Concerning the crash with the CELATID_CLONE_WEAPON; that's strange, I tested it on a nightly version 5.6.1 (v2019-08-03) and on 5.6.2 (v2019-08-28), both didn't crash. Maybe something was temporarily up with OXCE-5.6.2-1e89df63f-2019-08-15? Besides, I created this weapon by simply copying the rule of the original CELATID_WEAPON and decreasing the power and accuracy, since I wanted the clones to be slightly weaker than full-grown Celatids. So, maybe it was removing of
- type: X1.PCK
that fixed the issue? Though in my installation I didn't have problems with that.
Technically what I had were 2 separate crashes with the same reason given.
The first crash happened on the 3rd turn and was fixed by removing the extraSprites section.
After that, the second crash happened on 4th turn and was fixed by defining livingWeapon.
I find it strange myself that this fixed it.
A couple things though... why is the extraSprites section there? X1.PCK contains the grenade animation which isn't used here. From what I see that section should be removed irregardless.
At first glance, the ruleset reference suggests that defining lvingWeapon won't work since it requires the "grenades" be marked as fixedWeapon which mean they can't be dropped but when I tested it, the cloning process still worked.
Could you please check if this issue is there with the latest nightly?
For the record, whatever is linked
here is what I consider to be the latest OXCE "nightly". If you are building from scratch or using an unlinked version you'll probably only have a handful of people who will experience your mod as intended.
Which, incidentally, is why when I tested your Chryssalid tweaks, they all spawned dead.
Edit: I did some digging around and found which is labeled as "Latest version(s) for Linux" in the main post but also contains builds for Windows.
Either the main post should be updated or anything newer than 5.6.2-1e89df63f-2019-08-15 are "nightly nighties" and it might be a safe assumption that most are not using it.
Strange that in my case everything is working, but to be on the safe side I replaced in CELATID_CLONE_WEAPON "bigSprite: 60" with "bigSprite: { mod: xcom1, index: 60 }".
I reverted my changes and used this instead and everything worked as intended.
I still question the extraSprites section though.
I'll let you know how I fared after I encounter a Celatid.
That said... since I had some times I went quite a few rounds with your Celatids and I think 3 turns might just indeed be balanced.
However, I think the primary Celatids should act more like rear commanders. This means removing psiVision from the primaries and giving it to the clones instead. This prevents the primaries from charging towards possible targets and thus increases the possibility that they'll survive to create more clones.
But to make the primaries somewhat opportunistic, the primaries should be marked with sniper while the clones should be marked with spotter. This means that the primaries could potentially attack what the clones see.
I get that you are want the Celatids to be UFOpedia-friendly so if you are opposed to removing psiVision from them, consider reducing it by a bit less than half (like say 6) and take it as though the primaries are more resistant to human brain waves.
Just my two cents.