TFTD style UFOpaedia articles (type_id 14) do not correctly report the number of auto shots made. UFO articles (type_id 4) do, so I presume it wasn't updated when this was made configurable.
The offending code is src/Ufopaedia/ArticleStateTFTDItem.cpp line 78, which should be:
And while we're there, the UFO version changed the code for snap and aimed shots too, so lines 93 and 108 should change similarly:
Related to this: the number of snap and aimed shots aren't actually configurable, though they almost are. It looks like it doesn't bother to read aimedshots and snapShots, but it would use them if it could. Can be fixed in src/Mod/RueItem.cpp by adding around the similar code for autoShots on line 588:
_confAimed.shots = node["aimedShots"].as<int>(_confAimed.shots);
_confSnap.shots = node["snapShots"].as<int>(_confSnap.shots);
Apologies if this isn't sufficiently clear, I'm not really used to bug reporting.