 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Game.h"
#include "../resource.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>
#include <SDL_mixer.h>
#include "State.h"
#include "Screen.h"
#include "Sound.h"
#include "Music.h"
#include "Language.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "../Interface/Cursor.h"
#include "../Interface/FpsCounter.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedBattleGame.h"
#include "Action.h"
#include "Exception.h"
#include "Options.h"
#include "CrossPlatform.h"
#include "FileMap.h"
#include "Unicode.h"
#include "../Menu/TestState.h"
namespace OpenXcom
const double Game::VOLUME_GRADIENT = 10.0;
 * Starts up all the SDL subsystems,
 * creates the display screen and sets up the cursor.
 * @param title Title of the game window.
Game::Game(const std::string &title) : _screen(0), _cursor(0), _lang(0), _save(0), _mod(0), _quit(false), _init(false), _mouseActive(true), _timeUntilNextFrame(0)
	Options::reload = false;
	Options::mute = false;
	// Initialize SDL
	if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0)
		throw Exception(SDL_GetError());
	Log(LOG_INFO) << "SDL initialized successfully.";
	// Initialize SDL_mixer
	if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0)
		Log(LOG_ERROR) << SDL_GetError();
		Log(LOG_WARNING) << "No sound device detected, audio disabled.";
		Options::mute = true;
	// trap the mouse inside the window
	// Set the window icon
	CrossPlatform::setWindowIcon(IDI_ICON1, FileMap::getFilePath("openxcom.png"));
	// Set the window caption
	SDL_WM_SetCaption(title.c_str(), 0);
	// Set up unicode
	// Create display
	_screen = new Screen();
	// Create cursor
	_cursor = new Cursor(9, 13);
	// Create invisible hardware cursor to workaround bug with absolute positioning pointing devices
	Uint8 cursor = 0;
	SDL_SetCursor(SDL_CreateCursor(&cursor, &cursor, 1,1,0,0));
	// Create fps counter
	_fpsCounter = new FpsCounter(15, 5, 0, 0);
	// Create blank language
	_lang = new Language();
	_timeOfLastFrame = 0;
 * Deletes the display screen, cursor, states and shuts down all the SDL subsystems.
	for (std::list<State*>::iterator i = _states.begin(); i != _states.end(); ++i)
		delete *i;
	delete _cursor;
	delete _lang;
	delete _save;
	delete _mod;
	delete _screen;
	delete _fpsCounter;
 * The state machine takes care of passing all the events from SDL to the
 * active state, running any code within and blitting all the states and
 * cursor to the screen. This is run indefinitely until the game quits.
void Game::run()
	enum ApplicationState { RUNNING = 0, SLOWED = 1, PAUSED = 2 } runningState = RUNNING;
	static const ApplicationState kbFocusRun[4] = { RUNNING, RUNNING, SLOWED, PAUSED };
	static const ApplicationState stateRun[4] = { SLOWED, PAUSED, PAUSED, PAUSED };
	// this will avoid processing SDL's resize event on startup, workaround for the heap allocation error it causes.
	bool startupEvent = Options::allowResize;
	while (!_quit)
		// Clean up states
		while (!_deleted.empty())
			delete _deleted.back();
		// Initialize active state
		if (!_init)
			_init = true;
			// Unpress buttons
			// Refresh mouse position
			SDL_Event ev;
			int x, y;
			SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y);
			ev.type = SDL_MOUSEMOTION;
			ev.motion.x = x;
			ev.motion.y = y;
			Action action = Action(&ev, _screen->getXScale(), _screen->getYScale(), _screen->getCursorTopBlackBand(), _screen->getCursorLeftBlackBand());
		// Process events
		while (SDL_PollEvent(&_event))
			if (CrossPlatform::isQuitShortcut(_event))
				_event.type = SDL_QUIT;
			switch (_event.type)
				case SDL_QUIT:
					// An event other than SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS change happened.
					if (reinterpret_cast<SDL_ActiveEvent*>(&_event)->state & ~SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS)
						Uint8 currentState = SDL_GetAppState();
						// Game is minimized
						if (!(currentState & SDL_APPACTIVE))
							runningState = stateRun[Options::pauseMode];
							if (Options::backgroundMute)
								setVolume(0, 0, 0);
						// Game is not minimized but has no keyboard focus.
						else if (!(currentState & SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS))
							runningState = kbFocusRun[Options::pauseMode];
							if (Options::backgroundMute)
								setVolume(0, 0, 0);
						// Game has keyboard focus.
							runningState = RUNNING;
							if (Options::backgroundMute)
								setVolume(Options::soundVolume, Options::musicVolume, Options::uiVolume);
					if (Options::allowResize)
						if (!startupEvent)
							Options::newDisplayWidth = Options::displayWidth = std::max(Screen::ORIGINAL_WIDTH, _event.resize.w);
							Options::newDisplayHeight = Options::displayHeight = std::max(Screen::ORIGINAL_HEIGHT, _event.resize.h);
							int dX = 0, dY = 0;
							Screen::updateScale(Options::battlescapeScale, Options::baseXBattlescape, Options::baseYBattlescape, false);
							Screen::updateScale(Options::geoscapeScale, Options::baseXGeoscape, Options::baseYGeoscape, false);
							for (std::list<State*>::iterator i = _states.begin(); i != _states.end(); ++i)
								(*i)->resize(dX, dY);
							startupEvent = false;
					// Skip mouse events if they're disabled
					if (!_mouseActive) continue;
					// re-gain focus on mouse-over or keypress.
					runningState = RUNNING;
					// Go on, feed the event to others
					Action action = Action(&_event, _screen->getXScale(), _screen->getYScale(), _screen->getCursorTopBlackBand(), _screen->getCursorLeftBlackBand());
					if (action.getDetails()->type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
						// "ctrl-g" grab input
						if (action.getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_g && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
							Options::captureMouse = (SDL_GrabMode)(!Options::captureMouse);
						else if (Options::debug)
							if (action.getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_t && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
								setState(new TestState);
							// "ctrl-u" debug UI
							else if (action.getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_u && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
								Options::debugUi = !Options::debugUi;
			if (!_init)
				// States stack was changed, break the loop so new state
				// can be initialized before processing new events
		// Process rendering
		if (runningState != PAUSED)
			// Process logic
			if (Options::FPS > 0 && !(Options::useOpenGL && Options::vSyncForOpenGL))
				// Update our FPS delay time based on the time of the last draw.
				int fps = SDL_GetAppState() & SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS ? Options::FPS : Options::FPSInactive;
				_timeUntilNextFrame = (1000.0f / fps) - (SDL_GetTicks() - _timeOfLastFrame);
				_timeUntilNextFrame = 0;
			if (_init && _timeUntilNextFrame <= 0)
				// make a note of when this frame update occurred.
				_timeOfLastFrame = SDL_GetTicks();
				std::list<State*>::iterator i = _states.end();
				while (i != _states.begin() && !(*i)->isScreen());
				for (; i != _states.end(); ++i)
		// Save on CPU
		switch (runningState)
			case RUNNING: 
				SDL_Delay(1); //Save CPU from going 100%
			case SLOWED: case PAUSED:
				SDL_Delay(100); break; //More slowing down.
 * Stops the state machine and the game is shut down.
void Game::quit()
	// Always save ironman
	if (_save != 0 && _save->isIronman() && !_save->getName().empty())
		std::string filename = CrossPlatform::sanitizeFilename(Unicode::convUtf8ToPath(_save->getName())) + ".sav";
	_quit = true;
 * Changes the audio volume of the music and
 * sound effect channels.
 * @param sound Sound volume, from 0 to MIX_MAX_VOLUME.
 * @param music Music volume, from 0 to MIX_MAX_VOLUME.
 * @param ui UI volume, from 0 to MIX_MAX_VOLUME.
void Game::setVolume(int sound, int music, int ui)
	if (!Options::mute)
		if (sound >= 0)
			sound = volumeExponent(sound) * (double)SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME;
			Mix_Volume(-1, sound);
			if (_save && _save->getSavedBattle())
				Mix_Volume(3, sound * _save->getSavedBattle()->getAmbientVolume());
				// channel 3: reserved for ambient sound effect.
				Mix_Volume(3, sound / 2);
		if (music >= 0)
			music = volumeExponent(music) * (double)SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME;
		if (ui >= 0)
			ui = volumeExponent(ui) * (double)SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME;
			Mix_Volume(1, ui);
			Mix_Volume(2, ui);
double Game::volumeExponent(int volume)
	return (exp(log(Game::VOLUME_GRADIENT + 1.0) * volume / (double)SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME) -1.0 ) / Game::VOLUME_GRADIENT;
 * Returns the display screen used by the game.
 * @return Pointer to the screen.
Screen *Game::getScreen() const
	return _screen;
 * Returns the mouse cursor used by the game.
 * @return Pointer to the cursor.
Cursor *Game::getCursor() const
	return _cursor;
 * Returns the FpsCounter used by the game.
 * @return Pointer to the FpsCounter.
FpsCounter *Game::getFpsCounter() const
	return _fpsCounter;
 * Pops all the states currently in stack and pushes in the new state.
 * A shortcut for cleaning up all the old states when they're not necessary
 * like in one-way transitions.
 * @param state Pointer to the new state.
void Game::setState(State *state)
	while (!_states.empty())
	_init = false;
 * Pushes a new state into the top of the stack and initializes it.
 * The new state will be used once the next game cycle starts.
 * @param state Pointer to the new state.
void Game::pushState(State *state)
	_init = false;
 * Pops the last state from the top of the stack. Since states
 * can't actually be deleted mid-cycle, it's moved into a separate queue
 * which is cleared at the start of every cycle, so the transition
 * is seamless.
void Game::popState()
	_init = false;
 * Returns the language currently in use by the game.
 * @return Pointer to the language.
Language *Game::getLanguage() const
	return _lang;
 * Returns the saved game currently in use by the game.
 * @return Pointer to the saved game.
SavedGame *Game::getSavedGame() const
	return _save;
 * Sets a new saved game for the game to use.
 * @param save Pointer to the saved game.
void Game::setSavedGame(SavedGame *save)
	delete _save;
	_save = save;
 * Returns the mod currently in use by the game.
 * @return Pointer to the mod.
Mod *Game::getMod() const
	return _mod;
 * Loads the mods specified in the game options.
void Game::loadMods()
	delete _mod;
	_mod = new Mod();
 * Sets whether the mouse is activated.
 * If it is, mouse events are processed, otherwise
 * they are ignored and the cursor is hidden.
 * @param active Is mouse activated?
void Game::setMouseActive(bool active)
	_mouseActive = active;
 * Returns whether current state is *state
 * @param state The state to test against the stack state
 * @return Is state the current state?
bool Game::isState(State *state) const
	return !_states.empty() && _states.back() == state;
 * Checks if the game is currently quitting.
 * @return whether the game is shutting down or not.
bool Game::isQuitting() const
	return _quit;
 * Loads the most appropriate languages
 * given current system and game options.
void Game::loadLanguages()
	const std::string defaultLang = "en-US";
	std::string currentLang = defaultLang;
	std::ostringstream ss;
	ss << "common/Language/" << defaultLang << ".yml";
	std::string defaultPath = CrossPlatform::searchDataFile(ss.str());
	std::string path = defaultPath;
	// No language set, detect based on system
	if (Options::language.empty())
		std::string locale = CrossPlatform::getLocale();
		std::string lang = locale.substr(0, locale.find_first_of('-'));
		// Try to load full locale
		Unicode::replace(path, defaultLang, locale);
		if (Language::isSupported(locale) && CrossPlatform::fileExists(path))
			currentLang = locale;
			// Try to load language locale
			Unicode::replace(path, locale, lang);
			if (Language::isSupported(lang) && CrossPlatform::fileExists(path))
				currentLang = lang;
			// Give up, use default
				currentLang = defaultLang;
		// Use options language
		Unicode::replace(path, defaultLang, Options::language);
		if (CrossPlatform::fileExists(path))
			currentLang = Options::language;
		// Language not found, use default
			currentLang = defaultLang;
	Options::language = currentLang;
	delete _lang;
	_lang = new Language();
	// Load default and current language
	std::ostringstream ssDefault, ssCurrent;
	ssDefault << "/Language/" << defaultLang << ".yml";
	ssCurrent << "/Language/" << currentLang << ".yml";
	_lang->loadFile(CrossPlatform::searchDataFile("common" + ssDefault.str()));
	if (currentLang != defaultLang)
		_lang->loadFile(CrossPlatform::searchDataFile("common" + ssCurrent.str()));
	// if this is a master but it has a master of its own, allow it to
	// chainload the "super" master, including its languages
	ModInfo modInfo = Options::getModInfo(Options::getActiveMaster());
	if (!modInfo.getMaster().empty())
		ModInfo masterInfo = Options::getModInfo(modInfo.getMaster());
		_lang->loadFile(masterInfo.getPath() + ssDefault.str());
		if (currentLang != defaultLang)
			_lang->loadFile(masterInfo.getPath() + ssCurrent.str());
	std::vector<const ModInfo*> activeMods = Options::getActiveMods();
	for (std::vector<const ModInfo*>::const_iterator i = activeMods.begin(); i != activeMods.end(); ++i)
		_lang->loadFile((*i)->getPath() + ssDefault.str());
		if (currentLang != defaultLang)
			_lang->loadFile((*i)->getPath() + ssCurrent.str());
	_lang->loadRule(_mod->getExtraStrings(), defaultLang);
	if (currentLang != defaultLang)
		_lang->loadRule(_mod->getExtraStrings(), currentLang);
 * Initializes the audio subsystem.
void Game::initAudio()
	Uint16 format = MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT;
	if (Options::audioBitDepth == 8)
		format = AUDIO_S8;
	if (Options::audioSampleRate % 11025 != 0)
		Log(LOG_WARNING) << "Custom sample rate " << Options::audioSampleRate << "Hz, audio that doesn't match will be distorted!";
		Log(LOG_WARNING) << "SDL_mixer only supports multiples of 11025Hz.";
	int minChunk = Options::audioSampleRate / 11025 * 512;
	Options::audioChunkSize = std::max(minChunk, Options::audioChunkSize);
	if (Mix_OpenAudio(Options::audioSampleRate, format, MIX_DEFAULT_CHANNELS, Options::audioChunkSize) != 0)
		Log(LOG_ERROR) << Mix_GetError();
		Log(LOG_WARNING) << "No sound device detected, audio disabled.";
		Options::mute = true;
		// Set up UI channels
		Mix_GroupChannels(1, 2, 0);
		Log(LOG_INFO) << "SDL_mixer initialized successfully.";
		setVolume(Options::soundVolume, Options::musicVolume, Options::uiVolume);

V1002 The 'Action' class, containing pointers, constructor and destructor, is copied by the automatically generated copy constructor.

V1002 The 'Action' class, containing pointers, constructor and destructor, is copied by the automatically generated copy constructor.

V641 The size of the '& _event' buffer is not a multiple of the element size of the type 'SDL_ActiveEvent'.

V730 It is possible that not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: _event.

V768 The variable 'captureMouse' is of enum type. It is odd that it is used as a variable of a Boolean-type.

V1048 The 'currentLang' variable was assigned the same value.

V1048 The 'currentLang' variable was assigned the same value.

V796 It is possible that 'break' statement is missing in switch statement.