I was wondering why I was getting a percentage range on a mind control attempt, when did the formulas change to the following:
Psionic Formulas
The equations governing psionics are as follows:
Attack Strength (AS) = (Psi Strength * Psi Skill / 50) - (Distance / 2) + Random Number(0 to 55)
Defense Strength (DS) = Psi Strength + (Psi Skill / 5 ) + Difficulty
If AS > DS then psi attack is successful
Distance is the number of tiles between the attacker and defender.
Random Number is a dice roll that produces a value between 0 and 55
Difficulty represents the difficulty of the attack mode. Mind Control = 30, Panic = 10
I remember the old formula as:
perentage chance=100/56(AS-DS-D+C) where AS was attack str, DS=defence str, D=distance and C was a constant(25 for mind control, 45 for panic)
I actually like the introduction of the random number.