Mod updated to master yesterday so it is 2.7 now or thereabout.
Here is the current situation. Sadly, Gimp is making tricks for some reason, or it was the screenshots, and the colors are mildly fucked up.
I managed to update my save with the new countries and there are some new researches to do. Shotgun BullShit, for example, seems to be extremely important as this is my agent's favorite ammo. We must know what we are shooting! Is it a cake? A bird? Inquiring minds must know!
Sick bay just flipped from Good to Excelent, so I might relieve some scientists from there into other projects.
Other than that, I have changed my mind about the Dragonfly, meaning that We Must Dissent and research UAC corporation soon. Six agents is awfully inadequate.
Also, I will attach the current save as a back up and in case someone wants to fiddle with it.