Since i have not found a topic with this name (or similar), i opened it.
I want to present you the newest feature which I've just completed!
"Right-click on arrow buttons means max/min"I've attached the sources.
SupSuper, please add these code to the official OpenXcom codebase!
Notes about the feature:
1) As you can see, the buttons are actually not pressed down VISUALLY when keeping the right-mouse down.
This behavior is already persisted before this feature. If you (anyone!) miss it, go ahead! Implement it!
2) When right-clicking to put all of a type of HWP to a craft, and there is not enough ammo for them, in this case it divides the ammo for equal parts, so they're all sharing the ammo they have.
3) Of course after a mission this equal ammo partitioning is not done, because the re-equipment is an other story, which is not done by me.
4) When right-clicking on the Increase pieces to produce on the Manufacture screen, it sets the value to 999. (unless it is higher already) This value (or maybe a greater one, or maybe a dedicated symbol, perhaps the symbol of infinity) could mean "produce to sell" like in UFO-extender, but thats an other story, it has to be implemented. This is the point in the source where this feature should be implemented later. (Does anyone have a mood to implement this?)
Oh, and of course the attached files already contain the fix for "Transferring a craft is not possible" bug.