Author Topic: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0  (Read 117234 times)

Offline efrenespartano

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Finally, a new update!

I have to say, I don't like this mod as much as XCF, but I do find the premise refreshing, although I like the War of the Worlds' idea much more. Nevertheless, good job!

Thanka a lot for your kind words, HumanTraitor!

Hahaha XCF is very cool. And, of course, it was an inspiration to create this mod.

The War of the Worlds mod is currently on halt until I finish the semester on the university, this update had like 2 months sitting on my laptop.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2020, 07:21:56 pm by efrenespartano »

Offline The Martian

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*The Plasma weapons now have a vapor trail

Very cool!

Offline Bobit

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Is it worth selling the Linna instantly? $500k per month seems like a mistake when you could build a radar for $10k per month and not worry about HKs. So what's it good for, exceeding your 8 base limit? Same deal in X-Division (the one Xenonauts megamod), is there a reason or just coincidence?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2020, 05:26:33 am by Bobit »

Offline efrenespartano

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Very cool!

Hahaha I praise Meridian for the feature, I really wanted it from a long time ago.

Is it worth selling the Linna instantly? $500k per month seems like a mistake when you could build a radar for $10k per month and not worry about HKs. So what's it good for, exceeding your 8 base limit? Same deal in X-Division (the one Xenonauts megamod), is there a reason or just coincidence?

No, keep the Linna. Your ability to successfully detect and intercept any UFO or enemy human craft depends of the deploy of recon satellites. The ground radars have little detection chance, almost useless (5%).

I'll reduce the price of them, to encourage the players to deploy Linnas more often. :D

Offline Bobit

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Ohhh was not aware of detection chance. How does that mechanic work?

Offline efrenespartano

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Ohhh was not aware of detection chance. How does that mechanic work?

Both the buildings at base and the aircrafts have a radarChance and radarRange. In this mod, the ground based radars have low radarChance (5%), so the 95% of the UFOs and human crafts slip down your radar without notice. The Linna has a radarChance of 30%, also another useful value called sightRange, which is used to recon for alien bases.

Offline Bobit

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Ok, from the wiki it says the radars roll for detection every 30 minutes, so in reality it seems like a 5% radar should eventually detect a UFO about (1-95%^3=)15% of the time, while the Linna detects (1-70%^3=) 65% of the time.

Offline efrenespartano

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A new update is ready now.

UNEXCOM v.0.7.9 Storming the Abyss is alive now!

What's new in this update?

*Fixed issues with broken Alien Base script, reported by Brother^2
*Removed Fusion Weapons from purchase, reported by Andr and PERLHA
*All special faction weapons are now usable if you obtain them from the battlefield, reported by Andr
*New Angry Wife special USSR weapon sprite
*Fixed broken UFOPedia weapon entries, reported by Finnik and PERLHA
*New Terrorist Grenadier with gasmask sprites, made by JustTheDude. Cheeki breeki power.
*Balanced Terrorist stats, now they have bad aim (are a bunch of untrained punks, after all)
*Terrorist flyby missions don't have score anymore, you can ignore them freely (testing purposes)
*Laser Array and Laser Cannon now have new sprites and new names, Apollo Gatling and Kodiak Cannon.
*New Alien Fusion Weapons ufopedia image, drawn by Dauntless1942
*UFO Construction, Power Suit and Fusion Ball Launcher now requires Elerium Fusion.
*Fixed issues with Terrorist spritesheets, by zombieclone111
*Linna Recon Sats are now way more cheap, to encourage the players to deploy them en masse.

Offline The Martian

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« Last Edit: June 06, 2021, 10:18:14 am by The Martian »

Offline ohartenstein23

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Been playing a bit on android, wanted to share some bugs and balance thoughts:

One of the Huey maps is missing or has a typo, causing crashes on mission start. Didn't save the report, but I think it was 1B.

The ToArmorPre and ToWound values are super high, to the point I feel like they're off by a factor of 10. The 7.62 NATO ammo dealing 160% armor pre-damage means it's as good if not better than the meltagun in 40k at slagging armor, and a single friendly fire incident caused 17 fatal wounds with only ~20 damage. If intended that ballistic weapons have damageAlter values this high, they feel overtuned.

Haven't checked the other craft from the starting diplomacy choices, but getting the Italian Starfighter and not being able to procure a gatling cannon to fill that hardpoint feels bad - I've lost a few flights of two of them to large scouts because they ran out of missiles well before HP. The M61 Vulcan shows up in the starting ufopedia and would make it feel better if you could buy it to fill that slot.

Offline efrenespartano

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Been playing a bit on android, wanted to share some bugs and balance thoughts:

Thanks for the feedback, Otto! Are you playing the latest build? It's been a long time the last time i updated this.  :o

One of the Huey maps is missing or has a typo, causing crashes on mission start. Didn't save the report, but I think it was 1B.

Noted, on all the maps or just one in particular?

The ToArmorPre and ToWound values are super high, to the point I feel like they're off by a factor of 10. The 7.62 NATO ammo dealing 160% armor pre-damage means it's as good if not better than the meltagun in 40k at slagging armor, and a single friendly fire incident caused 17 fatal wounds with only ~20 damage. If intended that ballistic weapons have damageAlter values this high, they feel overtuned.

Noted, i'll balance those values))

Haven't checked the other craft from the starting diplomacy choices, but getting the Italian Starfighter and not being able to procure a gatling cannon to fill that hardpoint feels bad - I've lost a few flights of two of them to large scouts because they ran out of missiles well before HP. The M61 Vulcan shows up in the starting ufopedia and would make it feel better if you could buy it to fill that slot.

Got it, we'll fix that on the next update))

Offline ohartenstein23

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I've been using the latest version available on the page.

At least one of the Huey maps works fine, I'm guessing there's just one that's off.

Offline ohartenstein23

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Another thing I noticed: E-115 HEAT rounds use incendiary damage type, which do 5-10 damage by default. With the 75% ArmorEffectiveness they have set, it means the weapons often do nothing. I'd recommend setting a RandomType to make it have a 50-150% or 0-200% roll.

Also you can change the strings for Aimed, Snap, and Auto in the Ufopedia to all show how many shots they fire the same way Auto does:

Code: [Select]
  STR_SHOT_TYPE_AUTO: "Auto (x{0})"
  STR_SHOT_TYPE_AIMED: "Aimed (x{0})"
  STR_SHOT_TYPE_SNAP: "Snap (x{0})"

All of the sniper rifles that have damage bonuses on the rifle itself won't get boosted damage due to the soldier's accuracy - the damage bonus needs to be on the ammunition or the weapon needs to have built-in ammo (like the laser weapons) in order to work.

The Bastion advanced satellite has defined weapon types and mentions defensive weapons in it's description, but has no weapon space.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2020, 11:53:42 pm by ohartenstein23 »

Offline efrenespartano

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Another thing I noticed: E-115 HEAT rounds use incendiary damage type, which do 5-10 damage by default. With the 75% ArmorEffectiveness they have set, it means the weapons often do nothing. I'd recommend setting a RandomType to make it have a 50-150% or 0-200% roll.

Got it! I'll change it to another damageType (most likely HE or Plasma, still to be determined)

Also you can change the strings for Aimed, Snap, and Auto in the Ufopedia to all show how many shots they fire the same way Auto does:

Code: [Select]
  STR_SHOT_TYPE_AUTO: "Auto (x{0})"
  STR_SHOT_TYPE_AIMED: "Aimed (x{0})"
  STR_SHOT_TYPE_SNAP: "Snap (x{0})"

Whoa! That's definitely very useful. Didn't knew it was possible, I'll do the changes on all the weapons.

All of the sniper rifles that have damage bonuses on the rifle itself won't get boosted damage due to the soldier's accuracy - the damage bonus needs to be on the ammunition or the weapon needs to have built-in ammo (like the laser weapons) in order to work.

Oh, really? That explains why those didn't worked. :0

The Bastion advanced satellite has defined weapon types and mentions defensive weapons in it's description, but has no weapon space.

Noted, thanks for your useful feedback, Otto!

Offline ohartenstein23

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Why do special forces operators have maximum psi strength of 75 when all other soldier types have 100? I'd think the cost of them alone is enough of a balance point to not need to make them addle-brained when it comes to facing psionic enemies.

Found a bug with the third level of alien interception missions spawned from a base - the last wave generates 10000 UFOs. Might want to fix that:
Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_ALIEN_INTERCEPTION_3 # Heavy interception
    # snip
      - ufo: STR_SENTRY_SHIP
        count: 1
        trajectory: P3
        timer: 9500
        huntMode: 0
        huntBehavior: 1
      - ufo: STR_SMALL_FIGHTER
        count: 1
        trajectory: P5
        timer: 9500
        huntMode: 1
        huntBehavior: 1
      - ufo: STR_FIGHTER_SHIP
        count: 10000 # <-------- how did the aliens smuggle or build all of these on earth without X-Com knowing?
        trajectory: P5
        timer: 0
        huntMode: 0
        huntBehavior: 1