Reaver - I'll upload to imgur. I'll create an account before going much further so we can have picture goodness. The next mission was a total riot. I had to reset halfway through because Starving Poet lit himself on fire and died...
Also - 20% chance of alien retaliation seems to be 100% for me, at least in January. The next mission was a base defense, but it wasn't against Sectoids...
The Adventures of Wimples, Private Reaver (Hospitalized for 16 days), and a Starving Poet:
Mission 3: When Poets Warn of Danger
January 13th - literally two hours after mission 2.
On our way back to the base we found a man banging on the front of our door. At first we ignored him, but he started telling us how he spotted weird crafts flying around the area. Knowing that our radar did not detect everything, we grew suspicious.
And then it happened…
The biggest alien craft we ever saw landed. Right. Next. To. Our. Base! In a panic, we drug the newcomer into the base with us and began emergency evacuations. Not having time to evacuate him as well, we enlisted Starving Poet into the ranks.
He had the misfortune in hiding inside our storage facility located right next to the hangar and the access bay. All he could find before diving for cover was a flamethrower, submachine gun, and a proximity grenade. I sure hope he ends up ok.
We expected grays, which we were not very scared of at this point. Physically, they were weaker than we were. Although they had fast reflexes and reasonable accuracy, if this was the best the aliens had to offer then we were in for an easy war.
What we got instead was giant, two legged furry monsters and these weird, red aliens with capes that could float. Scientists called them Floaters. We still haven’t figured out why they wear capes… we suspect the furries bite, but they did not make it close enough to do any damage and were too dumb to open the doors where we were hiding.
Proximity grenades worked very well against these invaders. Starving Poet also earned himself a home after taking out one with a proximity grenade and another with a flamethrower. He also killed three of the furries before running out of ammunition. You would think aliens wouldn’t create something so vulnerable to fire…
It wasn’t long until we started hearing shooting in the hangars. None of us were in there, but the next group of floaters ventured into our defense zone unarmed. It was pretty stupid of them to do that.
It got very quiet after the last two furries walked into proximity grenades. We ended up clearing the few remaining floaters in the hangars. 25 kills overall, no deaths or injuries. Starving Poet was awarded the Bolt’s Cross, but the alien died shortly thereafter. We don’t know how to keep them alive in our environment.