Tech-Com Alpha 0.23 has been released -
Fly the (un)friendly skies!Download LinkRequires upgrading OXCE+ to latest build,
List of changes:
* Added interceptors to HK Base, Factory and Workcamp. Skynet bases now have a radar change with a high detection chance. If the radars detect any Tech-Com craft, it will launch interceptors once the craft is within the interceptor's radar range. Once the threat is eliminated or disappears from radar, the interceptors will switch to either patrolling or termination missions.
* HK Bases have the best interceptor defenses and the longest range radar
* HK Fighter radar increased to make interceptions more effective
* HK Bases and Workcamps now can launch by themselves Pacification and Interdiction missions against civilians or Resistance fighters.
This is one of the new air features that I was eager to see: Skynet bases actually controlling the airspace around them by being able to launch interceptors. Opens a lot of interesting possibilities and the priority now will be to finish the rest of world to see how the entire strategic level works.
Another nice feature included by Meridian is the limit of the number of Workcamps and HK Bases that Factories can generate, because this will help balance the dynamics of the entire world.
The idea for the whole campaign at this point is:
* Tech-Comm has to locate and assault a number of Skynet research facilities located around the world to gain several key techs
* Those techs will allow Tech-Comm to assault the Skynet Core, which must be also detected and will be heavily defended. Trying to assault it without those techs will be close to impossible.
* Each month Skynet will place a new Factory on any region, except the poles. The factory will then deploy a number of HK Bases and Workcamps to the region.