* Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
* This file is part of OpenXcom.
* OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with OpenXcom. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <assert.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include "BattlescapeGenerator.h"
#include "TileEngine.h"
#include "Inventory.h"
#include "AIModule.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedBattleGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/Tile.h"
#include "../Savegame/ItemContainer.h"
#include "../Savegame/Base.h"
#include "../Savegame/BaseFacility.h"
#include "../Savegame/Soldier.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleUnit.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleItem.h"
#include "../Savegame/Ufo.h"
#include "../Savegame/Craft.h"
#include "../Savegame/Node.h"
#include "../Savegame/Vehicle.h"
#include "../Savegame/MissionSite.h"
#include "../Savegame/AlienBase.h"
#include "../Savegame/EquipmentLayoutItem.h"
#include "../Engine/Game.h"
#include "../Engine/FileMap.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "../Engine/RNG.h"
#include "../Engine/Exception.h"
#include "../Engine/Logger.h"
#include "../Mod/MapBlock.h"
#include "../Mod/MapDataSet.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleUfo.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleCraft.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleInventory.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Mod/MapData.h"
#include "../Mod/MCDPatch.h"
#include "../Mod/Armor.h"
#include "../Mod/Unit.h"
#include "../Mod/AlienRace.h"
#include "../Mod/AlienDeployment.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleBaseFacility.h"
#include "../Mod/Texture.h"
namespace OpenXcom
static bool _addItem(BattleItem *item, BattleUnit *unit, Mod *mod, SavedBattleGame *addToSave, bool allowAutoLoadout, bool allowSecondClip);
* Sets up a BattlescapeGenerator.
* @param game pointer to Game object.
BattlescapeGenerator::BattlescapeGenerator(Game *game) : _game(game), _save(game->getSavedGame()->getSavedBattle()), _mod(game->getMod()), _craft(0), _ufo(0), _base(0), _mission(0), _alienBase(0), _terrain(0), _mapsize_x(0), _mapsize_y(0), _mapsize_z(0),
_worldTexture(0), _worldShade(0), _unitSequence(0), _craftInventoryTile(0), _alienItemLevel(0), _baseInventory(false), _generateFuel(true), _craftDeployed(false), _craftZ(0), _blocksToDo(0), _dummy(0)
_allowAutoLoadout = !Options::disableAutoEquip;
* Deletes the BattlescapeGenerator.
* Sets up all our various arrays and whatnot according to the size of the map.
void BattlescapeGenerator::init(bool resetTerrain)
_blocks.resize((_mapsize_x / 10), std::vector<MapBlock*>((_mapsize_y / 10)));
_landingzone.resize((_mapsize_x / 10), std::vector<bool>((_mapsize_y / 10),false));
_segments.resize((_mapsize_x / 10), std::vector<int>((_mapsize_y / 10),0));
_drillMap.resize((_mapsize_x / 10), std::vector<int>((_mapsize_y / 10),MD_NONE));
_blocksToDo = (_mapsize_x / 10) * (_mapsize_y / 10);
// creates the tile objects
_save->initMap(_mapsize_x, _mapsize_y, _mapsize_z, resetTerrain);
* Sets the XCom craft involved in the battle.
* @param craft Pointer to XCom craft.
void BattlescapeGenerator::setCraft(Craft *craft)
_craft = craft;
* Sets the ufo involved in the battle.
* @param ufo Pointer to UFO.
void BattlescapeGenerator::setUfo(Ufo *ufo)
_ufo = ufo;
* Sets the world texture where a ufo crashed. This is used to determine the terrain.
* @param texture Texture id of the polygon on the globe.
void BattlescapeGenerator::setWorldTexture(Texture *texture)
_worldTexture = texture;
* Sets the world shade where a ufo crashed. This is used to determine the battlescape light level.
* @param shade Shade of the polygon on the globe.
void BattlescapeGenerator::setWorldShade(int shade)
if (shade > 15) shade = 15;
if (shade < 0) shade = 0;
_worldShade = shade;
* Sets the alien race on the mission. This is used to determine the various alien types to spawn.
* @param alienRace Alien (main) race.
void BattlescapeGenerator::setAlienRace(const std::string &alienRace)
_alienRace = alienRace;
* Sets the alien item level. This is used to determine how advanced the equipment of the aliens will be.
* note: this only applies to "New Battle" type games. we intentionally don't alter the month for those,
* because we're using monthsPassed -1 for new battle in other sections of code.
* - this value should be from 0 to the size of the itemLevel array in the ruleset (default 9).
* - at a certain number of months higher item levels appear more and more and lower ones will gradually disappear
* @param alienItemLevel AlienItemLevel.
void BattlescapeGenerator::setAlienItemlevel(int alienItemLevel)
_alienItemLevel = alienItemLevel;
* Sets the XCom base involved in the battle.
* @param base Pointer to XCom base.
void BattlescapeGenerator::setBase(Base *base)
_base = base;
* Sets the mission site involved in the battle.
* @param mission Pointer to mission site.
void BattlescapeGenerator::setMissionSite(MissionSite *mission)
_mission = mission;
* Switches an existing battlescapesavegame to a new stage.
void BattlescapeGenerator::nextStage()
RuleInventory *ground = _game->getMod()->getInventory("STR_GROUND", true);
// preventively drop all units from soldier's inventory (makes handling easier)
// 1. no alien/civilian living, dead or unconscious is allowed to transition
// 2. no dead xcom unit is allowed to transition
// 3. only living or unconscious xcom units can transition
for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator unit = _save->getUnits()->begin(); unit != _save->getUnits()->end(); ++unit)
if ((*unit)->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER && !(*unit)->isOut())
std::vector<BattleItem*> unitsToDrop;
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator item = (*unit)->getInventory()->begin(); item != (*unit)->getInventory()->end(); ++item)
if ((*item)->getUnit())
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator corpseItem = unitsToDrop.begin(); corpseItem != unitsToDrop.end(); ++corpseItem)
(*unit)->getTile()->addItem(*corpseItem, ground);
if ((*corpseItem)->getUnit() && (*corpseItem)->getUnit()->getStatus() == STATUS_UNCONSCIOUS)
int aliensAlive = 0;
// send all enemy units, or those not in endpoint area (if aborted) to time out
for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = _save->getUnits()->begin(); i != _save->getUnits()->end(); ++i)
Tile *tmpTile = _save->getTile((*i)->getPosition());
bool isInExit = (*i)->isInExitArea(END_POINT) || (*i)->liesInExitArea(tmpTile, END_POINT);
if ((*i)->getStatus() != STATUS_DEAD // if they're not dead
&& (((*i)->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER // and they're a soldier
&& _save->isAborted() // and you aborted
&& !isInExit) // and they're not on the exit
|| (*i)->getOriginalFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER)) // or they're not a soldier
if ((*i)->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE && !(*i)->isOut())
if ((*i)->getOriginalFaction() == (*i)->getFaction())
else if ((*i)->getTile())
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator j = (*i)->getInventory()->begin(); j != (*i)->getInventory()->end();)
if (!(*j)->getRules()->isFixed())
(*i)->getTile()->addItem(*j, _game->getMod()->getInventory("STR_GROUND", true));
j = (*i)->getInventory()->erase(j);
if ((*i)->getAIModule())
if ((*i)->getTile())
const Position pos = (*i)->getPosition();
const int size = (*i)->getArmor()->getSize();
for (int x = 0; x != size; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y != size; ++y)
_save->getTile(pos + Position(x,y,0))->setUnit(0);
(*i)->setPosition(Position(-1,-1,-1), false);
// remove all items not belonging to our soldiers from the map.
// sort items into two categories:
// the ones that we are guaranteed to be able to take home, barring complete failure (ie: stuff on the ship)
// and the ones that are scattered about on the ground, that will be recovered ONLY on success.
// this does not include items in your soldier's hands.
std::vector<BattleItem*> *takeHomeGuaranteed = _save->getGuaranteedRecoveredItems();
std::vector<BattleItem*> *takeHomeConditional = _save->getConditionalRecoveredItems();
std::vector<BattleItem*> takeToNextStage, carryToNextStage, removeFromGame;
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator i = _save->getItems()->begin(); i != _save->getItems()->end(); ++i)
// first off: don't process ammo loaded into weapons. at least not at this level. ammo will be handled simultaneously.
if (!(*i)->isAmmo())
std::vector<BattleItem*> *toContainer = &removeFromGame;
// if it's recoverable, and it's not owned by someone
if ((((*i)->getUnit() && (*i)->getUnit()->getGeoscapeSoldier()) || (*i)->getRules()->isRecoverable()) && !(*i)->getOwner())
// first off: don't count primed grenades on the floor
if ((*i)->getFuseTimer() == -1)
// protocol 1: all defenders dead, recover all items.
if (aliensAlive == 0)
// any corpses or unconscious units get put in the skyranger, as well as any unresearched items
if (((*i)->getUnit() &&
((*i)->getUnit()->getOriginalFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER ||
(*i)->getUnit()->getStatus() == STATUS_DEAD))
|| !_game->getSavedGame()->isResearched((*i)->getRules()->getRequirements()))
toContainer = takeHomeGuaranteed;
// otherwise it comes with us to stage two
toContainer = &takeToNextStage;
// protocol 2: some of the aliens survived, meaning we ran to the exit zone.
// recover stuff depending on where it was at the end of the mission.
Tile *tile = (*i)->getTile();
if (tile)
// on a tile at least, so i'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this and give it a conditional recovery at this point
toContainer = takeHomeConditional;
if (tile->getMapData(O_FLOOR))
// in the skyranger? it goes home.
if (tile->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->getSpecialType() == START_POINT)
toContainer = takeHomeGuaranteed;
// on the exit grid? it goes to stage two.
else if (tile->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->getSpecialType() == END_POINT)
// apply similar logic (for units) as in protocol 1
if ((*i)->getUnit() &&
((*i)->getUnit()->getOriginalFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER ||
(*i)->getUnit()->getStatus() == STATUS_DEAD))
toContainer = takeHomeConditional;
toContainer = &takeToNextStage;
// if a soldier is already holding it, let's let him keep it
if ((*i)->getOwner() && (*i)->getOwner()->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER)
toContainer = &carryToNextStage;
// at this point, we know what happens with the item, so let's apply it to any ammo as well.
BattleItem *ammo = (*i)->getAmmoItem();
if (ammo && ammo != *i)
// break any tile links, because all the tiles are about to disappear.
// and now the actual item itself.
// anything in the "removeFromGame" vector will now be discarded - they're all dead to us now.
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator i = removeFromGame.begin(); i != removeFromGame.end();++i)
// fixed weapons, or anything that's otherwise "equipped" will need to be de-equipped
// from their owners to make sure we don't have any null pointers to worry about later
if ((*i)->getOwner())
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator j = (*i)->getOwner()->getInventory()->begin(); j != (*i)->getOwner()->getInventory()->end(); ++j)
if (*i == *j)
delete *i;
// empty the items vector
// rebuild it with only the items we want to keep active in battle for the next stage
// here we add all the items that our soldiers are carrying, and we'll add the items on the
// inventory tile after we've generated our map. everything else will either be in one of the
// recovery arrays, or deleted from existence at this point.
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator i = carryToNextStage.begin(); i != carryToNextStage.end();++i)
AlienDeployment *ruleDeploy = _game->getMod()->getDeployment(_save->getMissionType(), true);
ruleDeploy->getDimensions(&_mapsize_x, &_mapsize_y, &_mapsize_z);
size_t pick = RNG::generate(0, ruleDeploy->getTerrains().size() -1);
_terrain = _game->getMod()->getTerrain(ruleDeploy->getTerrains().at(pick), true);
setDepth(ruleDeploy, true);
_worldShade = ruleDeploy->getShade();
const std::vector<MapScript*> *script = _game->getMod()->getMapScript(_terrain->getScript());
if (_game->getMod()->getMapScript(ruleDeploy->getScript()))
script = _game->getMod()->getMapScript(ruleDeploy->getScript());
else if (!ruleDeploy->getScript().empty())
throw Exception("Map generator encountered an error: " + ruleDeploy->getScript() + " script not found.");
if (script == 0)
throw Exception("Map generator encountered an error: " + _terrain->getScript() + " script not found.");
int highestSoldierID = 0;
bool selectedFirstSoldier = false;
for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator j = _save->getUnits()->begin(); j != _save->getUnits()->end(); ++j)
if ((*j)->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER)
if (!(*j)->isOut())
if (!selectedFirstSoldier && (*j)->getGeoscapeSoldier())
selectedFirstSoldier = true;
Node* node = _save->getSpawnNode(NR_XCOM, (*j));
if (node || placeUnitNearFriend(*j))
if (node)
_save->setUnitPosition((*j), node->getPosition());
if (!_craftInventoryTile)
_craftInventoryTile = (*j)->getTile();
if ((*j)->getId() > highestSoldierID)
highestSoldierID = (*j)->getId();
//reset TUs, regain energy, etc. but don't take damage or go berserk
if (_save->getSelectedUnit() == 0 || _save->getSelectedUnit()->isOut() || _save->getSelectedUnit()->getFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER)
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator i = takeToNextStage.begin(); i != takeToNextStage.end(); ++i)
if (!(*i)->isAmmo())
_craftInventoryTile->addItem(*i, ground);
if ((*i)->getUnit())
_unitSequence = _save->getUnits()->back()->getId() + 1;
size_t unitCount = _save->getUnits()->size();
// Let's figure out what race we're up against.
_alienRace = ruleDeploy->getRace();
for (std::vector<MissionSite*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getMissionSites()->begin();
_alienRace.empty() && i != _game->getSavedGame()->getMissionSites()->end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->isInBattlescape())
_alienRace = (*i)->getAlienRace();
for (std::vector<AlienBase*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getAlienBases()->begin();
_alienRace.empty() && i != _game->getSavedGame()->getAlienBases()->end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->isInBattlescape())
_alienRace = (*i)->getAlienRace();
if (unitCount == _save->getUnits()->size())
throw Exception("Map generator encountered an error: no alien units could be placed on the map.");
setMusic(ruleDeploy, true);
* Starts the generator; it fills up the battlescapesavegame with data.
void BattlescapeGenerator::run()
AlienDeployment *ruleDeploy = _game->getMod()->getDeployment(_ufo?_ufo->getRules()->getType():_save->getMissionType(), true);
ruleDeploy->getDimensions(&_mapsize_x, &_mapsize_y, &_mapsize_z);
_unitSequence = BattleUnit::MAX_SOLDIER_ID; // geoscape soldier IDs should stay below this number
if (_terrain == 0)
if (_worldTexture == 0 || _worldTexture->getTerrain()->empty() || !ruleDeploy->getTerrains().empty())
if (!ruleDeploy->getTerrains().empty())
size_t pick = RNG::generate(0, ruleDeploy->getTerrains().size() - 1);
_terrain = _game->getMod()->getTerrain(ruleDeploy->getTerrains().at(pick), true);
else // trouble: no texture and no deployment terrain, most likely scenario is a UFO landing on water: use the first available terrain
_terrain = _game->getMod()->getTerrain(_game->getMod()->getTerrainList().front(), true);
Target *target = _ufo;
if (_mission) target = _mission;
_terrain = _game->getMod()->getTerrain(_worldTexture->getRandomTerrain(target), true);
if (_terrain == 0)
throw Exception("Map generator encountered an error: No valid terrain found.");
setDepth(ruleDeploy, false);
if (ruleDeploy->getShade() != -1)
_worldShade = ruleDeploy->getShade();
const std::vector<MapScript*> *script = _game->getMod()->getMapScript(_terrain->getScript());
if (_game->getMod()->getMapScript(ruleDeploy->getScript()))
script = _game->getMod()->getMapScript(ruleDeploy->getScript());
else if (!ruleDeploy->getScript().empty())
throw Exception("Map generator encountered an error: " + ruleDeploy->getScript() + " script not found.");
if (script == 0)
throw Exception("Map generator encountered an error: " + _terrain->getScript() + " script not found.");
size_t unitCount = _save->getUnits()->size();
if (unitCount == _save->getUnits()->size())
throw Exception("Map generator encountered an error: no alien units could be placed on the map.");
if (_generateFuel)
if (_ufo && _ufo->getStatus() == Ufo::CRASHED)
setMusic(ruleDeploy, false);
// set shade (alien bases are a little darker, sites depend on worldshade)
* Deploys all the X-COM units and equipment based
* on the Geoscape base / craft.
* @param inventoryTile The tile to place all the extra equipment on.
void BattlescapeGenerator::deployXCOM()
RuleInventory *ground = _game->getMod()->getInventory("STR_GROUND", true);
if (_craft != 0)
_base = _craft->getBase();
// add vehicles that are in the craft - a vehicle is actually an item, which you will never see as it is converted to a unit
// however the item itself becomes the weapon it "holds".
if (!_baseInventory)
if (_craft != 0)
for (std::vector<Vehicle*>::iterator i = _craft->getVehicles()->begin(); i != _craft->getVehicles()->end(); ++i)
BattleUnit *unit = addXCOMVehicle(*i);
if (unit && !_save->getSelectedUnit())
else if (_base != 0)
// add vehicles that are in the base inventory
for (std::vector<Vehicle*>::iterator i = _base->getVehicles()->begin(); i != _base->getVehicles()->end(); ++i)
BattleUnit *unit = addXCOMVehicle(*i);
if (unit && !_save->getSelectedUnit())
// we only add vehicles from the craft in new battle mode,
// otherwise the base's vehicle vector will already contain these
// due to the geoscape calling base->setupDefenses()
if (_game->getSavedGame()->getMonthsPassed() == -1)
for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator i = _base->getCrafts()->begin(); i != _base->getCrafts()->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<Vehicle*>::iterator j = (*i)->getVehicles()->begin(); j != (*i)->getVehicles()->end(); ++j)
BattleUnit *unit = addXCOMVehicle(*j);
if (unit && !_save->getSelectedUnit())
// add soldiers that are in the craft or base
for (std::vector<Soldier*>::iterator i = _base->getSoldiers()->begin(); i != _base->getSoldiers()->end(); ++i)
if ((_craft != 0 && (*i)->getCraft() == _craft) ||
(_craft == 0 && (*i)->getWoundRecovery() == 0 && ((*i)->getCraft() == 0 || (*i)->getCraft()->getStatus() != "STR_OUT")))
BattleUnit *unit = addXCOMUnit(new BattleUnit(*i, _save->getDepth()));
if (unit && !_save->getSelectedUnit())
if (_save->getUnits()->empty())
throw Exception("Map generator encountered an error: no xcom units could be placed on the map.");
// maybe we should assign all units to the first tile of the skyranger before the inventory pre-equip and then reassign them to their correct tile afterwards?
// fix: make them invisible, they are made visible afterwards.
for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = _save->getUnits()->begin(); i != _save->getUnits()->end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER)
if (_craft != 0)
// add items that are in the craft
for (std::map<std::string, int>::iterator i = _craft->getItems()->getContents()->begin(); i != _craft->getItems()->getContents()->end(); ++i)
for (int count = 0; count < i->second; count++)
_craftInventoryTile->addItem(new BattleItem(_game->getMod()->getItem(i->first, true), _save->getCurrentItemId()), ground);
// only use the items in the craft in new battle mode.
if (_game->getSavedGame()->getMonthsPassed() != -1)
// add items that are in the base
for (std::map<std::string, int>::iterator i = _base->getStorageItems()->getContents()->begin(); i != _base->getStorageItems()->getContents()->end();)
// only put items in the battlescape that make sense (when the item got a sprite, it's probably ok)
RuleItem *rule = _game->getMod()->getItem(i->first, true);
if (rule->canBeEquippedBeforeBaseDefense() && rule->getBigSprite() > -1 && rule->getBattleType() != BT_NONE && rule->getBattleType() != BT_CORPSE && !rule->isFixed() && _game->getSavedGame()->isResearched(rule->getRequirements()))
for (int count = 0; count < i->second; count++)
_craftInventoryTile->addItem(new BattleItem(_game->getMod()->getItem(i->first, true), _save->getCurrentItemId()), ground);
std::map<std::string, int>::iterator tmp = i;
_base->getStorageItems()->removeItem(tmp->first, tmp->second);
// add items from crafts in base
for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator c = _base->getCrafts()->begin(); c != _base->getCrafts()->end(); ++c)
if ((*c)->getStatus() == "STR_OUT")
for (std::map<std::string, int>::iterator i = (*c)->getItems()->getContents()->begin(); i != (*c)->getItems()->getContents()->end(); ++i)
for (int count = 0; count < i->second; count++)
_craftInventoryTile->addItem(new BattleItem(_game->getMod()->getItem(i->first, true), _save->getCurrentItemId()), ground);
// equip soldiers based on equipment-layout
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator i = _craftInventoryTile->getInventory()->begin(); i != _craftInventoryTile->getInventory()->end(); ++i)
// set all the items on this tile as belonging to the XCOM faction.
// don't let the soldiers take extra ammo yet
if ((*i)->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_AMMO)
// load weapons before loadouts take extra clips.
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator i = _craftInventoryTile->getInventory()->begin(); i != _craftInventoryTile->getInventory()->end(); ++i)
// we only need to distribute extra ammo at this point.
if ((*i)->getRules()->getBattleType() != BT_AMMO)
// auto-equip soldiers (only soldiers without layout) and clean up moved items
autoEquip(*_save->getUnits(), _game->getMod(), _save, _craftInventoryTile->getInventory(), ground, _worldShade, _allowAutoLoadout, false);
void BattlescapeGenerator::autoEquip(std::vector<BattleUnit*> units, Mod *mod, SavedBattleGame *addToSave, std::vector<BattleItem*> *craftInv,
RuleInventory *groundRuleInv, int worldShade, bool allowAutoLoadout, bool overrideEquipmentLayout)
for (int pass = 0; pass < 4; ++pass)
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator j = craftInv->begin(); j != craftInv->end();)
if ((*j)->getSlot() == groundRuleInv)
bool add = false;
switch (pass)
// priority 1: rifles.
case 0:
add = (*j)->getRules()->isRifle();
// priority 2: pistols (assuming no rifles were found).
case 1:
add = (*j)->getRules()->isPistol();
// priority 3: ammunition.
case 2:
add = (*j)->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_AMMO;
// priority 4: leftovers.
case 3:
add = !(*j)->getRules()->isPistol() &&
!(*j)->getRules()->isRifle() &&
((*j)->getRules()->getBattleType() != BT_FLARE || worldShade > TileEngine::MAX_DARKNESS_TO_SEE_UNITS);
if (add)
for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = units.begin(); i != units.end(); ++i)
if (!(*i)->hasInventory() || !(*i)->getGeoscapeSoldier() || (!overrideEquipmentLayout && !(*i)->getGeoscapeSoldier()->getEquipmentLayout()->empty()))
// let's not be greedy, we'll only take a second extra clip
// if everyone else has had a chance to take a first.
bool allowSecondClip = (pass == 3);
if (_addItem(*j, *i, mod, addToSave, allowAutoLoadout, allowSecondClip))
j = craftInv->erase(j);
add = false;
if (!add)
// clean up moved items
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator i = craftInv->begin(); i != craftInv->end();)
if ((*i)->getSlot() != groundRuleInv)
i = craftInv->erase(i);
if (addToSave)
* Adds an XCom vehicle to the game.
* Sets the correct turret depending on the ammo type.
* @param v Pointer to the Vehicle.
* @return Pointer to the spawned unit.
BattleUnit *BattlescapeGenerator::addXCOMVehicle(Vehicle *v)
std::string vehicle = v->getRules()->getType();
Unit *rule = _game->getMod()->getUnit(vehicle, true);
BattleUnit *unit = addXCOMUnit(new BattleUnit(rule, FACTION_PLAYER, _unitSequence++, _game->getMod()->getArmor(rule->getArmor(), true), 0, _save->getDepth()));
if (unit)
BattleItem *item = new BattleItem(_game->getMod()->getItem(vehicle, true), _save->getCurrentItemId());
if (!addItem(item, unit))
delete item;
if (!v->getRules()->getCompatibleAmmo()->empty())
std::string ammo = v->getRules()->getCompatibleAmmo()->front();
BattleItem *ammoItem = new BattleItem(_game->getMod()->getItem(ammo, true), _save->getCurrentItemId());
addItem(ammoItem, unit);
if (!rule->getBuiltInWeapons().empty())
// not gonna randomize what weapon set tanks use, don't want to confuse players.
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = rule->getBuiltInWeapons().front().begin(); i != rule->getBuiltInWeapons().front().end(); ++i)
RuleItem *ruleItem = _game->getMod()->getItem(*i);
if (ruleItem)
BattleItem *weapon = new BattleItem(ruleItem, _save->getCurrentItemId());
if (!addItem(weapon, unit))
delete weapon;
return unit;
* Adds a soldier to the game and places him on a free spawnpoint.
* Spawnpoints are either tiles in case of an XCom craft that landed.
* Or they are mapnodes in case there's no craft.
* @param soldier Pointer to the Soldier.
* @return Pointer to the spawned unit.
BattleUnit *BattlescapeGenerator::addXCOMUnit(BattleUnit *unit)
if (_baseInventory)
if (unit->hasInventory())
unit->setSpecialWeapon(_save, _game->getMod());
return unit;
if (_craft == 0 || !_craftDeployed)
Node* node = _save->getSpawnNode(NR_XCOM, unit);
if (node)
_save->setUnitPosition(unit, node->getPosition());
_craftInventoryTile = _save->getTile(node->getPosition());
unit->setDirection(RNG::generate(0, 7));
unit->setSpecialWeapon(_save, _game->getMod());
return unit;
else if (_save->getMissionType() != "STR_BASE_DEFENSE")
if (placeUnitNearFriend(unit))
_craftInventoryTile = _save->getTile(unit->getPosition());
unit->setDirection(RNG::generate(0, 7));
unit->setSpecialWeapon(_save, _game->getMod());
return unit;
else if (_craft && !_craft->getRules()->getDeployment().empty())
for (std::vector<std::vector<int> >::const_iterator i = _craft->getRules()->getDeployment().begin(); i != _craft->getRules()->getDeployment().end(); ++i)
Position pos = Position((*i)[0] + (_craftPos.x * 10), (*i)[1] + (_craftPos.y * 10), (*i)[2] + _craftZ);
int dir = (*i)[3];
bool canPlace = true;
for (int x = 0; x < unit->getArmor()->getSize(); ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < unit->getArmor()->getSize(); ++y)
canPlace = (canPlace && canPlaceXCOMUnit(_save->getTile(pos + Position(x, y, 0))));
if (canPlace)
if (_save->setUnitPosition(unit, pos))
unit->setSpecialWeapon(_save, _game->getMod());
return unit;
for (int i = 0; i < _mapsize_x * _mapsize_y * _mapsize_z; ++i)
if (canPlaceXCOMUnit(_save->getTiles()[i]))
if (_save->setUnitPosition(unit, _save->getTiles()[i]->getPosition()))
unit->setSpecialWeapon(_save, _game->getMod());
return unit;
delete unit;
return 0;
* Checks if a soldier/tank can be placed on a given tile.
* @param tile the given tile.
* @return whether the unit can be placed here.
bool BattlescapeGenerator::canPlaceXCOMUnit(Tile *tile)
// to spawn an xcom soldier, there has to be a tile, with a floor, with the starting point attribute and no object in the way
if (tile &&
tile->getMapData(O_FLOOR) &&
tile->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->getSpecialType() == START_POINT &&
!tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) &&
tile->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->getTUCost(MT_WALK) < 255)
if (_craftInventoryTile == 0)
_craftInventoryTile = tile;
return true;
return false;
* Deploys the aliens, according to the alien deployment rules.
* @param race Pointer to the alien race.
* @param deployment Pointer to the deployment rules.
void BattlescapeGenerator::deployAliens(AlienDeployment *deployment)
// race defined by deployment if there is one.
if (!deployment->getRace().empty() && _game->getSavedGame()->getMonthsPassed() > -1)
_alienRace = deployment->getRace();
if (_save->getDepth() > 0 && _alienRace.find("_UNDERWATER") == std::string::npos)
_alienRace = _alienRace + "_UNDERWATER";
AlienRace *race = _game->getMod()->getAlienRace(_alienRace);
if (race == 0)
throw Exception("Map generator encountered an error: Unknown race: " + _alienRace + " defined in deployment: " + deployment->getType());
int month;
if (_game->getSavedGame()->getMonthsPassed() != -1)
month =
((size_t) _game->getSavedGame()->getMonthsPassed()) > _game->getMod()->getAlienItemLevels().size() - 1 ? // if
_game->getMod()->getAlienItemLevels().size() - 1 : // then
_game->getSavedGame()->getMonthsPassed() ; // else
month = _alienItemLevel;
for (std::vector<DeploymentData>::iterator d = deployment->getDeploymentData()->begin(); d != deployment->getDeploymentData()->end(); ++d)
std::string alienName = race->getMember((*d).alienRank);
int quantity;
if (_game->getSavedGame()->getDifficulty() < DIFF_VETERAN)
quantity = (*d).lowQty + RNG::generate(0, (*d).dQty); // beginner/experienced
else if (_game->getSavedGame()->getDifficulty() < DIFF_SUPERHUMAN)
quantity = (*d).lowQty+(((*d).highQty-(*d).lowQty)/2) + RNG::generate(0, (*d).dQty); // veteran/genius
quantity = (*d).highQty + RNG::generate(0, (*d).dQty); // super (and beyond?)
quantity += RNG::generate(0, (*d).extraQty);
for (int i = 0; i < quantity; ++i)
bool outside = RNG::generate(0,99) < (*d).percentageOutsideUfo;
if (_ufo == 0)
outside = false;
Unit *rule = _game->getMod()->getUnit(alienName, true);
BattleUnit *unit = addAlien(rule, (*d).alienRank, outside);
size_t itemLevel = (size_t)(_game->getMod()->getAlienItemLevels().at(month).at(RNG::generate(0,9)));
if (unit)
// Built in weapons: the unit has this weapon regardless of loadout or what have you.
if (!rule->getBuiltInWeapons().empty())
if (itemLevel >= rule->getBuiltInWeapons().size())
itemLevel = rule->getBuiltInWeapons().size() -1;
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator j = rule->getBuiltInWeapons().at(itemLevel).begin(); j != rule->getBuiltInWeapons().at(itemLevel).end(); ++j)
RuleItem *ruleItem = _game->getMod()->getItem(*j);
if (ruleItem)
BattleItem *item = new BattleItem(ruleItem, _save->getCurrentItemId());
if (!addItem(item, unit))
delete item;
// terrorist alien's equipment is a special case - they are fitted with a weapon which is the alien's name with suffix _WEAPON
if (rule->isLivingWeapon())
std::string terroristWeapon = rule->getRace().substr(4);
terroristWeapon += "_WEAPON";
RuleItem *ruleItem = _game->getMod()->getItem(terroristWeapon);
if (ruleItem)
BattleItem *item = new BattleItem(ruleItem, _save->getCurrentItemId());
if (!addItem(item, unit))
delete item;
if ((*d).itemSets.empty())
throw Exception("Unit generator encountered an error: item set not defined");
if (itemLevel >= (*d).itemSets.size())
itemLevel = (*d).itemSets.size() - 1;
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = (*d).itemSets.at(itemLevel).items.begin(); it != (*d).itemSets.at(itemLevel).items.end(); ++it)
RuleItem *ruleItem = _game->getMod()->getItem(*it);
if (ruleItem)
BattleItem *item = new BattleItem(ruleItem, _save->getCurrentItemId());
if (!addItem(item, unit))
delete item;
* Adds an alien to the game and places him on a free spawnpoint.
* @param rules Pointer to the Unit which holds info about the alien .
* @param alienRank The rank of the alien, used for spawn point search.
* @param outside Whether the alien should spawn outside or inside the UFO.
* @return Pointer to the created unit.
BattleUnit *BattlescapeGenerator::addAlien(Unit *rules, int alienRank, bool outside)
BattleUnit *unit = new BattleUnit(rules, FACTION_HOSTILE, _unitSequence++, _game->getMod()->getArmor(rules->getArmor(), true), _game->getMod()->getStatAdjustment(_game->getSavedGame()->getDifficulty()), _save->getDepth());
Node *node = 0;
// safety to avoid index out of bounds errors
if (alienRank > 7)
alienRank = 7;
/* following data is the order in which certain alien ranks spawn on certain node ranks */
/* note that they all can fall back to rank 0 nodes - which is scout (outside ufo) */
for (int i = 0; i < 7 && node == 0; ++i)
if (outside)
node = _save->getSpawnNode(0, unit); // when alien is instructed to spawn outside, we only look for node 0 spawnpoints
node = _save->getSpawnNode(Node::nodeRank[alienRank][i], unit);
int difficulty = _game->getSavedGame()->getDifficultyCoefficient();
if (node && _save->setUnitPosition(unit, node->getPosition()))
unit->setAIModule(new AIModule(_game->getSavedGame()->getSavedBattle(), unit, node));
unit->setSpecialWeapon(_save, _game->getMod());
int dir = _save->getTileEngine()->faceWindow(node->getPosition());
Position craft = _game->getSavedGame()->getSavedBattle()->getUnits()->at(0)->getPosition();
if (_save->getTileEngine()->distance(node->getPosition(), craft) <= 20 && RNG::percent(20 * difficulty))
dir = unit->directionTo(craft);
if (dir != -1)
// we only add a unit if it has a node to spawn on.
// (stops them spawning at 0,0,0)
// DEMIGOD DIFFICULTY: screw the player: spawn as many aliens as possible.
if (_game->getMod()->isDemigod() && placeUnitNearFriend(unit))
unit->setAIModule(new AIModule(_game->getSavedGame()->getSavedBattle(), unit, 0));
unit->setSpecialWeapon(_save, _game->getMod());
int dir = _save->getTileEngine()->faceWindow(unit->getPosition());
Position craft = _game->getSavedGame()->getSavedBattle()->getUnits()->at(0)->getPosition();
if (_save->getTileEngine()->distance(unit->getPosition(), craft) <= 20 && RNG::percent(20 * difficulty))
dir = unit->directionTo(craft);
if (dir != -1)
delete unit;
unit = 0;
return unit;
* Adds a civilian to the game and places him on a free spawnpoint.
* @param rules Pointer to the Unit which holds info about the civilian.
* @return Pointer to the created unit.
BattleUnit *BattlescapeGenerator::addCivilian(Unit *rules)
BattleUnit *unit = new BattleUnit(rules, FACTION_NEUTRAL, _unitSequence++, _game->getMod()->getArmor(rules->getArmor(), true), 0, _save->getDepth());
Node *node = _save->getSpawnNode(0, unit);
if (node)
_save->setUnitPosition(unit, node->getPosition());
unit->setAIModule(new AIModule(_save, unit, node));
// we only add a unit if it has a node to spawn on.
// (stops them spawning at 0,0,0)
else if (placeUnitNearFriend(unit))
unit->setAIModule(new AIModule(_save, unit, node));
delete unit;
unit = 0;
return unit;
* Places an item on an XCom soldier based on equipment layout.
* @param item Pointer to the Item.
* @return Pointer to the Item.
bool BattlescapeGenerator::placeItemByLayout(BattleItem *item)
RuleInventory *ground = _game->getMod()->getInventory("STR_GROUND", true);
if (item->getSlot() == ground)
bool loaded;
RuleInventory *righthand = _game->getMod()->getInventory("STR_RIGHT_HAND", true);
// find the first soldier with a matching layout-slot
for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = _save->getUnits()->begin(); i != _save->getUnits()->end(); ++i)
// skip the vehicles, we need only X-Com soldiers WITH equipment-layout
if ((*i)->getArmor()->getSize() > 1 || !(*i)->getGeoscapeSoldier() || (*i)->getGeoscapeSoldier()->getEquipmentLayout()->empty())
// find the first matching layout-slot which is not already occupied
std::vector<EquipmentLayoutItem*> *layoutItems = (*i)->getGeoscapeSoldier()->getEquipmentLayout();
for (std::vector<EquipmentLayoutItem*>::iterator j = layoutItems->begin(); j != layoutItems->end(); ++j)
if (item->getRules()->getType() != (*j)->getItemType()
|| (*i)->getItem((*j)->getSlot(), (*j)->getSlotX(), (*j)->getSlotY())) continue;
if ((*j)->getAmmoItem() == "NONE")
loaded = true;
loaded = false;
// maybe we find the layout-ammo on the ground to load it with
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator k = _craftInventoryTile->getInventory()->begin(); (!loaded) && k != _craftInventoryTile->getInventory()->end(); ++k)
if ((*k)->getRules()->getType() == (*j)->getAmmoItem() && (*k)->getSlot() == ground
&& item->setAmmoItem((*k)) == 0)
loaded = true;
// note: soldier is not owner of the ammo, we are using this fact when saving equipments
// only place the weapon onto the soldier when it's loaded with its layout-ammo (if any)
if (loaded)
item->setSlot(_game->getMod()->getInventory((*j)->getSlot(), true));
if (Options::includePrimeStateInSavedLayout &&
(item->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_GRENADE ||
item->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_PROXIMITYGRENADE))
return true;
return false;
* Adds an item to an XCom soldier (auto-equip).
* @param item Pointer to the Item.
* @param unit Pointer to the Unit.
* @param mod Pointer to the mod in use by the game.
* @param addToSave if non-NULL and the item was successfully placed, will add the item to the specified SavedBattleGame
* @param allowAutoLoadout allow auto-equip to function
* @param allowSecondClip allow the unit to take a second clip or not. (only applies to xcom soldiers, aliens are allowed regardless of this flag)
* @return if the item was placed.
static bool _addItem(BattleItem *item, BattleUnit *unit, Mod *mod, SavedBattleGame *addToSave, bool allowAutoLoadout, bool allowSecondClip)
RuleInventory *rightHand = mod->getInventory("STR_RIGHT_HAND", true);
RuleInventory *leftHand = mod->getInventory("STR_LEFT_HAND", true);
bool placed = false;
bool loaded = false;
BattleItem *rightWeapon = unit->getItem("STR_RIGHT_HAND");
BattleItem *leftWeapon = unit->getItem("STR_LEFT_HAND");
int weight = 0;
// tanks and aliens don't care about weight or multiple items,
// their loadouts are defined in the rulesets and more or less set in stone.
if (unit->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER && unit->hasInventory())
weight = unit->getCarriedWeight() + item->getRules()->getWeight();
if (item->getAmmoItem() && item->getAmmoItem() != item)
weight += item->getAmmoItem()->getRules()->getWeight();
// allow all weapons to be loaded by avoiding this check,
// they'll return false later anyway if the unit has something in his hand.
if (item->getRules()->getCompatibleAmmo()->empty())
int tally = 0;
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator i = unit->getInventory()->begin(); i != unit->getInventory()->end(); ++i)
if (item->getRules()->getType() == (*i)->getRules()->getType())
if (allowSecondClip && item->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_AMMO)
if (tally == 2)
return false;
// we already have one, thanks.
return false;
// fixed weapon should be always placed in hand slots
if (item->getRules()->isFixed())
if (!rightWeapon || !leftWeapon)
item->setSlot(!rightWeapon ? rightHand : leftHand);
placed = true;
if (addToSave)
item->setXCOMProperty(unit->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER);
return placed;
bool keep = true;
switch (item->getRules()->getBattleType())
case BT_MELEE:
if (item->getAmmoItem() || unit->getFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER || !unit->hasInventory())
loaded = true;
if (loaded && (unit->getGeoscapeSoldier() == 0 || allowAutoLoadout))
if (!rightWeapon && unit->getBaseStats()->strength * 0.66 >= weight) // weight is always considered 0 for aliens
placed = true;
else if (!leftWeapon && unit->getFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER)
placed = true;
case BT_AMMO:
// xcom weapons will already be loaded, aliens and tanks, however, get their ammo added afterwards.
// so let's try to load them here.
if (rightWeapon && (rightWeapon->getRules()->isFixed() || unit->getFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER) &&
!rightWeapon->getRules()->getCompatibleAmmo()->empty() &&
!rightWeapon->getAmmoItem() &&
rightWeapon->setAmmoItem(item) == 0)
placed = true;
if (leftWeapon && (leftWeapon->getRules()->isFixed() || unit->getFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER) &&
!leftWeapon->getRules()->getCompatibleAmmo()->empty() &&
!leftWeapon->getAmmoItem() &&
leftWeapon->setAmmoItem(item) == 0)
placed = true;
// don't take ammo for weapons we don't have.
keep = (unit->getFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER);
if (rightWeapon)
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = rightWeapon->getRules()->getCompatibleAmmo()->begin(); i != rightWeapon->getRules()->getCompatibleAmmo()->end(); ++i)
if (*i == item->getRules()->getType())
keep = true;
if (leftWeapon)
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = leftWeapon->getRules()->getCompatibleAmmo()->begin(); i != leftWeapon->getRules()->getCompatibleAmmo()->end(); ++i)
if (*i == item->getRules()->getType())
keep = true;
if (!keep)
if ((unit->getGeoscapeSoldier() == 0 || allowAutoLoadout))
if (unit->getBaseStats()->strength >= weight) // weight is always considered 0 for aliens
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = mod->getInvsList().begin(); i != mod->getInvsList().end() && !placed; ++i)
RuleInventory *slot = mod->getInventory(*i);
if (slot->getType() == INV_SLOT)
for (std::vector<RuleSlot>::iterator j = slot->getSlots()->begin(); j != slot->getSlots()->end() && !placed; ++j)
if (!Inventory::overlapItems(unit, item, slot, j->x, j->y) && slot->fitItemInSlot(item->getRules(), j->x, j->y))
placed = true;
if (placed && addToSave)
item->setXCOMProperty(unit->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER);
return placed;
* Adds an item to an XCom soldier (auto-equip).
* @param item Pointer to the Item.
* @param unit Pointer to the Unit.
* @param allowSecondClip allow the unit to take a second clip or not. (only applies to xcom soldiers, aliens are allowed regardless of this flag)
* @return if the item was placed or not.
bool BattlescapeGenerator::addItem(BattleItem *item, BattleUnit *unit, bool allowSecondClip)
return _addItem(item, unit, _game->getMod(), _save, _allowAutoLoadout, allowSecondClip);
* Loads an XCom format MAP file into the tiles of the battlegame.
* @param mapblock Pointer to MapBlock.
* @param xoff Mapblock offset in X direction.
* @param yoff Mapblock offset in Y direction.
* @param save Pointer to the current SavedBattleGame.
* @param terrain Pointer to the Terrain rule.
* @param discovered Whether or not this mapblock is discovered (eg. landingsite of the XCom plane).
* @return int Height of the loaded mapblock (this is needed for spawpoint calculation...)
* @sa http://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=MAPS
* @note Y-axis is in reverse order.
int BattlescapeGenerator::loadMAP(MapBlock *mapblock, int xoff, int yoff, RuleTerrain *terrain, int mapDataSetOffset, bool discovered, bool craft)
int sizex, sizey, sizez;
int x = xoff, y = yoff, z = 0;
char size[3];
unsigned char value[4];
std::ostringstream filename;
filename << "MAPS/" << mapblock->getName() << ".MAP";
unsigned int terrainObjectID;
// Load file
std::ifstream mapFile (FileMap::getFilePath(filename.str()).c_str(), std::ios::in| std::ios::binary);
if (!mapFile)
throw Exception(filename.str() + " not found");
mapFile.read((char*)&size, sizeof(size));
sizey = (int)size[0];
sizex = (int)size[1];
sizez = (int)size[2];
std::ostringstream ss;
if (sizez > _save->getMapSizeZ())
ss << "Height of map " + filename.str() + " too big for this mission, block is " << sizez << ", expected: " << _save->getMapSizeZ();
throw Exception(ss.str());
if (sizex != mapblock->getSizeX() ||
sizey != mapblock->getSizeY())
ss << "Map block is not of the size specified " + filename.str() + " is " << sizex << "x" << sizey << " , expected: " << mapblock->getSizeX() << "x" << mapblock->getSizeY();
throw Exception(ss.str());
z += sizez - 1;
for (int i = _mapsize_z-1; i >0; i--)
// check if there is already a layer - if so, we have to move Z up
MapData *floor = _save->getTile(Position(x, y, i))->getMapData(O_FLOOR);
if (floor != 0)
z += i;
if (craft)
_craftZ = i;
if (z > (_save->getMapSizeZ()-1))
if (_save->getMissionType() == "STR_BASE_DEFENSE")
// we'll already have gone through _base->isOverlappingOrOverflowing() by the time we hit this, possibly multiple times
// let's just throw an exception and tell them to check the log, it'll have all the detail they'll need.
throw Exception("Something is wrong with your base, check your log file for additional information.");
throw Exception("Something is wrong in your map definitions, craft/ufo map is too tall?");
while (mapFile.read((char*)&value, sizeof(value)))
for (int part = O_FLOOR; part <= O_OBJECT; ++part)
terrainObjectID = ((unsigned char)value[part]);
if (terrainObjectID>0)
int mapDataSetID = mapDataSetOffset;
unsigned int mapDataID = terrainObjectID;
MapData *md = terrain->getMapData(&mapDataID, &mapDataSetID);
if (mapDataSetOffset > 0) // ie: ufo or craft.
_save->getTile(Position(x, y, z))->setMapData(0, -1, -1, O_OBJECT);
TilePart tp = (TilePart) part;
_save->getTile(Position(x, y, z))->setMapData(md, mapDataID, mapDataSetID, tp);
_save->getTile(Position(x, y, z))->setDiscovered((discovered || mapblock->isFloorRevealed(z)), 2);
if (x == (sizex + xoff))
x = xoff;
if (y == (sizey + yoff))
y = yoff;
if (!mapFile.eof())
throw Exception("Invalid MAP file: " + filename.str());
if (_generateFuel)
// if one of the mapBlocks has an items array defined, don't deploy fuel algorithmically
_generateFuel = mapblock->getItems()->empty();
for (std::map<std::string, std::vector<Position> >::const_iterator i = mapblock->getItems()->begin(); i != mapblock->getItems()->end(); ++i)
RuleItem *rule = _game->getMod()->getItem((*i).first, true);
for (std::vector<Position>::const_iterator j = (*i).second.begin(); j != (*i).second.end(); ++j)
BattleItem *item = new BattleItem(rule, _save->getCurrentItemId());
_save->getTile((*j) + Position(xoff, yoff, 0))->addItem(item, _game->getMod()->getInventory("STR_GROUND", true));
return sizez;
* Loads an XCom format RMP file into the spawnpoints of the battlegame.
* @param mapblock Pointer to MapBlock.
* @param xoff Mapblock offset in X direction.
* @param yoff Mapblock offset in Y direction.
* @param segment Mapblock segment.
* @sa http://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=ROUTES
void BattlescapeGenerator::loadRMP(MapBlock *mapblock, int xoff, int yoff, int segment)
unsigned char value[24];
std::ostringstream filename;
filename << "ROUTES/" << mapblock->getName() << ".RMP";
// Load file
std::ifstream mapFile (FileMap::getFilePath(filename.str()).c_str(), std::ios::in| std::ios::binary);
if (!mapFile)
throw Exception(filename.str() + " not found");
size_t nodeOffset = _save->getNodes()->size();
std::vector<int> badNodes;
int nodesAdded = 0;
while (mapFile.read((char*)&value, sizeof(value)))
int pos_x = value[1];
int pos_y = value[0];
int pos_z = value[2];
Node *node;
if (pos_x >= 0 && pos_x < mapblock->getSizeX() &&
pos_y >= 0 && pos_y < mapblock->getSizeY() &&
pos_z >= 0 && pos_z < mapblock->getSizeZ())
Position pos = Position(xoff + pos_x, yoff + pos_y, mapblock->getSizeZ() - 1 - pos_z);
int type = value[19];
int rank = value[20];
int flags = value[21];
int reserved = value[22];
int priority = value[23];
node = new Node(_save->getNodes()->size(), pos, segment, type, rank, flags, reserved, priority);
for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
int connectID = value[4 + j * 3];
// don't touch special values
if (connectID <= 250)
connectID += nodeOffset;
// 255/-1 = unused, 254/-2 = north, 253/-3 = east, 252/-4 = south, 251/-5 = west
connectID -= 256;
// since we use getNodes()->at(n) a lot, we have to push a dummy node into the vector to keep the connections sane,
// or else convert the node vector to a map, either way is as much work, so i'm sticking with vector for faster operation.
// this is because the "built in" nodeLinks reference each other by number, and it's gonna be implementational hell to try
// to adjust those numbers retroactively, post-culling. far better to simply mark these culled nodes as dummies, and discount their use
// that way, all the connections will still line up properly in the array.
node = new Node();
Log(LOG_INFO) << "Bad node in RMP file: " << filename.str() << " Node #" << nodesAdded << " is outside map boundaries at X:" << pos_x << " Y:" << pos_y << " Z:" << pos_z << ". Culling Node.";
for (std::vector<int>::iterator i = badNodes.begin(); i != badNodes.end(); ++i)
int nodeCounter = nodesAdded;
for (std::vector<Node*>::reverse_iterator j = _save->getNodes()->rbegin(); j != _save->getNodes()->rend() && nodeCounter > 0; ++j)
if (!(*j)->isDummy())
for(std::vector<int>::iterator k = (*j)->getNodeLinks()->begin(); k != (*j)->getNodeLinks()->end(); ++k)
if (*k - nodeOffset == (unsigned)*i)
Log(LOG_INFO) << "RMP file: " << filename.str() << " Node #" << nodeCounter - 1 << " is linked to Node #" << *i << ", which was culled. Terminating Link.";
*k = -1;
if (!mapFile.eof())
throw Exception("Invalid RMP file: " + filename.str());
* Fill power sources with an alien fuel object.
void BattlescapeGenerator::fuelPowerSources()
for (int i = 0; i < _save->getMapSizeXYZ(); ++i)
if (_save->getTiles()[i]->getMapData(O_OBJECT)
&& _save->getTiles()[i]->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getSpecialType() == UFO_POWER_SOURCE)
BattleItem *alienFuel = new BattleItem(_game->getMod()->getItem(_game->getMod()->getAlienFuelName(), true), _save->getCurrentItemId());
_save->getTiles()[i]->addItem(alienFuel, _game->getMod()->getInventory("STR_GROUND", true));
* When a UFO crashes, there is a 75% chance for each powersource to explode.
void BattlescapeGenerator::explodePowerSources()
for (int i = 0; i < _save->getMapSizeXYZ(); ++i)
if (_save->getTiles()[i]->getMapData(O_OBJECT)
&& _save->getTiles()[i]->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getSpecialType() == UFO_POWER_SOURCE && RNG::percent(75))
Position pos;
pos.x = _save->getTiles()[i]->getPosition().x*16;
pos.y = _save->getTiles()[i]->getPosition().y*16;
pos.z = (_save->getTiles()[i]->getPosition().z*24) +12;
_save->getTileEngine()->explode(pos, 180+RNG::generate(0,70), DT_HE, 10);
Tile *t = _save->getTileEngine()->checkForTerrainExplosions();
while (t)
Position p = Position(t->getPosition().x * 16, t->getPosition().y * 16, t->getPosition().z * 24);
p += Position(8,8,0);
_save->getTileEngine()->explode(p, t->getExplosive(), DT_HE, t->getExplosive() / 10);
t = _save->getTileEngine()->checkForTerrainExplosions();
* Spawns civilians on a terror mission.
* @param max Maximum number of civilians to spawn.
void BattlescapeGenerator::deployCivilians(int max)
if (max)
// inevitably someone will point out that ufopaedia says 0-16 civilians.
// to that person: this is only partially true;
// 0 civilians would only be a possibility if there were already 80 units,
// or no spawn nodes for civilians, but it would always try to spawn at least 8.
int number = RNG::generate(max/2, max);
if (number > 0)
int month;
if (_game->getSavedGame()->getMonthsPassed() != -1)
month =
((size_t) _game->getSavedGame()->getMonthsPassed()) > _game->getMod()->getAlienItemLevels().size() - 1 ? // if
_game->getMod()->getAlienItemLevels().size() - 1 : // then
_game->getSavedGame()->getMonthsPassed() ; // else
month = _alienItemLevel;
for (int i = 0; i < number; ++i)
size_t pick = RNG::generate(0, _terrain->getCivilianTypes().size() -1);
Unit* rule = _game->getMod()->getUnit(_terrain->getCivilianTypes().at(pick), true);
BattleUnit* civ = addCivilian(rule);
if (civ)
size_t itemLevel = (size_t)(_game->getMod()->getAlienItemLevels().at(month).at(RNG::generate(0,9)));
// Built in weapons: civilians may have levelled item lists with randomized distributions
// following the same basic rules as the alien item levels.
if (!rule->getBuiltInWeapons().empty())
if (itemLevel >= rule->getBuiltInWeapons().size())
itemLevel = rule->getBuiltInWeapons().size() -1;
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator j = rule->getBuiltInWeapons().at(itemLevel).begin(); j != rule->getBuiltInWeapons().at(itemLevel).end(); ++j)
RuleItem *ruleItem = _game->getMod()->getItem(*j);
if (ruleItem)
BattleItem *item = new BattleItem(ruleItem, _save->getCurrentItemId());
if (!addItem(item, civ))
delete item;
else if (ruleItem->getTurretType() != -1)
* Sets the alien base involved in the battle.
* @param base Pointer to alien base.
void BattlescapeGenerator::setAlienBase(AlienBase *base)
_alienBase = base;
* Places a unit near a friendly unit.
* @param unit Pointer to the unit in question.
* @return If we successfully placed the unit.
bool BattlescapeGenerator::placeUnitNearFriend(BattleUnit *unit)
if (_save->getUnits()->empty())
return false;
for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
Position entryPoint = Position(-1, -1, -1);
int tries = 100;
bool largeUnit = false;
while (entryPoint == Position(-1, -1, -1) && tries)
BattleUnit* k = _save->getUnits()->at(RNG::generate(0, _save->getUnits()->size()-1));
if (k->getFaction() == unit->getFaction() && k->getPosition() != Position(-1, -1, -1) && k->getArmor()->getSize() >= unit->getArmor()->getSize())
entryPoint = k->getPosition();
largeUnit = (k->getArmor()->getSize() != 1);
if (tries && _save->placeUnitNearPosition(unit, entryPoint, largeUnit))
return true;
return false;
* Creates a mini-battle-save for managing inventory from the Geoscape.
* Kids, don't try this at home!
* @param craft Pointer to craft to manage.
void BattlescapeGenerator::runInventory(Craft *craft)
// we need to fake a map for soldier placement
_baseInventory = true;
_mapsize_x = 2;
_mapsize_y = 2;
_mapsize_z = 1;
_save->initMap(_mapsize_x, _mapsize_y, _mapsize_z);
MapDataSet *set = new MapDataSet("dummy");
MapData *data = new MapData(set);
_craftInventoryTile = _save->getTiles()[0];
// ok now generate the battleitems for inventory
delete data;
delete set;
* Loads all XCom weaponry before anything else is distributed.
void BattlescapeGenerator::loadWeapons()
// let's try to load this weapon, whether we equip it or not.
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator i = _craftInventoryTile->getInventory()->begin(); i != _craftInventoryTile->getInventory()->end(); ++i)
if (!(*i)->getRules()->isFixed() &&
!(*i)->getRules()->getCompatibleAmmo()->empty() &&
(*i)->getAmmoItem() == 0 &&
((*i)->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_FIREARM || (*i)->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_MELEE))
bool loaded = false;
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator j = _craftInventoryTile->getInventory()->begin(); j != _craftInventoryTile->getInventory()->end() && !loaded; ++j)
if ((*j)->getSlot() == _game->getMod()->getInventory("STR_GROUND", true) && (*i)->setAmmoItem(*j) == 0)
(*j)->setSlot(_game->getMod()->getInventory("STR_RIGHT_HAND", true));
loaded = true;
for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator i = _craftInventoryTile->getInventory()->begin(); i != _craftInventoryTile->getInventory()->end();)
if ((*i)->getSlot() != _game->getMod()->getInventory("STR_GROUND", true))
i = _craftInventoryTile->getInventory()->erase(i);
* Generates a map (set of tiles) for a new battlescape game.
* @param script the script to use to build the map.
void BattlescapeGenerator::generateMap(const std::vector<MapScript*> *script)
// set our ambient sound
// set up our map generation vars
_dummy = new MapBlock("dummy");
MapBlock* craftMap = 0;
std::vector<MapBlock*> ufoMaps;
int mapDataSetIDOffset = 0;
int craftDataSetIDOffset = 0;
// create an array to track command success/failure
std::map<int, bool> conditionals;
for (std::vector<MapDataSet*>::iterator i = _terrain->getMapDataSets()->begin(); i != _terrain->getMapDataSets()->end(); ++i)
RuleTerrain* ufoTerrain = 0;
// lets generate the map now and store it inside the tile objects
// this mission type is "hard-coded" in terms of map layout
if (_save->getMissionType() == "STR_BASE_DEFENSE")
//process script
for (std::vector<MapScript*>::const_iterator i = script->begin(); i != script->end(); ++i)
MapScript *command = *i;
if (command->getLabel() > 0 && conditionals.find(command->getLabel()) != conditionals.end())
throw Exception("Map generator encountered an error: multiple commands are sharing the same label.");
bool &success = conditionals[command->getLabel()] = false;
// if this command runs conditionally on the failures or successes of previous commands
if (!command->getConditionals()->empty())
bool execute = true;
// compare the corresponding entries in the success/failure vector
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator condition = command->getConditionals()->begin(); condition != command->getConditionals()->end(); ++condition)
// positive numbers indicate conditional on success, negative means conditional on failure
// ie: [1, -2] means this command only runs if command 1 succeeded and command 2 failed.
if (conditionals.find(std::abs(*condition)) != conditionals.end())
if ((*condition > 0 && !conditionals[*condition]) || (*condition < 0 && conditionals[std::abs(*condition)]))
execute = false;
throw Exception("Map generator encountered an error: conditional command expected a label that did not exist before this command.");
if (!execute)
// if there's a chance a command won't execute by design, take that into account here.
if (RNG::percent(command->getChancesOfExecution()))
// initialize the block selection arrays
// each command can be attempted multiple times, as randomization within the rects may occur
for (int j = 0; j < command->getExecutions(); ++j)
int x, y;
MapBlock *block = 0;
switch (command->getType())
block = command->getNextBlock(_terrain);
// select an X and Y position from within the rects, using an even distribution
if (block && selectPosition(command->getRects(), x, y, block->getSizeX(), block->getSizeY()))
success = addBlock(x, y, block) || success;
success = addLine((command->getDirection()), command->getRects());
if (_craft)
craftMap = _craft->getRules()->getBattlescapeTerrainData()->getRandomMapBlock(999, 999, 0, false);
if (addCraft(craftMap, command, _craftPos))
// by default addCraft adds blocks from group 1.
// this can be overwritten in the command by defining specific groups or blocks
// or this behaviour can be suppressed by leaving group 1 empty
// this is intentional to allow for TFTD's cruise liners/etc
// in this situation, you can end up with ANYTHING under your craft, so be careful
for (x = _craftPos.x; x < _craftPos.x + _craftPos.w; ++x)
for (y = _craftPos.y; y < _craftPos.y + _craftPos.h; ++y)
if (_blocks[x][y])
loadMAP(_blocks[x][y], x * 10, y * 10, _terrain, 0);
_craftDeployed = true;
success = true;
// as above, note that the craft and the ufo will never be allowed to overlap.
// significant difference here is that we accept a UFOName string here to choose the UFO map
// and we store the UFO positions in a vector, which we iterate later when actually loading the
// map and route data. this makes it possible to add multiple UFOs to a single map
// IMPORTANTLY: all the UFOs must use _exactly_ the same MCD set.
// this is fine for most UFOs but it does mean small scouts can't be combined with larger ones
// unless some major alterations are done to the MCD sets and maps themselves beforehand
// this is because serializing all the MCDs is an implementational nightmare from my perspective,
// and modders can take care of all that manually on their end.
if (_game->getMod()->getUfo(command->getUFOName()))
ufoTerrain = _game->getMod()->getUfo(command->getUFOName())->getBattlescapeTerrainData();
else if (_ufo)
ufoTerrain = _ufo->getRules()->getBattlescapeTerrainData();
if (ufoTerrain)
MapBlock *ufoMap = ufoTerrain->getRandomMapBlock(999, 999, 0, false);
SDL_Rect ufoPosTemp;
if (addCraft(ufoMap, command, ufoPosTemp))
for (x = ufoPosTemp.x; x < ufoPosTemp.x + ufoPosTemp.w; ++x)
for (y = ufoPosTemp.y; y < ufoPosTemp.y + ufoPosTemp.h; ++y)
if (_blocks[x][y])
loadMAP(_blocks[x][y], x * 10, y * 10, _terrain, 0);
success = true;
drillModules(command->getTunnelData(), command->getRects(), command->getDirection());
success = true; // this command is fail-proof
block = command->getNextBlock(_terrain);
while (block)
if (selectPosition(command->getRects(), x, y, block->getSizeX(), block->getSizeY()))
// fill area will succeed if even one block is added
success = addBlock(x, y, block) || success;
block = command->getNextBlock(_terrain);
for (std::vector<SDL_Rect*>::const_iterator k = command->getRects()->begin(); k != command->getRects()->end() && !success; ++k)
for (x = (*k)->x; x != (*k)->x + (*k)->w && x != _mapsize_x / 10 && !success; ++x)
for (y = (*k)->y; y != (*k)->y + (*k)->h && y != _mapsize_y / 10 && !success; ++y)
if (!command->getGroups()->empty())
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator z = command->getGroups()->begin(); z != command->getGroups()->end() && !success; ++z)
success = _blocks[x][y]->isInGroup((*z));
else if (!command->getBlocks()->empty())
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator z = command->getBlocks()->begin(); z != command->getBlocks()->end() && !success; ++z)
if ((size_t)(*z) < _terrain->getMapBlocks()->size())
success = (_blocks[x][y] == _terrain->getMapBlocks()->at(*z));
// wildcard, we don't care what block it is, we just wanna know if there's a block here
success = (_blocks[x][y] != 0);
success = removeBlocks(command);
if (_save->getMissionType() == "STR_BASE_DEFENSE")
throw Exception("Map Generator encountered an error: Base defense map cannot be resized.");
if (_blocksToDo < (_mapsize_x / 10) * (_mapsize_y / 10))
throw Exception("Map Generator encountered an error: One does not simply resize the map after adding blocks.");
if (command->getSizeX() > 0 && command->getSizeX() != _mapsize_x / 10)
_mapsize_x = command->getSizeX() * 10;
if (command->getSizeY() > 0 && command->getSizeY() != _mapsize_y / 10)
_mapsize_y = command->getSizeY() * 10;
if (command->getSizeZ() > 0 && command->getSizeZ() != _mapsize_z)
_mapsize_z = command->getSizeZ();
if (_blocksToDo)
throw Exception("Map failed to fully generate.");
if (!ufoMaps.empty() && ufoTerrain)
for (std::vector<MapDataSet*>::iterator i = ufoTerrain->getMapDataSets()->begin(); i != ufoTerrain->getMapDataSets()->end(); ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < ufoMaps.size(); ++i)
loadMAP(ufoMaps[i], _ufoPos[i].x * 10, _ufoPos[i].y * 10, ufoTerrain, mapDataSetIDOffset);
loadRMP(ufoMaps[i], _ufoPos[i].x * 10, _ufoPos[i].y * 10, Node::UFOSEGMENT);
for (int j = 0; j < ufoMaps[i]->getSizeX() / 10; ++j)
for (int k = 0; k < ufoMaps[i]->getSizeY() / 10; k++)
_segments[_ufoPos[i].x + j][_ufoPos[i].y + k] = Node::UFOSEGMENT;
if (craftMap)
for (std::vector<MapDataSet*>::iterator i = _craft->getRules()->getBattlescapeTerrainData()->getMapDataSets()->begin(); i != _craft->getRules()->getBattlescapeTerrainData()->getMapDataSets()->end(); ++i)
loadMAP(craftMap, _craftPos.x * 10, _craftPos.y * 10, _craft->getRules()->getBattlescapeTerrainData(), mapDataSetIDOffset + craftDataSetIDOffset, true, true);
loadRMP(craftMap, _craftPos.x * 10, _craftPos.y * 10, Node::CRAFTSEGMENT);
for (int i = 0; i < craftMap->getSizeX() / 10; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < craftMap->getSizeY() / 10; j++)
_segments[_craftPos.x + i][_craftPos.y + j] = Node::CRAFTSEGMENT;
for (int i = (_craftPos.x * 10) - 1; i <= (_craftPos.x * 10) + craftMap->getSizeX(); ++i)
for (int j = (_craftPos.y * 10) - 1; j <= (_craftPos.y * 10) + craftMap->getSizeY(); j++)
for (int k = _mapsize_z-1; k >= _craftZ; --k)
if (_save->getTile(Position(i,j,k)))
_save->getTile(Position(i,j,k))->setDiscovered(true, 2);
delete _dummy;
// special hacks to fill in empty floors on level 0
for (int x = 0; x < _mapsize_x; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < _mapsize_y; ++y)
if (_save->getTile(Position(x, y, 0))->getMapData(O_FLOOR) == 0)
_save->getTile(Position(x, y, 0))->setMapData(MapDataSet::getScorchedEarthTile(), 1, 0, O_FLOOR);
* Generates a map based on the base's layout.
* this doesn't drill or fill with dirt, the script must do that.
void BattlescapeGenerator::generateBaseMap()
// add modules based on the base's layout
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _base->getFacilities()->begin(); i != _base->getFacilities()->end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
int num = 0;
int xLimit = (*i)->getX() + (*i)->getRules()->getSize() -1;
int yLimit = (*i)->getY() + (*i)->getRules()->getSize() -1;
for (int y = (*i)->getY(); y <= yLimit; ++y)
for (int x = (*i)->getX(); x <= xLimit; ++x)
// lots of crazy stuff here, which is for the hangars (or other large base facilities one may create)
// TODO: clean this mess up, make the mapNames a vector in the base module defs
// also figure out how to do the terrain sets on a per-block basis.
std::string mapname = (*i)->getRules()->getMapName();
std::ostringstream newname;
newname << mapname.substr(0, mapname.size()-2); // strip of last 2 digits
int mapnum = atoi(mapname.substr(mapname.size()-2, 2).c_str()); // get number
mapnum += num;
if (mapnum < 10) newname << 0;
newname << mapnum;
addBlock(x, y, _terrain->getMapBlock(newname.str()));
_drillMap[x][y] = MD_NONE;
if ((*i)->getRules()->getStorage() > 0)
int groundLevel;
for (groundLevel = _mapsize_z - 1; groundLevel >= 0; --groundLevel)
if (!_save->getTile(Position(x * 10, y * 10, groundLevel))->hasNoFloor(0))
// general stores - there is where the items are put
for (int k = x * 10; k != (x + 1) * 10; ++k)
for (int l = y * 10; l != (y + 1) * 10; ++l)
// we only want every other tile, giving us a "checkerboard" pattern
if ((k + l) % 2 == 0)
Tile *t = _save->getTile(Position(k, l, groundLevel));
Tile *tEast = _save->getTile(Position(k + 1, l, groundLevel));
Tile *tSouth = _save->getTile(Position(k, l + 1, groundLevel));
if (t && t->getMapData(O_FLOOR) && !t->getMapData(O_OBJECT) &&
tEast && !tEast->getMapData(O_WESTWALL) &&
tSouth && !tSouth->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL))
_save->getStorageSpace().push_back(Position(k, l, groundLevel));
// let's put the inventory tile on the lower floor, just to be safe.
if (!_craftInventoryTile)
_craftInventoryTile = _save->getTile(Position((x * 10) + 5, (y * 10) + 5, groundLevel - 1));
for (int x = (*i)->getX(); x <= xLimit; ++x)
_drillMap[x][yLimit] = MD_VERTICAL;
for (int y = (*i)->getY(); y <= yLimit; ++y)
_drillMap[xLimit][y] = MD_HORIZONTAL;
_drillMap[xLimit][yLimit] = MD_BOTH;
* Clears a module from the map.
* @param x the x offset.
* @param y the y offset.
* @param sizeX how far along the x axis to clear.
* @param sizeY how far along the y axis to clear.
void BattlescapeGenerator::clearModule(int x, int y, int sizeX, int sizeY)
for (int z = 0; z != _mapsize_z; ++z)
for (int dx = x; dx != x + sizeX; ++dx)
for (int dy = y; dy != y + sizeY; ++dy)
Tile *tile = _save->getTile(Position(dx,dy,z));
for (int i = O_FLOOR; i <= O_OBJECT; i++)
tile->setMapData(0, -1, -1, (TilePart)i);
* Loads all the nodes from the map modules.
void BattlescapeGenerator::loadNodes()
int segment = 0;
for (int itY = 0; itY < (_mapsize_y / 10); itY++)
for (int itX = 0; itX < (_mapsize_x / 10); itX++)
_segments[itX][itY] = segment;
if (_blocks[itX][itY] != 0 && _blocks[itX][itY] != _dummy)
if (!(_blocks[itX][itY]->isInGroup(MT_LANDINGZONE) && _landingzone[itX][itY]))
loadRMP(_blocks[itX][itY], itX * 10, itY * 10, segment++);
* Attaches all the nodes together in an intricate web of lies.
void BattlescapeGenerator::attachNodeLinks()
for (std::vector<Node*>::iterator i = _save->getNodes()->begin(); i != _save->getNodes()->end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->isDummy())
Node *node = (*i);
int segmentX = node->getPosition().x / 10;
int segmentY = node->getPosition().y / 10;
int neighbourSegments[4];
int neighbourDirections[4] = { -2, -3, -4, -5 };
int neighbourDirectionsInverted[4] = { -4, -5, -2, -3 };
if (segmentX == (_mapsize_x / 10)-1)
neighbourSegments[0] = -1;
neighbourSegments[0] = _segments[segmentX+1][segmentY];
if (segmentY == (_mapsize_y / 10)-1)
neighbourSegments[1] = -1;
neighbourSegments[1] = _segments[segmentX][segmentY+1];
if (segmentX == 0)
neighbourSegments[2] = -1;
neighbourSegments[2] = _segments[segmentX-1][segmentY];
if (segmentY == 0)
neighbourSegments[3] = -1;
neighbourSegments[3] = _segments[segmentX][segmentY-1];
for (std::vector<int>::iterator j = node->getNodeLinks()->begin(); j != node->getNodeLinks()->end(); ++j )
for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
if (*j == neighbourDirections[n])
for (std::vector<Node*>::iterator k = _save->getNodes()->begin(); k != _save->getNodes()->end(); ++k)
if ((*k)->isDummy())
if ((*k)->getSegment() == neighbourSegments[n])
for (std::vector<int>::iterator l = (*k)->getNodeLinks()->begin(); l != (*k)->getNodeLinks()->end(); ++l )
if (*l == neighbourDirectionsInverted[n])
*l = node->getID();
*j = (*k)->getID();
* Selects a position for a map block.
* @param rects the positions to select from, none meaning the whole map.
* @param X the x position for the block gets stored in this variable.
* @param Y the y position for the block gets stored in this variable.
* @param sizeX the x size of the block we want to add.
* @param sizeY the y size of the block we want to add.
* @return if a valid position was selected or not.
bool BattlescapeGenerator::selectPosition(const std::vector<SDL_Rect *> *rects, int &X, int &Y, int sizeX, int sizeY)
std::vector<SDL_Rect*> available;
std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > valid;
SDL_Rect wholeMap;
wholeMap.x = 0;
wholeMap.y = 0;
wholeMap.w = (_mapsize_x / 10);
wholeMap.h = (_mapsize_y / 10);
sizeX = (sizeX / 10);
sizeY = (sizeY / 10);
if (rects->empty())
available = *rects;
for (std::vector<SDL_Rect*>::const_iterator i = available.begin(); i != available.end(); ++i)
if (sizeX > (*i)->w || sizeY > (*i)->h)
for (int x = (*i)->x; x + sizeX <= (*i)->x + (*i)->w && x + sizeX <= wholeMap.w; ++x)
for (int y = (*i)->y; y + sizeY <= (*i)->y + (*i)->h && y + sizeY <= wholeMap.h; ++y)
if (std::find(valid.begin(), valid.end(), std::make_pair(x,y)) == valid.end())
bool add = true;
for (int xCheck = x; xCheck != x + sizeX; ++xCheck)
for (int yCheck = y; yCheck != y + sizeY; ++yCheck)
if (_blocks[xCheck][yCheck])
add = false;
if (add)
if (valid.empty())
return false;
std::pair<int, int> selection = valid.at(RNG::generate(0, valid.size() - 1));
X = selection.first;
Y = selection.second;
return true;
* Adds a craft (or UFO) to the map, and tries to add a landing zone type block underneath it.
* @param craftMap the map for the craft in question.
* @param command the script command to pull info from.
* @param craftPos the position of the craft is stored here.
* @return if the craft was placed or not.
bool BattlescapeGenerator::addCraft(MapBlock *craftMap, MapScript *command, SDL_Rect &craftPos)
craftPos.w = craftMap->getSizeX();
craftPos.h = craftMap->getSizeY();
bool placed = false;
int x, y;
placed = selectPosition(command->getRects(), x, y, craftPos.w, craftPos.h);
// if ok, allocate it
if (placed)
craftPos.x = x;
craftPos.y = y;
craftPos.w /= 10;
craftPos.h /= 10;
for (x = 0; x < craftPos.w; ++x)
for (y = 0; y < craftPos.h; ++y)
_landingzone[craftPos.x + x][craftPos.y + y] = true;
MapBlock *block = command->getNextBlock(_terrain);
if (block && !_blocks[craftPos.x + x][craftPos.y + y])
_blocks[craftPos.x + x][craftPos.y + y] = block;
return placed;
* draws a line along the map either horizontally, vertically or both.
* @param direction the direction to draw the line
* @param rects the positions to allow the line to be drawn in.
* @return if the blocks were added or not.
bool BattlescapeGenerator::addLine(MapDirection direction, const std::vector<SDL_Rect*> *rects)
if (direction == MD_BOTH)
if (addLine(MD_VERTICAL, rects))
addLine(MD_HORIZONTAL, rects);
return true;
return false;
int tries = 0;
bool placed = false;
int roadX, roadY = 0;
int *iteratorValue = &roadX;
MapBlockType comparator = MT_NSROAD;
MapBlockType typeToAdd = MT_EWROAD;
int limit = _mapsize_x / 10;
if (direction == MD_VERTICAL)
iteratorValue = &roadY;
comparator = MT_EWROAD;
typeToAdd = MT_NSROAD;
limit = _mapsize_y / 10;
while (!placed)
selectPosition(rects, roadX, roadY, 10, 10);
placed = true;
for (*iteratorValue = 0; *iteratorValue < limit; *iteratorValue += 1)
if (_blocks[roadX][roadY] != 0 && _blocks[roadX][roadY]->isInGroup(comparator) == false)
placed = false;
if (tries++ > 20)
return false;
*iteratorValue = 0;
while (*iteratorValue < limit)
if (_blocks[roadX][roadY] == 0)
addBlock(roadX, roadY, _terrain->getRandomMapBlock(10, 10, typeToAdd));
else if (_blocks[roadX][roadY]->isInGroup(comparator))
_blocks[roadX][roadY] = _terrain->getRandomMapBlock(10, 10, MT_CROSSING);
clearModule(roadX * 10, roadY * 10, 10, 10);
loadMAP(_blocks[roadX][roadY], roadX * 10, roadY * 10, _terrain, 0);
*iteratorValue += 1;
return true;
* Adds a single block to the map.
* @param x the x position to add the block
* @param y the y position to add the block
* @param block the block to add.
* @return if the block was added or not.
bool BattlescapeGenerator::addBlock(int x, int y, MapBlock *block)
int xSize = (block->getSizeX() - 1) / 10;
int ySize = (block->getSizeY() - 1) / 10;
for (int xd = 0; xd <= xSize; ++xd)
for (int yd = 0; yd != ySize; ++yd)
if (_blocks[x + xd][y + yd])
return false;
for (int xd = 0; xd <= xSize; ++xd)
for (int yd = 0; yd <= ySize; ++yd)
_blocks[x + xd][y + yd] = _dummy;
// mark the south edge of the block for drilling
for (int xd = 0; xd <= xSize; ++xd)
_drillMap[x+xd][y + ySize] = MD_VERTICAL;
// then the east edge
for (int yd = 0; yd <= ySize; ++yd)
_drillMap[x + xSize][y+yd] = MD_HORIZONTAL;
// then the far corner gets marked for both
// this also marks 1x1 modules
_drillMap[x + xSize][y+ySize] = MD_BOTH;
_blocks[x][y] = block;
bool visible = (_save->getMissionType() == "STR_BASE_DEFENSE"); // yes, i'm hard coding these, big whoop, wanna fight about it?
loadMAP(_blocks[x][y], x * 10, y * 10, _terrain, 0, visible);
return true;
* Drills a tunnel between existing map modules.
* note that this drills all modules currently on the map,
* so it should take place BEFORE the dirt is added in base defenses.
* @param data the wall replacements and level to dig on.
* @param rects the length/width of the tunnels themselves.
* @param dir the direction to drill.
void BattlescapeGenerator::drillModules(TunnelData* data, const std::vector<SDL_Rect *> *rects, MapDirection dir)
const MCDReplacement *wWall = data->getMCDReplacement("westWall");
const MCDReplacement *nWall = data->getMCDReplacement("northWall");
const MCDReplacement *corner = data->getMCDReplacement("corner");
const MCDReplacement *floor = data->getMCDReplacement("floor");
SDL_Rect rect;
rect.x = rect.y = rect.w = rect.h = 3;
if (!rects->empty())
rect = *rects->front();
for (int i = 0; i < (_mapsize_x / 10); ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < (_mapsize_y / 10); ++j)
if (_blocks[i][j] == 0)
MapData *md;
if (dir != MD_VERTICAL)
// drill east
if (i < (_mapsize_x / 10)-1 && (_drillMap[i][j] == MD_HORIZONTAL || _drillMap[i][j] == MD_BOTH) && _blocks[i+1][j] != 0)
Tile *tile;
// remove stuff
for (int k = rect.y; k != rect.y + rect.h; ++k)
tile = _save->getTile(Position((i*10)+9, (j*10)+k, data->level));
if (tile)
tile->setMapData(0, -1, -1, O_WESTWALL);
tile->setMapData(0, -1, -1, O_OBJECT);
if (floor)
md = _terrain->getMapDataSets()->at(floor->set)->getObject(floor->entry);
tile->setMapData(md, floor->entry, floor->set, O_FLOOR);
tile = _save->getTile(Position((i+1)*10, (j*10)+k, data->level));
tile->setMapData(0, -1, -1, O_WESTWALL);
MapData* obj = tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT);
if (obj && obj->getTUCost(MT_WALK) == 0)
tile->setMapData(0, -1, -1, O_OBJECT);
if (nWall)
md = _terrain->getMapDataSets()->at(nWall->set)->getObject(nWall->entry);
tile = _save->getTile(Position((i*10)+9, (j*10)+rect.y, data->level));
tile->setMapData(md, nWall->entry, nWall->set, O_NORTHWALL);
tile = _save->getTile(Position((i*10)+9, (j*10)+rect.y+rect.h, data->level));
tile->setMapData(md, nWall->entry, nWall->set, O_NORTHWALL);
if (corner)
md = _terrain->getMapDataSets()->at(corner->set)->getObject(corner->entry);
tile = _save->getTile(Position((i+1)*10, (j*10)+rect.y, data->level));
if (tile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL) == 0)
tile->setMapData(md, corner->entry, corner->set, O_NORTHWALL);
if (dir != MD_HORIZONTAL)
// drill south
if (j < (_mapsize_y / 10)-1 && (_drillMap[i][j] == MD_VERTICAL || _drillMap[i][j] == MD_BOTH) && _blocks[i][j+1] != 0)
// remove stuff
for (int k = rect.x; k != rect.x + rect.w; ++k)
Tile * tile = _save->getTile(Position((i*10)+k, (j*10)+9, data->level));
if (tile)
tile->setMapData(0, -1, -1, O_NORTHWALL);
tile->setMapData(0, -1, -1, O_OBJECT);
if (floor)
md = _terrain->getMapDataSets()->at(floor->set)->getObject(floor->entry);
tile->setMapData(md, floor->entry, floor->set, O_FLOOR);
tile = _save->getTile(Position((i*10)+k, (j+1)*10, data->level));
tile->setMapData(0, -1, -1, O_NORTHWALL);
MapData* obj = tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT);
if (obj && obj->getTUCost(MT_WALK) == 0)
tile->setMapData(0, -1, -1, O_OBJECT);
if (wWall)
md = _terrain->getMapDataSets()->at(wWall->set)->getObject(wWall->entry);
Tile *tile = _save->getTile(Position((i*10)+rect.x, (j*10)+9, data->level));
tile->setMapData(md, wWall->entry, wWall->set, O_WESTWALL);
tile = _save->getTile(Position((i*10)+rect.x+rect.w, (j*10)+9, data->level));
tile->setMapData(md, wWall->entry, wWall->set, O_WESTWALL);
if (corner)
md = _terrain->getMapDataSets()->at(corner->set)->getObject(corner->entry);
Tile *tile = _save->getTile(Position((i*10)+rect.x, (j+1)*10, data->level));
if (tile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL) == 0)
tile->setMapData(md, corner->entry, corner->set, O_WESTWALL);
* Removes all blocks within a given set of rects, as defined in the command.
* @param command contains all the info we need.
* @return success of the removal.
* @feel shame for having written this.
bool BattlescapeGenerator::removeBlocks(MapScript *command)
std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > deleted;
bool success = false;
for (std::vector<SDL_Rect*>::const_iterator k = command->getRects()->begin(); k != command->getRects()->end(); ++k)
for (int x = (*k)->x; x != (*k)->x + (*k)->w && x != _mapsize_x / 10; ++x)
for (int y = (*k)->y; y != (*k)->y + (*k)->h && y != _mapsize_y / 10; ++y)
if (_blocks[x][y] != 0 && _blocks[x][y] != _dummy)
std::pair<int, int> pos(x, y);
if (!command->getGroups()->empty())
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator z = command->getGroups()->begin(); z != command->getGroups()->end(); ++z)
if (_blocks[x][y]->isInGroup((*z)))
// the deleted vector should only contain unique entries
if (std::find(deleted.begin(), deleted.end(), pos) == deleted.end())
else if (!command->getBlocks()->empty())
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator z = command->getBlocks()->begin(); z != command->getBlocks()->end(); ++z)
if ((size_t)(*z) < _terrain->getMapBlocks()->size())
// the deleted vector should only contain unique entries
if (std::find(deleted.begin(), deleted.end(), pos) == deleted.end())
// the deleted vector should only contain unique entries
if (std::find(deleted.begin(), deleted.end(), pos) == deleted.end())
for (std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::const_iterator z = deleted.begin(); z != deleted.end(); ++z)
int x = (*z).first;
int y = (*z).second;
clearModule(x * 10, y * 10, _blocks[x][y]->getSizeX(), _blocks[x][y]->getSizeY());
int delx = (_blocks[x][y]->getSizeX() / 10);
int dely = (_blocks[x][y]->getSizeY() / 10);
for (int dx = x; dx != x + delx; ++dx)
for (int dy = y; dy != y + dely; ++dy)
_blocks[dx][dy] = 0;
// this command succeeds if even one block is removed.
success = true;
return success;
* Sets the terrain to be used in battle generation.
* @param terrain Pointer to the terrain rules.
void BattlescapeGenerator::setTerrain(RuleTerrain *terrain)
_terrain = terrain;
* Sets up the objectives for the map.
* @param ruleDeploy the deployment data we're gleaning data from.
void BattlescapeGenerator::setupObjectives(AlienDeployment *ruleDeploy)
int targetType = ruleDeploy->getObjectiveType();
if (targetType > -1)
int objectives = ruleDeploy->getObjectivesRequired();
int actualCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _save->getMapSizeXYZ(); ++i)
for (int j = O_FLOOR; j <= O_OBJECT; ++j)
TilePart tp = (TilePart)j;
if (_save->getTiles()[i]->getMapData(tp) && _save->getTiles()[i]->getMapData(tp)->getSpecialType() == targetType)
if (actualCount > 0)
if (actualCount < objectives || objectives == 0)
* Sets the depth based on the terrain or the provided AlienDeployment rule.
* @param ruleDeploy the deployment data we're gleaning data from.
* @param nextStage whether the mission is progressing to the next stage.
void BattlescapeGenerator::setDepth(AlienDeployment* ruleDeploy, bool nextStage)
if (_save->getDepth() > 0 && !nextStage)
// new battle menu will have set the depth already
if (ruleDeploy->getMaxDepth() > 0)
_save->setDepth(RNG::generate(ruleDeploy->getMinDepth(), ruleDeploy->getMaxDepth()));
else if (_terrain->getMaxDepth() > 0 || nextStage)
_save->setDepth(RNG::generate(_terrain->getMinDepth(), _terrain->getMaxDepth()));
* Sets the background music based on the terrain or the provided AlienDeployment rule.
* @param ruleDeploy the deployment data we're gleaning data from.
* @param nextStage whether the mission is progressing to the next stage.
void BattlescapeGenerator::setMusic(AlienDeployment* ruleDeploy, bool nextStage)
if (!ruleDeploy->getMusic().empty())
_save->setMusic(ruleDeploy->getMusic().at(RNG::generate(0, ruleDeploy->getMusic().size() - 1)));
else if (!_terrain->getMusic().empty())
_save->setMusic(_terrain->getMusic().at(RNG::generate(0, _terrain->getMusic().size() - 1)));
else if (nextStage)
↑ V730 Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: _craftPos.
↑ V1048 The 'toContainer' variable was assigned the same value.
↑ V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: _craft.
↑ V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: !placed.
↑ V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: pos_x >= 0.
↑ V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: pos_y >= 0.
↑ V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: pos_z >= 0.
↑ V799 The 'data' variable is not used after memory has been allocated for it. Consider checking the use of this variable.
↑ V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer '_save->getTile(pos + Position(x, y, 0))'.
↑ V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer '_base'.
↑ V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer '_save->getTile(Position(x, y, i))'.
↑ V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer '_save->getTile(Position(x, y, z))'.
↑ V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer.
↑ V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer '_save->getTile(Position(i, j, k))'.
↑ V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer '_save->getTile(Position(x, y, 0))'.
↑ V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer.
↑ V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'tile'.
↑ V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'tile'.
↑ V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'tile'.
↑ V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'tile'.
↑ V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'tile'.
↑ V796 It is possible that 'break' statement is missing in switch statement.