[OpenXcom Extended version 7.5.3 or newer is required to use version 1-0 of this mod] (Get OXCE 'HERE')[OpenXcom Extended version 7.5.7 or newer is required to use version 1-1 of this mod] (Get OXCE 7.5.7 (Preview Build) 'HERE')This mod adds a new armor to the game called "
Ride Armor".

Once acquired it can be used to achieve superior mobility during surface missions.
Grab an alien surfboard and paradoxically take the fight on land!Changelog:V1-1
- Ride Armor no longer depletes a unit's stamina when it moves.
- OXCE version 7.5.7 or later is now required to run this mod.Additional Credits:. "
Animated Armor" script by
. Parts of the armor's sprite set was created from fragments of images made available by
Download:Ride Armor (TFTD) V1-0.zipRide Armor (TFTD) V1-1.zip