bulletdesigner, I have one idea, and I would like to know what you think about it.
I suggested this to Meridian, but in the end it will be up to you!
"I AM: Meridian! I have one more suggestion ... This will be useful for mods.
Can you make certain armor or weapons available only to a soldier with the appropriate rank? “As an example: in a 40K mod, Astartes with the title Captain can wear captain's armor when an ordinary Battle Brother cannot."
"Meridian: I'll consider it if the 40k modders show interest in it."
A little bit about my idea: It should be something like the requirement of things also with the need for a certain rank to carry the “Scout in the Sergeant’s armor looks funny” armor, but at the same time, as I think, this function could be turned on moderator "For example, instant grenades that you made in the mod turned on" is turned off by the user if the mod allows it, "For example, not blocked by moderator"
What do you think? it will be probably interesting for other mods too, of course I don’t know for sure, but your thoughts would be interesting to me!