Redline is a card-game like Magic the Gathering but also mend it with the sheer fun of Battletech. An interesting project what may interest some of you!
For real infos and stuffs I drop you some links!
Redline official site: to Kickstarter: you interested in Redline you could sign up for a kind of newsletter otherwise (according my best knowledge) the Kickstarter campaign launch around the middle of july, 2020... ( of July most probably)
And a poster I made for advertise Redline:
Sorry if such advertisement is against the CoC but please, share this on other forums! I think Redline deserves to be great as I like it very much and strongly think this is easily one of the best card games since almost a decade or so!
PS.: Sorry for the big picture but have no clue how to resize!
Edit by Meridian: resized the picture