 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "GeoscapeState.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include "../Engine/RNG.h"
#include "../Engine/Game.h"
#include "../Engine/Action.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Engine/LocalizedText.h"
#include "../Engine/Screen.h"
#include "../Engine/Surface.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "../Engine/Unicode.h"
#include "Globe.h"
#include "../Interface/Text.h"
#include "../Interface/TextButton.h"
#include "../Engine/Timer.h"
#include "../Savegame/GameTime.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/Base.h"
#include "../Savegame/BaseFacility.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleBaseFacility.h"
#include "../Savegame/Craft.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleCraft.h"
#include "../Savegame/Ufo.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleUfo.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleMissionScript.h"
#include "../Savegame/Waypoint.h"
#include "../Savegame/Transfer.h"
#include "../Savegame/Soldier.h"
#include "../Savegame/SoldierDiary.h"
#include "../Menu/PauseState.h"
#include "InterceptState.h"
#include "../Basescape/BasescapeState.h"
#include "../Basescape/SellState.h"
#include "../Menu/CutsceneState.h"
#include "../Menu/ErrorMessageState.h"
#include "GraphsState.h"
#include "FundingState.h"
#include "MonthlyReportState.h"
#include "ProductionCompleteState.h"
#include "UfoDetectedState.h"
#include "GeoscapeCraftState.h"
#include "DogfightState.h"
#include "UfoLostState.h"
#include "CraftPatrolState.h"
#include "LowFuelState.h"
#include "MultipleTargetsState.h"
#include "ConfirmLandingState.h"
#include "ItemsArrivingState.h"
#include "CraftErrorState.h"
#include "DogfightErrorState.h"
#include "../Ufopaedia/Ufopaedia.h"
#include "../Savegame/ResearchProject.h"
#include "ResearchCompleteState.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleResearch.h"
#include "ResearchRequiredState.h"
#include "NewPossibleResearchState.h"
#include "NewPossibleManufactureState.h"
#include "../Savegame/Production.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleManufacture.h"
#include "../Savegame/ItemContainer.h"
#include "../Savegame/MissionSite.h"
#include "../Savegame/AlienBase.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleRegion.h"
#include "MissionDetectedState.h"
#include "AlienBaseState.h"
#include "../Savegame/Region.h"
#include "../Savegame/Country.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleCountry.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleAlienMission.h"
#include "../Savegame/AlienStrategy.h"
#include "../Savegame/AlienMission.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedBattleGame.h"
#include "../Battlescape/BattlescapeGenerator.h"
#include "../Battlescape/BriefingState.h"
#include "../Mod/UfoTrajectory.h"
#include "../Mod/Armor.h"
#include "BaseDefenseState.h"
#include "BaseDestroyedState.h"
#include "../Menu/LoadGameState.h"
#include "../Menu/SaveGameState.h"
#include "../Menu/ListSaveState.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleGlobe.h"
#include "../Engine/Exception.h"
#include "../Mod/AlienDeployment.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleInterface.h"
#include "../fmath.h"
namespace OpenXcom
 * Initializes all the elements in the Geoscape screen.
 * @param game Pointer to the core game.
GeoscapeState::GeoscapeState() : _pause(false), _zoomInEffectDone(false), _zoomOutEffectDone(false), _minimizedDogfights(0)
	int screenWidth = Options::baseXGeoscape;
	int screenHeight = Options::baseYGeoscape;
	// Create objects
	Surface *hd = _game->getMod()->getSurface("ALTGEOBORD.SCR");
	_bg = new Surface(hd->getWidth(), hd->getHeight(), 0, 0);
	_sideLine = new Surface(64, screenHeight, screenWidth - 64, 0);
	_sidebar = new Surface(64, 200, screenWidth - 64, screenHeight / 2 - 100);
	_globe = new Globe(_game, (screenWidth-64)/2, screenHeight/2, screenWidth-64, screenHeight, 0, 0);
	_bg->setX((_globe->getWidth() - _bg->getWidth()) / 2);
	_bg->setY((_globe->getHeight() - _bg->getHeight()) / 2);
	_btnIntercept = new TextButton(63, 11, screenWidth-63, screenHeight/2-100);
	_btnBases = new TextButton(63, 11, screenWidth-63, screenHeight/2-88);
	_btnGraphs = new TextButton(63, 11, screenWidth-63, screenHeight/2-76);
	_btnUfopaedia = new TextButton(63, 11, screenWidth-63, screenHeight/2-64);
	_btnOptions = new TextButton(63, 11, screenWidth-63, screenHeight/2-52);
	_btnFunding = new TextButton(63, 11, screenWidth-63, screenHeight/2-40);
	_btn5Secs = new TextButton(31, 13, screenWidth-63, screenHeight/2+12);
	_btn1Min = new TextButton(31, 13, screenWidth-31, screenHeight/2+12);
	_btn5Mins = new TextButton(31, 13, screenWidth-63, screenHeight/2+26);
	_btn30Mins = new TextButton(31, 13, screenWidth-31, screenHeight/2+26);
	_btn1Hour = new TextButton(31, 13, screenWidth-63, screenHeight/2+40);
	_btn1Day = new TextButton(31, 13, screenWidth-31, screenHeight/2+40);
	_btnRotateLeft = new InteractiveSurface(12, 10, screenWidth-61, screenHeight/2+76);
	_btnRotateRight = new InteractiveSurface(12, 10, screenWidth-37, screenHeight/2+76);
	_btnRotateUp = new InteractiveSurface(13, 12, screenWidth-49, screenHeight/2+62);
	_btnRotateDown = new InteractiveSurface(13, 12, screenWidth-49, screenHeight/2+87);
	_btnZoomIn = new InteractiveSurface(23, 23, screenWidth-25, screenHeight/2+56);
	_btnZoomOut = new InteractiveSurface(13, 17, screenWidth-20, screenHeight/2+82);
	int height = (screenHeight - Screen::ORIGINAL_HEIGHT) / 2 + 10;
	_sideTop = new TextButton(63, height, screenWidth-63, _sidebar->getY() - height - 1);
	_sideBottom = new TextButton(63, height, screenWidth-63, _sidebar->getY() + _sidebar->getHeight() + 1);
	_txtHour = new Text(20, 16, screenWidth-61, screenHeight/2-26);
	_txtHourSep = new Text(4, 16, screenWidth-41, screenHeight/2-26);
	_txtMin = new Text(20, 16, screenWidth-37, screenHeight/2-26);
	_txtMinSep = new Text(4, 16, screenWidth-17, screenHeight/2-26);
	_txtSec = new Text(11, 8, screenWidth-13, screenHeight/2-20);
	_txtWeekday = new Text(59, 8, screenWidth-61, screenHeight/2-13);
	_txtDay = new Text(29, 8, screenWidth-61, screenHeight/2-6);
	_txtMonth = new Text(29, 8, screenWidth-32, screenHeight/2-6);
	_txtYear = new Text(59, 8, screenWidth-61, screenHeight/2+1);
	_txtFunds = new Text(59, 8, screenWidth-61, screenHeight/2-27);
	_timeSpeed = _btn5Secs;
	_gameTimer = new Timer(Options::geoClockSpeed);
	_zoomInEffectTimer = new Timer(Options::dogfightSpeed);
	_zoomOutEffectTimer = new Timer(Options::dogfightSpeed);
	_dogfightStartTimer = new Timer(Options::dogfightSpeed);
	_dogfightTimer = new Timer(Options::dogfightSpeed);
	_txtDebug = new Text(200, 32, 0, 0);
	// Set palette
	add(_btnIntercept, "button", "geoscape");
	add(_btnBases, "button", "geoscape");
	add(_btnGraphs, "button", "geoscape");
	add(_btnUfopaedia, "button", "geoscape");
	add(_btnOptions, "button", "geoscape");
	add(_btnFunding, "button", "geoscape");
	add(_btn5Secs, "button", "geoscape");
	add(_btn1Min, "button", "geoscape");
	add(_btn5Mins, "button", "geoscape");
	add(_btn30Mins, "button", "geoscape");
	add(_btn1Hour, "button", "geoscape");
	add(_btn1Day, "button", "geoscape");
	add(_sideTop, "button", "geoscape");
	add(_sideBottom, "button", "geoscape");
	add(_txtFunds, "text", "geoscape");
	add(_txtHour, "text", "geoscape");
	add(_txtHourSep, "text", "geoscape");
	add(_txtMin, "text", "geoscape");
	add(_txtMinSep, "text", "geoscape");
	add(_txtSec, "text", "geoscape");
	add(_txtWeekday, "text", "geoscape");
	add(_txtDay, "text", "geoscape");
	add(_txtMonth, "text", "geoscape");
	add(_txtYear, "text", "geoscape");
	add(_txtDebug, "text", "geoscape");
	// Set up objects
	Surface *geobord = _game->getMod()->getSurface("GEOBORD.SCR");
	geobord->setX(_sidebar->getX() - geobord->getWidth() + _sidebar->getWidth());
	_sideLine->drawRect(0, 0, _sideLine->getWidth(), _sideLine->getHeight(), 15);
	_btnIntercept->initText(_game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_BIG"), _game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_SMALL"), _game->getLanguage());
	_btnIntercept->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnInterceptClick, Options::keyGeoIntercept);
	_btnBases->initText(_game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_BIG"), _game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_SMALL"), _game->getLanguage());
	_btnBases->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnBasesClick, Options::keyGeoBases);
	_btnGraphs->initText(_game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_BIG"), _game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_SMALL"), _game->getLanguage());
	_btnGraphs->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnGraphsClick, Options::keyGeoGraphs);
	_btnUfopaedia->initText(_game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_BIG"), _game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_SMALL"), _game->getLanguage());
	_btnUfopaedia->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnUfopaediaClick, Options::keyGeoUfopedia);
	_btnOptions->initText(_game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_BIG"), _game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_SMALL"), _game->getLanguage());
	_btnOptions->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnOptionsClick, Options::keyGeoOptions);
	_btnFunding->initText(_game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_BIG"), _game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_SMALL"), _game->getLanguage());
	_btnFunding->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnFundingClick, Options::keyGeoFunding);
	_btn5Secs->initText(_game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_BIG"), _game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_SMALL"), _game->getLanguage());
	_btn5Secs->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnTimerClick, Options::keyGeoSpeed1);
	_btn1Min->initText(_game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_BIG"), _game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_SMALL"), _game->getLanguage());
	_btn1Min->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnTimerClick, Options::keyGeoSpeed2);
	_btn5Mins->initText(_game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_BIG"), _game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_SMALL"), _game->getLanguage());
	_btn5Mins->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnTimerClick, Options::keyGeoSpeed3);
	_btn30Mins->initText(_game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_BIG"), _game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_SMALL"), _game->getLanguage());
	_btn30Mins->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnTimerClick, Options::keyGeoSpeed4);
	_btn1Hour->initText(_game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_BIG"), _game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_SMALL"), _game->getLanguage());
	_btn1Hour->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnTimerClick, Options::keyGeoSpeed5);
	_btn1Day->initText(_game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_BIG"), _game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_GEO_SMALL"), _game->getLanguage());
	_btn1Day->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnTimerClick, Options::keyGeoSpeed6);
	_btnRotateLeft->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnRotateLeftPress, Options::keyGeoLeft);
	_btnRotateLeft->onKeyboardRelease((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnRotateLeftRelease, Options::keyGeoLeft);
	_btnRotateRight->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnRotateRightPress, Options::keyGeoRight);
	_btnRotateRight->onKeyboardRelease((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnRotateRightRelease, Options::keyGeoRight);
	_btnRotateUp->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnRotateUpPress, Options::keyGeoUp);
	_btnRotateUp->onKeyboardRelease((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnRotateUpRelease, Options::keyGeoUp);
	_btnRotateDown->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnRotateDownPress, Options::keyGeoDown);
	_btnRotateDown->onKeyboardRelease((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnRotateDownRelease, Options::keyGeoDown);
	_btnZoomIn->onMouseClick((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnZoomInLeftClick, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT);
	_btnZoomIn->onMouseClick((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnZoomInRightClick, SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT);
	_btnZoomIn->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnZoomInLeftClick, Options::keyGeoZoomIn);
	_btnZoomOut->onMouseClick((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnZoomOutLeftClick, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT);
	_btnZoomOut->onMouseClick((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnZoomOutRightClick, SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT);
	_btnZoomOut->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GeoscapeState::btnZoomOutLeftClick, Options::keyGeoZoomOut);
	if (Options::showFundsOnGeoscape)
 * Deletes timers.
	delete _gameTimer;
	delete _zoomInEffectTimer;
	delete _zoomOutEffectTimer;
	delete _dogfightStartTimer;
	delete _dogfightTimer;
	std::list<DogfightState*>::iterator it = _dogfights.begin();
	for (; it != _dogfights.end();)
		delete *it;
		it = _dogfights.erase(it);
	for (it = _dogfightsToBeStarted.begin(); it != _dogfightsToBeStarted.end();)
		delete *it;
		it = _dogfightsToBeStarted.erase(it);
 * Handle blitting of Geoscape and Dogfights.
void GeoscapeState::blit()
	for (std::list<DogfightState*>::iterator it = _dogfights.begin(); it != _dogfights.end(); ++it)
 * Handle key shortcuts.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::handle(Action *action)
	if (_dogfights.size() == _minimizedDogfights)
	if (action->getDetails()->type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
		// "ctrl-d" - enable debug mode
		if (Options::debug && action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_d && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
			if (_game->getSavedGame()->getDebugMode())
				_txtDebug->setText("DEBUG MODE");
		// "ctrl-c" - delete all soldier commendations
		if (Options::debug && action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_c && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
			if (_game->getSavedGame()->getDebugMode())
				for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); i != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end(); ++i)
					for (std::vector<Soldier*>::iterator j = (*i)->getSoldiers()->begin(); j != (*i)->getSoldiers()->end(); ++j)
						for (std::vector<SoldierCommendations*>::iterator k = (*j)->getDiary()->getSoldierCommendations()->begin(); k != (*j)->getDiary()->getSoldierCommendations()->end(); ++k)
							delete *k;
		// quick save and quick load
		else if (!_game->getSavedGame()->isIronman())
			if (action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == Options::keyQuickSave)
				popup(new SaveGameState(OPT_GEOSCAPE, SAVE_QUICK, _palette));
			else if (action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == Options::keyQuickLoad)
				popup(new LoadGameState(OPT_GEOSCAPE, SAVE_QUICK, _palette));
	if (!_dogfights.empty())
		for (std::list<DogfightState*>::iterator it = _dogfights.begin(); it != _dogfights.end(); ++it)
		_minimizedDogfights = minimizedDogfightsCount();
 * Updates the timer display and resets the palette
 * since it's bound to change on other screens.
void GeoscapeState::init()
	// Pop up save screen if it's a new ironman game
	if (_game->getSavedGame()->isIronman() && _game->getSavedGame()->getName().empty())
		popup(new ListSaveState(OPT_GEOSCAPE));
	// Set music if it's not already playing
	if (_dogfights.empty() && !_dogfightStartTimer->isRunning())
		if (_game->getSavedGame()->getMonthsPassed() == -1)
			_game->getMod()->playMusic("GMGEO", 1);
		// run once
	if (_game->getSavedGame()->getMonthsPassed() == -1 &&
		// as long as there's a base
		!_game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->empty() &&
		// and it has a name (THIS prevents it from running prior to the base being placed.)
		_game->getSavedGame()->setFunds(_game->getSavedGame()->getFunds() - (_game->getSavedGame()->getBaseMaintenance() - _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->front()->getPersonnelMaintenance()));
 * Runs the game timer and handles popups.
void GeoscapeState::think()
	_zoomInEffectTimer->think(this, 0);
	_zoomOutEffectTimer->think(this, 0);
	_dogfightStartTimer->think(this, 0);
	if (_popups.empty() && _dogfights.empty() && (!_zoomInEffectTimer->isRunning() || _zoomInEffectDone) && (!_zoomOutEffectTimer->isRunning() || _zoomOutEffectDone))
		// Handle timers
		_gameTimer->think(this, 0);
		if (!_dogfights.empty() || _minimizedDogfights != 0)
			// If all dogfights are minimized rotate the globe, etc.
			if (_dogfights.size() == _minimizedDogfights)
				_pause = false;
				_gameTimer->think(this, 0);
			_dogfightTimer->think(this, 0);
		if (!_popups.empty())
			// Handle popups
 * Updates the Geoscape clock with the latest
 * game time and date in human-readable format. (+Funds)
void GeoscapeState::timeDisplay()
	if (Options::showFundsOnGeoscape)
	std::ostringstream ss;
	ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << _game->getSavedGame()->getTime()->getSecond();
	std::ostringstream ss2;
	ss2 << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << _game->getSavedGame()->getTime()->getMinute();
	std::ostringstream ss3;
	ss3 << _game->getSavedGame()->getTime()->getHour();
	std::ostringstream ss4;
	ss4 << _game->getSavedGame()->getTime()->getDayString(_game->getLanguage());
	std::ostringstream ss5;
	ss5 << _game->getSavedGame()->getTime()->getYear();
 * Advances the game timer according to
 * the timer speed set, and calls the respective
 * triggers. The timer always advances in "5 secs"
 * cycles, regardless of the speed, otherwise it might
 * skip important steps. Instead, it just keeps advancing
 * the timer until the next speed step (eg. the next day
 * on 1 Day speed) or until an event occurs, since updating
 * the screen on each step would become cumbersomely slow.
void GeoscapeState::timeAdvance()
	int timeSpan = 0;
	if (_timeSpeed == _btn5Secs)
		timeSpan = 1;
	else if (_timeSpeed == _btn1Min)
		timeSpan = 12;
	else if (_timeSpeed == _btn5Mins)
		timeSpan = 12 * 5;
	else if (_timeSpeed == _btn30Mins)
		timeSpan = 12 * 5 * 6;
	else if (_timeSpeed == _btn1Hour)
		timeSpan = 12 * 5 * 6 * 2;
	else if (_timeSpeed == _btn1Day)
		timeSpan = 12 * 5 * 6 * 2 * 24;
	for (int i = 0; i < timeSpan && !_pause; ++i)
		TimeTrigger trigger;
		trigger = _game->getSavedGame()->getTime()->advance();
		switch (trigger)
		case TIME_1MONTH:
		case TIME_1DAY:
		case TIME_1HOUR:
		case TIME_30MIN:
		case TIME_10MIN:
		case TIME_5SEC:
	_pause = !_dogfightsToBeStarted.empty() || _zoomInEffectTimer->isRunning() || _zoomOutEffectTimer->isRunning();
 * Takes care of any game logic that has to
 * run every game second, like craft movement.
void GeoscapeState::time5Seconds()
	// Game over if there are no more bases.
	if (_game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->empty())
	if (_game->getSavedGame()->getEnding() == END_LOSE)
		_game->pushState(new CutsceneState(CutsceneState::LOSE_GAME));
		if (_game->getSavedGame()->isIronman())
			_game->pushState(new SaveGameState(OPT_GEOSCAPE, SAVE_IRONMAN, _palette));
	// Handle UFO logic
	for (std::vector<Ufo*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->begin(); i != _game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->end(); ++i)
		switch ((*i)->getStatus())
		case Ufo::FLYING:
			if ((*i)->reachedDestination())
				size_t count = _game->getSavedGame()->getMissionSites()->size();
				AlienMission *mission = (*i)->getMission();
				bool detected = (*i)->getDetected();
				mission->ufoReachedWaypoint(**i, *_game, *_globe);
				if (detected != (*i)->getDetected() && !(*i)->getFollowers()->empty())
					if (!((*i)->getTrajectory().getID() == UfoTrajectory::RETALIATION_ASSAULT_RUN && (*i)->getStatus() == Ufo::LANDED))
						popup(new UfoLostState((*i)->getName(_game->getLanguage())));
				if (count < _game->getSavedGame()->getMissionSites()->size())
					MissionSite *site = _game->getSavedGame()->getMissionSites()->back();
					popup(new MissionDetectedState(site, this));
				// If UFO was destroyed, don't spawn missions
				if ((*i)->getStatus() == Ufo::DESTROYED)
				if (Base *base = dynamic_cast<Base*>((*i)->getDestination()))
					mission->setWaveCountdown(30 * (RNG::generate(0, 400) + 48));
					if (!base->getDefenses()->empty())
						popup(new BaseDefenseState(base, *i, this));
						handleBaseDefense(base, *i);
		case Ufo::LANDED:
			if ((*i)->getSecondsRemaining() == 0)
				AlienMission *mission = (*i)->getMission();
				bool detected = (*i)->getDetected();
				mission->ufoLifting(**i, *_game->getSavedGame());
				if (detected != (*i)->getDetected() && !(*i)->getFollowers()->empty())
					popup(new UfoLostState((*i)->getName(_game->getLanguage())));
		case Ufo::CRASHED:
			if ((*i)->getSecondsRemaining() == 0)
		case Ufo::DESTROYED:
			// Nothing to do
	// Handle craft logic
	for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); i != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end(); ++i)
		for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator j = (*i)->getCrafts()->begin(); j != (*i)->getCrafts()->end();)
			if ((*j)->isDestroyed())
				for (std::vector<Country*>::iterator country = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->begin(); country != _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->end(); ++country)
					if ((*country)->getRules()->insideCountry((*j)->getLongitude(), (*j)->getLatitude()))
				for (std::vector<Region*>::iterator region = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->begin(); region != _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->end(); ++region)
					if ((*region)->getRules()->insideRegion((*j)->getLongitude(), (*j)->getLatitude()))
				// if a transport craft has been shot down, kill all the soldiers on board.
				if ((*j)->getRules()->getSoldiers() > 0)
					for (std::vector<Soldier*>::iterator k = (*i)->getSoldiers()->begin(); k != (*i)->getSoldiers()->end();)
						if ((*k)->getCraft() == (*j))
							k = _game->getSavedGame()->killSoldier(*k);
				Craft *craft = *j;
				j = (*i)->removeCraft(craft, false);
				delete craft;
			if ((*j)->getDestination() != 0)
				Ufo* u = dynamic_cast<Ufo*>((*j)->getDestination());
				if (u != 0)
					if (!u->getDetected())
						if (u->getTrajectory().getID() == UfoTrajectory::RETALIATION_ASSAULT_RUN && (u->getStatus() == Ufo::LANDED || u->getStatus() == Ufo::DESTROYED))
							Waypoint *w = new Waypoint();
							popup(new GeoscapeCraftState((*j), _globe, w));
					if (u->getStatus() == Ufo::LANDED && (*j)->isInDogfight())
					else if (u->getStatus() == Ufo::DESTROYED)
					if ((*j)->isInDogfight())
			if ((*j)->reachedDestination())
				Ufo* u = dynamic_cast<Ufo*>((*j)->getDestination());
				Waypoint *w = dynamic_cast<Waypoint*>((*j)->getDestination());
				MissionSite* m = dynamic_cast<MissionSite*>((*j)->getDestination());
				AlienBase* b = dynamic_cast<AlienBase*>((*j)->getDestination());
				if (u != 0)
					switch (u->getStatus())
					case Ufo::FLYING:
						// Not more than 4 interceptions at a time.
						if (_dogfights.size() + _dogfightsToBeStarted.size() >= 4)
						// Can we actually fight it
						if (!(*j)->isInDogfight() && u->getSpeed() <= (*j)->getRules()->getMaxSpeed())
							DogfightState *dogfight = new DogfightState(this, (*j), u);
							if ((*j)->getRules()->isWaterOnly() && u->getAltitudeInt() > (*j)->getRules()->getMaxAltitude())
								popup(new DogfightErrorState((*j), tr("STR_UNABLE_TO_ENGAGE_DEPTH")));
							else if ((*j)->getRules()->isWaterOnly() && !_globe->insideLand((*j)->getLongitude(), (*j)->getLatitude()))
								popup(new DogfightErrorState((*j), tr("STR_UNABLE_TO_ENGAGE_AIRBORNE")));
							if (!_dogfightStartTimer->isRunning())
								_pause = true;
								_globe->center((*j)->getLongitude(), (*j)->getLatitude());
					case Ufo::LANDED:
					case Ufo::CRASHED:
					case Ufo::DESTROYED: // Just before expiration
						if ((*j)->getNumSoldiers() > 0 || (*j)->getNumVehicles() > 0)
							if (!(*j)->isInDogfight())
								// look up polygons texture
								int texture, shade;
								_globe->getPolygonTextureAndShade(u->getLongitude(), u->getLatitude(), &texture, &shade);
								popup(new ConfirmLandingState(*j, _game->getMod()->getGlobe()->getTexture(texture), shade));
						else if (u->getStatus() != Ufo::LANDED)
				else if (w != 0)
					popup(new CraftPatrolState((*j), _globe));
				else if (m != 0)
					if ((*j)->getNumSoldiers() > 0 || (*j)->getNumVehicles() > 0)
						// look up polygons texture
						int texture, shade;
						_globe->getPolygonTextureAndShade(m->getLongitude(), m->getLatitude(), &texture, &shade);
						if (_game->getMod()->getGlobe()->getTexture(m->getTexture()) != 0)
							texture = m->getTexture();
						popup(new ConfirmLandingState(*j, _game->getMod()->getGlobe()->getTexture(texture), shade));
				else if (b != 0)
					if (b->isDiscovered())
						if ((*j)->getNumSoldiers() > 0 || (*j)->getNumVehicles() > 0)
							int texture, shade;
							_globe->getPolygonTextureAndShade(b->getLongitude(), b->getLatitude(), &texture, &shade);
							popup(new ConfirmLandingState(*j, _game->getMod()->getGlobe()->getTexture(texture), shade));
	// Clean up dead UFOs and end dogfights which were minimized.
	for (std::vector<Ufo*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->begin(); i != _game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->end();)
		if ((*i)->getStatus() == Ufo::DESTROYED)
			if (!(*i)->getFollowers()->empty())
				// Remove all dogfights with this UFO.
				for (std::list<DogfightState*>::iterator d = _dogfights.begin(); d != _dogfights.end();)
					if ((*d)->getUfo() == (*i))
						delete *d;
						d = _dogfights.erase(d);
			delete *i;
			i = _game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->erase(i);
	// Check any dogfights waiting to open
	for (std::list<DogfightState*>::iterator d = _dogfights.begin(); d != _dogfights.end(); ++d)
		if ((*d)->isMinimized())
			if (((*d)->getWaitForPoly() && _globe->insideLand((*d)->getUfo()->getLongitude(), (*d)->getUfo()->getLatitude())) ||
				((*d)->getWaitForAltitude() && (*d)->getUfo()->getAltitudeInt() <= (*d)->getCraft()->getRules()->getMaxAltitude()))
				_pause = true; // the USO reached the sea during this interval period, stop the timer and let handleDogfights() take it from there.
	// Clean up unused waypoints
	for (std::vector<Waypoint*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getWaypoints()->begin(); i != _game->getSavedGame()->getWaypoints()->end();)
		if ((*i)->getFollowers()->empty())
			delete *i;
			i = _game->getSavedGame()->getWaypoints()->erase(i);
 * Functor that attempt to detect an XCOM base.
class DetectXCOMBase: public std::unary_function<Ufo *, bool>
	/// Create a detector for the given base.
	DetectXCOMBase(const Base &base) : _base(base) { /* Empty by design.  */ }
	/// Attempt detection
	bool operator()(const Ufo *ufo) const;
	const Base &_base;	//!< The target base.
 * Only UFOs within detection range of the base have a chance to detect it.
 * @param ufo Pointer to the UFO attempting detection.
 * @return If the base is detected by @a ufo.
bool DetectXCOMBase::operator()(const Ufo *ufo) const
	if (ufo->getTrajectoryPoint() <= 1) return false;
	if (ufo->getTrajectory().getZone(ufo->getTrajectoryPoint()) == 5) return false;
	if ((ufo->getMission()->getRules().getObjective() != OBJECTIVE_RETALIATION && !Options::aggressiveRetaliation) ||	// only UFOs on retaliation missions actively scan for bases
		ufo->getTrajectory().getID() == UfoTrajectory::RETALIATION_ASSAULT_RUN || 										// UFOs attacking a base don't detect!
		ufo->isCrashed() ||																								// Crashed UFOs don't detect!
		_base.getDistance(ufo) >= Nautical(ufo->getRules()->getSightRange()))											// UFOs have a detection range of 80 XCOM units. - we use a great circle fomrula and nautical miles.
		return false;
	return RNG::percent(_base.getDetectionChance());
 * Functor that marks an XCOM base for retaliation.
 * This is required because of the iterator type.
struct SetRetaliationTarget: public std::unary_function<std::map<const Region *, Base *>::value_type, void>
	/// Mark as a valid retaliation target.
	void operator()(const argument_type &iter) const { iter.second->setRetaliationTarget(true); }
 * Takes care of any game logic that has to
 * run every game ten minutes, like fuel consumption.
void GeoscapeState::time10Minutes()
	for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); i != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end(); ++i)
		// Fuel consumption for XCOM craft.
		for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator j = (*i)->getCrafts()->begin(); j != (*i)->getCrafts()->end(); ++j)
			if ((*j)->getStatus() == "STR_OUT")
				if (!(*j)->getLowFuel() && (*j)->getFuel() <= (*j)->getFuelLimit())
					popup(new LowFuelState((*j), this));
				if ((*j)->getDestination() == 0)
					double range = Nautical((*j)->getRules()->getSightRange());
					for (std::vector<AlienBase*>::iterator b = _game->getSavedGame()->getAlienBases()->begin(); b != _game->getSavedGame()->getAlienBases()->end(); ++b)
						if ((*j)->getDistance(*b) <= range)
							if (RNG::percent(50-((*j)->getDistance(*b) / range) * 50) && !(*b)->isDiscovered())
	if (Options::aggressiveRetaliation)
		// Detect as many bases as possible.
		for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator iBase = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); iBase != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end(); ++iBase)
			// Find a UFO that detected this base, if any.
			std::vector<Ufo*>::const_iterator uu = std::find_if (_game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->begin(), _game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->end(), DetectXCOMBase(**iBase));
			if (uu != _game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->end())
				// Base found
		// Only remember last base in each region.
		std::map<const Region *, Base *> discovered;
		for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator iBase = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); iBase != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end(); ++iBase)
			// Find a UFO that detected this base, if any.
			std::vector<Ufo*>::const_iterator uu = std::find_if (_game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->begin(), _game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->end(), DetectXCOMBase(**iBase));
			if (uu != _game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->end())
				discovered[_game->getSavedGame()->locateRegion(**iBase)] = *iBase;
		// Now mark the bases as discovered.
		std::for_each(discovered.begin(), discovered.end(), SetRetaliationTarget());
/** @brief Call AlienMission::think() with proper parameters.
 * This function object calls AlienMission::think() with the proper parameters.
class callThink: public std::unary_function<AlienMission*, void>
	/// Store the parameters.
	 * @param game The game engine.
	 * @param globe The globe object.
	callThink(Game &game, const Globe &globe) : _game(game), _globe(globe) { /* Empty by design. */ }
	/// Call AlienMission::think() with stored parameters.
	void operator()(AlienMission *am) const { am->think(_game, _globe); }
	Game &_game;
	const Globe &_globe;
/** @brief Process a MissionSite.
 * This function object will count down towards expiring a MissionSite, and handle expired MissionSites.
 * @param ts Pointer to mission site.
 * @return Has mission site expired?
bool GeoscapeState::processMissionSite(MissionSite *site) const
	bool removeSite = site->getSecondsRemaining() < 30 * 60;
	if (!removeSite)
		site->setSecondsRemaining(site->getSecondsRemaining() - 30 * 60);
		removeSite = site->getFollowers()->empty(); // CHEEKY EXPLOIT
	int score = removeSite ? site->getDeployment()->getDespawnPenalty() : site->getDeployment()->getPoints();
	Region *region = _game->getSavedGame()->locateRegion(*site);
	if (region)
	for (std::vector<Country*>::iterator k = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->begin(); k != _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->end(); ++k)
		if ((*k)->getRules()->insideCountry(site->getLongitude(), site->getLatitude()))
	if (!removeSite)
		return false;
	delete site;
	return true;
/** @brief Advance time for crashed UFOs.
 * This function object will decrease the expiration timer for crashed UFOs.
struct expireCrashedUfo: public std::unary_function<Ufo*, void>
	/// Decrease UFO expiration timer.
	void operator()(Ufo *ufo) const
		if (ufo->getStatus() == Ufo::CRASHED)
			if (ufo->getSecondsRemaining() >= 30 * 60)
				ufo->setSecondsRemaining(ufo->getSecondsRemaining() - 30 * 60);
			// Marked expired UFOs for removal.
 * Takes care of any game logic that has to
 * run every game half hour, like UFO detection.
void GeoscapeState::time30Minutes()
	// Decrease mission countdowns
			  callThink(*_game, *_globe));
	// Remove finished missions
	for (std::vector<AlienMission*>::iterator am = _game->getSavedGame()->getAlienMissions().begin();
		am != _game->getSavedGame()->getAlienMissions().end();)
		if ((*am)->isOver())
			delete *am;
			am = _game->getSavedGame()->getAlienMissions().erase(am);
	// Handle crashed UFOs expiration
	// Handle craft maintenance and alien base detection
	for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); i != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end(); ++i)
		for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator j = (*i)->getCrafts()->begin(); j != (*i)->getCrafts()->end(); ++j)
			if ((*j)->getStatus() == "STR_REFUELLING")
				std::string s = (*j)->refuel();
				if (!s.empty())
					std::string msg = tr("STR_NOT_ENOUGH_ITEM_TO_REFUEL_CRAFT_AT_BASE")
					popup(new CraftErrorState(this, msg));
	// Handle UFO detection and give aliens points
	for (std::vector<Ufo*>::iterator u = _game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->begin(); u != _game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->end(); ++u)
		int points = (*u)->getRules()->getMissionScore(); //one point per UFO in-flight per half hour
		switch ((*u)->getStatus())
		case Ufo::LANDED:
			points *= 2;
		case Ufo::FLYING:
			// Get area
			for (std::vector<Region*>::iterator k = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->begin(); k != _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->end(); ++k)
				if ((*k)->getRules()->insideRegion((*u)->getLongitude(), (*u)->getLatitude()))
			// Get country
			for (std::vector<Country*>::iterator k = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->begin(); k != _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->end(); ++k)
				if ((*k)->getRules()->insideCountry((*u)->getLongitude(), (*u)->getLatitude()))
			if (!(*u)->getDetected())
				bool detected = false, hyperdetected = false;
				for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator b = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); !hyperdetected && b != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end(); ++b)
					switch ((*b)->detect(*u))
					case 2:	// hyper-wave decoder
						hyperdetected = true;
					case 1: // conventional radar
						detected = true;
					for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator c = (*b)->getCrafts()->begin(); !detected && c != (*b)->getCrafts()->end(); ++c)
						if ((*c)->getStatus() == "STR_OUT" && (*c)->detect(*u))
							detected = true;
				if (detected)
					popup(new UfoDetectedState((*u), this, true, (*u)->getHyperDetected()));
				bool detected = false, hyperdetected = false;
				for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator b = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); !hyperdetected && b != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end(); ++b)
					switch ((*b)->insideRadarRange(*u))
					case 2:	// hyper-wave decoder
						detected = true;
						hyperdetected = true;
					case 1: // conventional radar
						detected = true;
						hyperdetected = (*u)->getHyperDetected();
					for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator c = (*b)->getCrafts()->begin(); !detected && c != (*b)->getCrafts()->end(); ++c)
						if ((*c)->getStatus() == "STR_OUT" && (*c)->insideRadarRange(*u))
							detected = true;
							hyperdetected = (*u)->getHyperDetected();
				if (!detected)
					if (!(*u)->getFollowers()->empty())
						popup(new UfoLostState((*u)->getName(_game->getLanguage())));
		case Ufo::CRASHED:
		case Ufo::DESTROYED:
	// Processes MissionSites
	for (std::vector<MissionSite*>::iterator site = _game->getSavedGame()->getMissionSites()->begin(); site != _game->getSavedGame()->getMissionSites()->end();)
		if (processMissionSite(*site))
			site = _game->getSavedGame()->getMissionSites()->erase(site);
 * Takes care of any game logic that has to
 * run every game hour, like transfers.
void GeoscapeState::time1Hour()
	// Handle craft maintenance
	for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); i != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end(); ++i)
		for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator j = (*i)->getCrafts()->begin(); j != (*i)->getCrafts()->end(); ++j)
			if ((*j)->getStatus() == "STR_REPAIRS")
			else if ((*j)->getStatus() == "STR_REARMING")
				std::string s = (*j)->rearm(_game->getMod());
				if (!s.empty())
					std::string msg = tr("STR_NOT_ENOUGH_ITEM_TO_REARM_CRAFT_AT_BASE")
					popup(new CraftErrorState(this, msg));
	// Handle transfers
	bool window = false;
	for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); i != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end(); ++i)
		for (std::vector<Transfer*>::iterator j = (*i)->getTransfers()->begin(); j != (*i)->getTransfers()->end(); ++j)
			if (!window && (*j)->getHours() <= 0)
				window = true;
	if (window)
		popup(new ItemsArrivingState(this));
	// Handle Production
	for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); i != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end(); ++i)
		std::map<Production*, productionProgress_e> toRemove;
		for (std::vector<Production*>::const_iterator j = (*i)->getProductions().begin(); j != (*i)->getProductions().end(); ++j)
			toRemove[(*j)] = (*j)->step((*i), _game->getSavedGame(), _game->getMod());
		for (std::map<Production*, productionProgress_e>::iterator j = toRemove.begin(); j != toRemove.end(); ++j)
			if (j->second > PROGRESS_NOT_COMPLETE)
				popup(new ProductionCompleteState((*i),  tr(j->first->getRules()->getName()), this, j->second));
		if (Options::storageLimitsEnforced && (*i)->storesOverfull())
			popup(new ErrorMessageState(tr("STR_STORAGE_EXCEEDED").arg((*i)->getName()), _palette, _game->getMod()->getInterface("geoscape")->getElement("errorMessage")->color, "BACK13.SCR", _game->getMod()->getInterface("geoscape")->getElement("errorPalette")->color));
			popup(new SellState((*i)));
	for (std::vector<MissionSite*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getMissionSites()->begin(); i != _game->getSavedGame()->getMissionSites()->end(); ++i)
		if (!(*i)->getDetected())
			popup(new MissionDetectedState(*i, this));
 * This class will attempt to generate a supply mission for a base.
 * Each alien base has a 6/101 chance to generate a supply mission.
class GenerateSupplyMission: public std::unary_function<const AlienBase *, void>
	/// Store rules and game data references for later use.
	GenerateSupplyMission(const Mod &mod, SavedGame &save) : _mod(mod), _save(save) { /* Empty by design */ }
	/// Check and spawn mission.
	void operator()(const AlienBase *base) const;
	const Mod &_mod;
	SavedGame &_save;
 * Check and create supply mission for the given base.
 * There is a 6/101 chance of the mission spawning.
 * @param base A pointer to the alien base.
void GenerateSupplyMission::operator()(const AlienBase *base) const
	std::string missionName = base->getDeployment()->chooseGenMissionType();
	if (_mod.getAlienMission(missionName))
		if (RNG::percent(base->getDeployment()->getGenMissionFrequency()))
			//Spawn supply mission for this base.
			const RuleAlienMission &rule = *_mod.getAlienMission(missionName);
			AlienMission *mission = new AlienMission(rule);
			mission->setRegion(_save.locateRegion(*base)->getRules()->getType(), _mod);
	else if (!missionName.empty())
		throw Exception("Alien Base tried to generate undefined mission: " + missionName);
 * Takes care of any game logic that has to
 * run every game day, like constructions.
void GeoscapeState::time1Day()
	for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); i != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end(); ++i)
		// Handle facility construction
		for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator j = (*i)->getFacilities()->begin(); j != (*i)->getFacilities()->end(); ++j)
			if ((*j)->getBuildTime() > 0)
				if ((*j)->getBuildTime() == 0)
					popup(new ProductionCompleteState((*i),  tr((*j)->getRules()->getType()), this, PROGRESS_CONSTRUCTION));
		// Handle science project
		// 1. gather finished research
		std::vector<ResearchProject*> finished;
		for (std::vector<ResearchProject*>::const_iterator iter = (*i)->getResearch().begin(); iter != (*i)->getResearch().end(); ++iter)
			if ((*iter)->step())
		// 2. remember available research before adding new finished research
		std::vector<RuleResearch *> before;
		if (!finished.empty())
			_game->getSavedGame()->getAvailableResearchProjects(before, _game->getMod(), *i);
		// 3. add finished research, including lookups and getonefrees (up to 4x)
		for (std::vector<ResearchProject*>::iterator iter = finished.begin(); iter != finished.end(); ++iter)
			const RuleResearch *bonus = 0;
			const RuleResearch *research = (*iter)->getRules();
			// 3a. remove finished research from the base where it was researched
			(*iter) = 0;
			// 3b. handle interrogation
			if (Options::retainCorpses && research->destroyItem() && _game->getMod()->getUnit(research->getName()))
				(*i)->getStorageItems()->addItem(_game->getMod()->getArmor(_game->getMod()->getUnit(research->getName())->getArmor(), true)->getCorpseGeoscape());
			// 3c. handle getonefrees (topic+lookup)
			if (!research->getGetOneFree().empty())
				std::vector<std::string> possibilities;
				for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator f = research->getGetOneFree().begin(); f != research->getGetOneFree().end(); ++f)
					if (!_game->getSavedGame()->isResearched(*f, false))
				if (!possibilities.empty())
					size_t pick = RNG::generate(0, possibilities.size()-1);
					std::string sel = possibilities.at(pick);
					bonus = _game->getMod()->getResearch(sel, true);
					_game->getSavedGame()->addFinishedResearch(bonus, _game->getMod(), (*i));
					if (!bonus->getLookup().empty())
						_game->getSavedGame()->addFinishedResearch(_game->getMod()->getResearch(bonus->getLookup(), true), _game->getMod(), (*i));
			// 3d. determine and remember if the ufopedia article should pop up again or not
			// Note: because different topics may lead to the same lookup
			const RuleResearch * newResearch = research;
			std::string name = research->getLookup().empty() ? research->getName() : research->getLookup();
			if (_game->getSavedGame()->isResearched(name, false))
				newResearch = 0;
			// 3e. handle core research (topic+lookup)
			_game->getSavedGame()->addFinishedResearch(research, _game->getMod(), (*i));
			if (!research->getLookup().empty())
				_game->getSavedGame()->addFinishedResearch(_game->getMod()->getResearch(research->getLookup(), true), _game->getMod(), (*i));
			// 3e. handle cutscenes
			if (!research->getCutscene().empty())
				popup(new CutsceneState(research->getCutscene()));
			if (bonus && !bonus->getCutscene().empty())
				popup(new CutsceneState(bonus->getCutscene()));
			// 3e. handle research complete popup + ufopedia article popups (topic+bonus)
			popup(new ResearchCompleteState(newResearch, bonus, research));
			// 3f. reset timer
			// 3g. warning if weapon is researched before its clip
			if (newResearch)
				RuleItem *item = _game->getMod()->getItem(newResearch->getName());
				if (item && item->getBattleType() == BT_FIREARM && !item->getCompatibleAmmo()->empty())
					RuleManufacture *man = _game->getMod()->getManufacture(item->getType());
					if (man && !man->getRequirements().empty())
						const std::vector<std::string> &req = man->getRequirements();
						RuleItem *ammo = _game->getMod()->getItem(item->getCompatibleAmmo()->front());
						if (ammo && std::find(req.begin(), req.end(), ammo->getType()) != req.end() && !_game->getSavedGame()->isResearched(req, true))
							popup(new ResearchRequiredState(item));
			// 3h. inform about new possible research
			std::vector<RuleResearch *> after;
			_game->getSavedGame()->getAvailableResearchProjects(after, _game->getMod(), *i);
			std::vector<RuleResearch *> newPossibleResearch;
			_game->getSavedGame()->getNewlyAvailableResearchProjects(before, after, newPossibleResearch);
			popup(new NewPossibleResearchState(*i, newPossibleResearch));
			// 3i. inform about new possible manufacture
			std::vector<RuleManufacture *> newPossibleManufacture;
			_game->getSavedGame()->getDependableManufacture(newPossibleManufacture, research, _game->getMod(), *i);
			if (!newPossibleManufacture.empty())
				popup(new NewPossibleManufactureState(*i, newPossibleManufacture));
			// 3j. now iterate through all the bases and remove this project from their labs (unless it can still yield more stuff!)
			for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator j = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); j != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end(); ++j)
				for (std::vector<ResearchProject*>::const_iterator iter2 = (*j)->getResearch().begin(); iter2 != (*j)->getResearch().end(); ++iter2)
					if (research->getName() == (*iter2)->getRules()->getName())
						if (!_game->getSavedGame()->isResearched(research->getGetOneFree(), false))
							// This research topic still has some more undiscovered "getOneFree" topics, keep it!
						else if (_game->getSavedGame()->hasUndiscoveredProtectedUnlock(research, _game->getMod()))
							// This research topic still has one or more undiscovered "protected unlocks", keep it!
							// This topic can't give you anything else anymore, remove it!
		// Handle soldier wounds
		for (std::vector<Soldier*>::iterator j = (*i)->getSoldiers()->begin(); j != (*i)->getSoldiers()->end(); ++j)
			if ((*j)->getWoundRecovery() > 0)
		// Handle psionic training
		if ((*i)->getAvailablePsiLabs() > 0 && Options::anytimePsiTraining)
			for (std::vector<Soldier*>::const_iterator s = (*i)->getSoldiers()->begin(); s != (*i)->getSoldiers()->end(); ++s)
				(*s)->calcStatString(_game->getMod()->getStatStrings(), (Options::psiStrengthEval && _game->getSavedGame()->isResearched(_game->getMod()->getPsiRequirements())));
	// handle regional and country points for alien bases
	for (std::vector<AlienBase*>::const_iterator b = _game->getSavedGame()->getAlienBases()->begin(); b != _game->getSavedGame()->getAlienBases()->end(); ++b)
		for (std::vector<Region*>::iterator k = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->begin(); k != _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->end(); ++k)
			if ((*k)->getRules()->insideRegion((*b)->getLongitude(), (*b)->getLatitude()))
		for (std::vector<Country*>::iterator k = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->begin(); k != _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->end(); ++k)
			if ((*k)->getRules()->insideCountry((*b)->getLongitude(), (*b)->getLatitude()))
	// Handle resupply of alien bases.
	std::for_each(_game->getSavedGame()->getAlienBases()->begin(), _game->getSavedGame()->getAlienBases()->end(),
			  GenerateSupplyMission(*_game->getMod(), *_game->getSavedGame()));
	// Autosave 3 times a month
	int day = _game->getSavedGame()->getTime()->getDay();
	if (day == 10 || day == 20)
		if (_game->getSavedGame()->isIronman())
			popup(new SaveGameState(OPT_GEOSCAPE, SAVE_IRONMAN, _palette));
		else if (Options::autosave)
			popup(new SaveGameState(OPT_GEOSCAPE, SAVE_AUTO_GEOSCAPE, _palette));
 * Takes care of any game logic that has to
 * run every game month, like funding.
void GeoscapeState::time1Month()
	// Determine alien mission for this month.
	// Handle Psi-Training and initiate a new retaliation mission, if applicable
	bool psi = false;
	if (!Options::anytimePsiTraining)
		for (std::vector<Base*>::const_iterator b = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); b != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end(); ++b)
			if ((*b)->getAvailablePsiLabs() > 0)
				psi = true;
				for (std::vector<Soldier*>::const_iterator s = (*b)->getSoldiers()->begin(); s != (*b)->getSoldiers()->end(); ++s)
					if ((*s)->isInPsiTraining())
						(*s)->calcStatString(_game->getMod()->getStatStrings(), (Options::psiStrengthEval && _game->getSavedGame()->isResearched(_game->getMod()->getPsiRequirements())));
	// Handle funding
	popup(new MonthlyReportState(psi, _globe));
	// Handle Xcom Operatives discovering bases
	if (!_game->getSavedGame()->getAlienBases()->empty() && RNG::percent(20))
		for (std::vector<AlienBase*>::const_iterator b = _game->getSavedGame()->getAlienBases()->begin(); b != _game->getSavedGame()->getAlienBases()->end(); ++b)
			if (!(*b)->isDiscovered())
				popup(new AlienBaseState(*b, this));
 * Slows down the timer back to minimum speed,
 * for when important events occur.
void GeoscapeState::timerReset()
	SDL_Event ev;
	ev.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT;
	Action act(&ev, _game->getScreen()->getXScale(), _game->getScreen()->getYScale(), _game->getScreen()->getCursorTopBlackBand(), _game->getScreen()->getCursorLeftBlackBand());
	_btn5Secs->mousePress(&act, this);
 * Adds a new popup window to the queue
 * (this prevents popups from overlapping)
 * and pauses the game timer respectively.
 * @param state Pointer to popup state.
void GeoscapeState::popup(State *state)
	_pause = true;
 * Returns a pointer to the Geoscape globe for
 * access by other substates.
 * @return Pointer to globe.
Globe *GeoscapeState::getGlobe() const
	return _globe;
 * Processes any left-clicks on globe markers,
 * or right-clicks to scroll the globe.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::globeClick(Action *action)
	int mouseX = (int)floor(action->getAbsoluteXMouse()), mouseY = (int)floor(action->getAbsoluteYMouse());
	// Clicking markers on the globe
	if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)
		std::vector<Target*> v = _globe->getTargets(mouseX, mouseY, false);
		if (!v.empty())
			_game->pushState(new MultipleTargetsState(v, 0, this));
	if (_game->getSavedGame()->getDebugMode())
		double lon, lat;
		int texture, shade;
		_globe->cartToPolar(mouseX, mouseY, &lon, &lat);
		double lonDeg = lon / M_PI * 180, latDeg = lat / M_PI * 180;
		_globe->getPolygonTextureAndShade(lon, lat, &texture, &shade);
		std::ostringstream ss;
		ss << "rad: " << lon << ", " << lat << std::endl;
		ss << "deg: " << lonDeg << ", " << latDeg << std::endl;
		ss << "texture: " << texture << ", shade: " << shade << std::endl;
 * Opens the Intercept window.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnInterceptClick(Action *)
	if (buttonsDisabled())
	_game->pushState(new InterceptState(_globe));
 * Goes to the Basescape screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnBasesClick(Action *)
	if (buttonsDisabled())
	if (!_game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->empty())
		_game->pushState(new BasescapeState(_game->getSavedGame()->getSelectedBase(), _globe));
		_game->pushState(new BasescapeState(0, _globe));
 * Goes to the Graphs screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnGraphsClick(Action *)
	if (buttonsDisabled())
	_game->pushState(new GraphsState);
 * Goes to the Ufopaedia window.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnUfopaediaClick(Action *)
	if (buttonsDisabled())
 * Opens the Options window.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnOptionsClick(Action *)
	if (buttonsDisabled())
	_game->pushState(new PauseState(OPT_GEOSCAPE));
 * Goes to the Funding screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnFundingClick(Action *)
	if (buttonsDisabled())
	_game->pushState(new FundingState);
 * Starts rotating the globe to the left.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnRotateLeftPress(Action *)
 * Stops rotating the globe to the left.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnRotateLeftRelease(Action *)
 * Starts rotating the globe to the right.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnRotateRightPress(Action *)
 * Stops rotating the globe to the right.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnRotateRightRelease(Action *)
 * Starts rotating the globe upwards.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnRotateUpPress(Action *)
 * Stops rotating the globe upwards.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnRotateUpRelease(Action *)
 * Starts rotating the globe downwards.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnRotateDownPress(Action *)
 * Stops rotating the globe downwards.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnRotateDownRelease(Action *)
 * Zooms into the globe.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnZoomInLeftClick(Action *)
 * Zooms the globe maximum.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnZoomInRightClick(Action *)
 * Zooms out of the globe.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnZoomOutLeftClick(Action *)
 * Zooms the globe minimum.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GeoscapeState::btnZoomOutRightClick(Action *)
 * Zoom in effect for dogfights.
void GeoscapeState::zoomInEffect()
	if (_globe->zoomDogfightIn())
		_zoomInEffectDone = true;
 * Zoom out effect for dogfights.
void GeoscapeState::zoomOutEffect()
	if (_globe->zoomDogfightOut())
		_zoomOutEffectDone = true;
 * Dogfight logic. Moved here to have the code clean.
void GeoscapeState::handleDogfights()
	// Handle dogfights logic.
	_minimizedDogfights = 0;
	std::list<DogfightState*>::iterator d = _dogfights.begin();
	for (; d != _dogfights.end(); ++d)
	d = _dogfights.begin();
	while (d != _dogfights.end())
		if ((*d)->isMinimized())
			if ((*d)->getWaitForPoly() && _globe->insideLand((*d)->getUfo()->getLongitude(), (*d)->getUfo()->getLatitude()))
			else if ((*d)->getWaitForAltitude() && (*d)->getUfo()->getAltitudeInt() <= (*d)->getCraft()->getRules()->getMaxAltitude())
		if ((*d)->dogfightEnded())
			if ((*d)->isMinimized())
			delete *d;
			d = _dogfights.erase(d);
	if (_dogfights.empty())
 * Gets the number of minimized dogfights.
 * @return Number of minimized dogfights.
int GeoscapeState::minimizedDogfightsCount()
	int minimizedDogfights = 0;
	for (std::list<DogfightState*>::iterator d = _dogfights.begin(); d != _dogfights.end(); ++d)
		if ((*d)->isMinimized())
	return minimizedDogfights;
 * Starts a new dogfight.
void GeoscapeState::startDogfight()
	if (_globe->getZoom() < 3)
		if (!_zoomInEffectTimer->isRunning())
		while (!_dogfightsToBeStarted.empty())
			_dogfights.back()->setInterceptionsCount(_dogfights.size() + _dogfightsToBeStarted.size());
		// Set correct number of interceptions for every dogfight.
		for (std::list<DogfightState*>::iterator d = _dogfights.begin(); d != _dogfights.end(); ++d)
 * Returns the first free dogfight slot.
 * @return free slot
int GeoscapeState::getFirstFreeDogfightSlot()
	int slotNo = 1;
	for (std::list<DogfightState*>::iterator d = _dogfights.begin(); d != _dogfights.end(); ++d)
		if ((*d)->getInterceptionNumber() == slotNo)
	return slotNo;
 * Handle base defense
 * @param base Base to defend.
 * @param ufo Ufo attacking base.
void GeoscapeState::handleBaseDefense(Base *base, Ufo *ufo)
	// Whatever happens in the base defense, the UFO has finished its duty
	if (base->getAvailableSoldiers(true) > 0 || !base->getVehicles()->empty())
		SavedBattleGame *bgame = new SavedBattleGame();
		BattlescapeGenerator bgen = BattlescapeGenerator(_game);
		_pause = true;
		_game->pushState(new BriefingState(0, base));
		// Please garrison your bases in future
		popup(new BaseDestroyedState(base));
 * Determine the alien missions to start this month.
void GeoscapeState::determineAlienMissions()
	SavedGame *save = _game->getSavedGame();
	AlienStrategy &strategy = save->getAlienStrategy();
	Mod *mod = _game->getMod();
	int month = _game->getSavedGame()->getMonthsPassed();
	std::vector<RuleMissionScript*> availableMissions;
	std::map<int, bool> conditions;
	// well, here it is, ladies and gents, the nuts and bolts behind the geoscape mission scheduling.
	// first we need to build a list of "valid" commands
	for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = mod->getMissionScriptList()->begin(); i != mod->getMissionScriptList()->end(); ++i)
		RuleMissionScript *command = mod->getMissionScript(*i);
			// level one condition check: make sure we're within our time constraints
		if (command->getFirstMonth() <= month &&
			(command->getLastMonth() >= month || command->getLastMonth() == -1) &&
			// make sure we haven't hit our run limit, if we have one
			(command->getMaxRuns() == -1 ||	command->getMaxRuns() > strategy.getMissionsRun(command->getVarName())) &&
			// and make sure we satisfy the difficulty restrictions
			command->getMinDifficulty() <= save->getDifficulty())
			// level two condition check: make sure we meet any research requirements, if any.
			bool triggerHappy = true;
			for (std::map<std::string, bool>::const_iterator j = command->getResearchTriggers().begin(); triggerHappy && j != command->getResearchTriggers().end(); ++j)
				triggerHappy = (save->isResearched(j->first) == j->second);
			// levels one and two passed: insert this command into the array.
			if (triggerHappy)
	// start processing command array.
	for (std::vector<RuleMissionScript*>::const_iterator i = availableMissions.begin(); i != availableMissions.end(); ++i)
		RuleMissionScript *command = *i;
		bool process = true;
		bool success = false;
		// level three condition check: make sure our conditionals are met, if any. this list is dynamic, and must be checked here.
		for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = command->getConditionals().begin(); process && j != command->getConditionals().end(); ++j)
			std::map<int, bool>::const_iterator found = conditions.find(std::abs(*j));
			// just an FYI: if you add a 0 to your conditionals, this flag will never resolve to true, and your command will never run.
			process = (found == conditions.end() || (found->second == true && *j > 0) || (found->second == false && *j < 0));
		if (command->getLabel() > 0 && conditions.find(command->getLabel()) != conditions.end())
			std::ostringstream ss;
			ss << "Mission generator encountered an error: multiple commands: " << command->getType() << " and ";
			for (std::vector<RuleMissionScript*>::const_iterator j = availableMissions.begin(); j != availableMissions.end(); ++j)
				if (command->getLabel() == (*j)->getLabel() && (*j) != (*i))
					ss << (*j)->getType() << ", ";
			ss  << "are sharing the same label: " << command->getLabel();
			throw Exception(ss.str());
		// level four condition check: does random chance favour this command's execution?
		if (process && RNG::percent(command->getExecutionOdds()))
			// good news, little command pointer! you're FDA approved! off to the main processing facility with you!
			success = processCommand(command);
		if (command->getLabel() > 0)
			// tsk, tsk. you really should be careful with these unique labels, they're supposed to be unique.
			if (conditions.find(command->getLabel()) != conditions.end())
				throw Exception("Error in mission scripts: " + command->getType() + ". Two or more commands sharing the same label. That's bad, Mmmkay?");
			// keep track of what happened to this command, so others may reference it.
			conditions[command->getLabel()] = success;
 * Proccesses a directive to start up a mission, if possible.
 * @param command the directive from which to read information.
 * @return whether the command successfully produced a new mission.
bool GeoscapeState::processCommand(RuleMissionScript *command)
	SavedGame *save = _game->getSavedGame();
	AlienStrategy &strategy = save->getAlienStrategy();
	Mod *mod = _game->getMod();
	int month = _game->getSavedGame()->getMonthsPassed();
	std::string targetRegion;
	const RuleAlienMission *missionRules;
	std::string missionType;
	std::string missionRace;
	int targetZone = -1;
	// terror mission type deal? this will require special handling.
	if (command->getSiteType())
		// we know for a fact that this command has mission weights defined, otherwise this flag could not be set.
		missionType = command->generate(month, GEN_MISSION);
		std::vector<std::string> missions = command->getMissionTypes(month);
		int maxMissions = missions.size();
		bool targetBase = RNG::percent(command->getTargetBaseOdds());
		int currPos = 0;
		for (; currPos != maxMissions; ++currPos)
			if (missions[currPos] == missionType)
		// let's build a list of regions with spawn zones to pick from
		std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> > validAreas;
		// this is actually a bit of a cheat, we ARE using the mission weights as defined, but we'll try them all if the one we pick first isn't valid.
		for (int h = 0; h != maxMissions; ++h)
			// we'll use the regions listed in the command, if any, otherwise check all the regions in the ruleset looking for matches
			std::vector<std::string> regions = (command->hasRegionWeights()) ? command->getRegions(month) : mod->getRegionsList();
			missionRules = mod->getAlienMission(missionType, true);
			targetZone = missionRules->getSpawnZone();
			if (targetBase)
				std::vector<std::string> regionsToKeep;
				//if we're targetting a base, we ignore regions that don't contain bases, simple.
				for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator i = save->getBases()->begin(); i != save->getBases()->end(); ++i)
					regionsToKeep.push_back(save->locateRegion((*i)->getLongitude(), (*i)->getLatitude())->getRules()->getType());
				for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end();)
					if (std::find(regionsToKeep.begin(), regionsToKeep.end(), *i) == regionsToKeep.end())
						i = regions.erase(i);
			for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end();)
				// we don't want the same mission running in any given region twice simultaneously, so prune the list as needed.
				bool processThisRegion = true;
				for (std::vector<AlienMission*>::const_iterator j = save->getAlienMissions().begin(); j != save->getAlienMissions().end(); ++j)
					if ((*j)->getRules().getType() == missionRules->getType() && (*j)->getRegion() == *i)
						processThisRegion = false;
				if (!processThisRegion)
					i = regions.erase(i);
				// ok, we found a region that doesn't have our mission in it, let's see if it has an appropriate landing zone.
				// if it does, let's add it to our list of valid areas, taking note of which mission area(s) matched.
				RuleRegion *region = mod->getRegion(*i, true);
				if ((int)(region->getMissionZones().size()) > targetZone)
					std::vector<MissionArea> areas = region->getMissionZones()[targetZone].areas;
					int counter = 0;
					for (std::vector<MissionArea>::const_iterator j = areas.begin(); j != areas.end(); ++j)
						// validMissionLocation checks to make sure this city/whatever hasn't been used by the last n missions using this varName
						// this prevents the same location getting hit more than once every n missions.
						if ((*j).isPoint() && strategy.validMissionLocation(command->getVarName(), region->getType(), counter))
							validAreas.push_back(std::make_pair(region->getType(), counter));
			// oh bother, we couldn't find anything valid, this mission won't run this month.
			if (validAreas.empty())
				if (maxMissions > 1 && ++currPos == maxMissions)
					currPos = 0;
				missionType = missions[currPos];
		if (validAreas.empty())
			// now we're in real trouble, we've managed to make it out of the loop and we still don't have any valid choices
			// this command cannot run this month, we have failed, forgive us senpai.
			return false;
		// reset this, we may have used it earlier, it longer represents the target zone type, but the target zone number within that type
		targetZone = -1;
		// everything went according to plan: we can now pick a city/whatever to attack.
		while (targetZone == -1)
			if (command->hasRegionWeights())
				// if we have a weighted region list, we know we have at least one valid choice for this mission
				targetRegion = command->generate(month, GEN_REGION);
				// if we don't have a weighted list, we'll select a region at random from the ruleset,
				// validate that it's in our list, and pick one of its cities at random
				// this will give us an even distribution between regions regardless of the number of cities.
				targetRegion = mod->getRegionsList().at(RNG::generate(0, mod->getRegionsList().size() - 1));
			// we need to know the range of the region within our vector, in order to randomly select a city from it
			int min = -1;
			int max = -1;
			int curr = 0;
			for (std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> >::const_iterator i = validAreas.begin(); i != validAreas.end(); ++i)
				if ((*i).first == targetRegion)
					if (min == -1)
						min = curr;
					max = curr;
				else if (min > -1)
					// if we've stopped detecting matches, we're done looking.
			if (min != -1)
				// we have our random range, we can make a selection, and we're done.
				targetZone = validAreas[RNG::generate(min, max)].second;
		// now add that city to the list of sites we've hit, store the array, etc.
		strategy.addMissionLocation(command->getVarName(), targetRegion, targetZone, command->getRepeatAvoidance());
	else if (RNG::percent(command->getTargetBaseOdds()))
		// build a list of the mission types we're dealing with, if any
		std::vector<std::string> types = command->getMissionTypes(month);
		// now build a list of regions with bases in.
		std::vector<std::string> regionsMaster;
		for (std::vector<Base*>::const_iterator i = save->getBases()->begin(); i != save->getBases()->end(); ++i)
		// no defined mission types? then we'll prune the region list to ensure we only have a region that can generate a mission.
		if (types.empty())
			for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = regionsMaster.begin(); i != regionsMaster.end();)
				if (!strategy.validMissionRegion(*i))
					i = regionsMaster.erase(i);
			// no valid missions in any base regions? oh dear, i guess we failed.
			if (regionsMaster.empty())
				return false;
			// pick a random region from our list
			targetRegion = regionsMaster[RNG::generate(0, regionsMaster.size()-1)];
			// we don't care about regional mission distributions, we're targetting a base with whatever mission we pick, so let's pick now
			// we'll iterate the mission list, starting at a random point, and wrapping around to the beginning
			int max = types.size();
			int entry = RNG::generate(0,  max - 1);
			std::vector<std::string> regions;
			for (int i = 0; i != max; ++i)
				regions = regionsMaster;
				for (std::vector<AlienMission*>::const_iterator j = save->getAlienMissions().begin(); j != save->getAlienMissions().end(); ++j)
					// if the mission types match
					if (types[entry] == (*j)->getRules().getType())
						for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator k = regions.begin(); k != regions.end();)
							// and the regions match
							if ((*k) == (*j)->getRegion())
								// prune the entry from the list
								k = regions.erase(k);
				// we have a valid list of regions containing bases, pick one.
				if (!regions.empty())
					missionType = types[entry];
					targetRegion = regions[RNG::generate(0, regions.size()-1)];
				// otherwise, try the next mission in the list.
				if (max > 1 && ++entry == max)
					entry = 0;
	// now the easy stuff
	else if (!command->hasRegionWeights())
		// no regionWeights means we pick from the table
		targetRegion = strategy.chooseRandomRegion(mod);
		// otherwise, let the command dictate the region.
		targetRegion = command->generate(month, GEN_REGION);
	if (targetRegion.empty())
		// something went horribly wrong, we should have had at LEAST a region by now.
		return false;
	// we're bound to end up with typos, so let's throw an exception instead of simply returning false
	// that way, the modder can fix their mistake
	if (mod->getRegion(targetRegion) == 0)
		throw Exception("Error proccessing mission script named: " + command->getType() + ", region named: " + targetRegion + " is not defined");
	if (missionType.empty()) // ie: not a terror mission, not targetting a base, or otherwise not already chosen
		if (!command->hasMissionWeights())
			// no weights means let the strategy pick
			missionType = strategy.chooseRandomMission(targetRegion);
			// otherwise the command gives us the weights.
			missionType = command->generate(month, GEN_MISSION);
	if (missionType.empty())
		// something went horribly wrong, we didn't manage to choose a mission type
		return false;
	missionRules = mod->getAlienMission(missionType);
	// we're bound to end up with typos, so let's throw an exception instead of simply returning false
	// that way, the modder can fix their mistake
	if (missionRules == 0)
		throw Exception("Error proccessing mission script named: " + command->getType() + ", mission type: " + missionType + " is not defined");
	// do i really need to comment this? shouldn't it be obvious what's happening here?
	if (!command->hasRaceWeights())
		missionRace = missionRules->generateRace(month);
		missionRace = command->generate(month, GEN_RACE);
	if (missionRace.empty())
		throw Exception("Error proccessing mission script named: " + command->getType() + ", mission type: " + missionType + " has no available races");
	// we're bound to end up with typos, so let's throw an exception instead of simply returning false
	// that way, the modder can fix their mistake
	if (mod->getAlienRace(missionRace) == 0)
		throw Exception("Error proccessing mission script named: " + command->getType() + ", race: " + missionRace + " is not defined");
	// ok, we've derived all the variables we need to start up our mission, let's do magic to turn those values into a mission
	AlienMission *mission = new AlienMission(*missionRules);
	mission->setRegion(targetRegion, *_game->getMod());
	// if this flag is set, we want to delete it from the table so it won't show up again until the schedule resets.
	if (command->getUseTable())
		strategy.removeMission(targetRegion, missionType);
	// we did it, we can go home now.
	return true;
 * Handler for clicking on a timer button.
 * @param action pointer to the mouse action.
void GeoscapeState::btnTimerClick(Action *action)
	SDL_Event ev;
	ev.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT;
	Action a = Action(&ev, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0);
	action->getSender()->mousePress(&a, this);
 * Updates the scale.
 * @param dX delta of X;
 * @param dY delta of Y;
void GeoscapeState::resize(int &dX, int &dY)
	if (_game->getSavedGame()->getSavedBattle())
	dX = Options::baseXResolution;
	dY = Options::baseYResolution;
	int divisor = 1;
	double pixelRatioY = 1.0;
	if (Options::nonSquarePixelRatio)
		pixelRatioY = 1.2;
	switch (Options::geoscapeScale)
		divisor = 3;
		divisor = 2;
		dX = 0;
		dY = 0;
	Options::baseXResolution = std::max(Screen::ORIGINAL_WIDTH, Options::displayWidth / divisor);
	Options::baseYResolution = std::max(Screen::ORIGINAL_HEIGHT, (int)(Options::displayHeight / pixelRatioY / divisor));
	dX = Options::baseXResolution - dX;
	dY = Options::baseYResolution - dY;
	for (std::vector<Surface*>::const_iterator i = _surfaces.begin(); i != _surfaces.end(); ++i)
		if (*i != _globe)
			(*i)->setX((*i)->getX() + dX);
			(*i)->setY((*i)->getY() + dY/2);
	_bg->setX((_globe->getWidth() - _bg->getWidth()) / 2);
	_bg->setY((_globe->getHeight() - _bg->getHeight()) / 2);
	int height = (Options::baseYResolution - Screen::ORIGINAL_HEIGHT) / 2 + 10;
	_sideTop->setY(_sidebar->getY() - height - 1);
	_sideBottom->setY(_sidebar->getY() + _sidebar->getHeight() + 1);
	_sideLine->drawRect(0, 0, _sideLine->getWidth(), _sideLine->getHeight(), 15);
bool GeoscapeState::buttonsDisabled()
	return _zoomInEffectTimer->isRunning() || _zoomOutEffectTimer->isRunning();

V1002 The 'BattlescapeGenerator' class, containing pointers, constructor and destructor, is copied by the automatically generated copy constructor.

V1002 The 'Action' class, containing pointers, constructor and destructor, is copied by the automatically generated copy constructor.

V1051 Consider checking for misprints. It's possible that the 'targetZone' should be checked here.

V524 It is odd that the body of 'btnRotateRightRelease' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'btnRotateLeftRelease' function.

V524 It is odd that the body of 'btnRotateDownRelease' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'btnRotateUpRelease' function.

V796 It is possible that 'break' statement is missing in switch statement.