I want to present you a new feature, which i just implemented to the Battlescape.
More information about the feature can be read
I've attached the files as a ZIP.
If you compare these 5 files with the originals, you can see the difference.
It was a real-hard work, due to two idiotic coding schemes used in OpenXcom project:
"Opening brackets - this: { - always lined up in their own lines."
"Spaces after commas, operators, and between actual parameters of a method"
The whole OpenXcom sourcecode is totally unreadable because of these! (and when a tab character is showed as 8 space-characters)
I have forced myself (that was even harder) to also follow these coding schemes when making my code addition.
However, maybe somewhere some spaces may still exist on the beginning of some lines, because i usually don't use tab characters for indenting. (instead 2 spaces)
So you may check it if its OK, and fix if not.
The operation of the code is good, and hopefully bug-less.
I've tested it many-many times. (many hours during development)
PLEASE! SupSuper, or Daiky! Please add these code to the official OpenXcom codebase! This is a great UI feature, a real improvement!!