 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <SDL_gfxPrimitives.h>
#include "Map.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "BattlescapeState.h"
#include "AbortMissionState.h"
#include "TileEngine.h"
#include "ActionMenuState.h"
#include "UnitInfoState.h"
#include "InventoryState.h"
#include "Pathfinding.h"
#include "BattlescapeGame.h"
#include "WarningMessage.h"
#include "DebriefingState.h"
#include "MiniMapState.h"
#include "BattlescapeGenerator.h"
#include "BriefingState.h"
#include "../lodepng.h"
#include "../fmath.h"
#include "../Engine/Game.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "../Engine/LocalizedText.h"
#include "../Engine/Palette.h"
#include "../Engine/Surface.h"
#include "../Engine/SurfaceSet.h"
#include "../Engine/Screen.h"
#include "../Engine/Sound.h"
#include "../Engine/Action.h"
#include "../Engine/Logger.h"
#include "../Engine/Timer.h"
#include "../Engine/CrossPlatform.h"
#include "../Interface/Cursor.h"
#include "../Interface/Text.h"
#include "../Interface/Bar.h"
#include "../Interface/BattlescapeButton.h"
#include "../Interface/NumberText.h"
#include "../Menu/CutsceneState.h"
#include "../Menu/PauseState.h"
#include "../Menu/LoadGameState.h"
#include "../Menu/SaveGameState.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleItem.h"
#include "../Mod/AlienDeployment.h"
#include "../Mod/Armor.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleUfo.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedBattleGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/Tile.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleUnit.h"
#include "../Savegame/Soldier.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleItem.h"
#include "../Savegame/Ufo.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleInterface.h"
namespace OpenXcom
 * Initializes all the elements in the Battlescape screen.
 * @param game Pointer to the core game.
BattlescapeState::BattlescapeState() : _reserve(0), _firstInit(true), _isMouseScrolling(false), _isMouseScrolled(false), _xBeforeMouseScrolling(0), _yBeforeMouseScrolling(0), _totalMouseMoveX(0), _totalMouseMoveY(0), _mouseMovedOverThreshold(0), _mouseOverIcons(false), _autosave(false)
	std::fill_n(_visibleUnit, 10, (BattleUnit*)(0));
	const int screenWidth = Options::baseXResolution;
	const int screenHeight = Options::baseYResolution;
	const int iconsWidth = _game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("icons")->w;
	const int iconsHeight = _game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("icons")->h;
	const int visibleMapHeight = screenHeight - iconsHeight;
	const int x = screenWidth/2 - iconsWidth/2;
	const int y = screenHeight - iconsHeight;
	// Create buttonbar - this should be on the centerbottom of the screen
	_icons = new InteractiveSurface(iconsWidth, iconsHeight, x, y);
	// Create the battlemap view
	// the actual map height is the total height minus the height of the buttonbar
	_map = new Map(_game, screenWidth, screenHeight, 0, 0, visibleMapHeight);
	_numLayers = new NumberText(3, 5, x + 232, y + 6);
	_rank = new Surface(26, 23, x + 107, y + 33);
	// Create buttons
	_btnUnitUp = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 48, y);
	_btnUnitDown = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 48, y + 16);
	_btnMapUp = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 80, y);
	_btnMapDown = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 80, y + 16);
	_btnShowMap = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 112, y);
	_btnKneel = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 112, y + 16);
	_btnInventory = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 144, y);
	_btnCenter = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 144, y + 16);
	_btnNextSoldier = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 176, y);
	_btnNextStop = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 176, y + 16);
	_btnShowLayers = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 208, y);
	_btnHelp = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 208, y + 16);
	_btnEndTurn = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 240, y);
	_btnAbort = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 240, y + 16);
	_btnStats = new InteractiveSurface(164, 23, x + 107, y + 33);
	_btnReserveNone = new BattlescapeButton(17, 11, x + 60, y + 33);
	_btnReserveSnap = new BattlescapeButton(17, 11, x + 78, y + 33);
	_btnReserveAimed = new BattlescapeButton(17, 11, x + 60, y + 45);
	_btnReserveAuto = new BattlescapeButton(17, 11, x + 78, y + 45);
	_btnReserveKneel = new BattlescapeButton(10, 23, x + 96, y + 33);
	_btnZeroTUs = new BattlescapeButton(10, 23, x + 49, y + 33);
	_btnLeftHandItem = new InteractiveSurface(32, 48, x + 8, y + 4);
	_numAmmoLeft = new NumberText(30, 5, x + 8, y + 4);
	_btnRightHandItem = new InteractiveSurface(32, 48, x + 280, y + 4);
	_numAmmoRight = new NumberText(30, 5, x + 280, y + 4);
	const int visibleUnitX = _game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("visibleUnits")->x;
	const int visibleUnitY = _game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("visibleUnits")->y;
	for (int i = 0; i < VISIBLE_MAX; ++i)
		_btnVisibleUnit[i] = new InteractiveSurface(15, 12, x + visibleUnitX, y + visibleUnitY - (i * 13));
		_numVisibleUnit[i] = new NumberText(15, 12, _btnVisibleUnit[i]->getX() + 6 , _btnVisibleUnit[i]->getY() + 4);
	_numVisibleUnit[9]->setX(_numVisibleUnit[9]->getX() - 2); // center number 10
	_warning = new WarningMessage(224, 24, x + 48, y + 32);
	_btnLaunch = new BattlescapeButton(32, 24, screenWidth - 32, 0); // we need screenWidth, because that is independent of the black bars on the screen
	_btnPsi = new BattlescapeButton(32, 24, screenWidth - 32, 25); // we need screenWidth, because that is independent of the black bars on the screen
	// Create soldier stats summary
	_txtName = new Text(136, 10, x + 135, y + 32);
	_numTimeUnits = new NumberText(15, 5, x + 136, y + 42);
	_barTimeUnits = new Bar(102, 3, x + 170, y + 41);
	_numEnergy = new NumberText(15, 5, x + 154, y + 42);
	_barEnergy = new Bar(102, 3, x + 170, y + 45);
	_numHealth = new NumberText(15, 5, x + 136, y + 50);
	_barHealth= new Bar(102, 3, x + 170, y + 49);
	_numMorale = new NumberText(15, 5, x + 154, y + 50);
	_barMorale = new Bar(102, 3, x + 170, y + 53);
	_txtDebug = new Text(300, 10, 20, 0);
	_txtTooltip = new Text(300, 10, x + 2, y - 10);
	// Set palette
	if (_game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("pathfinding"))
		Element *pathing = _game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("pathfinding");
		Pathfinding::green = pathing->color;
		Pathfinding::yellow = pathing->color2;
		Pathfinding::red = pathing->border;
	// Add in custom reserve buttons
	Surface *icons = _game->getMod()->getSurface("ICONS.PCK");
	if (_game->getMod()->getSurface("TFTDReserve", false))
		Surface *tftdIcons = _game->getMod()->getSurface("TFTDReserve");
	// there is some cropping going on here, because the icons image is 320x200 while we only need the bottom of it.
	SDL_Rect *r = icons->getCrop();
	r->x = 0;
	r->y = 200 - iconsHeight;
	r->w = iconsWidth;
	r->h = iconsHeight;
	// we need to blit the icons before we add the battlescape buttons, as they copy the underlying parent surface.
	// this is a hack to fix the single transparent pixel on TFTD's icon panel.
	if (_game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("icons")->TFTDMode)
		_icons->setPixel(46, 44, 8);
	add(_rank, "rank", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnUnitUp, "buttonUnitUp", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnUnitDown, "buttonUnitDown", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnMapUp, "buttonMapUp", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnMapDown, "buttonMapDown", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnShowMap, "buttonShowMap", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnKneel, "buttonKneel", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnInventory, "buttonInventory", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnCenter, "buttonCenter", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnNextSoldier, "buttonNextSoldier", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnNextStop, "buttonNextStop", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnShowLayers, "buttonShowLayers", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_numLayers, "numLayers", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnHelp, "buttonHelp", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnEndTurn, "buttonEndTurn", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnAbort, "buttonAbort", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnStats, "buttonStats", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_txtName, "textName", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_numTimeUnits, "numTUs", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_numEnergy, "numEnergy", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_numHealth, "numHealth", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_numMorale, "numMorale", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_barTimeUnits, "barTUs", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_barEnergy, "barEnergy", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_barHealth, "barHealth", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_barMorale, "barMorale", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnReserveNone, "buttonReserveNone", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnReserveSnap, "buttonReserveSnap", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnReserveAimed, "buttonReserveAimed", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnReserveAuto, "buttonReserveAuto", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnReserveKneel, "buttonReserveKneel", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnZeroTUs, "buttonZeroTUs", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnLeftHandItem, "buttonLeftHand", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_numAmmoLeft, "numAmmoLeft", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnRightHandItem, "buttonRightHand", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_numAmmoRight, "numAmmoRight", "battlescape", _icons);
	for (int i = 0; i < VISIBLE_MAX; ++i)
	add(_warning, "warning", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_txtTooltip, "textTooltip", "battlescape", _icons);
	// Set up objects
	_save = _game->getSavedGame()->getSavedBattle();
	_map->onMouseClick((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::mapClick, 0);
	_btnMapUp->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnMapUpClick, Options::keyBattleLevelUp);
	_btnMapDown->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnMapDownClick, Options::keyBattleLevelDown);
	_btnShowMap->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnShowMapClick, Options::keyBattleMap);
	_btnKneel->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnKneelClick, Options::keyBattleKneel);
	_btnInventory->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnInventoryClick, Options::keyBattleInventory);
	_btnCenter->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnCenterClick, Options::keyBattleCenterUnit);
	_btnNextSoldier->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnNextSoldierClick, Options::keyBattleNextUnit);
	_btnNextSoldier->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnPrevSoldierClick, Options::keyBattlePrevUnit);
	_btnNextStop->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnNextStopClick, Options::keyBattleDeselectUnit);
	_btnHelp->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnHelpClick, Options::keyBattleOptions);
	_btnEndTurn->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnEndTurnClick, Options::keyBattleEndTurn);
	_btnAbort->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnAbortClick, Options::keyBattleAbort);
	_btnStats->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnStatsClick, Options::keyBattleStats);
	_btnLeftHandItem->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnLeftHandItemClick, Options::keyBattleUseLeftHand);
	_btnRightHandItem->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnRightHandItemClick, Options::keyBattleUseRightHand);
	_btnReserveNone->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnReserveClick, Options::keyBattleReserveNone);
	_btnReserveSnap->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnReserveClick, Options::keyBattleReserveSnap);
	_btnReserveAimed->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnReserveClick, Options::keyBattleReserveAimed);
	_btnReserveAuto->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnReserveClick, Options::keyBattleReserveAuto);
	_btnReserveKneel->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnReserveKneelClick, Options::keyBattleReserveKneel);
	_btnZeroTUs->onMouseClick((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnZeroTUsClick, SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT);
	_btnZeroTUs->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnZeroTUsClick, Options::keyBattleZeroTUs);
	// shortcuts without a specific button
	_btnStats->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnReloadClick, Options::keyBattleReload);
	_btnStats->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnPersonalLightingClick, Options::keyBattlePersonalLighting);
	SDLKey buttons[] = {Options::keyBattleCenterEnemy1,
	Uint8 color = _game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("visibleUnits")->color;
	for (int i = 0; i < VISIBLE_MAX; ++i)
		std::ostringstream tooltip;
		_btnVisibleUnit[i]->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnVisibleUnitClick, buttons[i]);
		tooltip << "STR_CENTER_ON_ENEMY_" << (i+1);
	// Set music
	if (_save->getMusic().empty())
	_animTimer = new Timer(DEFAULT_ANIM_SPEED, true);
	_gameTimer = new Timer(DEFAULT_ANIM_SPEED, true);
	_battleGame = new BattlescapeGame(_save, this);
	_barHealthColor = _barHealth->getColor();
 * Deletes the battlescapestate.
	delete _animTimer;
	delete _gameTimer;
	delete _battleGame;
 * Initializes the battlescapestate.
void BattlescapeState::init()
	if (_save->getAmbientSound() != -1)
		_game->getMod()->getSoundByDepth(_save->getDepth(), _save->getAmbientSound())->loop();
		_game->setVolume(Options::soundVolume, Options::musicVolume, Options::uiVolume);
	switch (_save->getTUReserved())
		_reserve = _btnReserveSnap;
		_reserve = _btnReserveAimed;
		_reserve = _btnReserveAuto;
		_reserve = _btnReserveNone;
	if (_firstInit)
		if (!playableUnitSelected())
		if (playableUnitSelected())
		_firstInit = false;
	if (_autosave)
		_autosave = false;
		if (_game->getSavedGame()->isIronman())
			_game->pushState(new SaveGameState(OPT_BATTLESCAPE, SAVE_IRONMAN, _palette));
		else if (Options::autosave)
			_game->pushState(new SaveGameState(OPT_BATTLESCAPE, SAVE_AUTO_BATTLESCAPE, _palette));
 * Runs the timers and handles popups.
void BattlescapeState::think()
	static bool popped = false;
	if (_gameTimer->isRunning())
		if (_popups.empty())
			_animTimer->think(this, 0);
			_gameTimer->think(this, 0);
			if (popped)
				popped = false;
			// Handle popups
			popped = true;
 * Processes any mouse moving over the map.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::mapOver(Action *action)
	if (_isMouseScrolling && action->getDetails()->type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION)
		// The following is the workaround for a rare problem where sometimes
		// the mouse-release event is missed for any reason.
		// (checking: is the dragScroll-mouse-button still pressed?)
		// However if the SDL is also missed the release event, then it is to no avail :(
		if ((SDL_GetMouseState(0,0)&SDL_BUTTON(Options::battleDragScrollButton)) == 0)
		{ // so we missed again the mouse-release :(
			// Check if we have to revoke the scrolling, because it was too short in time, so it was a click
			if ((!_mouseMovedOverThreshold) && ((int)(SDL_GetTicks() - _mouseScrollingStartTime) <= (Options::dragScrollTimeTolerance)))
			_isMouseScrolled = _isMouseScrolling = false;
		_isMouseScrolled = true;
		if (Options::touchEnabled == false)
			// Set the mouse cursor back
			SDL_WarpMouse(_game->getScreen()->getWidth() / 2, _game->getScreen()->getHeight() / 2 - _map->getIconHeight() / 2);
		// Check the threshold
		_totalMouseMoveX += action->getDetails()->motion.xrel;
		_totalMouseMoveY += action->getDetails()->motion.yrel;
		if (!_mouseMovedOverThreshold)
			_mouseMovedOverThreshold = ((std::abs(_totalMouseMoveX) > Options::dragScrollPixelTolerance) || (std::abs(_totalMouseMoveY) > Options::dragScrollPixelTolerance));
		// Scrolling
		if (Options::battleDragScrollInvert)
			int scrollX = -(int)((double)_totalMouseMoveX / action->getXScale());
			int scrollY = -(int)((double)_totalMouseMoveY / action->getYScale());
			Position delta2 = _map->getCamera()->getMapOffset();
			_map->getCamera()->scrollXY(scrollX, scrollY, true);
			delta2 = _map->getCamera()->getMapOffset() - delta2;
			// Keep the limits...
			if (scrollX != delta2.x || scrollY != delta2.y)
				_totalMouseMoveX = -(int) (delta2.x * action->getXScale());
				_totalMouseMoveY = -(int) (delta2.y * action->getYScale());
			if (Options::touchEnabled == false)
				action->getDetails()->motion.x = _xBeforeMouseScrolling;
				action->getDetails()->motion.y = _yBeforeMouseScrolling;
			Position delta = _map->getCamera()->getMapOffset();
			int scrollX = (int)((double)_totalMouseMoveX / action->getXScale());
			int scrollY = (int)((double)_totalMouseMoveY / action->getYScale());
			Position delta2 = _map->getCamera()->getMapOffset();
			_map->getCamera()->scrollXY(scrollX, scrollY, true);
			delta2 = _map->getCamera()->getMapOffset() - delta2;
			delta = _map->getCamera()->getMapOffset() - delta;
			// Keep the limits...
			if (scrollX != delta2.x || scrollY != delta2.y)
				_totalMouseMoveX = (int) (delta2.x * action->getXScale());
				_totalMouseMoveY = (int) (delta2.y * action->getYScale());
			int barWidth = _game->getScreen()->getCursorLeftBlackBand();
			int barHeight = _game->getScreen()->getCursorTopBlackBand();
			int cursorX = _cursorPosition.x + Round(delta.x * action->getXScale());
			int cursorY = _cursorPosition.y + Round(delta.y * action->getYScale());
			_cursorPosition.x = Clamp(cursorX, barWidth, _game->getScreen()->getWidth() - barWidth - (int)(Round(action->getXScale())));
			_cursorPosition.y = Clamp(cursorY, barHeight, _game->getScreen()->getHeight() - barHeight - (int)(Round(action->getYScale())));
			if (Options::touchEnabled == false)
				action->getDetails()->motion.x = _cursorPosition.x;
				action->getDetails()->motion.y = _cursorPosition.y;
		// We don't want to look the mouse-cursor jumping :)
 * Processes any presses on the map.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::mapPress(Action *action)
	// don't handle mouseclicks over the buttons (it overlaps with map surface)
	if (_mouseOverIcons) return;
	if (action->getDetails()->button.button == Options::battleDragScrollButton)
		_isMouseScrolling = true;
		_isMouseScrolled = false;
		SDL_GetMouseState(&_xBeforeMouseScrolling, &_yBeforeMouseScrolling);
		_mapOffsetBeforeMouseScrolling = _map->getCamera()->getMapOffset();
		if (!Options::battleDragScrollInvert && _cursorPosition.z == 0)
			_cursorPosition.x = action->getDetails()->motion.x;
			_cursorPosition.y = action->getDetails()->motion.y;
			// the Z is irrelevant to our mouse position, but we can use it as a boolean to check if the position is set or not
			_cursorPosition.z = 1;
		_totalMouseMoveX = 0; _totalMouseMoveY = 0;
		_mouseMovedOverThreshold = false;
		_mouseScrollingStartTime = SDL_GetTicks();
 * Processes any clicks on the map to
 * command units.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::mapClick(Action *action)
	// The following is the workaround for a rare problem where sometimes
	// the mouse-release event is missed for any reason.
	// However if the SDL is also missed the release event, then it is to no avail :(
	// (this part handles the release if it is missed and now an other button is used)
	if (_isMouseScrolling)
		if (action->getDetails()->button.button != Options::battleDragScrollButton
		&& (SDL_GetMouseState(0,0)&SDL_BUTTON(Options::battleDragScrollButton)) == 0)
		{   // so we missed again the mouse-release :(
			// Check if we have to revoke the scrolling, because it was too short in time, so it was a click
			if ((!_mouseMovedOverThreshold) && ((int)(SDL_GetTicks() - _mouseScrollingStartTime) <= (Options::dragScrollTimeTolerance)))
			_isMouseScrolled = _isMouseScrolling = false;
	// DragScroll-Button release: release mouse-scroll-mode
	if (_isMouseScrolling)
		// While scrolling, other buttons are ineffective
		if (action->getDetails()->button.button == Options::battleDragScrollButton)
			_isMouseScrolling = false;
		// Check if we have to revoke the scrolling, because it was too short in time, so it was a click
		if ((!_mouseMovedOverThreshold) && ((int)(SDL_GetTicks() - _mouseScrollingStartTime) <= (Options::dragScrollTimeTolerance)))
			_isMouseScrolled = false;
		if (_isMouseScrolled) return;
	// right-click aborts walking state
	if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)
		if (_battleGame->cancelCurrentAction())
	// don't handle mouseclicks over the buttons (it overlaps with map surface)
	if (_mouseOverIcons) return;
	// don't accept leftclicks if there is no cursor or there is an action busy
	if (_map->getCursorType() == CT_NONE || _battleGame->isBusy()) return;
	Position pos;
	if (_save->getDebugMode())
		std::ostringstream ss;
		ss << "Clicked " << pos;
	if (_save->getTile(pos) != 0) // don't allow to click into void
		if ((action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT || (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_ALT) != 0)) && playableUnitSelected())
		else if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)
 * Handles mouse entering the map surface.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::mapIn(Action *)
	_isMouseScrolling = false;
	_map->setButtonsPressed(Options::battleDragScrollButton, false);
 * Moves the selected unit up.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnUnitUpClick(Action *)
	if (playableUnitSelected() && _save->getPathfinding()->validateUpDown(_save->getSelectedUnit(), _save->getSelectedUnit()->getPosition(), Pathfinding::DIR_UP))
		_battleGame->moveUpDown(_save->getSelectedUnit(), Pathfinding::DIR_UP);
 * Moves the selected unit down.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnUnitDownClick(Action *)
	if (playableUnitSelected() && _save->getPathfinding()->validateUpDown(_save->getSelectedUnit(), _save->getSelectedUnit()->getPosition(), Pathfinding::DIR_DOWN))
		_battleGame->moveUpDown(_save->getSelectedUnit(), Pathfinding::DIR_DOWN);
 * Shows the next map layer.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnMapUpClick(Action *)
	if (_save->getSide() == FACTION_PLAYER || _save->getDebugMode())
 * Shows the previous map layer.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnMapDownClick(Action *)
	if (_save->getSide() == FACTION_PLAYER || _save->getDebugMode())
 * Shows the minimap.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnShowMapClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
		_game->pushState (new MiniMapState (_map->getCamera(), _save));
void BattlescapeState::toggleKneelButton(BattleUnit* unit)
	if (_btnKneel->isTFTDMode())
		_btnKneel->toggle(unit && unit->isKneeled());
		_game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("KneelButton")->getFrame((unit && unit->isKneeled()) ? 1 : 0)->blit(_btnKneel);
 * Toggles the current unit's kneel/standup status.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnKneelClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
		BattleUnit *bu = _save->getSelectedUnit();
		if (bu)
			// update any path preview when unit kneels
			if (_battleGame->getPathfinding()->isPathPreviewed())
				_battleGame->getPathfinding()->calculate(_battleGame->getCurrentAction()->actor, _battleGame->getCurrentAction()->target);
 * Goes to the soldier info screen.
 * Additionally resets TUs for current side in debug mode.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnInventoryClick(Action *)
	if (_save->getDebugMode())
		for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = _save->getUnits()->begin(); i != _save->getUnits()->end(); ++i)
			if ((*i)->getFaction() == _save->getSide())
	if (playableUnitSelected()
		&& (_save->getSelectedUnit()->hasInventory() || _save->getDebugMode()))
		_game->pushState(new InventoryState(!_save->getDebugMode(), this));
 * Centers on the currently selected soldier.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnCenterClick(Action *)
	if (playableUnitSelected())
 * Selects the next soldier.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnNextSoldierClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
		selectNextPlayerUnit(true, false);
 * Disables reselection of the current soldier and selects the next soldier.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnNextStopClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
		selectNextPlayerUnit(true, true);
 * Selects next soldier.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnPrevSoldierClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
 * Selects the next soldier.
 * @param checkReselect When true, don't select a unit that has been previously flagged.
 * @param setReselect When true, flag the current unit first.
 * @param checkInventory When true, don't select a unit that has no inventory.
void BattlescapeState::selectNextPlayerUnit(bool checkReselect, bool setReselect, bool checkInventory, bool checkFOV)
	if (allowButtons())
		BattleUnit *unit = _save->selectNextPlayerUnit(checkReselect, setReselect, checkInventory);
		if (unit) _map->getCamera()->centerOnPosition(unit->getPosition());
		_battleGame->getCurrentAction()->actor = unit;
 * Selects the previous soldier.
 * @param checkReselect When true, don't select a unit that has been previously flagged.
 * @param setReselect When true, flag the current unit first.
 * @param checkInventory When true, don't select a unit that has no inventory.
void BattlescapeState::selectPreviousPlayerUnit(bool checkReselect, bool setReselect, bool checkInventory)
	if (allowButtons())
		BattleUnit *unit = _save->selectPreviousPlayerUnit(checkReselect, setReselect, checkInventory);
		if (unit) _map->getCamera()->centerOnPosition(unit->getPosition());
		_battleGame->getCurrentAction()->actor = unit;
 * Shows/hides all map layers.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnShowLayersClick(Action *)
 * Shows options.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnHelpClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons(true))
		_game->pushState(new PauseState(OPT_BATTLESCAPE));
 * Requests the end of turn. This will add a 0 to the end of the state queue,
 * so all ongoing actions, like explosions are finished first before really switching turn.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnEndTurnClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
 * Aborts the game.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnAbortClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
		_game->pushState(new AbortMissionState(_save, this));
 * Shows the selected soldier's info.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnStatsClick(Action *action)
	if (playableUnitSelected())
		bool scroll = false;
		if (SCROLL_TRIGGER == Options::battleEdgeScroll &&
			SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP == action->getDetails()->type && SDL_BUTTON_LEFT == action->getDetails()->button.button)
			int posX = action->getXMouse();
			int posY = action->getYMouse();
			if ((posX < (Camera::SCROLL_BORDER * action->getXScale()) && posX > 0)
				|| (posX > (_map->getWidth() - Camera::SCROLL_BORDER) * action->getXScale())
				|| (posY < (Camera::SCROLL_BORDER * action->getYScale()) && posY > 0)
				|| (posY > (_map->getHeight() - Camera::SCROLL_BORDER) * action->getYScale()))
				// To avoid handling this event as a click
				// on the stats button when the mouse is on the scroll-border
				scroll = true;
		if (!scroll)
			popup(new UnitInfoState(_save->getSelectedUnit(), this, false, false));
 * Shows an action popup menu. When clicked, creates the action.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnLeftHandItemClick(Action *)
	if (playableUnitSelected())
		// concession for touch devices:
		// click on the item to cancel action, and don't pop up a menu to select a new one
		// TODO: wrap this in an IFDEF ?
		if (_battleGame->getCurrentAction()->targeting)
		BattleUnit *unit = _save->getSelectedUnit();
		BattleItem *leftHandItem = getLeftHandItem(unit);
		if (leftHandItem != getSpecialMeleeWeapon(unit))
 * Shows an action popup menu. When clicked, create the action.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnRightHandItemClick(Action *)
	if (playableUnitSelected())
		// concession for touch devices:
		// click on the item to cancel action, and don't pop up a menu to select a new one
		// TODO: wrap this in an IFDEF ?
		if (_battleGame->getCurrentAction()->targeting)
		BattleUnit *unit = _save->getSelectedUnit();
		BattleItem *rightHandItem = getRightHandItem(unit);
		if (rightHandItem != getSpecialMeleeWeapon(unit))
 * Centers on the unit corresponding to this button.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnVisibleUnitClick(Action *action)
	int btnID = -1;
	// got to find out which button was pressed
	for (int i = 0; i < VISIBLE_MAX && btnID == -1; ++i)
		if (action->getSender() == _btnVisibleUnit[i])
			btnID = i;
	if (btnID != -1)
	action->getDetails()->type = SDL_NOEVENT; // consume the event
 * Launches the blaster bomb.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnLaunchClick(Action *action)
	action->getDetails()->type = SDL_NOEVENT; // consume the event
 * Uses psionics.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnPsiClick(Action *action)
	action->getDetails()->type = SDL_NOEVENT; // consume the event
 * Reserves time units.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnReserveClick(Action *action)
	if (allowButtons())
		SDL_Event ev;
		ev.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT;
		Action a = Action(&ev, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0);
		action->getSender()->mousePress(&a, this);
		if (_reserve == _btnReserveNone)
		else if (_reserve == _btnReserveSnap)
		else if (_reserve == _btnReserveAimed)
		else if (_reserve == _btnReserveAuto)
		// update any path preview
		if (_battleGame->getPathfinding()->isPathPreviewed())
 * Reloads the weapon in hand.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnReloadClick(Action *)
	if (playableUnitSelected() && _save->getSelectedUnit()->checkAmmo())
		_game->getMod()->getSoundByDepth(_save->getDepth(), Mod::ITEM_RELOAD)->play(-1, getMap()->getSoundAngle(_save->getSelectedUnit()->getPosition()));
 * Toggles soldier's personal lighting (purely cosmetic).
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnPersonalLightingClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
 * Determines whether a playable unit is selected. Normally only player side units can be selected, but in debug mode one can play with aliens too :)
 * Is used to see if action buttons will work.
 * @return Whether a playable unit is selected.
bool BattlescapeState::playableUnitSelected()
	return _save->getSelectedUnit() != 0 && allowButtons();
 * Updates a soldier's name/rank/tu/energy/health/morale.
void BattlescapeState::updateSoldierInfo(bool checkFOV)
	BattleUnit *battleUnit = _save->getSelectedUnit();
	for (int i = 0; i < VISIBLE_MAX; ++i)
		_visibleUnit[i] = 0;
	bool playableUnit = _battleGame->playableUnitSelected();
	if (!playableUnit)
	_txtName->setText(battleUnit->getName(_game->getLanguage(), false));
	Soldier *soldier = battleUnit->getGeoscapeSoldier();
	if (soldier != 0)
		SurfaceSet *texture = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("SMOKE.PCK");
		texture->getFrame(20 + soldier->getRank())->blit(_rank);
	BattleItem *leftHandItem = getLeftHandItem(battleUnit);
	if (leftHandItem)
		leftHandItem->getRules()->drawHandSprite(_game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("BIGOBS.PCK"), _btnLeftHandItem);
		if (leftHandItem->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_FIREARM && (leftHandItem->needsAmmo() || leftHandItem->getRules()->getClipSize() > 0))
			if (leftHandItem->getAmmoItem())
	BattleItem *rightHandItem = getRightHandItem(battleUnit);
	if (rightHandItem)
		rightHandItem->getRules()->drawHandSprite(_game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("BIGOBS.PCK"), _btnRightHandItem);
		if (rightHandItem->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_FIREARM && (rightHandItem->needsAmmo() || rightHandItem->getRules()->getClipSize() > 0))
			if (rightHandItem->getAmmoItem())
	if (checkFOV)
	int j = 0;
	for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = battleUnit->getVisibleUnits()->begin(); i != battleUnit->getVisibleUnits()->end() && j < VISIBLE_MAX; ++i)
		_visibleUnit[j] = (*i);
	showPsiButton(battleUnit->getSpecialWeapon(BT_PSIAMP) != 0);
 * Gets the item currently accessible through the left hand slot in the battlescape UI.
BattleItem *BattlescapeState::getLeftHandItem(BattleUnit *battleUnit)
	BattleItem *melee = getSpecialMeleeWeapon(battleUnit);
	BattleItem *leftHand = battleUnit->getItem("STR_LEFT_HAND");
	// If the unit has a melee weapon, and the right hand is already occupied,
	// allow access to the melee weapon through the left hand slot,
	// provided that the left hand is empty.
	return melee && battleUnit->getItem("STR_RIGHT_HAND") && !leftHand
		? melee
		: leftHand;
 * Gets the item currently accessible through the right hand slot in the battlescape UI.
BattleItem *BattlescapeState::getRightHandItem(BattleUnit *battleUnit)
	BattleItem *melee = getSpecialMeleeWeapon(battleUnit);
	BattleItem *rightHand = battleUnit->getItem("STR_RIGHT_HAND");
	// If the unit has a built-in melee weapon, and the right hand is not occupied,
	// allow access to the melee weapon through the right hand slot.
	return melee && !rightHand ? melee : rightHand;
 * Gets the built-in melee weapon of a unit, if any.
BattleItem *BattlescapeState::getSpecialMeleeWeapon(BattleUnit *battleUnit)
	return battleUnit->getSpecialWeapon(BT_MELEE);
 * Shifts the red colors of the visible unit buttons backgrounds.
void BattlescapeState::blinkVisibleUnitButtons()
	static int delta = 1, color = 32;
	for (int i = 0; i < VISIBLE_MAX;  ++i)
		if (_btnVisibleUnit[i]->getVisible() == true)
			_btnVisibleUnit[i]->drawRect(0, 0, 15, 12, 15);
			_btnVisibleUnit[i]->drawRect(1, 1, 13, 10, color);
	if (color == 44) delta = -2;
	if (color == 32) delta = 1;
	color += delta;
 * Shifts the colors of the health bar when unit has fatal wounds.
void BattlescapeState::blinkHealthBar()
	static Uint8 color = 0, maxcolor = 3, step = 0;
	step = 1 - step;	// 1, 0, 1, 0, ...
	BattleUnit *bu = _save->getSelectedUnit();
	if (step == 0 || bu == 0 || !_barHealth->getVisible()) return;
	if (++color > maxcolor) color = maxcolor - 3;
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		if (bu->getFatalWound(i) > 0)
			_barHealth->setColor(_barHealthColor + color);
	if (_barHealth->getColor() != _barHealthColor) // avoid redrawing if we don't have to
 * Popups a context sensitive list of actions the user can choose from.
 * Some actions result in a change of gamestate.
 * @param item Item the user clicked on (righthand/lefthand)
void BattlescapeState::handleItemClick(BattleItem *item)
	// make sure there is an item, and the battlescape is in an idle state
	if (item && !_battleGame->isBusy())
		_battleGame->getCurrentAction()->weapon = item;
		popup(new ActionMenuState(_battleGame->getCurrentAction(), _icons->getX(), _icons->getY()+16));
 * Animates map objects on the map, also smoke,fire, ...
void BattlescapeState::animate()
 * Handles the battle game state.
void BattlescapeState::handleState()
 * Sets the timer interval for think() calls of the state.
 * @param interval An interval in ms.
void BattlescapeState::setStateInterval(Uint32 interval)
 * Gets pointer to the game. Some states need this info.
 * @return Pointer to game.
Game *BattlescapeState::getGame() const
	return _game;
 * Gets pointer to the map. Some states need this info.
 * @return Pointer to map.
Map *BattlescapeState::getMap() const
	return _map;
 * Shows a debug message in the topleft corner.
 * @param message Debug message.
void BattlescapeState::debug(const std::string &message)
	if (_save->getDebugMode())
 * Shows a warning message.
 * @param message Warning message.
void BattlescapeState::warning(const std::string &message)
 * Takes care of any events from the core game engine.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
inline void BattlescapeState::handle(Action *action)
	if (!_firstInit)
		if (_game->getCursor()->getVisible() || ((action->getDetails()->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN || action->getDetails()->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) && action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT))
			if (Options::touchEnabled == false && _isMouseScrolling && !Options::battleDragScrollInvert)
				_map->setSelectorPosition((_cursorPosition.x - _game->getScreen()->getCursorLeftBlackBand()) / action->getXScale(), (_cursorPosition.y - _game->getScreen()->getCursorTopBlackBand()) / action->getYScale());
			if (action->getDetails()->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
				if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_X1)
				else if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_X2)
			if (action->getDetails()->type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
				if (Options::debug)
					// "ctrl-d" - enable debug mode
					if (action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_d && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
						debug("Debug Mode");
					// "ctrl-v" - reset tile visibility
					else if (_save->getDebugMode() && action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_v && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
						debug("Resetting tile visibility");
					// "ctrl-k" - kill all aliens
					else if (_save->getDebugMode() && action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_k && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
						debug("Influenza bacterium dispersed");
						for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = _save->getUnits()->begin(); i !=_save->getUnits()->end(); ++i)
							if ((*i)->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE && !(*i)->isOut())
								(*i)->damage(Position(0,0,0), 1000, DT_AP, true);
							_save->getBattleGame()->checkForCasualties(0, 0, true, false);
					// "ctrl-j" - stun all aliens
					else if (_save->getDebugMode() && action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_j && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
						debug("Deploying Celine Dion album");
						for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = _save->getUnits()->begin(); i !=_save->getUnits()->end(); ++i)
							if ((*i)->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE && !(*i)->isOut())
								(*i)->damage(Position(0,0,0), 1000, DT_STUN, true);
						_save->getBattleGame()->checkForCasualties(0, 0, true, false);
					// "ctrl-w" - warp unit
					else if (_save->getDebugMode() && action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_w && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
						debug("Beam me up Scotty");
						BattleUnit *unit = _save->getSelectedUnit();
						Position newPos;
						if (unit != 0 && newPos.x >= 0)
					// f11 - voxel map dump
					else if (action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F11)
					// f9 - ai
					else if (action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F9 && Options::traceAI)
				// quick save and quick load
				if (!_game->getSavedGame()->isIronman())
					if (action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == Options::keyQuickSave)
						_game->pushState(new SaveGameState(OPT_BATTLESCAPE, SAVE_QUICK, _palette));
					else if (action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == Options::keyQuickLoad)
						_game->pushState(new LoadGameState(OPT_BATTLESCAPE, SAVE_QUICK, _palette));
				// voxel view dump
				if (action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == Options::keyBattleVoxelView)
 * Saves a map as used by the AI.
void BattlescapeState::saveAIMap()
	Uint32 start = SDL_GetTicks();
	BattleUnit *unit = _save->getSelectedUnit();
	if (!unit) return;
	int w = _save->getMapSizeX();
	int h = _save->getMapSizeY();
	SDL_Surface *img = SDL_AllocSurface(0, w * 8, h * 8, 24, 0xff, 0xff00, 0xff0000, 0);
	Log(LOG_INFO) << "unit = " << unit->getId();
	memset(img->pixels, 0, img->pitch * img->h);
	Position tilePos(unit->getPosition());
	SDL_Rect r;
	r.h = 8;
	r.w = 8;
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		tilePos.y = y;
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			tilePos.x = x;
			Tile *t = _save->getTile(tilePos);
			if (!t) continue;
			if (!t->isDiscovered(2)) continue;
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		tilePos.y = y;
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			tilePos.x = x;
			Tile *t = _save->getTile(tilePos);
			if (!t) continue;
			if (!t->isDiscovered(2)) continue;
			r.x = x * r.w;
			r.y = y * r.h;
			if (t->getTUCost(O_FLOOR, MT_FLY) != 255 && t->getTUCost(O_OBJECT, MT_FLY) != 255)
				SDL_FillRect(img, &r, SDL_MapRGB(img->format, 255, 0, 0x20));
				characterRGBA(img, r.x, r.y,'*' , 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f);
			} else
				if (!t->getUnit()) SDL_FillRect(img, &r, SDL_MapRGB(img->format, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50)); // gray for blocked tile
			for (int z = tilePos.z; z >= 0; --z)
				Position pos(tilePos.x, tilePos.y, z);
				t = _save->getTile(pos);
				BattleUnit *wat = t->getUnit();
				if (wat)
						// #4080C0 is Volutar Blue
						characterRGBA(img, r.x, r.y, (tilePos.z - z) ? 'a' : 'A', 0x40, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xff);
						characterRGBA(img, r.x, r.y, (tilePos.z - z) ? 'x' : 'X', 255, 255, 127, 0xff);
						characterRGBA(img, r.x, r.y, (tilePos.z - z) ? 'c' : 'C', 255, 127, 127, 0xff);
				if (z > 0 && !t->hasNoFloor(_save->getTile(pos))) break; // no seeing through floors
			if (t->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL) && t->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL)->getTUCost(MT_FLY) == 255)
				lineRGBA(img, r.x, r.y, r.x+r.w, r.y, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50, 255);
			if (t->getMapData(O_WESTWALL) && t->getMapData(O_WESTWALL)->getTUCost(MT_FLY) == 255)
				lineRGBA(img, r.x, r.y, r.x, r.y+r.h, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50, 255);
	std::ostringstream ss;
	ss << "z = " << tilePos.z;
	stringRGBA(img, 12, 12, ss.str().c_str(), 0, 0, 0, 0x7f);
	int i = 0;
		ss << Options::getMasterUserFolder() << "AIExposure" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << i << ".png";
	while (CrossPlatform::fileExists(ss.str()));
	unsigned error = lodepng::encode(ss.str(), (const unsigned char*)img->pixels, img->w, img->h, LCT_RGB);
	if (error)
		Log(LOG_ERROR) << "Saving to PNG failed: " << lodepng_error_text(error);
	Log(LOG_INFO) << "saveAIMap() completed in " << SDL_GetTicks() - start << "ms.";
 * Saves a first-person voxel view of the battlescape.
void BattlescapeState::saveVoxelView()
	static const unsigned char pal[30]=
	//			ground		west wall	north wall		object		enem unit						xcom unit	neutr unit
	{0,0,0, 224,224,224,  192,224,255,  255,224,192, 128,255,128, 192,0,255,  0,0,0, 255,255,255,  224,192,0,  255,64,128 };
	BattleUnit * bu = _save->getSelectedUnit();
	if (bu==0) return; //no unit selected
	std::vector<Position> _trajectory;
	double ang_x,ang_y;
	bool black;
	Tile *tile = 0;
	std::ostringstream ss;
	std::vector<unsigned char> image;
	int test;
	Position originVoxel = getBattleGame()->getTileEngine()->getSightOriginVoxel(bu);
	Position targetVoxel,hitPos;
	double dist = 0;
	bool _debug = _save->getDebugMode();
	double dir = ((double)bu->getDirection()+4)/4*M_PI;
	for (int y = -256+32; y < 256+32; ++y)
		ang_y = (((double)y)/640*M_PI+M_PI/2);
		for (int x = -256; x < 256; ++x)
			ang_x = ((double)x/1024)*M_PI+dir;
			targetVoxel.x=originVoxel.x + (int)(-sin(ang_x)*1024*sin(ang_y));
			targetVoxel.y=originVoxel.y + (int)(cos(ang_x)*1024*sin(ang_y));
			targetVoxel.z=originVoxel.z + (int)(cos(ang_y)*1024);
			test = _save->getTileEngine()->calculateLine(originVoxel, targetVoxel, false, &_trajectory, bu, true, !_debug) +1;
			black = true;
			if (test!=0 && test!=6)
				tile = _save->getTile(Position(_trajectory.at(0).x/16, _trajectory.at(0).y/16, _trajectory.at(0).z/24));
				if (_debug
					|| (tile->isDiscovered(0) && test == 2)
					|| (tile->isDiscovered(1) && test == 3)
					|| (tile->isDiscovered(2) && (test == 1 || test == 4))
					|| test==5
					if (test==5)
						if (tile->getUnit())
							if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_NEUTRAL) test=9;
							if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_PLAYER) test=8;
							tile = _save->getTile(Position(_trajectory.at(0).x/16, _trajectory.at(0).y/16, _trajectory.at(0).z/24-1));
							if (tile && tile->getUnit())
								if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_NEUTRAL) test=9;
								if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_PLAYER) test=8;
					hitPos = Position(_trajectory.at(0).x, _trajectory.at(0).y, _trajectory.at(0).z);
					dist = sqrt((double)((hitPos.x-originVoxel.x)*(hitPos.x-originVoxel.x)
						+ (hitPos.y-originVoxel.y)*(hitPos.y-originVoxel.y)
						+ (hitPos.z-originVoxel.z)*(hitPos.z-originVoxel.z)) );
					black = false;
			if (black)
				dist = 0;
				if (dist>1000) dist=1000;
				if (dist<1) dist=1;
				if (hitPos.x%16==15)
				if (hitPos.y%16==15)
				if (hitPos.z%24==23)
				if (dist > 1) dist = 1;
				if (tile) dist *= (16 - (double)tile->getShade())/16;
	int i = 0;
		ss << Options::getMasterUserFolder() << "fpslook" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << i << ".png";
	while (CrossPlatform::fileExists(ss.str()));
	unsigned error = lodepng::encode(ss.str(), image, 512, 512, LCT_RGB);
	if (error)
		Log(LOG_ERROR) << "Saving to PNG failed: " << lodepng_error_text(error);
 * Saves each layer of voxels on the bettlescape as a png.
void BattlescapeState::saveVoxelMap()
	std::ostringstream ss;
	std::vector<unsigned char> image;
	static const unsigned char pal[30]=
	{255,255,255, 224,224,224,  128,160,255,  255,160,128, 128,255,128, 192,0,255,  255,255,255, 255,255,255,  224,192,0,  255,64,128 };
	Tile *tile;
	for (int z = 0; z < _save->getMapSizeZ()*12; ++z)
		for (int y = 0; y < _save->getMapSizeY()*16; ++y)
			for (int x = 0; x < _save->getMapSizeX()*16; ++x)
				int test = _save->getTileEngine()->voxelCheck(Position(x,y,z*2),0,0) +1;
				float dist=1;
				if (x%16==15)
				if (y%16==15)
				if (test == V_OUTOFBOUNDS)
					tile = _save->getTile(Position(x/16, y/16, z/12));
					if (tile->getUnit())
						if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_NEUTRAL) test=9;
						if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_PLAYER) test=8;
						tile = _save->getTile(Position(x/16, y/16, z/12-1));
						if (tile && tile->getUnit())
							if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_NEUTRAL) test=9;
							if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_PLAYER) test=8;
		ss << Options::getMasterUserFolder() << "voxel" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << z << ".png";
		unsigned error = lodepng::encode(ss.str(), image, _save->getMapSizeX()*16, _save->getMapSizeY()*16, LCT_RGB);
		if (error)
			Log(LOG_ERROR) << "Saving to PNG failed: " << lodepng_error_text(error);
 * Adds a new popup window to the queue
 * (this prevents popups from overlapping).
 * @param state Pointer to popup state.
void BattlescapeState::popup(State *state)
 * Finishes up the current battle, shuts down the battlescape
 * and presents the debriefing screen for the mission.
 * @param abort Was the mission aborted?
 * @param inExitArea Number of soldiers in the exit area OR number of survivors when battle finished due to either all aliens or objective being destroyed.
void BattlescapeState::finishBattle(bool abort, int inExitArea)
	while (!_game->isState(this))
	if (_save->getAmbientSound() != -1)
		_game->getMod()->getSoundByDepth(0, _save->getAmbientSound())->stopLoop();
	AlienDeployment *ruleDeploy = _game->getMod()->getDeployment(_save->getMissionType());
	if (!ruleDeploy)
		for (std::vector<Ufo*>::iterator ufo =_game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->begin(); ufo != _game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->end(); ++ufo)
			if ((*ufo)->isInBattlescape())
				ruleDeploy = _game->getMod()->getDeployment((*ufo)->getRules()->getType());
	std::string nextStage;
	if (ruleDeploy)
		nextStage = ruleDeploy->getNextStage();
	if (!nextStage.empty() && inExitArea)
		// if there is a next mission stage + we have people in exit area OR we killed all aliens, load the next stage
		BattlescapeGenerator bgen = BattlescapeGenerator(_game);
		_game->pushState(new BriefingState(0, 0));
		_game->pushState(new DebriefingState);
		std::string cutscene;
		if (ruleDeploy)
			if (abort)
				cutscene = ruleDeploy->getAbortCutscene();
			else if (inExitArea == 0)
				cutscene = ruleDeploy->getLoseCutscene();
				cutscene = ruleDeploy->getWinCutscene();
		if (!cutscene.empty())
			// if cutscene is "wingame" or "losegame", then the DebriefingState
			// pushed above will get popped without being shown.  otherwise
			// it will get shown after the cutscene.
			_game->pushState(new CutsceneState(cutscene));
			if (cutscene == CutsceneState::WIN_GAME)
			else if (cutscene == CutsceneState::LOSE_GAME)
			// Autosave if game is over
			if (_game->getSavedGame()->getEnding() != END_NONE && _game->getSavedGame()->isIronman())
				_game->pushState(new SaveGameState(OPT_BATTLESCAPE, SAVE_IRONMAN, _palette));
 * Shows the launch button.
 * @param show Show launch button?
void BattlescapeState::showLaunchButton(bool show)
 * Shows the PSI button.
 * @param show Show PSI button?
void BattlescapeState::showPsiButton(bool show)
 * Clears mouse-scrolling state (isMouseScrolling).
void BattlescapeState::clearMouseScrollingState()
	_isMouseScrolling = false;
 * Returns a pointer to the battlegame, in case we need its functions.
BattlescapeGame *BattlescapeState::getBattleGame()
	return _battleGame;
 * Handler for the mouse moving over the icons, disabling the tile selection cube.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::mouseInIcons(Action *)
	_mouseOverIcons = true;
 * Handler for the mouse going out of the icons, enabling the tile selection cube.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::mouseOutIcons(Action *)
	_mouseOverIcons = false;
 * Checks if the mouse is over the icons.
 * @return True, if the mouse is over the icons.
bool BattlescapeState::getMouseOverIcons() const
	return _mouseOverIcons;
 * Determines whether the player is allowed to press buttons.
 * Buttons are disabled in the middle of a shot, during the alien turn,
 * and while a player's units are panicking.
 * The save button is an exception as we want to still be able to save if something
 * goes wrong during the alien turn, and submit the save file for dissection.
 * @param allowSaving True, if the help button was clicked.
 * @return True if the player can still press buttons.
bool BattlescapeState::allowButtons(bool allowSaving) const
	return ((allowSaving || _save->getSide() == FACTION_PLAYER || _save->getDebugMode())
		&& (_battleGame->getPanicHandled() || _firstInit )
		&& (allowSaving || !_battleGame->isBusy() || _firstInit)
		&& (_map->getProjectile() == 0));
 * Reserves time units for kneeling.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnReserveKneelClick(Action *action)
	if (allowButtons())
		SDL_Event ev;
		ev.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT;
		Action a = Action(&ev, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0);
		action->getSender()->mousePress(&a, this);
		// update any path preview
		if (_battleGame->getPathfinding()->isPathPreviewed())
 * Removes all time units.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnZeroTUsClick(Action *action)
	if (allowButtons())
		SDL_Event ev;
		ev.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT;
		Action a = Action(&ev, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0);
		action->getSender()->mousePress(&a, this);
		if (_battleGame->getSave()->getSelectedUnit())
 * Shows a tooltip for the appropriate button.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::txtTooltipIn(Action *action)
	if (allowButtons() && Options::battleTooltips)
		_currentTooltip = action->getSender()->getTooltip();
 * Clears the tooltip text.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::txtTooltipOut(Action *action)
	if (allowButtons() && Options::battleTooltips)
		if (_currentTooltip == action->getSender()->getTooltip())
 * Updates the scale.
 * @param dX delta of X;
 * @param dY delta of Y;
void BattlescapeState::resize(int &dX, int &dY)
	dX = Options::baseXResolution;
	dY = Options::baseYResolution;
	int divisor = 1;
	double pixelRatioY = 1.0;
	if (Options::nonSquarePixelRatio)
		pixelRatioY = 1.2;
	switch (Options::battlescapeScale)
		divisor = 3;
		divisor = 2;
		dX = 0;
		dY = 0;
	Options::baseXResolution = std::max(Screen::ORIGINAL_WIDTH, Options::displayWidth / divisor);
	Options::baseYResolution = std::max(Screen::ORIGINAL_HEIGHT, (int)(Options::displayHeight / pixelRatioY / divisor));
	dX = Options::baseXResolution - dX;
	dY = Options::baseYResolution - dY;
	_map->getCamera()->jumpXY(dX/2, dY/2);
	for (std::vector<Surface*>::const_iterator i = _surfaces.begin(); i != _surfaces.end(); ++i)
		if (*i != _map && (*i) != _btnPsi && *i != _btnLaunch && *i != _txtDebug)
			(*i)->setX((*i)->getX() + dX / 2);
			(*i)->setY((*i)->getY() + dY);
		else if (*i != _map && *i != _txtDebug)
			(*i)->setX((*i)->getX() + dX);
 * Move the mouse back to where it started after we finish drag scrolling.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::stopScrolling(Action *action)
	if (Options::battleDragScrollInvert)
		SDL_WarpMouse(_xBeforeMouseScrolling, _yBeforeMouseScrolling);
		action->setMouseAction(_xBeforeMouseScrolling, _yBeforeMouseScrolling, _map->getX(), _map->getY());
		if (_battleGame->getCurrentAction()->actor == 0 && (_save->getSide() == FACTION_PLAYER || _save->getDebugMode()))
		SDL_WarpMouse(_cursorPosition.x, _cursorPosition.y);
		action->setMouseAction(_cursorPosition.x, _cursorPosition.y, _map->getX(), _map->getY());
		_map->setSelectorPosition(action->getAbsoluteXMouse(), action->getAbsoluteYMouse());
	// reset our "mouse position stored" flag
	_cursorPosition.z = 0;
 * Autosave the game the next time the battlescape is displayed.
void BattlescapeState::autosave()
	_autosave = true;

V1002 The 'Action' class, containing pointers, constructor and destructor, is copied by the automatically generated copy constructor.

V1002 The 'BattlescapeGenerator' class, containing pointers, constructor and destructor, is copied by the automatically generated copy constructor.

V1002 The 'Action' class, containing pointers, constructor and destructor, is copied by the automatically generated copy constructor.

V1002 The 'Action' class, containing pointers, constructor and destructor, is copied by the automatically generated copy constructor.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer '_save->getTile(newPos)'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 't'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'tile'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'tile'.