what about get the graphics in that major, big X-Com mods to abit on new niveau, higher level, a bit to ..highter, better (more detailed, bigger resolutions, better quality, etc..),
overhaul the graphics to whole new, hard-coded, "engine-supported" (X-Com core-supported, /fully implemented) niveau (alike in ~ MM6++; 32bit colours, Res[800x600]++ (as very minimal 800x600, or better 1024x768), more wider, richier colors´palette, etc.. )
32bit colours
Res (minimum) 800x600 ++
(as very minimum ^^, or even better 1024x768)
more wider, richier colors´palette
(well, upgrade it all to ~~this decade level, and overall for xPiratez, X-Com Files, etc..
to smthng graphics level like this>
https://www.google.com/search?q=Might+Magic+6&sxsrf=ALeKk00z6GRWyyLspK85k5FXIg6hcL5ekw:1584206126661&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiq0Ljbu5roAhXVlFwKHS_fDXUQ_AUoAXoECB4QAwwat about to make such upgrade, improvements of graphics, like in (and get to level, niveau, like in
yes, exact´ly like this, here we go -~~ similar look a´like this >
and so on..
yap, overal graphics level, ~~ like in, for examples, series
Might & Magic 6 - 8 , and above-showed scr.images...