 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "BattleUnit.h"
#include "BattleItem.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "../Engine/Surface.h"
#include "../Engine/Language.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "../Battlescape/Pathfinding.h"
#include "../Battlescape/BattlescapeGame.h"
#include "../Battlescape/AIModule.h"
#include "Soldier.h"
#include "../Mod/Armor.h"
#include "../Mod/Unit.h"
#include "../Engine/RNG.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleInventory.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleSoldier.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "Tile.h"
#include "SavedGame.h"
#include "SavedBattleGame.h"
#include "BattleUnitStatistics.h"
#include "../fmath.h"
namespace OpenXcom
 * Initializes a BattleUnit from a Soldier
 * @param soldier Pointer to the Soldier.
 * @param depth the depth of the battlefield (used to determine movement type in case of MT_FLOAT).
BattleUnit::BattleUnit(Soldier *soldier, int depth) :
	_faction(FACTION_PLAYER), _originalFaction(FACTION_PLAYER), _killedBy(FACTION_PLAYER), _id(0), _tile(0),
	_lastPos(Position()), _direction(0), _toDirection(0), _directionTurret(0), _toDirectionTurret(0),
	_verticalDirection(0), _status(STATUS_STANDING), _walkPhase(0), _fallPhase(0), _kneeled(false), _floating(false),
	_dontReselect(false), _fire(0), _currentAIState(0), _visible(false), _cacheInvalid(true),
	_expBravery(0), _expReactions(0), _expFiring(0), _expThrowing(0), _expPsiSkill(0), _expPsiStrength(0), _expMelee(0),
	_motionPoints(0), _kills(0), _hitByFire(false), _hitByAnything(false), _moraleRestored(0), _charging(0), _turnsSinceSpotted(255),
	_statistics(), _murdererId(0), _mindControllerID(0), _fatalShotSide(SIDE_FRONT), _fatalShotBodyPart(BODYPART_HEAD),
	_geoscapeSoldier(soldier), _unitRules(0), _rankInt(0), _turretType(-1), _hidingForTurn(false), _respawn(false), _capturable(true)
	_name = soldier->getName(true);
	_id = soldier->getId();
	_type = "SOLDIER";
	_rank = soldier->getRankString();
	_stats = *soldier->getCurrentStats();
	_standHeight = soldier->getRules()->getStandHeight();
	_kneelHeight = soldier->getRules()->getKneelHeight();
	_floatHeight = soldier->getRules()->getFloatHeight();
	_deathSound = std::vector<int>(); // this one is hardcoded
	_aggroSound = -1;
	_moveSound = -1;  // this one is hardcoded
	_intelligence = 2;
	_aggression = 1;
	_specab = SPECAB_NONE;
	_armor = soldier->getArmor();
	_movementType = _armor->getMovementType();
	if (_movementType == MT_FLOAT)
		if (depth > 0)
			_movementType = MT_FLY;
			_movementType = MT_WALK;
	else if (_movementType == MT_SINK)
		if (depth == 0)
			_movementType = MT_FLY;
			_movementType = MT_WALK;
	_stats += *_armor->getStats();	// armors may modify effective stats
	_loftempsSet = _armor->getLoftempsSet();
	_gender = soldier->getGender();
	_faceDirection = -1;
	_breathFrame = -1;
	if (_armor->drawBubbles())
		_breathFrame = 0;
	_floorAbove = false;
	_breathing = false;
	int rankbonus = 0;
	switch (soldier->getRank())
	case RANK_SERGEANT:  rankbonus =  1; break;
	case RANK_CAPTAIN:   rankbonus =  3; break;
	case RANK_COLONEL:   rankbonus =  6; break;
	case RANK_COMMANDER: rankbonus = 10; break;
	default:             rankbonus =  0; break;
	_value = soldier->getRules()->getValue() + soldier->getMissions() + rankbonus;
	_tu = _stats.tu;
	_energy = _stats.stamina;
	_health = _stats.health;
	_morale = 100;
	_stunlevel = 0;
	_maxArmor[SIDE_FRONT] = _armor->getFrontArmor();
	_maxArmor[SIDE_LEFT] = _armor->getSideArmor();
	_maxArmor[SIDE_RIGHT] = _armor->getSideArmor();
	_maxArmor[SIDE_REAR] = _armor->getRearArmor();
	_maxArmor[SIDE_UNDER] = _armor->getUnderArmor();
	_currentArmor[SIDE_FRONT] = _maxArmor[SIDE_FRONT];
	_currentArmor[SIDE_LEFT] = _maxArmor[SIDE_LEFT];
	_currentArmor[SIDE_RIGHT] = _maxArmor[SIDE_RIGHT];
	_currentArmor[SIDE_REAR] = _maxArmor[SIDE_REAR];
	_currentArmor[SIDE_UNDER] = _maxArmor[SIDE_UNDER];
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
		_fatalWounds[i] = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
		_cache[i] = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < SPEC_WEAPON_MAX; ++i)
		_specWeapon[i] = 0;
	_activeHand = "STR_RIGHT_HAND";
	lastCover = Position(-1, -1, -1);
	_statistics = new BattleUnitStatistics();
	int look = soldier->getGender() + 2 * soldier->getLook();
	setRecolor(look, look, _rankInt);
 * Initializes a BattleUnit from a Unit (non-player) object.
 * @param unit Pointer to Unit object.
 * @param faction Which faction the units belongs to.
 * @param id Unique unit ID.
 * @param armor Pointer to unit Armor.
 * @param diff difficulty level (for stat adjustment).
 * @param depth the depth of the battlefield (used to determine movement type in case of MT_FLOAT).
BattleUnit::BattleUnit(Unit *unit, UnitFaction faction, int id, Armor *armor, StatAdjustment *adjustment, int depth) :
	_faction(faction), _originalFaction(faction), _killedBy(faction), _id(id),
	_tile(0), _lastPos(Position()), _direction(0), _toDirection(0), _directionTurret(0),
	_toDirectionTurret(0),  _verticalDirection(0), _status(STATUS_STANDING), _walkPhase(0),
	_fallPhase(0), _kneeled(false), _floating(false), _dontReselect(false), _fire(0), _currentAIState(0),
	_visible(false), _cacheInvalid(true), _expBravery(0), _expReactions(0), _expFiring(0),
	_expThrowing(0), _expPsiSkill(0), _expPsiStrength(0), _expMelee(0), _motionPoints(0), _kills(0), _hitByFire(false), _hitByAnything(false),
	_moraleRestored(0), _charging(0), _turnsSinceSpotted(255),
	_statistics(), _murdererId(0), _mindControllerID(0), _fatalShotSide(SIDE_FRONT),
	_fatalShotBodyPart(BODYPART_HEAD), _armor(armor),  _geoscapeSoldier(0), _unitRules(unit),
	_rankInt(0), _turretType(-1), _hidingForTurn(false), _respawn(false)
	_type = unit->getType();
	_rank = unit->getRank();
	_race = unit->getRace();
	_stats = *unit->getStats();
	_standHeight = unit->getStandHeight();
	_kneelHeight = unit->getKneelHeight();
	_floatHeight = unit->getFloatHeight();
	_loftempsSet = _armor->getLoftempsSet();
	_deathSound = unit->getDeathSounds();
	_aggroSound = unit->getAggroSound();
	_moveSound = unit->getMoveSound();
	_intelligence = unit->getIntelligence();
	_aggression = unit->getAggression();
	_specab = (SpecialAbility) unit->getSpecialAbility();
	_spawnUnit = unit->getSpawnUnit();
	_value = unit->getValue();
	_faceDirection = -1;
	_capturable = unit->getCapturable();
	_movementType = _armor->getMovementType();
	if (_movementType == MT_FLOAT)
		if (depth > 0)
			_movementType = MT_FLY;
			_movementType = MT_WALK;
	else if (_movementType == MT_SINK)
		if (depth == 0)
			_movementType = MT_FLY;
			_movementType = MT_WALK;
	_stats += *_armor->getStats();	// armors may modify effective stats
	_breathFrame = -1; // most aliens don't breathe per-se, that's exclusive to humanoids
	if (armor->drawBubbles())
		_breathFrame = 0;
	_floorAbove = false;
	_breathing = false;
	_maxArmor[SIDE_FRONT] = _armor->getFrontArmor();
	_maxArmor[SIDE_LEFT] = _armor->getSideArmor();
	_maxArmor[SIDE_RIGHT] = _armor->getSideArmor();
	_maxArmor[SIDE_REAR] = _armor->getRearArmor();
	_maxArmor[SIDE_UNDER] = _armor->getUnderArmor();
	if (faction == FACTION_HOSTILE)
	_tu = _stats.tu;
	_energy = _stats.stamina;
	_health = _stats.health;
	_morale = 100;
	_stunlevel = 0;
	_currentArmor[SIDE_FRONT] = _maxArmor[SIDE_FRONT];
	_currentArmor[SIDE_LEFT] = _maxArmor[SIDE_LEFT];
	_currentArmor[SIDE_RIGHT] = _maxArmor[SIDE_RIGHT];
	_currentArmor[SIDE_REAR] = _maxArmor[SIDE_REAR];
	_currentArmor[SIDE_UNDER] = _maxArmor[SIDE_UNDER];
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
		_fatalWounds[i] = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
		_cache[i] = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < SPEC_WEAPON_MAX; ++i)
		_specWeapon[i] = 0;
	_activeHand = "STR_RIGHT_HAND";
	_gender = GENDER_MALE;
	lastCover = Position(-1, -1, -1);
	_statistics = new BattleUnitStatistics();
	int generalRank = 0;
	if (faction == FACTION_HOSTILE)
		const int max = 7;
		const char* rankList[max] =
		for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i)
			if (_rank.compare(rankList[i]) == 0)
				generalRank = i;
	else if (faction == FACTION_NEUTRAL)
		generalRank = std::rand() % 8;
	setRecolor(std::rand() % 8, std::rand() % 8, generalRank);
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
		if (_cache[i]) delete _cache[i];
	for (std::vector<BattleUnitKills*>::const_iterator i = _statistics->kills.begin(); i != _statistics->kills.end(); ++i)
		delete *i;
	delete _statistics;
	delete _currentAIState;
 * Loads the unit from a YAML file.
 * @param node YAML node.
void BattleUnit::load(const YAML::Node &node)
	_id = node["id"].as<int>(_id);
	_faction = _originalFaction = (UnitFaction)node["faction"].as<int>(_faction);
	_status = (UnitStatus)node["status"].as<int>(_status);
	_pos = node["position"].as<Position>(_pos);
	_direction = _toDirection = node["direction"].as<int>(_direction);
	_directionTurret = _toDirectionTurret = node["directionTurret"].as<int>(_directionTurret);
	_tu = node["tu"].as<int>(_tu);
	_health = node["health"].as<int>(_health);
	_stunlevel = node["stunlevel"].as<int>(_stunlevel);
	_energy = node["energy"].as<int>(_energy);
	_morale = node["morale"].as<int>(_morale);
	_kneeled = node["kneeled"].as<bool>(_kneeled);
	_floating = node["floating"].as<bool>(_floating);
	for (int i=0; i < 5; i++)
		_currentArmor[i] = node["armor"][i].as<int>(_currentArmor[i]);
	for (int i=0; i < 6; i++)
		_fatalWounds[i] = node["fatalWounds"][i].as<int>(_fatalWounds[i]);
	_fire = node["fire"].as<int>(_fire);
	_expBravery = node["expBravery"].as<int>(_expBravery);
	_expReactions = node["expReactions"].as<int>(_expReactions);
	_expFiring = node["expFiring"].as<int>(_expFiring);
	_expThrowing = node["expThrowing"].as<int>(_expThrowing);
	_expPsiSkill = node["expPsiSkill"].as<int>(_expPsiSkill);
	_expPsiStrength = node["expPsiStrength"].as<int>(_expPsiStrength);
	_expMelee = node["expMelee"].as<int>(_expMelee);
	_turretType = node["turretType"].as<int>(_turretType);
	_visible = node["visible"].as<bool>(_visible);
	_turnsSinceSpotted = node["turnsSinceSpotted"].as<int>(_turnsSinceSpotted);
	_killedBy = (UnitFaction)node["killedBy"].as<int>(_killedBy);
	_moraleRestored = node["moraleRestored"].as<int>(_moraleRestored);
	_rankInt = node["rankInt"].as<int>(_rankInt);
	_originalFaction = (UnitFaction)node["originalFaction"].as<int>(_originalFaction);
	_kills = node["kills"].as<int>(_kills);
	_dontReselect = node["dontReselect"].as<bool>(_dontReselect);
	_charging = 0;
	_spawnUnit = node["spawnUnit"].as<std::string>(_spawnUnit);
	_motionPoints = node["motionPoints"].as<int>(0);
	_respawn = node["respawn"].as<bool>(_respawn);
	_activeHand = node["activeHand"].as<std::string>(_activeHand);
	if (node["tempUnitStatistics"])
	_murdererId = node["murdererId"].as<int>(_murdererId);
	_fatalShotSide = (UnitSide)node["fatalShotSide"].as<int>(_fatalShotSide);
	_fatalShotBodyPart = (UnitBodyPart)node["fatalShotBodyPart"].as<int>(_fatalShotBodyPart);
	_murdererWeapon = node["murdererWeapon"].as<std::string>(_murdererWeapon);
	_murdererWeaponAmmo = node["murdererWeaponAmmo"].as<std::string>(_murdererWeaponAmmo);
	if (const YAML::Node& p = node["recolor"])
		for (size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i)
			_recolor.push_back(std::make_pair(p[i][0].as<int>(), p[i][1].as<int>()));
	_mindControllerID = node["mindControllerID"].as<int>(_mindControllerID);
 * Saves the soldier to a YAML file.
 * @return YAML node.
YAML::Node BattleUnit::save() const
	YAML::Node node;
	node["id"] = _id;
	node["genUnitType"] = _type;
	node["genUnitArmor"] = _armor->getType();
	node["faction"] = (int)_faction;
	node["status"] = (int)_status;
	node["position"] = _pos;
	node["direction"] = _direction;
	node["directionTurret"] = _directionTurret;
	node["tu"] = _tu;
	node["health"] = _health;
	node["stunlevel"] = _stunlevel;
	node["energy"] = _energy;
	node["morale"] = _morale;
	node["kneeled"] = _kneeled;
	node["floating"] = _floating;
	for (int i=0; i < 5; i++) node["armor"].push_back(_currentArmor[i]);
	for (int i=0; i < 6; i++) node["fatalWounds"].push_back(_fatalWounds[i]);
	node["fire"] = _fire;
	node["expBravery"] = _expBravery;
	node["expReactions"] = _expReactions;
	node["expFiring"] = _expFiring;
	node["expThrowing"] = _expThrowing;
	node["expPsiSkill"] = _expPsiSkill;
	node["expPsiStrength"] = _expPsiStrength;
	node["expMelee"] = _expMelee;
	node["turretType"] = _turretType;
	node["visible"] = _visible;
	node["turnsSinceSpotted"] = _turnsSinceSpotted;
	node["rankInt"] = _rankInt;
	node["moraleRestored"] = _moraleRestored;
	if (getAIModule())
		node["AI"] = getAIModule()->save();
	node["killedBy"] = (int)_killedBy;
	if (_originalFaction != _faction)
		node["originalFaction"] = (int)_originalFaction;
	if (_kills)
		node["kills"] = _kills;
	if (_faction == FACTION_PLAYER && _dontReselect)
		node["dontReselect"] = _dontReselect;
	if (!_spawnUnit.empty())
		node["spawnUnit"] = _spawnUnit;
	node["motionPoints"] = _motionPoints;
	node["respawn"] = _respawn;
	node["activeHand"] = _activeHand;
	node["tempUnitStatistics"] = _statistics->save();
	node["murdererId"] = _murdererId;
	node["fatalShotSide"] = (int)_fatalShotSide;
	node["fatalShotBodyPart"] = (int)_fatalShotBodyPart;
	node["murdererWeapon"] = _murdererWeapon;
	node["murdererWeaponAmmo"] = _murdererWeaponAmmo;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _recolor.size(); ++i)
		YAML::Node p;
	node["mindControllerID"] = _mindControllerID;
	return node;
 * Prepare vector values for recolor.
 * @param basicLook select index for hair and face color.
 * @param utileLook select index for utile color.
 * @param rankLook select index for rank color.
void BattleUnit::setRecolor(int basicLook, int utileLook, int rankLook)
	const int colorsMax = 4;
	std::pair<int, int> colors[colorsMax] =
		std::make_pair(_armor->getFaceColorGroup(), _armor->getFaceColor(basicLook)),
		std::make_pair(_armor->getHairColorGroup(), _armor->getHairColor(basicLook)),
		std::make_pair(_armor->getUtileColorGroup(), _armor->getUtileColor(utileLook)),
		std::make_pair(_armor->getRankColorGroup(), _armor->getRankColor(rankLook)),
	for (int i = 0; i < colorsMax; ++i)
		if (colors[i].first > 0 && colors[i].second > 0)
			_recolor.push_back(std::make_pair(colors[i].first << 4, colors[i].second));
 * Returns the BattleUnit's unique ID.
 * @return Unique ID.
int BattleUnit::getId() const
	return _id;
 * Changes the BattleUnit's position.
 * @param pos position
 * @param updateLastPos refresh last stored position
void BattleUnit::setPosition(Position pos, bool updateLastPos)
	if (updateLastPos) { _lastPos = _pos; }
	_pos = pos;
 * Gets the BattleUnit's position.
 * @return position
Position BattleUnit::getPosition() const
	return _pos;
 * Gets the BattleUnit's position.
 * @return position
Position BattleUnit::getLastPosition() const
	return _lastPos;
 * Gets the BattleUnit's destination.
 * @return destination
Position BattleUnit::getDestination() const
	return _destination;
 * Changes the BattleUnit's (horizontal) direction.
 * Only used for initial unit placement.
 * @param direction new horizontal direction
void BattleUnit::setDirection(int direction)
	_direction = direction;
	_toDirection = direction;
	_directionTurret = direction;
 * Changes the BattleUnit's (horizontal) face direction.
 * Only used for strafing moves.
 * @param direction new face direction
void BattleUnit::setFaceDirection(int direction)
	_faceDirection = direction;
 * Gets the BattleUnit's (horizontal) direction.
 * @return horizontal direction
int BattleUnit::getDirection() const
	return _direction;
 * Gets the BattleUnit's (horizontal) face direction.
 * Used only during strafing moves.
 * @return face direction
int BattleUnit::getFaceDirection() const
	return _faceDirection;
 * Gets the BattleUnit's turret direction.
 * @return direction
int BattleUnit::getTurretDirection() const
	return _directionTurret;
 * Gets the BattleUnit's turret To direction.
 * @return toDirectionTurret
int BattleUnit::getTurretToDirection() const
	return _toDirectionTurret;
 * Gets the BattleUnit's vertical direction. This is when going up or down.
 * @return direction
int BattleUnit::getVerticalDirection() const
	return _verticalDirection;
 * Gets the unit's status.
 * @return the unit's status
UnitStatus BattleUnit::getStatus() const
	return _status;
 * Initialises variables to start walking.
 * @param direction Which way to walk.
 * @param destination The position we should end up on.
 * @param tileBelowMe Which tile is currently below the unit.
 * @param cache Update cache?
void BattleUnit::startWalking(int direction, Position destination, Tile *tileBelowMe, bool cache)
	if (direction >= Pathfinding::DIR_UP)
		_verticalDirection = direction;
		_status = STATUS_FLYING;
		_direction = direction;
		_status = STATUS_WALKING;
	bool floorFound = false;
	if (!_tile->hasNoFloor(tileBelowMe))
		floorFound = true;
	if (!floorFound || direction >= Pathfinding::DIR_UP)
		_status = STATUS_FLYING;
		_floating = true;
		_floating = false;
	_walkPhase = 0;
	_destination = destination;
	_lastPos = _pos;
	_cacheInvalid = cache;
	_kneeled = false;
	if (_breathFrame >= 0)
		_breathing = false;
		_breathFrame = 0;
 * This will increment the walking phase.
 * @param tileBelowMe Pointer to tile currently below the unit.
 * @param cache Refresh the unit cache.
void BattleUnit::keepWalking(Tile *tileBelowMe, bool cache)
	int middle, end;
	if (_verticalDirection)
		middle = 4;
		end = 8;
		// diagonal walking takes double the steps
		middle = 4 + 4 * (_direction % 2);
		end = 8 + 8 * (_direction % 2);
		if (_armor->getSize() > 1)
			if (_direction < 1 || _direction > 5)
				middle = end;
			else if (_direction == 5)
				middle = 12;
			else if (_direction == 1)
				middle = 5;
				middle = 1;
	if (!cache)
		_pos = _destination;
		end = 2;
	if (_walkPhase == middle)
		// we assume we reached our destination tile
		// this is actually a drawing hack, so soldiers are not overlapped by floortiles
		_pos = _destination;
	if (_walkPhase >= end)
		if (_floating && !_tile->hasNoFloor(tileBelowMe))
			_floating = false;
		// we officially reached our destination tile
		_status = STATUS_STANDING;
		_walkPhase = 0;
		_verticalDirection = 0;
		if (_faceDirection >= 0) {
			// Finish strafing move facing the correct way.
			_direction = _faceDirection;
			_faceDirection = -1;
		// motion points calculation for the motion scanner blips
		if (_armor->getSize() > 1)
			_motionPoints += 30;
			// sectoids actually have less motion points
			// but instead of create yet another variable,
			// I used the height of the unit instead (logical)
			if (getStandHeight() > 16)
				_motionPoints += 4;
				_motionPoints += 3;
	_cacheInvalid = cache;
 * Gets the walking phase for animation and sound.
 * @return phase will always go from 0-7
int BattleUnit::getWalkingPhase() const
	return _walkPhase % 8;
 * Gets the walking phase for diagonal walking.
 * @return phase this will be 0 or 8
int BattleUnit::getDiagonalWalkingPhase() const
	return (_walkPhase / 8) * 8;
 * Look at a point.
 * @param point Position to look at.
 * @param turret True to turn the turret, false to turn the unit.
void BattleUnit::lookAt(Position point, bool turret)
	int dir = directionTo (point);
	if (turret)
		_toDirectionTurret = dir;
		if (_toDirectionTurret != _directionTurret)
			_status = STATUS_TURNING;
		_toDirection = dir;
		if (_toDirection != _direction
			&& _toDirection < 8
			&& _toDirection > -1)
			_status = STATUS_TURNING;
 * Look at a direction.
 * @param direction Direction to look at.
 * @param force True to reset the direction, false to animate to it.
void BattleUnit::lookAt(int direction, bool force)
	if (!force)
		if (direction < 0 || direction >= 8) return;
		_toDirection = direction;
		if (_toDirection != _direction)
			_status = STATUS_TURNING;
		_toDirection = direction;
		_direction = direction;
 * Advances the turning towards the target direction.
 * @param turret True to turn the turret, false to turn the unit.
void BattleUnit::turn(bool turret)
	int a = 0;
	if (turret)
		if (_directionTurret == _toDirectionTurret)
		a = _toDirectionTurret - _directionTurret;
		if (_direction == _toDirection)
		a = _toDirection - _direction;
	if (a != 0) {
		if (a > 0) {
			if (a <= 4) {
				if (!turret) {
					if (_turretType > -1)
				} else _directionTurret++;
			} else {
				if (!turret) {
					if (_turretType > -1)
				} else _directionTurret--;
		} else {
			if (a > -4) {
				if (!turret) {
					if (_turretType > -1)
				} else _directionTurret--;
			} else {
				if (!turret) {
					if (_turretType > -1)
				} else _directionTurret++;
		if (_direction < 0) _direction = 7;
		if (_direction > 7) _direction = 0;
		if (_directionTurret < 0) _directionTurret = 7;
		if (_directionTurret > 7) _directionTurret = 0;
		if (_visible || _faction == FACTION_PLAYER)
			_cacheInvalid = true;
	if (turret)
		 if (_toDirectionTurret == _directionTurret)
			// we officially reached our destination
			_status = STATUS_STANDING;
	else if (_toDirection == _direction || _status == STATUS_UNCONSCIOUS)
		// we officially reached our destination
		_status = STATUS_STANDING;
 * Stops the turning towards the target direction.
void BattleUnit::abortTurn()
 * Gets the soldier's gender.
SoldierGender BattleUnit::getGender() const
	return _gender;
 * Returns the unit's faction.
 * @return Faction. (player, hostile or neutral)
UnitFaction BattleUnit::getFaction() const
	return _faction;
 * Sets the unit's cache flag.
 * @param cache Pointer to cache surface to use, NULL to redraw from scratch.
 * @param part Unit part to cache.
void BattleUnit::setCache(Surface *cache, int part)
	if (cache == 0)
		_cacheInvalid = true;
		_cache[part] = cache;
		_cacheInvalid = false;
 * Returns the current cache surface.
 * When the unit changes it needs to be re-cached.
 * @param part Unit part to check.
 * @return Pointer to cache surface used.
Surface *BattleUnit::getCache(int part) const
	if (part < 0) part = 0;
	return _cache[part];
 * Check if the unit is still cached in the Map cache.
 * When the unit changes it needs to be re-cached.
 * @return True if it needs to be re-cached.
bool BattleUnit::isCacheInvalid() const
	return _cacheInvalid;
 * Gets values used for recoloring sprites.
 * @param i what value choose.
 * @return Pairs of value, where first is color group to replace and second is new color group with shade.
const std::vector<std::pair<Uint8, Uint8> > &BattleUnit::getRecolor() const
	return _recolor;
 * Kneel down.
 * @param kneeled to kneel or to stand up
void BattleUnit::kneel(bool kneeled)
	_kneeled = kneeled;
	_cacheInvalid = true;
 * Is kneeled down?
 * @return true/false
bool BattleUnit::isKneeled() const
	return _kneeled;
 * Is floating? A unit is floating when there is no ground under him/her.
 * @return true/false
bool BattleUnit::isFloating() const
	return _floating;
 * Aim. (shows the right hand sprite and weapon holding)
 * @param aiming true/false
void BattleUnit::aim(bool aiming)
	if (aiming)
		_status = STATUS_AIMING;
		_status = STATUS_STANDING;
	if (_visible || _faction == FACTION_PLAYER)
		_cacheInvalid = true;
 * Returns the direction from this unit to a given point.
 * 0 <-> y = -1, x = 0
 * 1 <-> y = -1, x = 1
 * 3 <-> y = 1, x = 1
 * 5 <-> y = 1, x = -1
 * 7 <-> y = -1, x = -1
 * @param point given position.
 * @return direction.
int BattleUnit::directionTo(Position point) const
	double ox = point.x - _pos.x;
	double oy = point.y - _pos.y;
	double angle = atan2(ox, -oy);
	// divide the pie in 4 angles each at 1/8th before each quarter
	double pie[4] = {(M_PI_4 * 4.0) - M_PI_4 / 2.0, (M_PI_4 * 3.0) - M_PI_4 / 2.0, (M_PI_4 * 2.0) - M_PI_4 / 2.0, (M_PI_4 * 1.0) - M_PI_4 / 2.0};
	int dir = 0;
	if (angle > pie[0] || angle < -pie[0])
		dir = 4;
	else if (angle > pie[1])
		dir = 3;
	else if (angle > pie[2])
		dir = 2;
	else if (angle > pie[3])
		dir = 1;
	else if (angle < -pie[1])
		dir = 5;
	else if (angle < -pie[2])
		dir = 6;
	else if (angle < -pie[3])
		dir = 7;
	else if (angle < pie[0])
		dir = 0;
	return dir;
 * Returns the soldier's amount of time units.
 * @return Time units.
int BattleUnit::getTimeUnits() const
	return _tu;
 * Returns the soldier's amount of energy.
 * @return Energy.
int BattleUnit::getEnergy() const
	return _energy;
 * Returns the soldier's amount of health.
 * @return Health.
int BattleUnit::getHealth() const
	return _health;
 * Returns the soldier's amount of morale.
 * @return Morale.
int BattleUnit::getMorale() const
	return _morale;
 * Do an amount of damage.
 * @param relative The relative position of which part of armor and/or bodypart is hit.
 * @param power The amount of damage to inflict.
 * @param type The type of damage being inflicted.
 * @param ignoreArmor Should the damage ignore armor resistance?
 * @return damage done after adjustment
int BattleUnit::damage(Position relative, int power, ItemDamageType type, bool ignoreArmor)
	UnitSide side = SIDE_FRONT;
	UnitBodyPart bodypart = BODYPART_TORSO;
	_hitByAnything = true;
	if (power <= 0)
		return 0;
	power = (int)floor(power * _armor->getDamageModifier(type));
	if (type == DT_SMOKE) type = DT_STUN; // smoke doesn't do real damage, but stun damage
	if (!ignoreArmor)
		if (relative == Position(0, 0, 0))
			side = SIDE_UNDER;
			int relativeDirection;
			const int abs_x = abs(relative.x);
			const int abs_y = abs(relative.y);
			if (abs_y > abs_x * 2)
				relativeDirection = 8 + 4 * (relative.y > 0);
			else if (abs_x > abs_y * 2)
				relativeDirection = 10 + 4 * (relative.x < 0);
				if (relative.x < 0)
					if (relative.y > 0)
						relativeDirection = 13;
						relativeDirection = 15;
					if (relative.y > 0)
						relativeDirection = 11;
						relativeDirection = 9;
			switch((relativeDirection - _direction) % 8)
			case 0:	side = SIDE_FRONT; 										break;
			case 1:	side = RNG::generate(0,2) < 2 ? SIDE_FRONT:SIDE_RIGHT; 	break;
			case 2:	side = SIDE_RIGHT; 										break;
			case 3:	side = RNG::generate(0,2) < 2 ? SIDE_REAR:SIDE_RIGHT; 	break;
			case 4:	side = SIDE_REAR; 										break;
			case 5:	side = RNG::generate(0,2) < 2 ? SIDE_REAR:SIDE_LEFT; 	break;
			case 6:	side = SIDE_LEFT; 										break;
			case 7:	side = RNG::generate(0,2) < 2 ? SIDE_FRONT:SIDE_LEFT; 	break;
			if (relative.z >= getHeight())
				bodypart = BODYPART_HEAD;
			else if (relative.z > 4)
				case SIDE_LEFT:		bodypart = BODYPART_LEFTARM; break;
				case SIDE_RIGHT:	bodypart = BODYPART_RIGHTARM; break;
				default:			bodypart = BODYPART_TORSO;
				case SIDE_LEFT: 	bodypart = BODYPART_LEFTLEG; 	break;
				case SIDE_RIGHT:	bodypart = BODYPART_RIGHTLEG; 	break;
					bodypart = (UnitBodyPart) RNG::generate(BODYPART_RIGHTLEG,BODYPART_LEFTLEG);
		power -= getArmor(side);
	if (power > 0)
		if (type == DT_STUN)
			_stunlevel += power;
			// health damage
			_health -= power;
			if (_health < 0)
				_health = 0;
			if (type != DT_IN)
				if (_armor->getDamageModifier(DT_STUN) > 0.0)
					// conventional weapons can cause additional stun damage
					_stunlevel += RNG::generate(0, power / 4);
				// fatal wounds
				if (isWoundable())
					if (RNG::generate(0, 10) < power)
						_fatalWounds[bodypart] += RNG::generate(1,3);
					if (_fatalWounds[bodypart])
				// armor damage
				setArmor(getArmor(side) - (power/10) - 1, side);
	setFatalShotInfo(side, bodypart);
	return power < 0 ? 0:power;
 * Do an amount of stun recovery.
 * @param power
void BattleUnit::healStun(int power)
	_stunlevel -= power;
	if (_stunlevel < 0) _stunlevel = 0;
int BattleUnit::getStunlevel() const
	return _stunlevel;
 * Raises a unit's stun level sufficiently so that the unit is ready to become unconscious.
 * Used when another unit falls on top of this unit.
 * Zombified units first convert to their spawn unit.
 * @param battle Pointer to the battlescape game.
void BattleUnit::knockOut(BattlescapeGame *battle)
	if (!_spawnUnit.empty())
		BattleUnit *newUnit = battle->convertUnit(this);
		_stunlevel = _health;
 * Initialises the falling sequence. Occurs after death or stunned.
void BattleUnit::startFalling()
	_fallPhase = 0;
	_cacheInvalid = true;
 * Advances the phase of falling sequence.
void BattleUnit::keepFalling()
	if (_fallPhase == _armor->getDeathFrames())
		if (_health == 0)
			_status = STATUS_DEAD;
	_cacheInvalid = true;
 * Returns the phase of the falling sequence.
 * @return phase
int BattleUnit::getFallingPhase() const
	return _fallPhase;
 * Returns whether the soldier is out of combat, dead or unconscious.
 * A soldier that is out, cannot perform any actions, cannot be selected, but it's still a unit.
 * @return flag if out or not.
bool BattleUnit::isOut() const
	return _status == STATUS_DEAD || _status == STATUS_UNCONSCIOUS || _status == STATUS_IGNORE_ME;
 * Get the number of time units a certain action takes.
 * @param actionType
 * @param item
 * @return TUs
int BattleUnit::getActionTUs(BattleActionType actionType, BattleItem *item)
	if (item == 0)
		return 0;
	return getActionTUs(actionType, item->getRules());
int BattleUnit::getActionTUs(BattleActionType actionType, RuleItem *item)
	if (item == 0)
		return 0;
	int cost = 0;
	switch (actionType)
		case BA_PRIME:
			cost = 50; // maybe this should go in the ruleset
		case BA_THROW:
			cost = 25;
			cost = item->getTUAuto();
			cost = item->getTUSnap();
		case BA_HIT:
			cost = item->getTUMelee();
		case BA_LAUNCH:
			cost = item->getTUAimed();
		case BA_USE:
		case BA_PANIC:
			cost = item->getTUUse();
			cost = 0;
	// if it's a percentage, apply it to unit TUs
	if (!item->getFlatRate() || actionType == BA_THROW || actionType == BA_PRIME)
		cost = (int)floor(getBaseStats()->tu * cost / 100.0f);
	return cost;
 * Spend time units if it can. Return false if it can't.
 * @param tu
 * @return flag if it could spend the time units or not.
bool BattleUnit::spendTimeUnits(int tu)
	if (tu <= _tu)
		_tu -= tu;
		return true;
		return false;
 * Spend energy  if it can. Return false if it can't.
 * @param tu
 * @return flag if it could spend the time units or not.
bool BattleUnit::spendEnergy(int tu)
	int eu = tu / 2;
	if (eu <= _energy)
		_energy -= eu;
		return true;
		return false;
 * Set a specific number of timeunits.
 * @param tu
void BattleUnit::setTimeUnits(int tu)
	_tu = std::max(0, tu);
 * Add this unit to the list of visible units. Returns true if this is a new one.
 * @param unit
 * @return
bool BattleUnit::addToVisibleUnits(BattleUnit *unit)
	bool add = true;
	for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = _unitsSpottedThisTurn.begin(); i != _unitsSpottedThisTurn.end();++i)
		if ((BattleUnit*)(*i) == unit)
			add = false;
	if (add)
	for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = _visibleUnits.begin(); i != _visibleUnits.end(); ++i)
		if ((BattleUnit*)(*i) == unit)
			return false;
	return true;
 * Get the pointer to the vector of visible units.
 * @return pointer to vector.
std::vector<BattleUnit*> *BattleUnit::getVisibleUnits()
	return &_visibleUnits;
 * Clear visible units.
void BattleUnit::clearVisibleUnits()
 * Add this unit to the list of visible tiles. Returns true if this is a new one.
 * @param tile
 * @return
bool BattleUnit::addToVisibleTiles(Tile *tile)
	return true;
 * Get the pointer to the vector of visible tiles.
 * @return pointer to vector.
std::vector<Tile*> *BattleUnit::getVisibleTiles()
	return &_visibleTiles;
 * Clear visible tiles.
void BattleUnit::clearVisibleTiles()
	for (std::vector<Tile*>::iterator j = _visibleTiles.begin(); j != _visibleTiles.end(); ++j)
 * Calculate firing accuracy.
 * Formula = accuracyStat * weaponAccuracy * kneelingbonus(1.15) * one-handPenalty(0.8) * woundsPenalty(% health) * critWoundsPenalty (-10%/wound)
 * @param actionType
 * @param item
 * @return firing Accuracy
int BattleUnit::getFiringAccuracy(BattleActionType actionType, BattleItem *item)
	int weaponAcc = item->getRules()->getAccuracySnap();
	if (actionType == BA_AIMEDSHOT || actionType == BA_LAUNCH)
		weaponAcc = item->getRules()->getAccuracyAimed();
	else if (actionType == BA_AUTOSHOT)
		weaponAcc = item->getRules()->getAccuracyAuto();
	else if (actionType == BA_HIT)
		if (item->getRules()->isSkillApplied())
			return (getBaseStats()->melee * item->getRules()->getAccuracyMelee() / 100) * getAccuracyModifier(item) / 100;
		return item->getRules()->getAccuracyMelee() * getAccuracyModifier(item) / 100;
	int result = getBaseStats()->firing * weaponAcc / 100;
	if (_kneeled)
		result = result * 115 / 100;
	if (item->getRules()->isTwoHanded())
		// two handed weapon, means one hand should be empty
		if (getItem("STR_RIGHT_HAND") != 0 && getItem("STR_LEFT_HAND") != 0)
			result = result * 80 / 100;
	return result * getAccuracyModifier(item) / 100;
 * To calculate firing accuracy. Takes health and fatal wounds into account.
 * Formula = accuracyStat * woundsPenalty(% health) * critWoundsPenalty (-10%/wound)
 * @param item the item we are shooting right now.
 * @return modifier
int BattleUnit::getAccuracyModifier(BattleItem *item)
	int wounds = _fatalWounds[BODYPART_HEAD];
	if (item)
		if (item->getRules()->isTwoHanded())
			wounds += _fatalWounds[BODYPART_RIGHTARM] + _fatalWounds[BODYPART_LEFTARM];
			if (getItem("STR_RIGHT_HAND") == item)
				wounds += _fatalWounds[BODYPART_RIGHTARM];
				wounds += _fatalWounds[BODYPART_LEFTARM];
	return std::max(10, 25 * _health / getBaseStats()->health + 75 + -10 * wounds);
 * Calculate throwing accuracy.
 * @return throwing Accuracy
double BattleUnit::getThrowingAccuracy()
	return (double)(getBaseStats()->throwing * getAccuracyModifier()) / 100.0;
 * Set the armor value of a certain armor side.
 * @param armor Amount of armor.
 * @param side The side of the armor.
void BattleUnit::setArmor(int armor, UnitSide side)
	if (armor < 0)
		armor = 0;
	_currentArmor[side] = armor;
 * Get the armor value of a certain armor side.
 * @param side The side of the armor.
 * @return Amount of armor.
int BattleUnit::getArmor(UnitSide side) const
	return _currentArmor[side];
 * Get the max armor value of a certain armor side.
 * @param side The side of the armor.
 * @return Amount of armor.
int BattleUnit::getMaxArmor(UnitSide side) const
	return _maxArmor[side];
 * Get total amount of fatal wounds this unit has.
 * @return Number of fatal wounds.
int BattleUnit::getFatalWounds() const
	int sum = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
		sum += _fatalWounds[i];
	return sum;
 * Little formula to calculate reaction score.
 * @return Reaction score.
double BattleUnit::getReactionScore()
	//(Reactions Stat) x (Current Time Units / Max TUs)
	double score = ((double)getBaseStats()->reactions * (double)getTimeUnits()) / (double)getBaseStats()->tu;
	return score;
 * Prepare for a new turn.
void BattleUnit::prepareNewTurn(bool fullProcess)
	if (_status == STATUS_IGNORE_ME)
	// revert to original faction
	// don't give it back its TUs or anything this round
	// because it's no longer a unit of the team getting TUs back
	if (_faction != _originalFaction)
		_faction = _originalFaction;
		if (_faction == FACTION_PLAYER && _currentAIState)
			delete _currentAIState;
			_currentAIState = 0;
	_dontReselect = false;
	_motionPoints = 0;
	// transition between stages, don't do damage or panic
	if (!fullProcess)
		if (_kneeled)
			// stand up if kneeling
			_kneeled = false;
	// suffer from fatal wounds
	_health -= getFatalWounds();
	// suffer from fire
	if (!_hitByFire && _fire > 0)
		_health -= _armor->getDamageModifier(DT_IN) * RNG::generate(Mod::FIRE_DAMAGE_RANGE[0], Mod::FIRE_DAMAGE_RANGE[1]);
	if (_health < 0)
		_health = 0;
	// if unit is dead, AI state should be gone
	if (_health == 0 && _currentAIState)
		delete _currentAIState;
		_currentAIState = 0;
	// recover stun 1pt/turn
	if (_stunlevel > 0 &&
		(_armor->getSize() == 1 || !isOut()))
	if (!isOut())
		int chance = 100 - (2 * getMorale());
		if (RNG::generate(1,100) <= chance)
			int type = RNG::generate(0,100);
			_status = (type<=33?STATUS_BERSERK:STATUS_PANICKING); // 33% chance of berserk, panic can mean freeze or flee, but that is determined later
			// successfully avoided panic
			// increase bravery experience counter
			if (chance > 1)
	_hitByFire = false;
 * Morale change with bounds check.
 * @param change can be positive or negative
void BattleUnit::moraleChange(int change)
	if (!isFearable()) return;
	_morale += change;
	if (_morale > 100)
		_morale = 100;
	if (_morale < 0)
		_morale = 0;
 * Mark this unit as not reselectable.
void BattleUnit::dontReselect()
	_dontReselect = true;
 * Mark this unit as reselectable.
void BattleUnit::allowReselect()
	_dontReselect = false;
 * Check whether reselecting this unit is allowed.
 * @return bool
bool BattleUnit::reselectAllowed() const
	return !_dontReselect;
 * Set the amount of turns this unit is on fire. 0 = no fire.
 * @param fire : amount of turns this tile is on fire.
void BattleUnit::setFire(int fire)
	if (_specab != SPECAB_BURNFLOOR && _specab != SPECAB_BURN_AND_EXPLODE)
		_fire = fire;
 * Get the amount of turns this unit is on fire. 0 = no fire.
 * @return fire : amount of turns this tile is on fire.
int BattleUnit::getFire() const
	return _fire;
 * Get the pointer to the vector of inventory items.
 * @return pointer to vector.
std::vector<BattleItem*> *BattleUnit::getInventory()
	return &_inventory;
 * Let AI do their thing.
 * @param action AI action.
void BattleUnit::think(BattleAction *action)
 * Changes the current AI state.
 * @param aiState Pointer to AI state.
void BattleUnit::setAIModule(AIModule *ai)
	if (_currentAIState)
		delete _currentAIState;
	_currentAIState = ai;
 * Returns the current AI state.
 * @return Pointer to AI state.
AIModule *BattleUnit::getAIModule() const
	return _currentAIState;
 * Set whether this unit is visible.
 * @param flag
void BattleUnit::setVisible(bool flag)
	_visible = flag;
 * Get whether this unit is visible.
 * @return flag
bool BattleUnit::getVisible() const
	if (getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER)
		return true;
		return _visible;
 * Sets the unit's tile it's standing on
 * @param tile Pointer to tile.
 * @param tileBelow Pointer to tile below.
void BattleUnit::setTile(Tile *tile, Tile *tileBelow)
	_tile = tile;
	if (!_tile)
		_floating = false;
	// unit could have changed from flying to walking or vice versa
	if (_status == STATUS_WALKING && _tile->hasNoFloor(tileBelow) && _movementType == MT_FLY)
		_status = STATUS_FLYING;
		_floating = true;
	else if (_status == STATUS_FLYING && !_tile->hasNoFloor(tileBelow) && _verticalDirection == 0)
		_status = STATUS_WALKING;
		_floating = false;
	else if (_status == STATUS_UNCONSCIOUS)
		_floating = _movementType == MT_FLY && _tile->hasNoFloor(tileBelow);
 * Gets the unit's tile.
 * @return Tile
Tile *BattleUnit::getTile() const
	return _tile;
 * Checks if there's an inventory item in
 * the specified inventory position.
 * @param slot Inventory slot.
 * @param x X position in slot.
 * @param y Y position in slot.
 * @return Item in the slot, or NULL if none.
BattleItem *BattleUnit::getItem(RuleInventory *slot, int x, int y) const
	// Soldier items
	if (slot->getType() != INV_GROUND)
		for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::const_iterator i = _inventory.begin(); i != _inventory.end(); ++i)
			if ((*i)->getSlot() == slot && (*i)->occupiesSlot(x, y))
				return *i;
	// Ground items
	else if (_tile != 0)
		for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::const_iterator i = _tile->getInventory()->begin(); i != _tile->getInventory()->end(); ++i)
			if ((*i)->occupiesSlot(x, y))
				return *i;
	return 0;
 * Checks if there's an inventory item in
 * the specified inventory position.
 * @param slot Inventory slot.
 * @param x X position in slot.
 * @param y Y position in slot.
 * @return Item in the slot, or NULL if none.
BattleItem *BattleUnit::getItem(const std::string &slot, int x, int y) const
	// Soldier items
	if (slot != "STR_GROUND")
		for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::const_iterator i = _inventory.begin(); i != _inventory.end(); ++i)
			if ((*i)->getSlot() != 0 && (*i)->getSlot()->getId() == slot && (*i)->occupiesSlot(x, y))
				return *i;
	// Ground items
	else if (_tile != 0)
		for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::const_iterator i = _tile->getInventory()->begin(); i != _tile->getInventory()->end(); ++i)
			if ((*i)->getSlot() != 0 && (*i)->occupiesSlot(x, y))
				return *i;
	return 0;
 * Get the "main hand weapon" from the unit.
 * @param quickest Whether to get the quickest weapon, default true
 * @return Pointer to item.
BattleItem *BattleUnit::getMainHandWeapon(bool quickest) const
	BattleItem *weaponRightHand = getItem("STR_RIGHT_HAND");
	BattleItem *weaponLeftHand = getItem("STR_LEFT_HAND");
	// ignore weapons without ammo (rules out grenades)
	if (!weaponRightHand || !weaponRightHand->getAmmoItem() || !weaponRightHand->getAmmoItem()->getAmmoQuantity())
		weaponRightHand = 0;
	if (!weaponLeftHand || !weaponLeftHand->getAmmoItem() || !weaponLeftHand->getAmmoItem()->getAmmoQuantity())
		weaponLeftHand = 0;
	// if there is only one weapon, it's easy:
	if (weaponRightHand && !weaponLeftHand)
		return weaponRightHand;
	else if (!weaponRightHand && weaponLeftHand)
		return weaponLeftHand;
	else if (!weaponRightHand && !weaponLeftHand)
		return 0;
	// otherwise pick the one with the least snapshot TUs
	int tuRightHand = weaponRightHand->getRules()->getTUSnap();
	int tuLeftHand = weaponLeftHand->getRules()->getTUSnap();
	BattleItem *weaponCurrentHand = getItem(getActiveHand());
	//prioritize blasters
	if (!quickest && _faction != FACTION_PLAYER)
		if (weaponRightHand->getRules()->getWaypoints() != 0 || weaponRightHand->getAmmoItem()->getRules()->getWaypoints() != 0)
			return weaponRightHand;
		if (weaponLeftHand->getRules()->getWaypoints() != 0 || weaponLeftHand->getAmmoItem()->getRules()->getWaypoints() != 0)
			return weaponLeftHand;
	// if only one weapon has snapshot, pick that one
	if (tuLeftHand <= 0 && tuRightHand > 0)
		return weaponRightHand;
	else if (tuRightHand <= 0 && tuLeftHand > 0)
		return weaponLeftHand;
	// else pick the better one
		if (tuLeftHand >= tuRightHand)
			if (quickest)
				return weaponRightHand;
			else if (_faction == FACTION_PLAYER)
				return weaponCurrentHand;
				return weaponLeftHand;
			if (quickest)
				return weaponLeftHand;
			else if (_faction == FACTION_PLAYER)
				return weaponCurrentHand;
				return weaponRightHand;
 * Get a grenade from the belt (used for AI)
 * @return Pointer to item.
BattleItem *BattleUnit::getGrenadeFromBelt() const
	for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::const_iterator i = _inventory.begin(); i != _inventory.end(); ++i)
		if ((*i)->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_GRENADE)
			return *i;
	return 0;
 * Check if we have ammo and reload if needed (used for AI).
 * @return Do we have ammo?
bool BattleUnit::checkAmmo()
	BattleItem *weapon = getItem("STR_RIGHT_HAND");
	if (!weapon || weapon->getAmmoItem() != 0 || weapon->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_MELEE || getTimeUnits() < 15)
		weapon = getItem("STR_LEFT_HAND");
		if (!weapon || weapon->getAmmoItem() != 0 || weapon->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_MELEE || getTimeUnits() < 15)
			return false;
	// we have a non-melee weapon with no ammo and 15 or more TUs - we might need to look for ammo then
	BattleItem *ammo = 0;
	bool wrong = true;
	for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator i = getInventory()->begin(); i != getInventory()->end(); ++i)
		ammo = (*i);
		for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator c = weapon->getRules()->getCompatibleAmmo()->begin(); c != weapon->getRules()->getCompatibleAmmo()->end(); ++c)
			if ((*c) == ammo->getRules()->getType())
				wrong = false;
		if (!wrong) break;
	if (wrong) return false; // didn't find any compatible ammo in inventory
	return true;
 * Check if this unit is in the exit area.
 * @param stt Type of exit tile to check for.
 * @return Is in the exit area?
bool BattleUnit::isInExitArea(SpecialTileType stt) const
	return _tile && _tile->getMapData(O_FLOOR) && (_tile->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->getSpecialType() == stt);
 * Check if this unit lies (e.g. unconscious) in the exit area.
 * @param tile Unit's location.
 * @param stt Type of exit tile to check for.
 * @return Is in the exit area?
bool BattleUnit::liesInExitArea(Tile *tile, SpecialTileType stt) const
	return tile && tile->getMapData(O_FLOOR) && (tile->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->getSpecialType() == stt);
 * Gets the unit height taking into account kneeling/standing.
 * @return Unit's height.
int BattleUnit::getHeight() const
	return isKneeled()?getKneelHeight():getStandHeight();
 * Adds one to the reaction exp counter.
void BattleUnit::addReactionExp()
 * Adds one to the firing exp counter.
void BattleUnit::addFiringExp()
 * Adds one to the throwing exp counter.
void BattleUnit::addThrowingExp()
 * Adds one to the psi skill exp counter.
void BattleUnit::addPsiSkillExp()
 * Adds one to the psi strength exp counter.
void BattleUnit::addPsiStrengthExp()
 * Adds one to the melee exp counter.
void BattleUnit::addMeleeExp()
void BattleUnit::updateGeoscapeStats(Soldier *soldier) const
 * Check if unit eligible for squaddie promotion. If yes, promote the unit.
 * Increase the mission counter. Calculate the experience increases.
 * @param geoscape Pointer to geoscape save.
 * @param statsDiff (out) The passed UnitStats struct will be filled with the stats differences.
 * @return True if the soldier was eligible for squaddie promotion.
bool BattleUnit::postMissionProcedures(SavedGame *geoscape, UnitStats &statsDiff)
	Soldier *s = geoscape->getSoldier(_id);
	if (s == 0)
		return false;
	UnitStats *stats = s->getCurrentStats();
	statsDiff -= *stats;        // subtract old stats
	const UnitStats caps = s->getRules()->getStatCaps();
	int healthLoss = _stats.health - _health;
	if (_expBravery && stats->bravery < caps.bravery)
		if (_expBravery > RNG::generate(0,10)) stats->bravery += 10;
	if (_expReactions && stats->reactions < caps.reactions)
		stats->reactions += improveStat(_expReactions);
	if (_expFiring && stats->firing < caps.firing)
		stats->firing += improveStat(_expFiring);
	if (_expMelee && stats->melee < caps.melee)
		stats->melee += improveStat(_expMelee);
	if (_expThrowing && stats->throwing < caps.throwing)
		stats->throwing += improveStat(_expThrowing);
	if (_expPsiSkill && stats->psiSkill < caps.psiSkill)
		stats->psiSkill += improveStat(_expPsiSkill);
	if (_expPsiStrength && stats->psiStrength < caps.psiStrength)
		stats->psiStrength += improveStat(_expPsiStrength);
	bool hasImproved = false;
	if (_expBravery || _expReactions || _expFiring || _expPsiSkill || _expPsiStrength || _expMelee)
		hasImproved = true;
		if (s->getRank() == RANK_ROOKIE)
		int v;
		v = caps.tu - stats->tu;
		if (v > 0) stats->tu += RNG::generate(0, v/10 + 2);
		v = caps.health - stats->health;
		if (v > 0) stats->health += RNG::generate(0, v/10 + 2);
		v = caps.strength - stats->strength;
		if (v > 0) stats->strength += RNG::generate(0, v/10 + 2);
		v = caps.stamina - stats->stamina;
		if (v > 0) stats->stamina += RNG::generate(0, v/10 + 2);
	statsDiff += *stats; // add new stats
	return hasImproved;
 * Converts the number of experience to the stat increase.
 * @param Experience counter.
 * @return Stat increase.
int BattleUnit::improveStat(int exp) const
	if      (exp > 10) return RNG::generate(2, 6);
	else if (exp > 5)  return RNG::generate(1, 4);
	else if (exp > 2)  return RNG::generate(1, 3);
	else if (exp > 0)  return RNG::generate(0, 1);
	else               return 0;
 * Get the unit's minimap sprite index. Used to display the unit on the minimap
 * @return the unit minimap index
int BattleUnit::getMiniMapSpriteIndex() const
	//minimap sprite index:
	// * 0-2   : Xcom soldier
	// * 3-5   : Alien
	// * 6-8   : Civilian
	// * 9-11  : Item
	// * 12-23 : Xcom HWP
	// * 24-35 : Alien big terror unit(cyberdisk, ...)
	if (isOut())
		return 9;
	switch (getFaction())
		if (_armor->getSize() == 1)
			return 3;
			return 24;
		if (_armor->getSize() == 1)
			return 6;
			return 12;
		if (_armor->getSize() == 1)
			return 0;
			return 12;
  * Set the turret type. -1 is no turret.
  * @param turretType
void BattleUnit::setTurretType(int turretType)
	_turretType = turretType;
  * Get the turret type. -1 is no turret.
  * @return type
int BattleUnit::getTurretType() const
	return _turretType;
 * Get the amount of fatal wound for a body part
 * @param part The body part (in the range 0-5)
 * @return The amount of fatal wound of a body part
int BattleUnit::getFatalWound(int part) const
	if (part < 0 || part > 5)
		return 0;
	return _fatalWounds[part];
 * Heal a fatal wound of the soldier
 * @param part the body part to heal
 * @param woundAmount the amount of fatal wound healed
 * @param healthAmount The amount of health to add to soldier health
void BattleUnit::heal(int part, int woundAmount, int healthAmount)
	if (part < 0 || part > 5 || !_fatalWounds[part])
	_fatalWounds[part] -= woundAmount;
	if (_fatalWounds[part] < 0)
		_fatalWounds[part] = 0;
	_health += healthAmount;
	if (_health > getBaseStats()->health)
		_health = getBaseStats()->health;
 * Restore soldier morale
void BattleUnit::painKillers()
	int lostHealth = getBaseStats()->health - _health;
	if (lostHealth > _moraleRestored)
		_morale = std::min(100, (lostHealth - _moraleRestored + _morale));
		_moraleRestored = lostHealth;
 * Restore soldier energy and reduce stun level
 * @param energy The amount of energy to add
 * @param s The amount of stun level to reduce
void BattleUnit::stimulant (int energy, int s)
	_energy += energy;
	if (_energy > getBaseStats()->stamina)
		_energy = getBaseStats()->stamina;
	healStun (s);
 * Get motion points for the motion scanner. More points
 * is a larger blip on the scanner.
 * @return points.
int BattleUnit::getMotionPoints() const
	return _motionPoints;
 * Gets the unit's armor.
 * @return Pointer to armor.
Armor *BattleUnit::getArmor() const
	return _armor;
 * Get unit's name.
 * An aliens name is the translation of it's race and rank.
 * hence the language pointer needed.
 * @param lang Pointer to language.
 * @param debugAppendId Append unit ID to name for debug purposes.
 * @return name Widecharstring of the unit's name.
std::string BattleUnit::getName(Language *lang, bool debugAppendId) const
	if (_type != "SOLDIER" && lang != 0)
		std::string ret;
		if (_type.find("STR_") != std::string::npos)
			ret = lang->getString(_type);
			ret = lang->getString(_race);
		if (debugAppendId)
			std::ostringstream ss;
			ss << ret << " " << _id;
			ret = ss.str();
		return ret;
	return _name;
  * Gets pointer to the unit's stats.
  * @return stats Pointer to the unit's stats.
UnitStats *BattleUnit::getBaseStats()
	return &_stats;
  * Get the unit's stand height.
  * @return The unit's height in voxels, when standing up.
int BattleUnit::getStandHeight() const
	return _standHeight;
  * Get the unit's kneel height.
  * @return The unit's height in voxels, when kneeling.
int BattleUnit::getKneelHeight() const
	return _kneelHeight;
  * Get the unit's floating elevation.
  * @return The unit's elevation over the ground in voxels, when flying.
int BattleUnit::getFloatHeight() const
	return _floatHeight;
  * Get the unit's loft ID, one per unit tile.
  * Each tile only has one loft, as it is repeated over the entire height of the unit.
  * @param entry Unit tile
  * @return The unit's line of fire template ID.
int BattleUnit::getLoftemps(int entry) const
	return _loftempsSet.at(entry);
  * Get the unit's value. Used for score at debriefing.
  * @return value score
int BattleUnit::getValue() const
	return _value;
 * Get the unit's death sounds.
 * @return List of sound IDs.
const std::vector<int> &BattleUnit::getDeathSounds() const
	if (_deathSound.empty() && _geoscapeSoldier != 0)
		if (_gender == GENDER_MALE)
			return _geoscapeSoldier->getRules()->getMaleDeathSounds();
			return _geoscapeSoldier->getRules()->getFemaleDeathSounds();
	return _deathSound;
 * Get the unit's move sound.
 * @return id.
int BattleUnit::getMoveSound() const
	return _moveSound;
 * Get whether the unit is affected by fatal wounds.
 * Normally only soldiers are affected by fatal wounds.
 * @return Is the unit affected by wounds?
bool BattleUnit::isWoundable() const
	return (_type=="SOLDIER" || (Options::alienBleeding && _originalFaction != FACTION_PLAYER && _armor->getSize() == 1));
 * Get whether the unit is affected by morale loss.
 * Normally only small units are affected by morale loss.
 * @return Is the unit affected by morale?
bool BattleUnit::isFearable() const
	return (_armor->getSize() == 1);
 * Get the number of turns an AI unit remembers a soldier's position.
 * @return intelligence.
int BattleUnit::getIntelligence() const
	return _intelligence;
 * Get the unit's aggression.
 * @return aggression.
int BattleUnit::getAggression() const
	return _aggression;
 * Returns the unit's special ability.
 * @return special ability.
int BattleUnit::getSpecialAbility() const
	return _specab;
 * Sets this unit to respawn (or not).
 * @param respawn whether it should respawn.
void BattleUnit::setRespawn(bool respawn)
	_respawn = respawn;
 * Gets this unit's respawn flag.
bool BattleUnit::getRespawn() const
	return _respawn;
 * Get the unit that is spawned when this one dies.
 * @return unit.
std::string BattleUnit::getSpawnUnit() const
	return _spawnUnit;
 * Set the unit that is spawned when this one dies.
 * @param spawnUnit unit.
void BattleUnit::setSpawnUnit(const std::string &spawnUnit)
	_spawnUnit = spawnUnit;
 * Get the units's rank string.
 * @return rank.
std::string BattleUnit::getRankString() const
	return _rank;
 * Get the geoscape-soldier object.
 * @return soldier.
Soldier *BattleUnit::getGeoscapeSoldier() const
	return _geoscapeSoldier;
 * Add a kill to the counter.
void BattleUnit::addKillCount()
 * Get unit type.
 * @return unit type.
std::string BattleUnit::getType() const
	return _type;
 * Set unit's active hand.
 * @param hand active hand.
void BattleUnit::setActiveHand(const std::string &hand)
	if (_activeHand != hand) _cacheInvalid = true;
	_activeHand = hand;
 * Get unit's active hand.
 * @return active hand.
std::string BattleUnit::getActiveHand() const
	if (getItem(_activeHand)) return _activeHand;
	if (getItem("STR_LEFT_HAND")) return "STR_LEFT_HAND";
	return "STR_RIGHT_HAND";
 * Converts unit to another faction (original faction is still stored).
 * @param f faction.
void BattleUnit::convertToFaction(UnitFaction f)
	_faction = f;
* Set health to 0 - used when getting killed unconscious.
void BattleUnit::kill()
	_health = 0;
 * Set health to 0 and set status dead - used when getting zombified.
void BattleUnit::instaKill()
	_health = 0;
	_status = STATUS_DEAD;
 * Get sound to play when unit aggros.
 * @return sound
int BattleUnit::getAggroSound() const
	return _aggroSound;
 * Get the faction the unit was killed by.
 * @return faction
UnitFaction BattleUnit::killedBy() const
	return _killedBy;
 * Set the faction the unit was killed by.
 * @param f faction
void BattleUnit::killedBy(UnitFaction f)
	_killedBy = f;
 * Set the units we are charging towards.
 * @param chargeTarget Charge Target
void BattleUnit::setCharging(BattleUnit *chargeTarget)
	_charging = chargeTarget;
 * Get the units we are charging towards.
 * @return Charge Target
BattleUnit *BattleUnit::getCharging()
	return _charging;
 * Get the units carried weight in strength units.
 * @param draggingItem item to ignore
 * @return weight
int BattleUnit::getCarriedWeight(BattleItem *draggingItem) const
	int weight = _armor->getWeight();
	for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::const_iterator i = _inventory.begin(); i != _inventory.end(); ++i)
		if ((*i) == draggingItem) continue;
		weight += (*i)->getRules()->getWeight();
		if ((*i)->getAmmoItem() != (*i) && (*i)->getAmmoItem()) weight += (*i)->getAmmoItem()->getRules()->getWeight();
	return std::max(0,weight);
 * Set how long since this unit was last exposed.
 * @param turns number of turns
void BattleUnit::setTurnsSinceSpotted (int turns)
	_turnsSinceSpotted = turns;
 * Get how long since this unit was exposed.
 * @return number of turns
int BattleUnit::getTurnsSinceSpotted() const
	return _turnsSinceSpotted;
 * Get this unit's original Faction.
 * @return original faction
UnitFaction BattleUnit::getOriginalFaction() const
	return _originalFaction;
 * invalidate cache; call after copying object :(
void BattleUnit::invalidateCache()
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { _cache[i] = 0; }
	_cacheInvalid = true;
 * Get the list of units spotted this turn.
 * @return List of units.
std::vector<BattleUnit *> &BattleUnit::getUnitsSpottedThisTurn()
	return _unitsSpottedThisTurn;
 * Change the numeric version of the unit's rank.
 * @param rank unit rank, 0 = lowest
void BattleUnit::setRankInt(int rank)
	_rankInt = rank;
 * Return the numeric version of the unit's rank.
 * @return unit rank, 0 = lowest
int BattleUnit::getRankInt() const
	return _rankInt;
 * Derive the numeric unit rank from the string rank
 * (for soldier units).
void BattleUnit::deriveRank()
	if (_geoscapeSoldier)
		switch (_geoscapeSoldier->getRank())
		case RANK_ROOKIE:    _rankInt = 0; break;
		case RANK_SQUADDIE:  _rankInt = 1; break;
		case RANK_SERGEANT:  _rankInt = 2; break;
		case RANK_CAPTAIN:   _rankInt = 3; break;
		case RANK_COLONEL:   _rankInt = 4; break;
		case RANK_COMMANDER: _rankInt = 5; break;
		default:             _rankInt = 0; break;
 * this function checks if a tile is visible, using maths.
 * @param pos the position to check against
 * @return what the maths decide
bool BattleUnit::checkViewSector (Position pos) const
	int deltaX = pos.x - _pos.x;
	int deltaY = _pos.y - pos.y;
	switch (_direction)
		case 0:
			if ( (deltaX + deltaY >= 0) && (deltaY - deltaX >= 0) )
				return true;
		case 1:
			if ( (deltaX >= 0) && (deltaY >= 0) )
				return true;
		case 2:
			if ( (deltaX + deltaY >= 0) && (deltaY - deltaX <= 0) )
				return true;
		case 3:
			if ( (deltaY <= 0) && (deltaX >= 0) )
				return true;
		case 4:
			if ( (deltaX + deltaY <= 0) && (deltaY - deltaX <= 0) )
				return true;
		case 5:
			if ( (deltaX <= 0) && (deltaY <= 0) )
				return true;
		case 6:
			if ( (deltaX + deltaY <= 0) && (deltaY - deltaX >= 0) )
				return true;
		case 7:
			if ( (deltaY >= 0) && (deltaX <= 0) )
				return true;
			return false;
	return false;
 * common function to adjust a unit's stats according to difficulty setting.
 * @param statAdjustment the stat adjustment variables coefficient value.
void BattleUnit::adjustStats(const StatAdjustment &adjustment)
	_stats.tu += adjustment.statGrowth.tu * adjustment.growthMultiplier * _stats.tu / 100;
	_stats.stamina += adjustment.statGrowth.stamina * adjustment.growthMultiplier * _stats.stamina / 100;
	_stats.health += adjustment.statGrowth.health * adjustment.growthMultiplier * _stats.health / 100;
	_stats.bravery += adjustment.statGrowth.bravery * adjustment.growthMultiplier * _stats.bravery / 100;
	_stats.reactions += adjustment.statGrowth.reactions * adjustment.growthMultiplier * _stats.reactions / 100;
	_stats.firing += adjustment.statGrowth.firing * adjustment.growthMultiplier * _stats.firing / 100;
	_stats.throwing += adjustment.statGrowth.throwing * adjustment.growthMultiplier * _stats.throwing / 100;
	_stats.strength += adjustment.statGrowth.strength * adjustment.growthMultiplier * _stats.strength / 100;
	_stats.psiStrength += adjustment.statGrowth.psiStrength * adjustment.growthMultiplier * _stats.psiStrength / 100;
	_stats.psiSkill += adjustment.statGrowth.psiSkill * adjustment.growthMultiplier * _stats.psiSkill / 100;
	_stats.melee += adjustment.statGrowth.melee * adjustment.growthMultiplier * _stats.melee / 100;
	_stats.firing *= adjustment.aimAndArmorMultiplier;
	_maxArmor[0] *= adjustment.aimAndArmorMultiplier;
	_maxArmor[1] *= adjustment.aimAndArmorMultiplier;
	_maxArmor[2] *= adjustment.aimAndArmorMultiplier;
	_maxArmor[3] *= adjustment.aimAndArmorMultiplier;
	_maxArmor[4] *= adjustment.aimAndArmorMultiplier;
 * did this unit already take fire damage this turn?
 * (used to avoid damaging large units multiple times.)
 * @return ow it burns
bool BattleUnit::tookFireDamage() const
	return _hitByFire;
 * toggle the state of the fire damage tracking boolean.
void BattleUnit::toggleFireDamage()
	_hitByFire = !_hitByFire;
 * Checks if this unit can be selected. Only alive units
 * belonging to the faction can be selected.
 * @param faction The faction to compare with.
 * @param checkReselect Check if the unit is reselectable.
 * @param checkInventory Check if the unit has an inventory.
 * @return True if the unit can be selected, false otherwise.
bool BattleUnit::isSelectable(UnitFaction faction, bool checkReselect, bool checkInventory) const
	return (_faction == faction && !isOut() && (!checkReselect || reselectAllowed()) && (!checkInventory || hasInventory()));
 * Checks if this unit has an inventory. Large units and/or
 * terror units generally don't have inventories.
 * @return True if an inventory is available, false otherwise.
bool BattleUnit::hasInventory() const
	return (_armor->hasInventory());
 * If this unit is breathing, what frame should be displayed?
 * @return frame number.
int BattleUnit::getBreathFrame() const
	if (_floorAbove)
		return 0;
	return _breathFrame;
 * Decides if we should start producing bubbles, and/or updates which bubble frame we are on.
void BattleUnit::breathe()
	// _breathFrame of -1 means this unit doesn't produce bubbles
	if (_breathFrame < 0 || isOut())
		_breathing = false;
	if (!_breathing || _status == STATUS_WALKING)
		// deviation from original: TFTD used a static 10% chance for every animation frame,
		// instead let's use 5%, but allow morale to affect it.
		_breathing = (_status != STATUS_WALKING && RNG::seedless(0, 99) < (105 - _morale));
		_breathFrame = 0;
	if (_breathing)
		// advance the bubble frame
		// we've reached the end of the cycle, get rid of the bubbles
		if (_breathFrame >= 17)
			_breathFrame = 0;
			_breathing = false;
 * Sets the flag for "this unit is under cover" meaning don't draw bubbles.
 * @param floor is there a floor.
void BattleUnit::setFloorAbove(bool floor)
	_floorAbove = floor;
 * Checks if the floor above flag has been set.
 * @return if we're under cover.
bool BattleUnit::getFloorAbove() const
	return _floorAbove;
 * Get the name of any melee weapon we may be carrying, or a built in one.
 * @return the name .
BattleItem *BattleUnit::getMeleeWeapon()
	BattleItem *melee = getItem("STR_RIGHT_HAND");
	if (melee && melee->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_MELEE)
		return melee;
	melee = getItem("STR_LEFT_HAND");
	if (melee && melee->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_MELEE)
		return melee;
	melee = getSpecialWeapon(BT_MELEE);
	if (melee)
		return melee;
	return 0;
 * use this instead of checking the rules of the armor.
MovementType BattleUnit::getMovementType() const
	return _movementType;
 * Elevates the unit to grand galactic inquisitor status,
 * meaning they will NOT take part in the current battle.
void BattleUnit::goToTimeOut()
	_status = STATUS_IGNORE_ME;
 * Helper function used by `BattleUnit::setSpecialWeapon`
static inline BattleItem *createItem(SavedBattleGame *save, BattleUnit *unit, RuleItem *rule)
	BattleItem *item = new BattleItem(rule, save->getCurrentItemId());
	save->removeItem(item); //item outside inventory, deleted when game is shutdown.
	return item;
 * Set special weapon that is handled outside inventory.
 * @param save
void BattleUnit::setSpecialWeapon(SavedBattleGame *save, const Mod *mod)
	RuleItem *item = 0;
	int i = 0;
	if (getUnitRules())
		item = mod->getItem(getUnitRules()->getMeleeWeapon());
		if (item)
			_specWeapon[i++] = createItem(save, this, item);
	item = mod->getItem(getArmor()->getSpecialWeapon());
	if (item)
		_specWeapon[i++] = createItem(save, this, item);
	if (getBaseStats()->psiSkill > 0 && getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE)
		item = mod->getItem(getUnitRules()->getPsiWeapon());
		if (item)
			_specWeapon[i++] = createItem(save, this, item);
 * Get special weapon.
BattleItem *BattleUnit::getSpecialWeapon(BattleType type) const
	for (int i = 0; i < SPEC_WEAPON_MAX; ++i)
		if (_specWeapon[i] && _specWeapon[i]->getRules()->getBattleType() == type)
			return _specWeapon[i];
	return 0;
 * Recovers a unit's TUs and energy, taking a number of factors into consideration.
void BattleUnit::recoverTimeUnits()
	// recover TUs
	int TURecovery = getBaseStats()->tu;
	float encumbrance = (float)getBaseStats()->strength / (float)getCarriedWeight();
	if (encumbrance < 1)
		TURecovery = int(encumbrance * TURecovery);
	// Each fatal wound to the left or right leg reduces the soldier's TUs by 10%.
	TURecovery -= (TURecovery * ((_fatalWounds[BODYPART_LEFTLEG]+_fatalWounds[BODYPART_RIGHTLEG]) * 10))/100;
	// recover energy
	if (!isOut())
		int ENRecovery;
		if (_geoscapeSoldier != 0)
			ENRecovery = _geoscapeSoldier->getInitStats()->tu / 3;
			ENRecovery = _unitRules->getEnergyRecovery();
		// Each fatal wound to the body reduces the soldier's energy recovery by 10%.
		ENRecovery -= (_energy * (_fatalWounds[BODYPART_TORSO] * 10))/100;
		_energy = std::max(0, std::min(getBaseStats()->stamina, _energy + ENRecovery));
 * Get the unit's statistics.
 * @return BattleUnitStatistics statistics.
BattleUnitStatistics* BattleUnit::getStatistics()
	return _statistics;
 * Sets the unit murderer's id.
 * @param int murderer id.
void BattleUnit::setMurdererId(int id)
	_murdererId = id;
 * Gets the unit murderer's id.
 * @return int murderer id.
int BattleUnit::getMurdererId() const
	return _murdererId;
 * Set information on the unit's fatal blow.
 * @param UnitSide unit's side that was shot.
 * @param UnitBodyPart unit's body part that was shot.
void BattleUnit::setFatalShotInfo(UnitSide side, UnitBodyPart bodypart)
	_fatalShotSide = side;
	_fatalShotBodyPart = bodypart;
 * Get information on the unit's fatal shot's side.
 * @return UnitSide fatal shot's side.
UnitSide BattleUnit::getFatalShotSide() const
	return _fatalShotSide;
 * Get information on the unit's fatal shot's body part.
 * @return UnitBodyPart fatal shot's body part.
UnitBodyPart BattleUnit::getFatalShotBodyPart() const
	return _fatalShotBodyPart;
 * Gets the unit murderer's weapon.
 * @return int murderer weapon.
std::string BattleUnit::getMurdererWeapon() const
	return _murdererWeapon;
 * Set the murderer's weapon.
 * @param string murderer's weapon.
void BattleUnit::setMurdererWeapon(const std::string& weapon)
	_murdererWeapon = weapon;
 * Gets the unit murderer's weapon's ammo.
 * @return int murderer weapon ammo.
std::string BattleUnit::getMurdererWeaponAmmo() const
	return _murdererWeaponAmmo;
 * Set the murderer's weapon's ammo.
 * @param string murderer weapon ammo.
void BattleUnit::setMurdererWeaponAmmo(const std::string& weaponAmmo)
	_murdererWeaponAmmo = weaponAmmo;
 * Sets the unit mind controller's id.
 * @param int mind controller id.
void BattleUnit::setMindControllerId(int id)
	_mindControllerID = id;
 * Gets the unit mind controller's id.
 * @return int mind controller id.
int BattleUnit::getMindControllerId() const
	return _mindControllerID;
 * Get the unit's total firing xp for this mission.
int BattleUnit::getFiringXP() const
	return _expFiring;
 * Artificially alter a unit's firing xp. (used for shotguns)
void BattleUnit::nerfFiringXP(int newXP)
	_expFiring = newXP;
 * Was this unit just hit?
bool BattleUnit::getHitState()
	return _hitByAnything;
 * reset the unit hit state.
void BattleUnit::resetHitState()
	_hitByAnything = false;
 * Gets whether this unit can be captured alive (applies to aliens).
bool BattleUnit::getCapturable() const
	return _capturable;
void BattleUnit::freePatrolTarget()
	if (_currentAIState)

V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type.

V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type.

V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type.

V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type.

V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type.

V1004 The 'getUnitRules()' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 3081, 3096.

V1048 The 'bodypart' variable was assigned the same value.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'weaponRightHand'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'weaponLeftHand'.

V525 The code contains the collection of similar blocks. Check items 'getFrontArmor', 'getSideArmor', 'getSideArmor', 'getRearArmor', 'getUnderArmor' in lines 127, 128, 129, 130, 131.

V525 The code contains the collection of similar blocks. Check items 'getFrontArmor', 'getSideArmor', 'getSideArmor', 'getRearArmor', 'getUnderArmor' in lines 230, 231, 232, 233, 234.

V656 Variables '_maxArmor[SIDE_LEFT]', '_maxArmor[SIDE_RIGHT]' are initialized through the call to the same function. It's probably an error or un-optimized code. Consider inspecting the '_armor->getSideArmor()' expression. Check lines: 128, 129.

V656 Variables '_maxArmor[SIDE_LEFT]', '_maxArmor[SIDE_RIGHT]' are initialized through the call to the same function. It's probably an error or un-optimized code. Consider inspecting the '_armor->getSideArmor()' expression. Check lines: 231, 232.