
Author Topic: Any weapon balance tips?  (Read 3498 times)

Offline efrenespartano

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Any weapon balance tips?
« on: May 10, 2019, 06:53:20 pm »
Hola, amigos!

I have not had much free time to work on sprites or new rulesets, but I've had some spare time in my bus trips between school and work to try to balance the weapons of the mods I work on using QuickEdit on my phone. And now I have some questions:)

1.- What number of tiles are Close Quarters?  My guess is that it can be between 3 and 5, but I'm not sure.  (to correctly define accuracyCloseQuarters and closeQuartersMultiplier)

2.- With how many tiles would you define "short", "medium" and "long" range?  I want to make special emphasis on this, because I want each weapon to feel special and useful for its function, for example that SMGs and Pistols are great at close range, but useless at medium or long range.  (this to properly define maxRange, aimRange, snapRange and autoRange)

3.- Is it possible to use tuLoad and tuUnload in items defined with battleType: 2?  I want to make it faster to reload a pistol magazine with 10 shots than a LMG ammo box with 100 bullets.  Also, I want to use the same type of ammunition in various weapons and remove tuLoad and tuUnload from the weapons, to use them on the magazines. 

4.- Is it possible to use damageBonus on items marked as battleType: 1?  I have seen some examples in the ruleset of The X-Com Files and they are all in the weapon clips.

Thanks in advance!

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« Last Edit: May 10, 2019, 06:54:53 pm by efrenespartano »

Offline Bobit

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Re: Any weapon balance tips?
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2019, 03:39:05 am »
1) Close combat range is 1. It only activates if you're directly adjacent. See the Battlescape rule "close combat enabled". Basically close combat is a feature not enabled in normal XCOM that allows the target to dodge if their melee+reflex roll is > your melee + reflex roll. Thus shooting in melee has a downside. I doubt that changing the closecombat accuracy would do anything if you didn't enable that feature.

2) View range is 20. Shotgun range is generally 6. Sniper range is generally 30. But imo it should depend  on your mod, and/or you should use other mods' stats as a starting point.

3-4) I don't know, but I think it's very likely that yes, these things are possible. I've seen LMGs that are very slow to reload, and incendiary bullets.

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: Any weapon balance tips?
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2019, 04:41:26 am »

First of all, thanks for the kind reply, Bobit!

1) Close combat range is 1. It only activates if you're directly adjacent. See the Battlescape rule "close combat enabled". Basically close combat is a feature not enabled in normal XCOM that allows the target to dodge if their melee+reflex roll is > your melee + reflex roll. Thus shooting in melee has a downside. I doubt that changing the closecombat accuracy would do anything if you didn't enable that feature.

Whoa, I didn't knew that was so... ehmm... close. Neither it was required to be activated before, I'll add the code to work

2) View range is 20. Shotgun range is generally 6. Sniper range is generally 30. But imo it should depend  on your mod, and/or you should use other mods' stats as a starting point.

Great! It's good to know that. I'll balance my guns taking as reference "close" (5-6 tiles) and "far" (+30 tiles)

3-4) I don't know, but I think it's very likely that yes, these things are possible. I've seen LMGs that are very slow to reload, and incendiary bullets.

Nice! I didn't want to spend time making something that wouldn't work.

Thank you for your suggestions, comrade. You help me a lot. ;D

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