Hello, gentlemen. I am back to the written playthroughs, and I thought of going with a different idea. I thought of going with using the news format, this time with multiple real world news broadcasters, and in addition, this playthrough will also be formatted as AARs of X-COM operations, research reports, personal journals, etc. In other words, yes, I am playing "The X-COM Files", and as we begin our journey, I want to you to believe. Here is the Untold Story of the First Alien War.
Letter of Activation for X-COM: General Investigation Bureau
Konstantin Volikov,
If you are reading this message, it is because the UN Security Council has convened to approve the creation of the X-COM: General Investigation Bureau (GIB), effective on 1 January, 1997 and the letter of recommendation given to UN Secretary General-elect Kofi Annan on your qualifications to lead this new organisation have been accepted. As a result, a Council of Funding Nations has been established to provide the Bureau funding based on your monthly performance. While the UN may yet take the recent reports of monsters and criminal cultist elements seriously, I have every hope that you and the rest of the X-COM: GIB can change their minds.
Good luck...Commander. If these reports are true, you and your organisation may now be Earth's only remaining hope...
Mikho Mayestewan
Enjoy! Oh and...I will be updating this as the game progresses in multiple forms, so...