so, i think the time has come for me to get back to work on the warmod, and i'm wondering... how much of this can i get away with putting in the main code?
another way to say this might be:
what moddability features should we support by default? i've already added a few by request (for example, maximum range, bullet speed) but what else should we support in the main package?
some of the things i'm thinking of adding:
Full Auto fire mode: like auto shot, but 5 bullets instead of 3.
Physical training facilities: to operate almost identically to those in apocalypse
Flashbang grenades: affects reactions and accuracies, no damage.
Police/Military units: Civilians with weapons, basically.
some of the things i'm not thinking of adding:
shotguns - requires either dirty hacks, or a massive rewrite. originally i had the shotgun fire five projectiles at once, had them all skip their flight path and hold back exploding until the last round hit. this produced the desired effect, but wasn't pretty. the alternative is to refactor projectiles into a vector and have them all move simultaneously, making it pretty, but bringing about a set of other problems, like camera centering, for example. not to mention this would be a massive rewrite of already working code.
flamethrowers - doesn't require a lot of rewriting, but again the method is less than ideal. i was basically setting off incendiary explosions as the projectile traveled, and the radius got slightly bigger the further it went (starting at 0 for the first two tiles, so as not to put the user at risk). it consumed 1 unit of ammo for every tile it set alight, 2 if you were doing a "long burn"