I spent my last few hours making a little sheet to help with making battlescape spritesheets for units!
Tried to lable and colour code as best as i can so it should be pretty easy to use and read
Green area on top is for standing units with nothing equipped in their hands
Blue is the unterwater torso for TFTD
Yellow are the animation frames for the arms and legs in all directions
The next Green area is used for arms when weapons are held they are split up into
Left hand
Right hand when a two handed weapon is being helt
Right hand for one handed weapons
Red is death frames and Blue next to it is underwater death for TFTD
Lastly there are Light Green and Dark Green areas for female and male variants for the torsos used by UFO/land missions
the last area is for flying/swimming units
It is made for "drawingRoutine 13"
I really hope this helps some people and if you find any errors in this, feel free to shout at me
- Hans Woofington