
Author Topic: [Solved] (OXCE) Unexpected error on mission start.  (Read 2296 times)

Offline The Martian

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[Solved] (OXCE) Unexpected error on mission start.
« on: September 10, 2019, 10:33:18 pm »
I've encountered an error that locks up OpenXcom Extended.

If you try to run this code make sure you have the program running in a window or it freezes without a method (That I am aware) of closing the program. (On Linux Mint.)

On the main menu I clicked the New Battle button to test the equipment I've been setting up.

The inventory select screen was fine however after I clicked the start button on the mission briefing the game froze.

I tried it again in windowed mode as was able to screenshot an error message.

The odd thing is this section of code was working before, so I'm not sure what has changed.

I've created a small example *.rul fileset with only the code that crashed the game along with the images that I've been using in the resource folder.

I'll also attach the openxcom.log file.

Everything was working fine. As far as I know this section code hasn't changed since I ran is successfully.

The error seems to be centered around the weapon STR_RIFLE_GRENADE, as adding that to the crafts equipment freezes it.

The error message when it crashed read:
"OpenXcom has crashed: Invlid surface set 'BIOGOBS.PCK' for item 'STR_RIFLE_GRENADE': not enough frames"

And in the terminal that I launched
OXCE in the following was written:
"Gtk-Message: 15:09:55.185: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged."

Here are the two *.rul files included in

Code: [Select]
# Standard X-Com Weapons - Rifle with Grenade Launcher
    size: 0.2
    costSell: 2250
    weight: 8
    bigSprite: 279 # Was 1
    floorSprite: 238 # Was 1
    handSprite: 776 # Was 0
    bulletSprite: 2
    fireSound: 76
#    compatibleAmmo:
        compatibleAmmo: [ STR_RIFLE_CLIP, STR_RIFLE_AA_CLIP ]
        tuLoad: 5
        tuUnload: 2
        compatibleAmmo: [ STR_RIFLE_CLIP, STR_RIFLE_AA_CLIP ]
        tuLoad: 5
        tuUnload: 2
        compatibleAmmo: [ STR_RIFLE_CLIP, STR_RIFLE_AA_CLIP ]
        tuLoad: 5
        tuUnload: 2
        tuLoad: 5
        tuUnload: 2
    accuracyAuto: 35
    accuracySnap: 110 # Was 60
    accuracyAimed: 50 # Was 110
    tuAuto: 35
    tuSnap: 28 # Was 25
    tuAimed: 45 # Was 70
    battleType: 1
    twoHanded: true
    invWidth: 2 # Was 1
    invHeight: 3
    attraction: 8
#    tuMelee: 45
#    accuracyMelee: 50
    listOrder: 2100
      shots: 1
      ammoSlot: 3
      arcing: true
      shots: 1
      name: STR_AIMED_SHOT
      ammoSlot: 0
      arcing: false
# Standard X-Com Weapons - Rifle Clip
#  - type: STR_RIFLE_CLIP
#    handSprite: 616
#    hitSound: 77
#    attraction: 8
# Weapons Standard - Standard X-Com Weapons - Rifle Alloy Clip
#  - type: STR_RIFLE_AA_CLIP
#    size: 0.1
#    costSell: 300
#    weight: 3
#    bigSprite: 80
#    floorSprite: 2
#    hitSound: 22
#    hitAnimation: 26
#    power: 40
#    damageType: 1
#    clipSize: 20
#    battleType: 2
#    attraction: 8
#    listOrder: 2205

Code: [Select]
  - type: BIGOBS.PCK
# MA - X-Com Rifle with Grenade
      280: Resources/Example/Weapons/Rifle_Grenade/OXC-WOS--bigobs--RIFLE_UPGRADE.png
  - type: FLOOROB.PCK
# MA - X-Com Rifle with Grenade
      238: Resources/Example/Weapons/Rifle_Grenade/OXC-WOS--floorobs--RIFLE_UPGRADE.png
  - type: HANDOB.PCK
    height: 40
    width: 256
    subX: 32
    subY: 40
# MA - X-Com Rifle with Grenade
      776: Resources/Example/Weapons/Rifle_Grenade/OXC-WOS--handobs--RIFLE_UPGRADE.png

I'll also attach screenshots of the error messages.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2023, 06:44:01 pm by Meridian »

Offline Meridian

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Re: (OXCE) Unexpected error on mission start.
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2019, 10:44:29 pm »
the rifle has bigSprite: 279
but extraSprites defines an entry on 280

either correct one or the other.

Offline The Martian

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Re: (OXCE) Unexpected error on mission start.
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2019, 11:07:46 pm »
I believe that error was created when I assigning STR_RIFLE's BigOb to 279 and then re-assigning STR_RIFLE_GRENADE's BigOb to 280... before immediately then carrying on to other tasks while forgetting to update the items: section.

I'll have to watch out for that in future.

Thank you very much for the help.