
Author Topic: MYFILE.MCD limits?  (Read 3450 times)

Offline robin

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MYFILE.MCD limits?
« on: May 08, 2019, 10:48:10 pm »
I can't find anymore the various limits of the MCDs. I know that the total "placeable" MCDs for maps is 255 (or 254), but that's not what I need.
What is the max amount of MCDs that a single MCD library can contain ?
What is the max amount of graphical sprites (PCKs) ?
For example my XBASEN1.MCD library has 96 MCDs and 104 PCKs (simply because some MCDs are animated and use more than 1 PCK). How many more of both can I add?


Offline Hobbes

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Re: MYFILE.MCD limits?
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2019, 11:12:56 pm »
I can't find anymore the various limits of the MCDs. I know that the total "placeable" MCDs for maps is 255 (or 254), but that's not what I need.
What is the max amount of MCDs that a single MCD library can contain ?
What is the max amount of graphical sprites (PCKs) ?
For example my XBASEN1.MCD library has 96 MCDs and 104 PCKs (simply because some MCDs are animated and use more than 1 PCK). How many more of both can I add?


The limit is defined by the size of the corresponding PCK file, which cannot exceed 64Kb. This value isn't determined by the number of PCK entries but by the size of the data contained on each entry. So you could have an MCD file with 254 entries, as long as the PCK file doesn't go over 64 Kb

Once you go over the 64 Kb limit MCD Editor will start giving you error messages when you attempt to save the file. If you have a lot of animations it's better to spread the MCD entries into smaller MCD files.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2019, 11:15:07 pm by Hobbes »

Offline robin

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Re: MYFILE.MCD limits?
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2019, 11:23:00 pm »
Damn, I'm already at 55 KB.

Offline Meridian

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Re: MYFILE.MCD limits?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2019, 12:22:12 am »
OXCE gives several workarounds for this limit, please talk to Ohartenstein on Discord, I'm almost sure there is a solution to whatever issue you're trying to solve.

Offline robin

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Re: MYFILE.MCD limits?
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2019, 12:14:25 am »
OXCE gives several workarounds for this limit, please talk to Ohartenstein on Discord, I'm almost sure there is a solution to whatever issue you're trying to solve.
It's alright. I added what I wanted to add and I'm still quite under the limits.
Also thanks, because lately I couldn't remember the "workaround" word and I was incorrectly using "turnaround" or "roundabout".