Midnight Cat:
Majestic Pussy'foot Cat
"The most beautiful (*pussyfoot*) pussy that ever lived. It's can boost the morale of multiple soldiers at once, and it's claw attacks ignore 90% of enemy armor.
Midnight Cat ~~ Silent, shadowy, & pussyfoot'ly midnight'ly pussyfoot hunter et spion,
The most beautiful, pretty pussy-foot pussy
(preferably female, she -form)
~~ use'able concept of such cutesweet catty' unit for most (action-)CRPGs' games (4 classics, old ones, and new'ers ones too..)
~~ extremely stealthy, pure *"pussyFoot'er", = 100 % ~ 160 % unseen, undetectable by enemy, & sometimes ..unnoticed even by her own Gals ( ~~20 ~30 % of "unseenny", by friendly units)
~~ very handy at bosses and top-tier enemies
~~ +15 % ~ 30 % boost at-once all on-mission' Gals`morale
~~ +15 ~ 25 % boost all friendly soldiers psionics skills
~~ +5 % bonus to all Gals' psionics powers
~~ +10 % TU for every by'standers friendly units (except vehicles, drones and robots without AI) within range of 3 tiles
~~ NV_at day : 28 ~ 30 ..has incredible vision °°
~~ NV_at night : 36 ~ 39 ~ 40 ..even, hey!,mainly at night °°
~~ Spot: +2 (in days), ~ 3 (nightly)
~~ Sense: 6 - can detect enemies through walls to some extent. (average NV:33, Sense:7)
~~ Critical Hit: +30 % chance to cause crit.hit to enemy
~~ 160 % bio attack - it's claw attacks
focusing mainly on enemy's head, and especially attacking on enemy's face and eyes ( = "headshots" )
ignore 90% of enemy armor.~~ + 15 % chance to (of) panick of enemy
~~ + 25 % more chance of seduction of enemies (mainly of, focused on females' enemies)
~~ +2 stealing skill ~ steal from enemy units small, & precious, little and valuable thingies (rings, gems, chips, cpu, mems,data-crystals, jewels, etc.. ), = must be avalaible some her own inventory slots and space accessible
~~ Has incredible vision, even at night, and can detect enemies through walls to some extent. NV:30, Sense:6"