
Author Topic: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!  (Read 434885 times)

Offline ohartenstein23

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #240 on: December 22, 2018, 02:19:59 pm »
This is already coded in the engine and both the Tech-Comm mod and the 40k mod use it to defend their bases. You can set the hostile interceptors to be completely destroyed instead of just crashing if you want. The issue isn't that this is impossible or couldn't be balanced, it's that it doesn't fit the flavor of the mod - all your craft are either inconspicuous civilian models or carry cloaking devices. Dioxine made the conscious decision that only very few enemy craft would directly attack yours.

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #241 on: January 06, 2019, 07:37:07 pm »
Will we somewhen meet (and capture ;) aquatoids?

Offline JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #242 on: January 06, 2019, 10:46:52 pm »
Will we somewhen meet (and capture ;) aquatoids?

There is page for them in "Bootypedia" so I guess the answer is "Yes".
Yet I would like to discuss if T'Leth was even "awakend". In Piratez lore, X-Com lost, they never destroyed that brain under Cydonia, which means signal was never sent. Or maybe it was, but for what purpose? Brain rigged the machine to send the signal after he will be destroyed.
T'Leth and Ethernals didn't like eachother apparently, even I could "risk" to say that they hate eachother and Ethernals don't want "Space Horror" to even be awake.

Judging by the description of Gillman, they were an unaltered species, they didn't need to be created using complex machinery in T'leth. Also their "gear" speaks for this theory. Most of what they have are simple melee weapons they obtained, or those made from Aqua Plastic in a way so crude, it can be considered a waste of such material. Occasionally, they will have few sonic weapons, but very rearly. Judging by the sunken USO's used by T'leth, I think that there was a short war between T'leth and Ethernals (while T'leth was fully functional for some reason for atleast 30 years) and nobody could beat the other side. I guess they made a truce, Ethernals need Earth as this is a source of "manpower" and supplies that was hard earned and they didn't wanted "Space Horror" to destroy that all. So the Gillmans were allowed to freerly roam the coasts as long as T'leth will be shut down.
Aquatoids are either "proto-Sectoids", or "enchanced Sectoids" for underwater operations. Sectoids are already useless for Ethernals, so they have to maintain their population themselfs, while Aquatoids didn't had a time where they could freely explore the earth and gather tech to maintain population. Since T'leth is probably shut down, every last Aquatoid died.
I guess that there could be in future an option to "awake" T'leth for them to help gals beat "Star Gods", or "Solar Governor" sending signal in desperate attempt to do anything against gals.

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #243 on: January 06, 2019, 11:01:56 pm »
In Piratez lore, X-Com lost, they never destroyed that brain under Cydonia, which means signal was never sent.
We do not know exactly. We surely know, that "knights of Cydonia" even reached Mars when "battle was already lost", but what happened there...
During my first play, I anticipated that they("knights") have accepted the brain's proposal and are "ruling" the Solar System alongside with him. In fact, they should be, his mind-controlled "elite spec-ops" vat-grown clones of x-com operatives' bodies.
About aquatoids... maybe, another 600 years on the bottom of the ocean and full-scale nuclear war shattered T'Leth and creatures sleeping inside started to awaken - but only few.

Offline JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #244 on: January 07, 2019, 02:48:10 pm »
We do not know exactly. We surely know, that "knights of Cydonia" even reached Mars when "battle was already lost", but what happened there...
During my first play, I anticipated that they("knights") have accepted the brain's proposal and are "ruling" the Solar System alongside with him. In fact, they should be, his mind-controlled "elite spec-ops" vat-grown clones of x-com operatives' bodies.
About aquatoids... maybe, another 600 years on the bottom of the ocean and full-scale nuclear war shattered T'Leth and creatures sleeping inside started to awaken - but only few.

Yeah, but they didn't destroyed the brain, that is what we know for sure. T'Leth needed about 30 years to start their assault, full-scale nuclear war happened not so long after the invasion, while we are playing nearly 600 years after it. I don't remember if Sectoids Elder was a part of original sectoids, or not. If they were, then Aquatoids being not so different from then, would be spotted only in "Elder" state during our gameplay.

Gillmans were living before T'leth arrived. Other creatures were created using sea creatures shortly after T'Leth arrived and also from humans after signal was sent. Aquatoids just like Sectoids were cloned using biomass of creatures that were not "good" enough to be mutated into something like Lobsterman, Xarquid, or Deep-One.

The fact that we indeed see Triscene further approves theory about short war between Ethernals (mainly forces under their command) and T'Leth. T'Leth tech was captured, not all of it, but enough to get dinosaurs.

It would be cool to see bio-drone again, I liked design of this creature. Alien/Human brain in machine. I like cyborgs. And this also gives "Fallout" vibe despite TFTD comming out before first Fallout.

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #245 on: January 07, 2019, 11:34:24 pm »
The fact that we indeed see Triscene further approves theory about short war between Ethernals (mainly forces under their command) and T'Leth. T'Leth tech was captured, not all of it, but enough to get dinosaurs.
I don't think they Will ever fight. They are both on the one side - The Empire. AFAIK, T'leth presents on Earth much longer, than The Martian base. I suppose, this "city" is Just older and obsolete(by Star God's means) conquest-colonisation tool. And its commander is second-in-command to martian brain. So, it activates and starts "conquest procedure" when his supreme commander becomes non-functional.
About the use of T'leth weapons and tech - almost every modern-day country keeps lots of obsolete weapons in reserve storage bases. In case of big war, obsolete firearms will be issued to secondary and tertiary troops, national guard, recruits, old tanks, guns and trucks will see some use. Also, today you can see and sometimes buy not only WW2-era $100 Mosin-Nagant, buy even flintlock muzzle-loaded firearms. So, why shouldn't aliens use old buy good things?
And that'ts the moment when we can see biodrones and tasoths - If you piss off big factions long enough to become "Major disturbance factor", Star Gods may use some more of their power - wake up some operatives and give the command to seek and destroy this nasty pirates.

Offline Martin

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #246 on: January 08, 2019, 08:41:08 am »
About the use of T'leth weapons and tech - almost every modern-day country keeps lots of obsolete weapons in reserve storage bases.

We are talking about weapons that are not decades old, but at least centuries old and obsolete by millions of years.

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #247 on: January 08, 2019, 10:02:30 am »
We are talking about weapons that are not decades old, but at least centuries old and obsolete by millions of years.
You have lots of them, good stack of Zrbite ammo and they work almost as good as you - so why should you not use them?
By the way, 6 centuries before the Piratez timeline, Star Gods had the same plasma rifles, Heavy Plasmas and sectopods.

Offline JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #248 on: January 08, 2019, 06:49:39 pm »
I wouldn't say that T'Leth tech was obsolete. Way different than Star Gods, but still decent. I bet that what Star Gods had, they got by raiding other races just by their power of psychic abilities. Sectopods, plasma weaponry, Floaters, all of it was probably raided, and/or created by Sectoids.
Looking at T'Leth gear that was invented atleast as early as extintion of dinosaurs. 65 million of years ago. That is a lot of time that passed. What Star Gods Empire achieved during this time? Pretty much nothing far superior to what T'Leth already had.

Biodrone in comparsion to Cyberdisk is only slighty inferior in terms of dmg and accuracy while being smaller. Sonic rifle, cannon and grenades are even more powerfull in raw dmg than Plasma counterpart.
Molecular Control seems to be more potent that psionics since it can control more that organic brain. Zrbite worked only becouse T'Leth were passively M.C'ing it.

Offline Zharkov

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #249 on: January 08, 2019, 07:16:37 pm »
Sry, what do you mean by "passively M.C'ing"?

Offline JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #250 on: January 08, 2019, 07:41:31 pm »
Sry, what do you mean by "passively M.C'ing"?

Be sure to add ")" at the end, becouse link is broken here for some reason.

"The hope that Zrbite might revive the deep space program which was abandoned in 2010 are dashed when scientists discover that all the Zrbite supplies of the world have become inert. It is theorized that the aliens' molecular control network was the key to releasing the power of the
mineral. When the destruction of T'leth caused the molecular control network to fail, all the Zrbite was rendered useless."

It is from Interceptor, but that's all what we have and since Dioxine borrowed some elements from it and I guess even creators didn't thinked about every little single connection in the lore, we could "play" with what is available. Just for fun of theorising.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 07:47:14 pm by JustTheDude »

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #251 on: January 10, 2019, 05:27:32 am »
My personal take is that t'leth was/is a seeder ship, Piratez lore implies that the SG empire primary means of long distance interstellar travel is black hole "gates". Go in one black hole come out another in some other part of reality. Given the need for such assistance it can be presumed that SG grav drive while fast is not capable of high FTL speed. Also the expansion of the gate network probably requires slowboating the parts for another gate to the far end on grav drive alone.

Given the slowboat needs of the gate system the obvious means of expansion is semi autonomous seeder craft. Send out some in your given direction of expansion to build gates and seed worlds with compatible biospheres. For some reason t'leth crashes and while it survives, it no longer has the capacity to remove itself from the seabed, and probably some significant control system damage. What it does have is stocks of biomass, energy and time to spare.

It makes some adaptations to the standard sectoid to handle its new ocean location and sets about slowly trying to do its job, seed a world. Either programing flaws or the damage of the crash render the orders only partly right so it only seeds the deep oceans.  Lack of elerium or some other critical elements prevent its full repair so it makes do with what it can make, Zirbite. A signal for aid is either impossible to send or never sent due damaged/flawed programing. 65 million years pass while it toils, very slowly, unseen beneath the ocean. Aquatoids, Deep ones and the rest come into being.

SG turns up, finally, does there thing, and in the process notices t'leths presence. Salvage or repair is deemed unresonable or technically infeasible for something hugely antiquated. But its not useless either, it holds sway over some 70% of the surface area of the planet and doing something moderately productive. So they dont shut it down.

Then the divergence on if X-com wins or not. If they do win the dying brain sends it's revenge commands to tl'eth. T'leth acts on these new instructions and musters up a war against the surface. X-com failure on the other hand leads to it doing the same things its been doing for 65 million years, populating the deeps.

600 years pass, the lack of tleth never getting war orders results in the slow spread of the deep ones eventually coming into conflict with the surfacers on there own with little direct influence, everybody needs space when things get crowed, so they go looking for the neighbors spot. Being almost exclusively underwater civilization leads to some significant environmental influences on there tech base. Gunpowder, explosives, and basic electronics don't do so well in fathoms of saltwater. Your also limited in your materials ability, no hot forging down here, unless you wanna stick your face in a volcanic vent. Muscle power and beasts of burden/war still do work however. So they have muscle powered weapons, some nasty pets, and a few sonic gifts/relics from the dreaming city.

Piratez deep ones are the barbarian fringes of the t'leth civilization come looking for greener pastures. Raiders but from an aquatic/wet tech base.

Offline JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #252 on: January 10, 2019, 02:27:29 pm »
Could be it.

Yet 65 million of years is a lot of time. Probably even for "Ethernals". Management could change. Since there are no Ethernals in T'leth this could mean T'leth was/is a servant of race that ruled before Star Gods. "Space Horror" could be an example of that race. In this case Molecular Control is inferior "version" of Psychic powers. It would make sense since MC controls what you are doing despite what you want while Psychic controls what you want.

It's hard to belive it took 65 million years to recover from crush, but only 40 years after getting signal to build army and wage war.
It's like T'leth was supposed to persist dormant deep in the oceans. "Space Horror" was designed after Cthulu, so "sea features" are intentional.
T'leth not being dependend on anything that isn't available on the planet and the fact that they pollute the planet in case of their defeat gives me an idea that they were something like "insurance" for Star Gods. SG couldn't predict how fast each race could develop their technology. One could faster, one could slower. If case when SG appeared too late and they would be unable to fight/enslave species that were occupying the planet, they would turn "on" their "dogs of war" to soften them up. In case of original X-Com lore, SG underestimated humans, they lost this battle, but they couldn't let anyone else to keep their tech, or whole Empire would be at risk. Interceptor confirms that, humanity started to fight territorial war with success. T'leth was activated as attempt to stop humanity. This failed also and even T'leth had "failsafe" which was self-destructing on the surface, polluting the air.

Now in Piratez, Earth after victory of Pirate Gals over Solar Governor means nothing. T'leth was still dormant, probably in the process of being decommissioned, but it's not sure. Deeps of oceans are still a mystery for everyone besides Star Gods. Signal of reactivation was probably sent, no X-Com to stop it.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 02:30:08 pm by JustTheDude »


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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #253 on: January 19, 2019, 09:55:32 pm »
Just a technical wish: i hope gonna be included in xpiratez some other music tracks from FG's music pack. Actuslly some of these, along with ambient sound mod made by him, were included in past versions; i really hooe we may get the rest :)

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #254 on: January 20, 2019, 01:11:08 pm »
The pieces from this pack which I liked are already included.