Siberia Base bring back the Landing Craft.
The loot pile must be protected and it makes no sense to walk onto site - when a fast dust down and deployment has the proper shock value.
To compensate... starting at about turn 4-6 humanists start firing Mortars indescriminantly at the bare tundra surface from offsite (timed invisible bombs). Make it 3-5 per turn. They can even tend to be centered near the ship area and anywhere strategic, as if circular error probable they drifted off target from a few kilometers away.
Probably the hellerium versions, or simulated 200 damage 85mm BC shells. Enough to make you worry but not baby nukes since those are too expensive.
The idea here is they dont have air defense, instead they'll just butcher anyone who lands (pirates, traders, govts, whoever) with artillery while the main base remains safe underground, with Tanks and Supersoldiers down there as the pincer move.
This forces the player to go underground and not pick and choose what they do with the entrances. It can impact Bombard and an Anti-Tank Missile launcher trying to hit fish in a barrel through the cavern opening (I always do...).
And it can make retreat a chancy move too.
If indeed you're just there for the Paperz... you'd have alot more to dodge than a random Supersoldier who might find his way up there.
Equipping Baby Nukes/DC launchers on the Stormtroopers is useless and turns them into baby-nuke-givers. In the locations they're encountered ive noticed they'll rarely if ever fire them, and at the bunker entrance that guy usually just vaporizes himself (its also too easy to just mortar the dude or hellerium grenade him). Underground the Arcing weapons dont work so well either so even a Panzerfaust probably wouldn't do the job.
To make those guys more formidable they should have Battle Lasers or Plasma Scorchers since these are very deployable, and a Plasma Scorcher is rather unforgiving.
Plasma Rockets are nice, but Rocket Launchers are a slow weapon even if it can snap shot.
Bring Back The Supply Ship Nuke
Probably mentioned elsewhere, but instead of playing with hardcoding turn limits, just bring back the invisible timed bomb. But set the damage so high it wipes the map including the (999?) damage threshold for the transport craft. We never get to see the stats on it so id suggest 3000.
If you want it to be 10 Turns thats fine, I can ace supply ships in 4-8 turns.
Regardless of killing the mobs with it I dont think it necessarily makes up for losing a transport + 1 peasant. You'd get no loot from it. If there was a positive score, it can represent having Exposed the operation and that you'd infringed on their resupply logistics. Supply Ships are supposed to be hush-hush and its a major embarrassment.
Id also set the invisible bomb to the same toughness as the ship engine. That way if the ship engine goes boom (there's no nuke to go off either, because it got busted, or it was the ship engine itself). From being shot down, or you just say fugit and blast the bottom of the ship.
The ship engine and hellerium is one of the big loots from a supply ship. The rest of the loot is the plasma rockets and gauss guns. If you smash the Big Nuke before it goes off you lose over 2 million bucks worth of loot... 2 hellerium capsules worth if im not mistaken.