Author Topic: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion  (Read 82574 times)

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #90 on: March 15, 2022, 01:08:31 am »
I'm glad to hear you're having fun!

The mission is completed at the moment the last wave of the mission spawns onto the globe. I have added an extra scout wave to the end of alien base and outpost missions so that you have time to assault them before it is finished. In vanilla, it was not possible to cancel these missions, only to delay them (except for terror missions). But in my mod, if you shoot down or assault the largest ship, it will always cause the aliens a mission failure, however attacking smaller ships has some chance of ending their mission as well. If you are proactive enough with interception, it is possible that the aliens have not constructed a single base. But they will pick up their efforts to build one in the second year!
« Last Edit: March 15, 2022, 01:10:21 am by The Reaver of Darkness »

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #91 on: April 23, 2022, 12:18:12 pm »
Harmony 1.0.6 is out!

Changes include:
* Most cannons and launchers now show which ammo is loaded
* Added Alien Explosive Missile Defense System
* Tractor Beams finally drain shields like they were supposed to all along
* Ethereal Navigators now yield 2 Psi Wave Emitters
* Buffed the Executioner aircraft; much more reason to fly it now
* Several new graphics
* Many tiny bug fixes and quality of life changes

See original post for download!

Offline Mewtastic

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #92 on: June 03, 2022, 07:02:50 pm »
Hey Reaver, I've found a map bug. I've known about it for a while, but I neglected to report it, because part of me doesn't want it to go. There are two tiles of floating sand on one particular desert map. It's at the far north and won't have any real effect on game-play 99% of the time. I've encountered this twice now, once on the previous patch and once on the current patch. I like to think it's just another one of the alien's mind tricks to try and distract my soldiers. Unfortunately I can't point to the exact map file as I don't have knowledge about openxcom maps.

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #93 on: June 17, 2022, 12:42:59 am »
Hey Reaver, I've found a map bug. I've known about it for a while, but I neglected to report it, because part of me doesn't want it to go. There are two tiles of floating sand on one particular desert map. It's at the far north and won't have any real effect on game-play 99% of the time. I've encountered this twice now, once on the previous patch and once on the current patch. I like to think it's just another one of the alien's mind tricks to try and distract my soldiers. Unfortunately I can't point to the exact map file as I don't have knowledge about openxcom maps.
Very strange. While my mod does add copies of the desert maps due to having route changes, I have made no changes to the map files themselves. And yet I have confirmed that this is not present in vanilla, only in my mod.

It does potentially affect game balance: it offers a high-quality sniping position (you can kneel on it) for flying soldiers, where one shouldn't be. It's fairly minor but can make a large difference in a handful of cases.

When I patch it, you can keep your copy this way by making a backup of DESERT09.MAP from the MAPS folder of Harmony mod. Then every time you install an update, just copy and paste your backup version of DESERT09.MAP to replace the existing one in the mod folder. You may as well create this backup right now. And make sure you save it somewhere other than a mod folder.

Also, I am happy to see that you have selected the Starblazer! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!
« Last Edit: June 17, 2022, 12:45:04 am by The Reaver of Darkness »

Offline shadics

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #94 on: August 22, 2022, 02:23:54 am »
Good afternoon, I recently tried your mod and noticed when I aimed behind some objects, the aim decreased, does your mod have a cover system? I'm very intrigued  :P

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #95 on: August 25, 2022, 05:25:31 am »
Good afternoon, I recently tried your mod and noticed when I aimed behind some objects, the aim decreased, does your mod have a cover system? I'm very intrigued  :P
My mod doesn't affect the way aim works. I would like to change how aim works, but it is not within my capabilities.

Openxcom Extended (OXCE) has non-vanilla/smarter aiming mechanics as well as a not-always-effective option to make soldiers adjust their aim to hit partially-obstructed targets.

I have built cover into the security stations. If your soldier crouches next to the firing slit, enemies can't see them through it. But standing up, they can fire out just perfectly. It looks like a 4 voxel high opening, but is actually only 2 voxels high (minimum I can do in editor) because of how laser-sharp aiming often can be. The net result is that firing through the slit causes some of your shots to miss and hit the wall, affected by proximity to the slit. So it works as partial cover when they are standing next to it, and full cover when they are crouching under it.

edit: the opening is actually 4 voxels high. I changed it at some point after much testing, and had forgotten.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2022, 07:06:32 am by The Reaver of Darkness »

Offline shadics

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #96 on: August 29, 2022, 07:30:40 am »
I'm confused, because using your mod my aim is penalized if I aim behind certain objects
I leave you an image for you to check, I only have your mod installed
It is clearly seen how my aim goes down when I move the courses behind those rocks

If your mod does not have a cover system, what is generating this result?

Offline psavola

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #97 on: August 29, 2022, 07:51:59 am »
I'm confused, because using your mod my aim is penalized if I aim behind certain objects
I leave you an image for you to check, I only have your mod installed
It is clearly seen how my aim goes down when I move the courses behind those rocks

If your mod does not have a cover system, what is generating this result?

There could be a few explanations. Weapons have a no-sight penalty multiplier (usually 50%, check INFO button), and I wonder if that could be kicking in behind the cover. Your accuracy drops exactly 25% which sounds like it could be the case here. This could also be the UFO extender accuracy option, where the rate drops off, because the spot behind the cover is a bit farther away.

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #98 on: August 31, 2022, 05:18:44 pm »
If your mod does not have a cover system, what is generating this result?
What psavola said is accurate. Your soldier's aim is multiplied by 0.75 for any target that they are not able to see. This is an OXCE feature, and the default OXCE value is 0.5.

Their aim is also multiplied by 1.25 if they are kneeling. This is a feature from the original game, though the default value is 1.15. Their accuracy is also reduced by using a two-handed weapon with the other hand occupied, if they lose health, or if they have any fatal wounds on their head or any arm being used to shoot.

If the accuracy value over the targeting crosshair is green, that means that the target is visible to your soldier. Yellow means that particular soldier is unable to see the target.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 05:27:37 pm by The Reaver of Darkness »

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #99 on: November 13, 2022, 07:02:35 am »
Update 1.0.7 is out! There are no sweeping changes, but a few things have received significant overhauls.
edit: Hotfix has been released on Github. I mistakenly only fixed the AE prox mine. This update also fixes the basic prox mine.
Let me know if you need help installing from github.

Nighttime ops armors now provide both more vision as well as better camouflage. Several alien races have had their night vision range reduced. The aliens still see a lot better than your soldiers initially, but the night ops armors are a lot more functional now. You no longer have to be highly skilled just to make them marginally functional. I encourage you all to give these armors a try! Nighttime combat might not be so scary after all!

Tanks also have been given some ability to see through smoke. It can still easily block their vision, but they should be able to spot most enemies before those enemies see the tank. Night ops tanks have an especially strong ability to see through smoke. And in case you weren't aware previously, some alien units are also able to see through smoke. Most of them are about just as blinded by it as your soldiers are, however. Tanks also have had their light radius increased. This will enable them to see further into the darkness, but be careful that it does not highlight your camouflaged soldiers during night ops missions!

Soldiers will now receive tags alongside their names, based on certain attributes. Some of the most important tags:
 - b or B for breacher, indicates high or very high reactions, respectively
 - r or R for ranger, indicates high or very high time units and stamina, respectively
 - s or S for sniper, indicates high or very high firing accuracy, respectively
 - h or H for heavy, indicates high or very high strength, respectively
 - ! = this soldier is psionically vulnerable and has poor psi growth potential (low psi strength)
 - C = coward, low bravery and prone to panic, psionic or otherwise
 - k = klutz, low firing accuracy, prone to friendly fire
 - w = weak, low strength, may not be able to carry enough equipment or ideal weaponry

A completely maxed out soldier will display: ψSuper
However, a soldier displaying ψSuper is not necessarily maxed out. It just means that they have a top score in all of the most important attributes!

Here is the full list of tags, which you can also find in the statstrings.rul file inside the mod:
# ! - Psionically vulnerable
# ^/&/* - Good/Great/Excellent psionic potential (only psiborgs can exceed "good")
# γ/β/α/ς - Psionic rank indicator (C, B, A, and S, from lowest to greatest)
# ψ - Psionic Master (ς-Rank psion who's realized their excellent potential)
# Raid - Raider (Breacher/Ranger)
# Wrdn - Warden (Breacher/Sniper)
# Strm - Stormer  (Breacher/Heavy)
# Hntr - Hunter (Ranger/Sniper)
# Tank - Tank (Ranger/Heavy)
# Rckt - Rocketeer (Sniper/Heavy)
# Vet - Veteran (Excelling in 3 classes, this soldier has been through hell and back!)
# Ace - Excels in all 4 classes
# Ace+ - Excels in all 4 classes with some superhuman capabilities
# Super - Excels in all 4 classes to a superhuman extent
# b/B - Breacher (Reactions)
# r/R - Ranger (TUs and Stamina)
# s/S - Sniper (Firing)
# h/H - Heavy (Strength)
# k - Klutz (Low firing accuracy)
# w - Weak (Low strength)
# C - Coward (Low bravery)

The full list of changes, which you can also find in the metadata.yml file inside the mod:

#  1.0.7:   Night operations armors have received a buff to their stealth and night vision.
#           - The buff is strongest on the ones which were previously weak, and negligible on the top ones.
#       * Tanks have had their light radius increased, and are now less blinded by smoke.
#       * The night vision of some alien races has been reduced, but it is still a lot more than your soldiers.
#           - Having longer night vision range than certain alien types is now more achievable than before.
#       * Fixed a bug with proximity grenades acting like regular grenades.
#       * Fixed bug in which security station facility was not properly being destroyed during base defense.
#       * Doors on security stations no longer block turret fire.
#       * You can now build two infirmaries in one base.
#       * Updated Base Facility list order into a more sensible ordering.
#       * New and improved stat strings are now active, thanks to Meatstuff!
#       * Heavy Armor buffed on higher difficulties.
#       * Reduced requirements for unlocking Hyper Wave Decoder research.
#       * Sectoid Armor shows up more gradually, less abruptly.
#       * Weapons now show their optimal range per shot type in the UFOPedia.
#       * Laser Pulse Rifle sprite updated (again).
#       * Added a scope to Plasma Rifle.
#       * Tractor beams shield drain rate doubled.
#       * The lifts which appear on some X-Com spacecraft will now block line of sight and line of fire.
#       * Added several more entries to Research Project Information.
#       * Slightly reduced battlescape size for mediums, larges, and Battleship.
#       * Added space suits for non-power armor when going to Cydonia.
#       * Cydonia has lower gravity, so your soldiers are now stronger on Cydonia.
#       * Improved alien and civilian spawning on vanilla outdoor terrains.
#       * Fixed bug with Snakeman Queen text.
#       * Fixed sound bug at Snakeman Queen's lair.
#       * Made a few tiny balance adjustments involving aircraft research and tanks.
#       * Fixed other minor text, sound, and graphical bugs.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2022, 03:24:12 am by The Reaver of Darkness »

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #100 on: December 09, 2022, 07:29:16 am »
Reaver's Harmony 1.0.8 is now out! Most importantly, it adds new alien storage repositories, and rebalances power suit weapons. You should also have a lot more storage space remaining if you have a tendency to save everything, as many of the biggest space hogs have been shrunk down significantly. Other various optimizations and bug fixes:

#  1.0.8:   Buffed Calamity Launcher ammo.
#         - Rebalanced Power Suit Weapon manufacture costs a bit.
#         - Did full balance pass on Calamity Launcher ammo manufacturing, was supposed to be done before 1.0.
#       * Gave the Combat Suite its +10% hit bonus back.
#       * Increased Craft Light Plasma ammo max from 12 to 15.
#       * Buffed AE Missile, Laser, and Plasma Base Defenses.
#       * You can now only build one Grav Shield per base. (This prevents building useless excess!)
#       * Shrunk several UFO components, most notably alloys, deuterium, and most forms of salvage.
#       * New kind of salvage added: alien storage repositories. These are particularly abundant within outposts.
#       * Snakeman Queen scavenge recipe added.
#       * Race weights adjusted: Ethereals should be more common in the late game now.
#       * Psi Adepts now screen better for bravery than Elites do.
#       * Adjusted value of flagship diode components in order to increase the reward for dangerous interceptions.
#       * Heavy Destroyers might be way more common during alien invasion campaign in the late game.
#       * Fixed a bug in which terror sites were not always granting the terror site data cache.
#       * Fixed bug in which Combat and Recon Suite UFOPedia reports would not reveal once you had access to them.
#       * Fixed various minor bugs and balance issues.

Known bug: version displays in-game as
« Last Edit: December 10, 2022, 09:07:08 am by The Reaver of Darkness »

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #101 on: December 09, 2022, 12:03:50 pm »
This mod is really good Reaver. I had a great time playing this. Gathering some of those components was a challenge but some of the stuff in this game is amazing. Highly recommend it.

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #102 on: December 10, 2022, 09:07:52 am »
Thanks! I greatly appreciate it!

Offline Apocca

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #103 on: January 27, 2023, 03:32:53 pm »
Found out about this mod. Looks great to play!

Been playing Twots and Piratez before this one so I probably will get the hang of most of the new mechanics.

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #104 on: February 11, 2023, 12:07:32 pm »
Picked this up today again. Stumbled on Yeti playing it. Do you intend to integrate the commendations mod in future into this mod?