This ut plasma gun matches the piratez color scheme better. It could be used for the hydra laser, but it could also be implemented as a new item for a Humanist faction weapon to replace their standard Lasgun disbursement. And using hydra laser ammunition sorta replicates the wolfenstein3d minigun (trading accuracy for fire rate, at least one 8 shot burst per round plus a couple snaps maybe on top of that). Humanists are all about extermination yknow.
As a further slap in the players' face courtesy of the humanists, it doesn't have to be O-G capable, as despite being a laser its construction makes it vulnerable to being damaged by decompression for one reason or another.
Tiny explosion impact graphics for hard, hard hitting AP shots such as the Recoilless Rifle, Mag Rocket, etc. Idea being that it actually explodes but only the guy who was hit actually took the brunt of that damage. This is from a stock hollywood explosion.
Inserting it into the game can be as simple as adding your own extrasprites entry in a .rul file (which can be inserted in the piratez ruleset folder, or another mod you're using) and setting the start index to be really high, like 606 or 706 or something (it should probably start with single digit of 6 since all the other impacts do). Impact graphics and explosions are always 10 frames of animation.
Also Added:
For the doom connoisseurs the UAC plasma gun impact, and baron plasma impact. Courtesy of the "smooth doom" mod for the latter.