Tech-Comm Alpha updated - of changes (v0.27):
* Increased Tech-Comm craft recon range by 50-100%
* Added missing facilities to Tech-Comm bases. Only Training Center missing, to determine later if to add training as a separate facility or as a part of Housing Area
* All facilities can be built (research not required/implemented yet) and the UFOpedia describes their abilities
* Tracking Station renamed as Defense Center and upgraded - it gives the second shot to base defenses and it also has a very small radar with a high detection rate as an alarm system against Skynet retaliations
* Reduced Terminator armor values
* Added missing craft sprites, designed by elfrenespartano
* Added temporary base sprites for the new 20x20 facilities, taken from Dioxine's Piratez mod

Finally, after many days and many hours of thinking how to draw a plane, I finished all of the current aircrafts of the Resistance! Yay! 
It's still necessary to convert them with the correct palettes, it's something that I'm still don't know how to do. But all the sprites are complete.
I hope you like them! And I hope they have no problems with the colors, although if so, I will correct them in the shortest time possible.
I've attached a few Basebits, so you can check them out.
Have a nice weekend!
Thank you very much!
I've already added them to this release, most look good, a few still have issues.
If you want to check them all out, just edit the \mods\TechCom\Rulesets\startingBase.rul file with Notepad or Notepad++ and change the starting crafts.