 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "BattleItem.h"
#include "BattleUnit.h"
#include "Tile.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleItem.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleInventory.h"
namespace OpenXcom
 * Initializes a item of the specified type.
 * @param rules Pointer to ruleset.
 * @param id The id of the item.
BattleItem::BattleItem(RuleItem *rules, int *id) : _id(*id), _rules(rules), _owner(0), _previousOwner(0), _unit(0), _tile(0), _inventorySlot(0), _inventoryX(0), _inventoryY(0), _ammoItem(0), _fuseTimer(-1), _ammoQuantity(0), _painKiller(0), _heal(0), _stimulant(0), _XCOMProperty(false), _droppedOnAlienTurn(false), _isAmmo(false)
	if (_rules)
		if (_rules->getBattleType() == BT_MEDIKIT)
			setHealQuantity (_rules->getHealQuantity());
			setPainKillerQuantity (_rules->getPainKillerQuantity());
			setStimulantQuantity (_rules->getStimulantQuantity());
		// weapon does not need ammo, ammo item points to weapon
		else if ((_rules->getBattleType() == BT_FIREARM || _rules->getBattleType() == BT_MELEE) && _rules->getCompatibleAmmo()->empty())
			_ammoItem = this;
 * Loads the item from a YAML file.
 * @param node YAML node.
 * @param mod Mod for the item.
void BattleItem::load(const YAML::Node &node, Mod *mod)
	std::string slot = node["inventoryslot"].as<std::string>("NULL");
	if (slot != "NULL")
		if (mod->getInventory(slot))
			_inventorySlot = mod->getInventory(slot);
			_inventorySlot = mod->getInventory("STR_GROUND");
	_inventoryX = node["inventoryX"].as<int>(_inventoryX);
	_inventoryY = node["inventoryY"].as<int>(_inventoryY);
	_ammoQuantity = node["ammoqty"].as<int>(_ammoQuantity);
	_painKiller = node["painKiller"].as<int>(_painKiller);
	_heal = node["heal"].as<int>(_heal);
	_stimulant = node["stimulant"].as<int>(_stimulant);
	_fuseTimer = node["fuseTimer"].as<int>(_fuseTimer);
	_droppedOnAlienTurn = node["droppedOnAlienTurn"].as<bool>(_droppedOnAlienTurn);
	_XCOMProperty = node["XCOMProperty"].as<bool>(_XCOMProperty);
 * Saves the item to a YAML file.
 * @return YAML node.
YAML::Node BattleItem::save() const
	YAML::Node node;
	node["id"] = _id;
	node["type"] = _rules->getType();
	if (_owner)
		node["owner"] = _owner->getId();
	if (_previousOwner)
		node["previousOwner"] = _previousOwner->getId();
	if (_unit)
		node["unit"] = _unit->getId();
	if (_inventorySlot)
		node["inventoryslot"] = _inventorySlot->getId();
	node["inventoryX"] = _inventoryX;
	node["inventoryY"] = _inventoryY;
	if (_tile)
		node["position"] = _tile->getPosition();
	if (_ammoQuantity)
		node["ammoqty"] = _ammoQuantity;
	if (_ammoItem)
		node["ammoItem"] = _ammoItem->getId();
	if (_rules && _rules->getBattleType() == BT_MEDIKIT)
		node["painKiller"] = _painKiller;
		node["heal"] = _heal;
		node["stimulant"] = _stimulant;
	if (_fuseTimer != -1)
		node["fuseTimer"] = _fuseTimer;
	if (_droppedOnAlienTurn)
		node["droppedOnAlienTurn"] = _droppedOnAlienTurn;
	if (_XCOMProperty)
		node["XCOMProperty"] = _XCOMProperty;
	return node;
 * Gets the ruleset for the item's type.
 * @return Pointer to ruleset.
RuleItem *BattleItem::getRules() const
	return _rules;
 * Gets the turns until detonation. -1 = unprimed grenade
 * @return turns until detonation.
int BattleItem::getFuseTimer() const
	return _fuseTimer;
 * Sets the turn to explode on.
 * @param turns Turns until detonation (player/alien turns, not game turns).
void BattleItem::setFuseTimer(int turns)
	_fuseTimer = turns;
 * Gets the quantity of ammo in this item.
 * @return Ammo quantity.
int BattleItem::getAmmoQuantity() const
	if (_rules->getClipSize() == -1)
		return 255;
	return _ammoQuantity;
 * Changes the quantity of ammo in this item.
 * @param qty Ammo quantity.
void BattleItem::setAmmoQuantity(int qty)
	_ammoQuantity = qty;
 * Spends a bullet from the ammo in this item.
 * @return True if there are bullets left.
bool BattleItem::spendBullet()
	if (_ammoQuantity > 0)
	if (_ammoQuantity == 0)
		return false;
		return true;
 * Gets the item's owner.
 * @return Pointer to Battleunit.
BattleUnit *BattleItem::getOwner() const
	return _owner;
 * Gets the item's previous owner.
 * @return Pointer to Battleunit.
BattleUnit *BattleItem::getPreviousOwner() const
	return _previousOwner;
 * Sets the item's owner.
 * @param owner Pointer to Battleunit.
void BattleItem::setOwner(BattleUnit *owner)
	_previousOwner = _owner;
	_owner = owner;
 * Sets the item's previous owner.
 * @param owner Pointer to Battleunit.
void BattleItem::setPreviousOwner(BattleUnit *owner)
	_previousOwner = owner;
 * Removes the item from the previous owner and moves it to the new owner.
 * @param owner Pointer to Battleunit.
void BattleItem::moveToOwner(BattleUnit *owner)
	_previousOwner = _owner ? _owner:owner;
	_owner = owner;
	if (_previousOwner != 0)
		for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator i = _previousOwner->getInventory()->begin(); i != _previousOwner->getInventory()->end(); ++i)
			if ((*i) == this)
	if (_owner != 0)
 * Gets the item's inventory slot.
 * @return The slot id.
RuleInventory *BattleItem::getSlot() const
	return _inventorySlot;
 * Sets the item's inventory slot.
 * @param slot The slot id.
void BattleItem::setSlot(RuleInventory *slot)
	_inventorySlot = slot;
 * Gets the item's inventory X position.
 * @return X position.
int BattleItem::getSlotX() const
	return _inventoryX;
 * Sets the item's inventory X position.
 * @param x X position.
void BattleItem::setSlotX(int x)
	_inventoryX = x;
 * Gets the item's inventory Y position.
 * @return Y position.
int BattleItem::getSlotY() const
	return _inventoryY;
 * Sets the item's inventory Y position.
 * @param y Y position.
void BattleItem::setSlotY(int y)
	_inventoryY = y;
 * Checks if the item is covering certain inventory slot(s).
 * @param x Slot X position.
 * @param y Slot Y position.
 * @param item Item to check for overlap, or NULL if none.
 * @return True if it is covering.
bool BattleItem::occupiesSlot(int x, int y, BattleItem *item) const
	if (item == this)
		return false;
	if (_inventorySlot->getType() == INV_HAND)
		return true;
	if (item == 0)
		return (x >= _inventoryX && x < _inventoryX + _rules->getInventoryWidth() &&
				y >= _inventoryY && y < _inventoryY + _rules->getInventoryHeight());
		return !(x >= _inventoryX + _rules->getInventoryWidth() ||
				x + item->getRules()->getInventoryWidth() <= _inventoryX ||
				y >= _inventoryY + _rules->getInventoryHeight() ||
				y + item->getRules()->getInventoryHeight() <= _inventoryY);
 * Gets the item's ammo item.
 * @return The ammo item.
BattleItem *BattleItem::getAmmoItem()
	return _ammoItem;
 * Determines if the item uses ammo.
 * @return True if ammo is used.
bool BattleItem::needsAmmo() const
	return !(_ammoItem == this); // no ammo for this weapon is needed
 * Sets the item's ammo item.
 * @param item The ammo item.
 * @return -2 when ammo doesn't fit, or -1 when weapon already contains ammo.
int BattleItem::setAmmoItem(BattleItem *item)
	if (!needsAmmo()) return -2;
	if (item == 0)
		if (_ammoItem)
		_ammoItem = 0;
		return 0;
	if (_ammoItem)
		return -1;
	for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = _rules->getCompatibleAmmo()->begin(); i != _rules->getCompatibleAmmo()->end(); ++i)
		if (*i == item->getRules()->getType())
			_ammoItem = item;
			return 0;
	return -2;
 * Gets the item's tile.
 * @return The tile.
Tile *BattleItem::getTile() const
	return _tile;
 * Sets the item's tile.
 * @param tile The tile.
void BattleItem::setTile(Tile *tile)
	_tile = tile;
 * Gets the item's id.
 * @return The item's id.
int BattleItem::getId() const
	return _id;
 * Gets the corpse's unit.
 * @return Pointer to BattleUnit.
BattleUnit *BattleItem::getUnit() const
	return _unit;
 * Sets the corpse's unit.
 * @param unit Pointer to BattleUnit.
void BattleItem::setUnit(BattleUnit *unit)
	_unit = unit;
 * Sets the heal quantity of the item.
 * @param heal The new heal quantity.
void BattleItem::setHealQuantity (int heal)
	_heal = heal;
 * Gets the heal quantity of the item.
 * @return The new heal quantity.
int BattleItem::getHealQuantity() const
	return _heal;
 * Sets the pain killer quantity of the item.
 * @param pk The new pain killer quantity.
void BattleItem::setPainKillerQuantity (int pk)
	_painKiller = pk;
 * Gets the pain killer quantity of the item.
 * @return The new pain killer quantity.
int BattleItem::getPainKillerQuantity() const
	return _painKiller;
 * Sets the stimulant quantity of the item.
 * @param stimulant The new stimulant quantity.
void BattleItem::setStimulantQuantity (int stimulant)
	_stimulant = stimulant;
 * Gets the stimulant quantity of the item.
 * @return The new stimulant quantity.
int BattleItem::getStimulantQuantity() const
	return _stimulant;
 * Sets the XCom property flag. This is to determine at debriefing what goes into the base/craft.
 * @param flag True if it's XCom property.
void BattleItem::setXCOMProperty (bool flag)
	_XCOMProperty = flag;
 * Gets the XCom property flag. This is to determine at debriefing what goes into the base/craft.
 * @return True if it's XCom property.
bool BattleItem::getXCOMProperty() const
	return _XCOMProperty;
 * Gets the "dropped on non-player turn" flag. This is to determine whether or not
 * aliens should attempt to pick this item up, as items dropped by the player may be "honey traps".
 * @return True if the aliens dropped the item.
bool BattleItem::getTurnFlag() const
	return _droppedOnAlienTurn;
 * Sets the "dropped on non-player turn" flag. This is set when the item is dropped in the battlescape
 * or picked up in the inventory screen.
 * @param flag True if the aliens dropped the item.
void BattleItem::setTurnFlag(bool flag)
	_droppedOnAlienTurn = flag;
 * Converts an unconscious body into a dead one.
 * @param rules the rules of the corpse item to convert this item into.
void BattleItem::convertToCorpse(RuleItem *rules)
	if (_unit && _rules->getBattleType() == BT_CORPSE && rules->getBattleType() == BT_CORPSE)
		_rules = rules;
 * Sets the flag on this item indicating whether or not it is a clip used in a weapon.
 * @param ammo set the ammo flag to this.
void BattleItem::setIsAmmo(bool ammo)
	_isAmmo = ammo;
 * Checks if this item is loaded into a weapon.
 * @return if this is loaded into a weapon or not.
bool BattleItem::isAmmo() const
	return _isAmmo;

V595 The '_rules' pointer was utilized before it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 101, 121.

V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type.

V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type.