
Author Topic: Question: Damage model 50-150?  (Read 4462 times)

Offline Xenotrenium

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Question: Damage model 50-150?
« on: December 22, 2020, 03:58:53 am »
Hi, thanks for a fantastic mod - I have not been so obsessed with a game\mod for several years and now I constantly keep track of my time alive NOT spent exploring this awesome mod.

Being a veteran of similar titles and games, I was looking for a slightly more consistent damage model if possible. I have never modded anything in XCOM before, but I have faith I can delve into some superfical alterations.

I was wondering whether someone could point to the alterations I would need to do in order to change the damage model from 0-200 to 50-150 for all* damage types. I realize balance might be put off somewhat, but after 10-20+ hours I think I prefer the TFTD model.

Thanks for any assistance :)

Offline Carfax

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Re: Question: Damage model 50-150?
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2020, 11:22:23 am »
You can use the TFTD_Damage mod provoded with OXC. You just have to change one line in the metadata file.
Find the mod in the standard folder of your OXC installation, open the metadata.yml and change the master to "*". Then copy the mod folder to "my document/openXcom/mods" and you shoud be able to use it in the mod selection in the start menu when playing X Files
Regards Carfax

Online Meridian

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Re: Question: Damage model 50-150?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2020, 12:18:07 pm »
You can use the TFTD_Damage mod provoded with OXC. You just have to change one line in the metadata file.
Find the mod in the standard folder of your OXC installation, open the metadata.yml and change the master to "*". Then copy the mod folder to "my document/openXcom/mods" and you shoud be able to use it in the mod selection in the start menu when playing X Files
Regards Carfax

This method doesn't work, it has been explained a million times already.

Many weapons (163 out of 238, just a very rough ruleset scan) in XCF don't use this global setting, it will not have the effect you expect.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2020, 12:26:42 pm by Meridian »

Offline Xenotrenium

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Re: Question: Damage model 50-150?
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2020, 02:34:44 pm »
Thanks for the information - sorry if this information has been discussed at lengths here in which I should have been able to find it.

If simply altering to use the TFTD setup does not work, how would I go about altering this to end up seeing 50-150? I love the mod but I am tired of seeing Colt 45's doing no damage against unarmored humans. I'll do some actual work as well if need be, but probably exluding anything involving scripting or several hours of manual editing (unless this would somehow be a nice contribution to the project).

I really REALLY want the 50-150 damage range, any help (or summary of why we can't have nice things) is much appreciated :)

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Re: Question: Damage model 50-150?
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2020, 02:49:28 pm »
AFAIK add this to every weapon/ammo entry under items_XCOMFILES.rul

      RandomType: 2

That should be the 50-150%.

Online Meridian

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Re: Question: Damage model 50-150?
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2020, 02:50:00 pm »
You would need to change the 'RandomType' attribute on all relevant weapons (individually).

More description of possible options:

If you decide to go for it, please don't upload your changes anywhere, they are most likely going to cause more side effects than they are worth.
Use at your own risk.

Offline Xenotrenium

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Re: Question: Damage model 50-150?
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2020, 03:06:43 pm »
Thank you a lot for the assistance, exactly what I needed!

I'll share and upload my changes and fully expect support for me and every other random forum hotshot for when things inevitably go wrong
-except I won't ;)

Merry Christmas  :)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Question: Damage model 50-150?
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2020, 01:38:09 pm »
I feel the need to point out that the TFTD method is most definitely not recommended, for 3 reasons:
1) It disrupts the balance - you can't harm tough enemy units with anything short of best weapons, because you can't count on a high roll near 200% (the "headshot principle").
2) While it is counter-intuitive, it is kinda unrealistic. Units in X-Com are vertical cylinders, therefore easier to hit than a human, because they're uniformly thick and also a bullet cannot go under their arm or between the legs. Very low rolls kinda offset this effect, thought admittedly by countering abstract with abstract.
3) In my personal opinion, the TFTD model makes combat kinda dull and unexciting. It just loses a bit of the "war" feel it's supposed to have.

I am presenting these three reasons to justify why I haven't used the 50-150% model myself. The current system is not ideal, I'm aware of its shortcomings, but I haven't found a better alternative yet. (Still considering various options.)
Of course, feel free to experiment, whatever works for you! :)

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Re: Question: Damage model 50-150?
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2020, 05:45:20 am »
Honestly if those >5% damage rolls didn't register as hits no one would ever have much of a gripe with the damage system. Naturally it's pretty frustrating to see all these "hits that miss", even if the overall effect works out better for game balance (imho) and likely favors the player more often than not. I'd be quite mollified if I just saw a message like "sectoid wore his lucky socks today" or "snakeman is glad he kept that pocket bible" Id never question the system again.

Offline Xenotrenium

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Re: Question: Damage model 50-150?
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2020, 05:28:26 am »
I was originally going to post something really long then I remembered that I don't really know objectively what is the best range. I like 50-150 because of I can personally plan around it more pretty much and always lean on that sweet minimum 50% damage whilst not being too afraid from enemy reaction fire. It's also probably a lot of what I am used to. I came here from Hardmode Expansion with TFTD enabled.

I can post some results when I have played some more about what I feel works\does not work versus the two models. For now I am still playing 0-200 for a bit. Getting tired of blasting giant rants with led to no avail and losing my guys to high crit 180-reaction fire (after my own low rolls), but that is pretty much it.

Great mod and I hope I won't screw myself over lategame if I shift to TFTD model.