While I applaud the idea, the execution might be very difficult. Xpiratez was not written in a way that would play nice with what you want to do - you'll get many inconsistent results and some which are blatantly wrong. I opened the page and from the 5 random articles, 1 was wrong and 2 were incomplete (to the point of being useless).
https://xpz-wiki.herokuapp.com/item?id=STR_CONTACT_MAGIC_SHOP_ZZZ - it gives the description of the Heartgrip Staff - it's a dependency project, without it's own Bootypedia article. IIRC HG Staff is only one of the unlocks after researching it.
https://xpz-wiki.herokuapp.com/item?id=STR_LOADER_ARMOR - loader suit shows that the text string (the description) is not enough - we'd need armor values and stat modifiers for the page to be meaningful. Plus Loader Suit unlocks multiple different armors at once (land, sea and space version - each of these for Gals, Peasants and Slaves separately - 9 variants total).
https://xpz-wiki.herokuapp.com/item?id=STR_LARGE_RADAR_SYSTEM - no errors, but still not enough info - cost, build time etc.
https://xpz-wiki.herokuapp.com/item?id=STR_RUSSIAN_FILES - OK, it's a lore article (and an unlock) anyway.
https://xpz-wiki.herokuapp.com/item?id=STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - As above.
Correcting everything by hand would be too much to even consider it. A difficult, but perhaps more consistent approach would be to make the script look through each section of Piratez.rul separately and add Cost, build time, tech required, etc. based on the entries. How to handle other stats (prison capacity, defense ratio, storage space etc.) is another problem. Multiply these problems for each of the sections (facilities, craft, equipment, soldiers, armors and so on).
Basically - you'd have to re-write the code that generates in-game Bootypedia into something that works web-based, while still retaining 100% functionality. Good luck, you're going to need it.