
Author Topic: [Solved] Savegame compatibility between openxcom and OXCE?  (Read 3949 times)

Offline Lecitron

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[Solved] Savegame compatibility between openxcom and OXCE?
« on: April 14, 2019, 10:10:39 pm »
Hi, i have openxcom version on pc and openxcom extender android on tablet, could i play between platforms without problems? Or will i change openxcom on pc to openxcom extender?

Thanks in advance
« Last Edit: February 12, 2023, 10:38:57 am by Meridian »

Offline Meridian

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Re: Savegame compatibility between openxcom and OXCE?
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2019, 12:24:45 am »
Hi, i have openxcom version on pc and openxcom extender android on tablet, could i play between platforms without problems? Or will i change openxcom on pc to openxcom extender?

Thanks in advance

You can transfer your saves from openxcom to openxcom extended without problems. From PC to Android.
But if you transfer saves from openxcom extended to openxcom (from Android to PC) you will lose some information.

I would recommend updating your PC to openxcom extended too... but the decision is yours.

Offline Lecitron

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Re: Savegame compatibility between openxcom and OXCE?
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2019, 11:04:32 am »
You can transfer your saves from openxcom to openxcom extended without problems. From PC to Android.
But if you transfer saves from openxcom extended to openxcom (from Android to PC) you will lose some information.

I would recommend updating your PC to openxcom extended too... but the decision is yours.

Thanks!  I'll do that

Offline Nilex

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Re: Savegame compatibility between openxcom and OXCE?
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2020, 08:29:04 pm »
Hope you don't mind me extending on the original question a tad bit further.

I know the project goal is to remain compatible with OXC and I've read the <1% differences (I'm in OXCE boat on that one) so combined with my desire to have even more QoL features that OXCE puts on the table - there's shouldn't be any obstacles to just switching? I'm asking solely in regards to playing original UFO/TFTD games.

My reasoning is OXC made saves are set in stone in terms of remaining compatible with OXC for eternity. And my fear is that down the line OXCE project could go astray and I wouldn't be to load former OXCE made saves in later OXCE anymore (the astray version) but I would still be able to load them in OXC if worst comes to worst.
I'm guessing the lost information you were referring to applies to that <1%? If that's true then no problemo. I only wish the game loads proper, those tiny differences after that would't bother me. If you meant additional OXCE options wouldn't transfer over to OXC than that's understandable and non-issue really.

And no don't worry, I didn't find any signs of possible astray'ing in their infancy creeping up! If just my phobia of potentially losing ability to load my ancient saves and marvel at own successes of the olden times surfacing. One of the reasons I play old games in as vanilla compatible setting as possible (main being I just love it that way). Thank you for developing and maintaining this huge project.

Offline Meridian

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Re: Savegame compatibility between openxcom and OXCE?
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2020, 11:03:40 pm »
Short answer: you're safe

Long answer:

My reasoning is OXC made saves are set in stone in terms of remaining compatible with OXC for eternity.

They are not set in stone for eternity.
They do occasionally change and OXC team keeps them backwards-compatible by focused effort.

And my fear is that down the line OXCE project could go astray and I wouldn't be to load former OXCE made saves in later OXCE anymore (the astray version) but I would still be able to load them in OXC if worst comes to worst.

OXCE team keeps the saves backwards-compatible with the same focused effort as the OXC team.

I'm guessing the lost information you were referring to applies to that <1%? If that's true then no problemo.

No, that <1% actually has no impact on saves at all.
Those changes are in functionality, not in data.

I only wish the game loads proper, those tiny differences after that would't bother me. If you meant additional OXCE options wouldn't transfer over to OXC than that's understandable and non-issue really.

Yes, I meant additional OXCE stuff.

And no don't worry, I didn't find any signs of possible astray'ing in their infancy creeping up! If just my phobia of potentially losing ability to load my ancient saves and marvel at own successes of the olden times surfacing. One of the reasons I play old games in as vanilla compatible setting as possible (main being I just love it that way). Thank you for developing and maintaining this huge project.

Sorry for increasing your phobia by saying that you're "equally unsafe" with both OXC and OXCE ;)

Offline Nilex

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Re: Savegame compatibility between openxcom and OXCE?
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2020, 08:21:42 am »
Effort is all I could hope to ask for, thank you. Phobia level normalized.

That set in stone thingy I said was admittedly a bit too optimistic. Meant it more like highly unlikely to break. Unless you guys come up with uber QoL features (or under the hood stuff) that'll require new but incompatible client that would tempt me to forgo old saves. In such case I bet my life there will latest compatible version with a highlighted download link, so us dieing breed of purists could just haul two OCX(E) versions. Even if minor inconvenience for most, I'll still keep my fingers crossed you people don't get too imaginative :)