
Author Topic: Hole in Science Vessel  (Read 2457 times)

Offline Dogbarian

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Hole in Science Vessel
« on: July 11, 2021, 01:51:49 am »
Not sure where to place this exactly, since it's kind of a mechanics question.  But the hole exists in a ship for this mod, and I guess that counts as a bug, so I'm putting it here.   Anyway, I have a question and a report.  The report is there is a hole in the Science Vessel that allowed a shot from the left corner of the northern open inside wedge, on level 3 (from a unit flying or standing on the hull "north" of that space) - see screenshot #1 - to inside of the ship on the ground floor of the lift area - see screenshot #2 - the selected unit is the one that got shot.

So that hole is probably on level 1 or 2.  I have a save from just before shot was taken, that's where I got the screenshots.  Here's my question - how can I use the first person view screenshot to find this hole?  If I take one from the target square, looking "west", it only shows me what's on that level, not looking upwards - screenshot #3.  Do I need to use a flyer to scan from those two levels to see about finding the hole?  I can do that in debug mod, I think, or just burn a few turns getting a flyer over in position.  Or are those green walls in the screenshot transparent?  I'm not too familiar with the first person view shots, so I don't know what the green walls mean.  It may just indicate the fact that they are diagonal.

Offline Dogbarian

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Re: Hole in Science Vessel
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2021, 04:45:57 am »
Ah, think I found the problem.  See attached screenshot circled area - the lowest level extends out further than the core of the levels above.  So there is a little slice visible there.  That's what they were shooting me through.

Not sure that can really be fixed with that design though, unless the core levels were extended out a bit.

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Re: Hole in Science Vessel
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2021, 07:58:07 am »
good report, normally stuff like this goes in the pinned bug thread.