total" line
	if (_alien)
	Uint8 color = _game->getMod()->getInterface("graphs")->getElement("regionTotal")->color2;
	std::vector<Sint16> newLineVector;
	for (int iter = 0; iter != 12; ++iter)
		int x = 312 - (iter*17);
		int y = 175 - (-lowerLimit / units);
		if (totals[iter] > 0)
			int reduction = totals[iter] / units;
			y -= reduction;
		if (newLineVector.size() > 1)
			if (_alien)
				_alienRegionLines.back()->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), color);
				_xcomRegionLines.back()->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), color);
	if (_alien)
	updateScale(lowerLimit, upperLimit);
 * Sets up the screens and draws the lines for the finance buttons
 * to toggle on and off
void GraphsState::drawFinanceLines()
	//set up arrays
	int upperLimit = 0;
	int lowerLimit = 0;
	int64_t incomeTotals[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	int64_t balanceTotals[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	int64_t expendTotals[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	int64_t maintTotals[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	int scoreTotals[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	maintTotals[0] = _game->getSavedGame()->getBaseMaintenance() / 1000;
	// start filling those arrays with score values
	// determine which is the highest one being displayed, so we can adjust the scale
	for (size_t entry = 0; entry != _game->getSavedGame()->getFundsList().size(); ++entry)
		size_t invertedEntry = _game->getSavedGame()->getFundsList().size() - (1 + entry);
		maintTotals[entry] += _game->getSavedGame()->getMaintenances().at(invertedEntry) / 1000;
		balanceTotals[entry] = _game->getSavedGame()->getFundsList().at(invertedEntry) / 1000;
		scoreTotals[entry] = _game->getSavedGame()->getResearchScores().at(invertedEntry);
		for (std::vector<Region*>::iterator iter = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->begin(); iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->end(); ++iter)
			scoreTotals[entry] += (*iter)->getActivityXcom().at(invertedEntry) - (*iter)->getActivityAlien().at(invertedEntry);
		if (_financeToggles.at(2))
			if (maintTotals[entry] > upperLimit)
				upperLimit = maintTotals[entry];
			if (maintTotals[entry] < lowerLimit)
				lowerLimit = maintTotals[entry];
		if (_financeToggles.at(3))
			if (balanceTotals[entry] > upperLimit)
				upperLimit = balanceTotals[entry];
			if (balanceTotals[entry] < lowerLimit)
				lowerLimit = balanceTotals[entry];
		if (_financeToggles.at(4))
			if (scoreTotals[entry] > upperLimit)
				upperLimit = scoreTotals[entry];
			if (scoreTotals[entry] < lowerLimit)
				lowerLimit = scoreTotals[entry];
	for (size_t entry = 0; entry !=  _game->getSavedGame()->getExpenditures().size(); ++entry)
		expendTotals[entry] = _game->getSavedGame()->getExpenditures().at(_game->getSavedGame()->getExpenditures().size() - (entry + 1)) / 1000;
		incomeTotals[entry] = _game->getSavedGame()->getIncomes().at(_game->getSavedGame()->getIncomes().size() - (entry + 1)) / 1000;
		if (_financeToggles.at(0) && incomeTotals[entry] > upperLimit)
			upperLimit = incomeTotals[entry];
		if (_financeToggles.at(1) && expendTotals[entry] > upperLimit)
			upperLimit = expendTotals[entry];
	double range = upperLimit - lowerLimit;
	double low = lowerLimit;
	int check = 250;
	int grids = 9; // cells in grid
	while (range > check * grids)
		check *= 2;
	lowerLimit = 0;
	upperLimit = check * grids;
	if (low < 0)
		while (low < lowerLimit)
			lowerLimit -= check;
			upperLimit -= check;
	//toggle screens
	for (int button = 0; button != 5; ++button)
	range = upperLimit - lowerLimit;
	//figure out how many units to the pixel, then plot the points for the graph and connect the dots.
	double units = range / 126;
	for (int button = 0; button != 5; ++button)
		std::vector<Sint16> newLineVector;
		for (int iter = 0; iter != 12; ++iter)
			int x = 312 - (iter*17);
			int y = 175 - (-lowerLimit / units);
			int reduction = 0;
			case 0:
				reduction = incomeTotals[iter] / units;
			case 1:
				reduction = expendTotals[iter] / units;
			case 2:
				reduction = maintTotals[iter] / units;
			case 3:
				reduction = balanceTotals[iter] / units;
			case 4:
				reduction = scoreTotals[iter] / units;
			y -= reduction;
			int offset = button % 2 ? 8 : 0;
			if (newLineVector.size() > 1)
				_financeLines.at(button)->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), Palette::blockOffset((button/2)+1)+offset);
	updateScale(lowerLimit, upperLimit);
 * 'Shift' the buttons to display only GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS - reset their state from toggles
void GraphsState::shiftButtons(Action *action)
	// only if active 'screen' is other than finance
	if (_finance)
	// select the data's we'll processing - regions or countries
	if (_country)
		// too few countries? - return
		if (_countryToggles.size() <= GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
		else if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP)
			scrollButtons(_countryToggles, _btnCountries, _butCountriesOffset, -1);
		else if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN)
			scrollButtons(_countryToggles, _btnCountries, _butCountriesOffset, 1);
		// too few regions? - return
		if (_regionToggles.size() <= GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
		else if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP)
			scrollButtons(_regionToggles, _btnRegions, _butRegionsOffset, -1);
		else if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN)
			scrollButtons(_regionToggles, _btnRegions, _butRegionsOffset, 1);
void GraphsState::scrollButtons(std::vector<GraphButInfo *> &toggles, std::vector<ToggleTextButton *> &buttons, size_t &offset, int step)
	if ( int(step + (int)offset) < 0 || offset + step + GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS >= toggles.size())
	// set the next offset - cheaper to do it from starters
	offset += step;
	size_t i = 0;
	std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iterb = buttons.begin();
	for (std::vector<GraphButInfo *>::iterator itert = toggles.begin() + offset; itert != toggles.end() && i < GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS; ++itert, ++iterb, ++i)
		updateButton(*itert, *iterb);
void GraphsState::updateButton(GraphButInfo *from,ToggleTextButton *to)

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'button'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'button'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'button'.

V1026 The 'total' variable is incremented in the loop. Undefined behavior will occur in case of signed integer overflow.

V1026 The 'total' variable is incremented in the loop. Undefined behavior will occur in case of signed integer overflow.

V1026 The 'total' variable is incremented in the loop. Undefined behavior will occur in case of signed integer overflow.

V1026 The 'total' variable is incremented in the loop. Undefined behavior will occur in case of signed integer overflow.

V1026 The 'total' variable is incremented in the loop. Undefined behavior will occur in case of signed integer overflow.