Author Topic: [FMP] Difficulty Mod-mods  (Read 6061 times)

Offline Tekamthi

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[FMP] Difficulty Mod-mods
« on: August 20, 2018, 05:52:53 pm »
Been playing my way through the popular mods on these boards the past few months.. the vanilla flavor of FMP best suits my tastes for x-com nostalgia so far -- but 20+ years after first playing, being an adult now and (slightly) wiser than I was as a 10 year old, and now with more toys to choose from, the game has lost a little bit of its challenge.

Took a peak under the OXC(E+) hood.. & must acknowledge the time and commitment of the various devs and mod authors that have shared their content here.. amazing!

Anyway, as I've played, I've slapped together a few mod mods intended to work with FMP, to either draw out research a little more, make valuable gear a little more costly in some way, or activate some of the OXCE+ features that truly fill-out the vanilla experience.

Posting here, hoping others might have done the same & reciprocate.

Most/all of this is still being tested as I play -- w/ the exception of the research tree changes, though, I don't imagine anything has the potential to be game-breaking.  I'll try to fix any issues I discover

GravMod: extracting grav mod costs more corpses (they were all shot to shit, right?), and repairing damaged jump/anti-grav armor restores the grav module, rather than the armor
HK: quick attempt at making the hunter-killer UFOs in OXCE+ work, as answer to a question I always wondered as a kid ie why do the aliens bother feeding x-com all these small, useless UFOs... all small UFOs have a chance to become HK, and base might generate a HK mission if you're nearby
Item Limits: the 80 item/skyranger limit is applied, adjusted proportionally for larger/smaller craft.  The 80/skyranger ratio (roughly 6 items per soldier) seems a perfect balance to bring back the vanilla x-com constraint, w/o being too restrictive.  Expect to spend a lot more time at equip craft screen.
Research Stages: an attempt to prevent research on key weapons arriving all at once (eg gauss/laser/rail) -- I havent tested all scenarios yet to ensure research tree doesnt break in exceptional cases, but so far so good.
SniperSpotter: applies OXCE+ sniper ai to most FMP enemies
SynthRep: synthmuscles cost more corpses, and the suit itself can be repaired like other armors
pyramid base: early but working attempt at making 2-stage alien base missions.. will be updated further.  w/ item limits, above, base assault is much harder so far
active alien base: alien base generates more missions than just supply, and more often (once every ~5 days instead of once every ~20)

Offline efrenespartano

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[FMP] Difficulty Mod-mods
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2018, 06:25:43 pm »
Nice additions, Tekamthi!

I like in particular 2 of them, the Pyramids (which I'm using them in my own mod) and the bases generating alien missions!

I'm going to use your add-ons in my FMP game:)

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« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 06:31:45 pm by efrenespartano »

Offline Ethereal

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Re: [FMP] Difficulty Mod-mods
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2018, 06:48:51 am »
Thanks so much. Pyramid_base - really useful. In my mod of 4 kinds of different two-level bases, but maps for the upper levels was not enough.

Offline Tekamthi

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Re: [FMP] Difficulty Mod-mods
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2018, 03:45:01 am »
great, let me know if any ideas come up for changes.. i generally know my way around these rulesets at this point, but some are a little more theory-crafted than others.. for example, the alien base missions are a little hard to discern from other missions while playing, so i dont know really if this effect is tuned just right.  might need a tweak or two yet

« Last Edit: September 01, 2018, 03:46:39 am by Tekamthi »

Offline luke83

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Re: [FMP] Difficulty Mod-mods
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2018, 09:37:12 am »
anyone know if anyone had made any changes to the Pyramid Ufos since i started re-creating them, want to make sure i am getting newest rulest.

Here is the old version from my website, has anyone done any more work on them since then? -edit: link redacted-
« Last Edit: October 18, 2018, 03:12:25 pm by Warboy1982 »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [FMP] Difficulty Mod-mods
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2018, 02:55:51 pm »
Here is the old version from my website, has anyone done any more work on them since then?

I'm sure there are at least several versions of the UFOL83 tileset... I'm attaching the most recent one (to my knowledge).
« Last Edit: October 19, 2018, 12:27:23 am by Solarius Scorch »