Author Topic: [ADDON] ROSIGMA  (Read 179194 times)

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #105 on: December 29, 2021, 12:16:00 am »
Dear All,

in regards of crashes...I dont know if it can happen during playing, but when clicking on the turret of the shielded Primaris Tank the game crashes.

I looked into the new stuff thru the Skirmish mode, for lots of new missions (Gene stealers, etc) the description is not there and also for some of the new stuff the Wiki is not available (Pump action shotgun, various new genestealers, and other enemies...can research to nothing etc. for example)

then I started my Arbiters game again, the changes are really some "stuff": remove the medic armor from production as it cannot be used (I like that you give Enforcer and Heavy Enforcer armor only...and the player can choose which sub type) the pardon of Criminals works...but the elevation of Enforcers to Judges is still not there? I find the genestealers good, but here some Ideas...I had a RIOT mission where chaos cultist where fighting the Genestealer cult...maybe after the forces of chaos are crushed...the Genos attack the Imperial forces?

Also Gene stealer cult, I like that they have weapons which I cannot produce (but I can use once obtained like Pump  action Shotgun or Webber) maybe add them some unique weapons like the Liberator Autostubs of the Kelermorph (and add him also :) )
also maybe add Aberrants? to the enemy list (with BIG crude melee weapons that can kill a Astartes with a single blow like we saw in angels of death) or  add a Magus (practically just reskin the Psyker) and as the big bad baddie (same size as a Sentinel) the Patriarch (most of the ranged weapons do has to go one on one with the great one like we saw in angels of death in melee combat) and the Stubber Tankette they the Arbiters dont have much, give them this tankette (real world police utilized such tankettes to crush riots in the past) as a equivalent to the Mounted weapons of the IG...and the "masked/veiled" civiliants should then drop the act...and be identified as Pure Genestealers in such missions

Offline Requiem

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« Reply #106 on: December 31, 2021, 03:50:37 am »
Hey, guys can anybody help me?
I have found 3 xeno cults in Antartica(they were surprisingly non active), and after i scouted area around them i received a segmentation fault error.
Log says something about not being able to dispatch hunt mission or something like this.
My arbites playthrougth stalled because of that. :(
Here is a save and log, just wait till craft arrives and start patrolling:

Offline Buscher

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« Reply #107 on: January 01, 2022, 05:03:48 pm »
Attached a hotfix for your crashing issues.

Also I just deleted the judge promotion in the dev version. You can just buy more of them.

As for the codex revamp. Feel free to contribute.

Offline Requiem

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« Reply #108 on: January 01, 2022, 11:46:08 pm »
Attached a hotfix for your crashing issues.
Thank you for fix.
After fix got another crash when tried to start these missions but on second launch its gone. It was wierd, but ok i guess..

As for the codex revamp. Feel free to contribute.
And how i supposed to do that? To add description of something by myself at first i should know what it is. I still have dozens of little questions, like what is locke pattern, what initial idea was behind some weapons, etc.
Obviosly i am not some kind of a Psyker who can read minds of initial contributors.
I can prevail through any bs in mods, but not a lack of info, no offence.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #109 on: January 03, 2022, 10:10:50 am »
Main 40k mod just updated to version 031, there are some compatibility issues (some maps) and bugs we are looking at and we´ll release an update for ROSIGMA as soon as possible.

In the meanwhile, the discord has the latest hotfix workarounds.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2022, 12:55:49 am by Leflair »

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #110 on: January 03, 2022, 11:26:42 pm »
the new addon is pure GARBAGE and a Joke

there must have been no test play before it release

and balance is also not existing

so YOU introduce the Greyknights and have the possibility of the production of Stormbolters before the stormbolters are developed and the Wiki of the Stormbolters does a CRASH....Fuken A

and give then shite fighters and carriers and give then 8x Greyknights with rookie guardsman the playa
at the start

the destroyed almost both of my fighters...and I started my Battle...8x GREY of they hands if a fixed STORM BORTTA  so I cannot use a snipper gun, missile launcher I had to go thru a fight with 8x sluggish Greyknight who have a stormbolter gaultlet with 20 percent hit rate within 2 tiles....

this is pure bullshit....

and with ROSIGMA it is even worse :) I could not buy servitors, etc....

this addon is garbage avoid it !

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #111 on: January 04, 2022, 12:55:33 am »
1) We have not yet released the compatibility patch.
2) We have not introduced the Grey Knights, that's the main mod.

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #112 on: January 04, 2022, 02:07:40 pm »
I given my opinion about the new main mod not about ROSIGMA...they should first do some Beta testing or write that it is for testing purposes

ROSIGMA works fine, and I am still playing as the Arbiters and after that will do Sororitas

so hopefully they will fix the Inquisition fraction till then

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #113 on: January 04, 2022, 05:04:09 pm »
1.06B031 is now available on the page for ROSIGMA.

1.06B031 Patch notes:

Made ROSIGMA Compatible with 40k 031

- Includes hotfixes of bugs in 031 (until next main mod release):
- The Genestealer Armored Car is no longer available at your local Imperial dealership.
- Some language string fixes and corrections.
- Mastercrafted Stormbolter Codex page no longer causing a crash.
- Mastercrafted Stormbolter can now use MC ammo.
- GK Chaplain can now see the AUX_CROZIUS
- Wrong Soldier type using armor STR_GK_CHP_UC
- STR_HALLEBARD research dependency and manufacturing.
- GK ufopediaType fixed for GK Tech Marine armor
- Give Marine and Adeptas Stormraven same Treatment as GK (increased unit capacity).

- ROSIGMA adapted Grey Knights power armor values (buffs)
- ROSIGMA adjusted Grey Knight recruits stat values to be (5-10 points) better than normal space marines. Min Bravery increased greatly.
- Adjusted Grey Knight promotions and manufacturing to use ROSIGMA Kill Token system.
- GK Crafts guzzle less Fuel .
- GK normal and MC Stormbolter ammo cost cut less (resources required). Each manufacturing job now creates 5 clips instead of 1.
- Added the extra Arvus Doors to the GK variant.
- GKs given access to STR_SCIENTISTS_AND_ENGINEERS + Hologram Grenades.
- Updated GK and Primaris Ufopedia to new format.
- STR_GK_HB is viewable in the STR_GK_TAC Codex Article

- Marines now face harder Deserter Missions (special! Chewy! Dumb injokes!)
- Marine repair hit chance increased to 100%

- GSC Terror Missions are now generated as intended (fix).
- Adjusted Brood Brothers with ROSIGMA gear and stats (no tech or racelist integration yet)
- Added Makeshift grenades and pipebombs to Genestealer Cult civilians and low tier units. Makeshift Grenades are weaker than standard grenades, while the pipebombs are slightly stronger. Some military krak grenades have been replaced with these.
- Corrected corpse sprite for GSC Penetante.
- GSC Spacer Armor Battle Sprite cleaned up (when firing)
- Corrected a few units in the infector list (Krieg, some civilians, Marshal) that would crash when infected.

- Elite IG Strategy gets free Stormtrooper Research
- Elite IG Strategy gets early Tanith Soldier Research
- Fix Veterans not getting Hellguns.
- Dogs don't blow up Penetante anymore.
- Bullgryn Riot Mission unlockable for Abhumans
- Removed Priest inbuilt Eviscerator; Chainswords produce more Wounds
- Added Krieg Grenadier with inbuilt Heavy Lasgun
- Updated Lucius Lasgun Codex page with new layout and more info.

- Fix Arbites Mug Shots
- Arbites MC Lawbringer now costs kill tokens.
- Fix TU Carry Over Script. Half of TU damage applied this turn now carries over next turn (think stun weapons).

- Added a Contributor and Tester page to the Codex, naming those guilty of this heresy

Offline Requiem

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« Reply #114 on: January 05, 2022, 01:50:14 pm »
the new addon is pure GARBAGE and a Joke

I dont know what was on previus patch, but i tried GK now with Rosigma and i think they are OP. To the point that they dont need to research or use anything except mc ammo and power fists maybe. It's just 8 terminators with built-in storm bolters wich delete everything in range of 20 tiles, even Primaris space marines wasnt as easy.

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #115 on: January 05, 2022, 02:15:16 pm »
the vanilla release was not really balanced, see the latest ROSIGMA update what they changed...practically when running with ROSIGMA then crashes or balance issues are fixed

when running it with the newest ROSIGMA then its working fine.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #116 on: January 05, 2022, 02:55:18 pm »
In testing the GK are indeed strong early on, although they can still get killed by certain enemies - a bigger issue is when they start getting wounded and end up in the medbay for a month.

Do report back if you manage to reach the late game with GK and how well they do (early game does turn them into maxed out super soldiers if they survive).

It's one of those Factions where you are either doing super well or terrible. Not much midground.

We're looking at expanding the "HARDER" mission branch for some of these stronger factions like GK and Primaris (and some Marine strategies), introducing chaos marines earlier etc just vs them.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2022, 02:59:40 pm by Leflair »

Offline Requiem

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« Reply #117 on: January 05, 2022, 03:37:53 pm »
Yeah i will give a shot for full playtrough with them soon.
But i already have some thought abouts, especially about these wrist mounted bolters with range buffed to 20 and which hinder one hand.
I mean whole point of them is that they should leave both hands free at the cost of lower accuracy.
Currently i cant use any 2-h weapons with them effectivly, so there is no point to research or use anything(lascanons, meltas or even mc bolters given from start).
Also ALL GK's recruited exclusively from psykers, they ALL psykers and thats their main feature by lore. This can counter balance nerf of accuracy, if they recieve some psyker pewpews(not too powerfull).
Also their dreadnouts and centurions have nice destinctive look, pity i didnt found them in research tree.
But i stop here for now, dont want to recieve another "do-it-by-yourself". :D

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #118 on: January 06, 2022, 02:31:54 pm »
GK do have Dreadnoughts in the update, looking at changing up their starting loadouts.

There's some GK guns, Battle Servitors and their normal Power Armor that isn't in.

But yes, they don't have a ton of stuff to spend money on.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #119 on: January 14, 2022, 02:34:02 am »
Current hotfix pack for 1.06B031:

- Fix Deployment of the GK Arvus to use 8 slots instead of 7 (one tile was used twice)
-Fixes Orks replacing Arbites on some missions/maps.
For "installation", replace the same-named files in your ROSIGMA mod folder (RULESET).

Some map fixes (elevators, doors on some UFOs):

We'll put together a 1.06C release that also fixes some issues with Guard Carapace access, compatibility with OXCE 7.4, GSC using some Chaos craft for certain missions and a new HARD mission set for marines/GKs (and tech rush) + a bunch of other little fixes.

Unrelated (?), from the WIP pile:

« Last Edit: January 14, 2022, 02:36:54 am by Leflair »