Also, if you check in your change over the original file, it's WAY easier to see the changes to the code then searching for a "callahan code" tag in the source file
Github will automatically highlight the differences between commits in fancy schmancy red (deletions) and green (additions) colors for all to see.
Typical github development:
Fork the project into your GitHub accounts (makes a new repository).
Clone it to your desktop
Create a new branch to make your changes
commit your changes locally
push your changes back to your github account.
Once the changes are pushed, you could potentially create a "pull request" back to the main project that you forked from, and the maintainers of the project can review your pull request to see if they want to accept your changes or not. It acts as a code review, and you can continue to update the pull request by push changes into the branch that the pull request originated from.
If the PR (pull request) gets accepted, you can delete your branch if you want.
However, working in OXCE+ is not typical since it's already a fork of an existing GitHub project (OXC+OXCE), and Meridian prefers to cherry-pick changes without pull requests.
So, I've forked from original OXC project.
Cloned it to desktop
Created an oxce3.5-plus-proto branch
Added Meridian's repo as remote branch to my project
switched to my oxce3.5-plus-proto branch and pulled down Meridian's oxce3.5-proto-branch into my branch (not a merge per se, but direct full copy of branch - have to look up the git commands again).
I use my oxce3.5-plus-proto branch as a starting point to make other branches if I'm making changes to OXCE+.