Author Topic: [ADDON] ROSIGMA  (Read 128046 times)

Offline Thatguysenpai

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« Reply #210 on: August 05, 2022, 11:30:48 pm »
Nice, I was just thinking the other day that abhuman strategy sort of lacks late game defense, was almost tempted to train a bunch of commissars up so I could give them all power armor.

For the repentia strategy, the meltagun problem is fixed, but they still can't research motion scanners and so still can't get mid-tier.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #211 on: August 06, 2022, 01:53:27 pm »
You can re-add it yourself in research_adeptas.rul, just remove the line under:
  - name: STR_ADEPTAS
    unlocks: !remove
      - STR_MOTION_SCANNER <<<-----

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #212 on: August 06, 2022, 02:17:26 pm »
the new "Beastguard Heavy Armor and Slab Shield armor" makes the whole Armory of the Arbites look like a joke...also like I mentioned before,
just add some additional IG features to the arbites: pardon penitents to PDF then induct pdf to Arbiters, give then also the heavy autoguns, single hand autogun (I think shotpistol, stubber that can shoot kelemorph ammo and heavy stubbcannon they already got) and give them also the option to add bionics and personal shield..and for the future maybe a double handed heavy Shock Maul...will start a Arbites run shortly so (I can give them thru editing all the items...but the personal upgrades should be also available)...and yes give them all the Webber weapons...GSC arbites run around with Webber weapons so that should be available to them...when one plays as them

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #213 on: August 08, 2022, 10:25:10 pm »
question, I installed the last version with the new melta and the lascutter...Melta I can buy and ammo fine
Lascutter can by bought at the Trade center...then I transferred it (also the two types of ammo) to my main base and i see that I can but the lascutter to my craft but not the I cannot use the lascutter :(

Offline noflic

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« Reply #214 on: August 09, 2022, 12:34:34 am »
Is the, uh, unusual spawn placement for the armoured convoy fixed for this update? Didn't see it in the patchnotes, but these things sometimes sneak through.

Also: it's kind of surprising that there's no recruitable ratling snipers for the guard (maybe there are and I just haven't hit that stage in the game yet, but I'm pretty sure they're not in). I think I could probably manage to stat them up, if i) the modmakers are OK with that, ii) someone else could do the sprites. Given i), in fact, ii)'s not essential, if we're all OK with some suspiciously beefy bearded halflings short pie-eating snipers.

Offline Isilya

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« Reply #215 on: August 10, 2022, 08:24:53 am »
Really enjoying playing as the Guard, until half a dozen necron bases woke up.

Any tips on how to clear them out? The narrow tunnel map makes it basically impossible to use weight of fire, and what with necron reactions and morale I can never push through before it starts spawning reinforcements. Seriously considering giving a squad of rookies melta grenades and doing the old xcom suicide bomb strat

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #216 on: August 10, 2022, 10:43:40 am »
Melta weapons will vaporize most of the weaker Necrons if you land the killing blow with it. Portable lascannons are pretty good at zapping them too.

Simi822: If you can buy and transfer the lascutter ammo between bases there shouldn´t be anything preventing loading it on your craft.
Arbites is a bit of a hardmode right now.

noflic: No Ratlings yet. If you want to make them, go ahead, but as you say - needs art assets.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2022, 10:46:30 am by Leflair »

Offline Isilya

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« Reply #217 on: August 10, 2022, 01:31:03 pm »
Is it expected to upgrade everyone to Carapace and special weapons (melta, plasma) etc for endgame as guard?

I've been using quality hotshot lasguns but a squad of night lords with plasma guns just obliterated an outpost and the massed lasgun fire really didn't cut it

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #218 on: August 10, 2022, 05:33:09 pm »
Yes, to tackle the late game / final mission you´ll need carapace/power armor/heavy armor (abhuman), refractor shields etc.

You can make do for a while, but managing losses and resources to build that up is where the main difficulty lies.

Offline Isilya

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« Reply #219 on: August 10, 2022, 05:52:14 pm »
Okay well it's november and most missions are terminators so I may have let my fear of clearing bases get the better of me.

I can't help feeling I wasted a lot of time researching corpses when all they give is lore, and should have ramped up faster. I may need to start a third attempt and make sure to tech up fast!

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #220 on: August 11, 2022, 10:50:24 pm »
so my Play with the Inquisition is over...the Rosigma version of the final level is INSANE...much more challenging then the vanilla and more fun

I had like 5x Grey Knights captains (all with MC stormbolters + mostly Eldar mirror swords...but also 1x Relic sword lol) 1x Inquisitor (using a kombi-grav) 1x Sista superior (Stalker bolter) 1xassault SM (Kombi-Plasma) 1x Devastator SM (heavy flamer) and some Ing Stormtroopers (all with Hellguns...but one with master crafted plasma rifle) and one Veteran Medic Sniper (Tannith longlas) and one Marshal (MC lawbringer)  because the approach to the final mission was with a Thunderhawks then I did not see the shit I had when playing as the IG (swarms of 10-15x enemy vessels attacking the Gorgon)

the final level with Rosigma I think with Inq, SM, Sistas or IG is doable....BUT is it possible with the Arbiters?

well therefore I started now a Arbites game....I see some things already...Cybermastiff is 2x in the buy list, in the beginning the player gets Enforcer+shield armor that cannot be used (also seen while playing as the INQ and using emperor protects) the Research I see cannones armor in the beginning....will try out if lascutter is working or not (I added the new version in the middle of my previous game so maybe therefore it was not working)

and I added myself some starting advantages...2x Judges and 2x Shield enforcers..I given them personal shield (should be available to the Enforcers when playing as the Arbiters...but not to Arbitors who have it..would give it automatically to the Judge armor also...Arbitor and Marshal armors have it)

and I added the following gear to my start: 1x foehammer + 1xFletchette gun (for the shield Enforcers) 1x Stubcannon (for 1x Judge..while playing as INQ it seemed uselles so I want to see if it is better then a lawbringer or not) and a small amount of special stub ammo, some autostubber ammo and some kelemorph ammo....will see how the game will go

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #221 on: August 12, 2022, 11:20:35 pm »
so here some info after playing like 20+h as the Arbites

I got lucky in February I got a Xeno Cult mission which with Arbites is easy (the car guns + lawbringers + special stubber ammo)
so I have now 2x Stormtroppers...LOL

BUT I researched the Kelemorph Gun + Ammo...I can use it...but I cannot buy it at the trade post...I could as Inquisition (?)

also the Pure Genestealers during the Xeno Cult mission...they where just walking around....not one did attack me (I noticed this also previously when compared to Space hulk missions..where they are aggressive as F)  BUT the Kelemorph with double stub action a killa....

and the Stubcannon + Heavy shield enforcer...excellent...only Fletchette gun + Shield is better (until my Shield bearer was weak I used the foehammer...but the Stubcannon makes it obsolete...and maybe now I got it why the Arbites dont need the better autoguns...or do they need them?)

never less one can always EDIT LOL

Offline EleriumWard

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« Reply #222 on: August 13, 2022, 05:31:44 am »
So, I would just like to clarify something. Into The Dark Gods' Path and Xeno Embrace should only be available to the Marines and the Chamber Militant respectively, right? Because I am currently playing as the Arbites and I have access to both of these.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #223 on: August 13, 2022, 08:46:02 pm »
No, they're available to everyone. You will get some different options as Marines with the Chaos Path though.

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #224 on: August 14, 2022, 01:42:48 am »
so into month May with the somehow mid tier is not happening ? (Live xeno needed? - yes)

therefore no mastercrafted Lawbringer (is it high tier?) or the new weapons...and no heavy Enforcer armor....(Live xeno needed? - yes)

Penitents cannot be pardoned(?) I got 2x with long service...could be pardoned when new month started....and I assume Enforcers cannot be upgraded to Judges (as that option is not in the list)...and I gave my ppl personal shields via editing (but would also give them bionics etc...these IG sticks should be available to Arbites)

but good things are here also...because I was doing good, I received 4x Inq playing as Arbites my 2x squads are both 1x Sentinel lascannon 3x Inq Troopers (got 2x from Xeno cult mission) and some Enforcers and Judges and 1x Dogge each....not bad indeed when compared with my play as Arbites a year ago

and the Vostroya lasgun is practically the sniper gun for the Arbites and now with Hotshot its the best basic lasgun (BTW the Necro lasgun is less accurate and cost more?) speaking in regards of Lasguns...Arbites cannot buy hotshot ammo (only Pistol one)

and I see that the good stuff (Fletchette gun, Kelemorph pistol) are available with Ceramic...but the price for the Autostubber is a bit off at 500k (if one could buy the Autostubbers then 500k would be a good deal...but I get it, it has these stats as the Kelemorph holds 3x and yes this version should be available only to him) ...the Fletchette cost 200k and is the better weapon then the simple a simple single shot Autostubber /snap 75 for 25/ should cost as a Ultra Boltpistol around 100k  and the ammo for 50k is also pricey but I think fair would be 20k

and now with all these lovely Lasguns...maybe add some Laspistols? (Archeotech, Belasco Dueling Pistol, Blast Pistol  etc)
« Last Edit: August 17, 2022, 08:22:55 am by Simi822 »