Author Topic: Cydonia or Bust! Kiri's question thread. Game complete!  (Read 115315 times)

Offline greattuna

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #60 on: August 05, 2017, 12:04:12 pm »
The different missions have different requirements. :v

Sometimes you can only go in plain clothes with concealed weapons, one mission has you going with any armor that is helmet-less with concealed weapons. Most missions don't have restrictions.

Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #61 on: August 07, 2017, 11:17:35 am »
Is there a way to see what tech I need to progress?

I really want to work towards:
defender/guardian/power armor
recoilless rifle
medical supply manufacturing
chemical manufacturing
big workshop
dojo and hot springs
hyperwave decoder

I've been stuck at tac armour H for a year and only have 5 since it's hard to get aqua plastics (done a few bounty hunts but it didn't unlock them for purchase. I need medical supply manufacturing to support a much bigger team, and dojos to train them so I can be more reckless with them. I need better armour to minimise injuries, a sickbay to improve wound recovery, and eventually I will need recoilless rifle and power armour to kill stronger enemies at a distance where they're less likely to instantly vaporize me with plasma or gauss. I just lost 4 people on a failed shrine ship and it takes forever to get newbies up to their standards while I'm lacking a dojo and the funds to train a large army of zergs, and I'd like to stop grinding every church and warehouse for funds

Problem is I have no idea what I'm lacking in order to progress. There's still stuff to research but I want to take my research in a specific direction, namely towards industry and training a large army (I can hold off on good gear so long as I have the supply of soldiers to throw into the meat grinder)

Is there some kind of built in tech tree, or a game file I can be reading to work out where I need to progress?

Offline JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #62 on: August 07, 2017, 11:53:02 am »
To have dojo you need research all Uber Gals "things"(like post-apocalyptic cousine etc) and their history related projects. I'm not sure did mutant alliance martial arts prize is needed or mayby it is shortcut.

To get aqua plastic fast and plenty go to "sea adventure" mission. If you'r lucky, you will get mission with crashed TFTD aliens ship and as a loot you will get +/- 200 aqua plastics.

I think joining mutant alliance will give you option to buy medical supplies. Another rute is destroying enemy base, becouse church cardinal should carry old earth books and that will give you "back to school" research what unlock(probably direct) pharmacology and this allow manufacturing medical supplies.

Power armor need so much so this is more late-game and I think there is no fast way to get one. You could always manufacture "scrapyard master" after reaserching power armor parts. It is unplugged power armor so it inflict stun damage but front armor is just like in normal power armor, or slighty worse.


Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #63 on: August 07, 2017, 11:56:33 am »
Thankyou for the good info! Do you know how to get defender/guardian or is it gated behind back to school?

I'm 1.5 years into the game and there still isn't any alien bases. Guess I'll keep assaulting shrine ships, maybe look outside and decide whether to bail if there is like 5 of those flying guys with 1 billion TU and swords right at my ship doors.

I did get the old earth book research but it was through an interrogation. I also just unlocked the martial arts tech which I am researching. I'll build 1 in my main base to help raise new arrivals and I am working on large scale alcohol production in my other bases to help pay for troops and maybe a dedicated training base

Offline JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #64 on: August 07, 2017, 01:25:17 pm »
There probably are bases but they are sneaky. Check the charts and scan areas where funding was decreased by no reason.

Offline KateMicucci

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #65 on: August 07, 2017, 04:35:44 pm »
Middle click on researches to see the tech tree.

I tried the big army of dojo gals thing and it wasn't all that effective.

Healing up wounded gals isn't a big problem unless you're somebody who feels they need to do every mission and UFO. As long as you have enough for the brainers to research, enough money and supplies then ask if it's really worth the risk. What benefit are you getting from attacking shrine ships right now when you're so far behind in tech?

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #66 on: August 07, 2017, 05:00:05 pm »
In the Research Tech Tree viewer, press "Q" to bring up "quick search."  Type Defender.  Select the armor topic, it will show you prereqs, and which you have, etc.  You can click back through them to see your bottleneck, etc.   In my experience, Defender armor is a late mid-game tech.  This can take 2-3 years.  You may have a lucky break and get "Military Transport" missions where Guild, Academy, Govt, Spartans, etc fly around in Gunships.  The last Heavy Gunship in the wave often has some freebie sets of armor including Defender Armor.  These can be a huge boost, but they are the luck of the draw (dependent on RNG to spawn the wave, dependent on your coverage of that area of the globe, and your ability to get there with a team that can take on strong enemy troops, etc.)

Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #67 on: August 07, 2017, 05:08:36 pm »
Well my research is stalling which is why I was looking for things to research and attacked a shrine ship.

This tech tree viewer is amazing, thankyou! Apparently I need prize mutant alliance favor to advance, not sure what this is or where to find it though, it wasn't in my last game I think

Offline Mechanique

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #68 on: August 07, 2017, 05:14:39 pm »
Middle click on researches to see the tech tree.

I tried the big army of dojo gals thing and it wasn't all that effective.

Healing up wounded gals isn't a big problem unless you're somebody who feels they need to do every mission and UFO. As long as you have enough for the brainers to research, enough money and supplies then ask if it's really worth the risk. What benefit are you getting from attacking shrine ships right now when you're so far behind in tech?

Spa is relatively early tech (but a huge cost) and can be used to train up to 30 gals (the perfect number to have) and auxila, not to mention benefits of super-maids, extra healing that stacks with sickbay or surgery room, and interesting tactical opportunities on defense. Dojos are not worth it in my opinion, unless in secondary hideouts, and in late game - early/mid having 5 or 10 gal garrisons is a big money drain, and untrained auxila can't really stop a serious attack. Damn, I miss my 20-sized mercenaries, auxilaries suck.

Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #69 on: August 07, 2017, 05:22:58 pm »
Well when I got my medical supply manufacturing going last game money was a thing of the past. I didn't bother to defend my factories I just replaced them when they got taken down which only happened once. That allowed me to have a rather large army of about 100 "hands" which were all trained in my arctic training base and moved from there to my main base. I had around 60 soldiers in my main base and another 60 in the training base at all times. I was also buying 100M costing VIPs for my research, I kept buying marsec bodyguards just to enslave them for power armor parts and I had over 1B in my 4th year. I got bored and quit during getting power cells for my conqueror and decided I would someday do it again but on the max difficulty which is what I am doing now, might as well do it properly XD

Anyway I worked out how to get favors, donated 1.5M to jack and got my bounty C pass. The air car races stopped appearing, I only attempted 1 after I started doing bounties and then realised it was a normal fight so I had my unarmed aircar pilot leave immediately and never saw another after that

I'll try to get higher level bounty passes asap since I have a feeling the bounty missions disappear as time goes by unless I keep progressing with them

Offline wolfreal

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #70 on: August 07, 2017, 05:30:21 pm »
Healing up wounded gals isn't a big problem unless you're somebody who feels they need to do every mission and UFO.

Oh, you donĀ“t fill your mouth with everything on the table?. I have been playing this wrongly all the time xD

Offline Mechanique

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #71 on: August 07, 2017, 05:50:09 pm »
Well when I got my medical supply manufacturing going last game money was a thing of the past. I didn't bother to defend my factories I just replaced them when they got taken down which only happened once. That allowed me to have a rather large army of about 100 "hands" which were all trained in my arctic training base and moved from there to my main base. I had around 60 soldiers in my main base and another 60 in the training base at all times. I was also buying 100M costing VIPs for my research, I kept buying marsec bodyguards just to enslave them for power armor parts and I had over 1B in my 4th year. I got bored and quit during getting power cells for my conqueror and decided I would someday do it again but on the max difficulty which is what I am doing now, might as well do it properly XD

Anyway I worked out how to get favors, donated 1.5M to jack and got my bounty C pass. The air car races stopped appearing, I only attempted 1 after I started doing bounties and then realised it was a normal fight so I had my unarmed aircar pilot leave immediately and never saw another after that

I'll try to get higher level bounty passes asap since I have a feeling the bounty missions disappear as time goes by unless I keep progressing with them

Are medical supplies really that profitable? From what I calculated based on checmicals value plus runt-hour costs the profit should be marginal, despite the hints in description. Same for durathread lingerie - it was like few dollars a piece unless you print your own duratheread, which I can't yet and thus can't calculate the profit.

For me it always was X-grog, or now is chateau du mort, since in new version apples are plentiful and pretty much guaranteed on ratman village/help the loknars/lokknar farm.

As for missions - D level does not dissapear completely, but as game progresses and you unlock more mission types, they have lower chance to spawn. I still get ocassional D level two years in.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2017, 05:52:00 pm by Mechanique »

Offline KateMicucci

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #72 on: August 07, 2017, 06:04:15 pm »
Aircar isn't a fight. You win the mission automatically if you press end-turn. The mission description is misleading.

Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #73 on: August 07, 2017, 07:03:21 pm »
Aww that's a shame. I landed with my totally unarmed pilot, decided mistakes were made and aborted XD

Offline greattuna

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #74 on: August 08, 2017, 12:21:20 am »
Yeah it happens. I got lucky enough to be armed, so I rushed out thinking I'll have to defeat lone student in one turn.

RE: making money: yeah, chateau de mort is pretty solid early-game money-maker, but I switched over to chemicals as soon as I could, because chemicals doesn't require anything. Hassle-free money!.. now that I have mint and 4 thousand $1000 chips (I've been saving), I'm making $200 chips from them, since it gives me slightly more money per month. I'm going to keep printing money until I'll be able to make hovertanks, since selling tanks gives me more money than printing money... Hm.

RE: ancillaries: well it depends on auxillary itself, isn't it? Tanks can pull their own weight in combat, dogs are pretty okay in cramped quarters against unarmored enemies (but they require burrows now...), while slave soldiers... yeah. Shaping them into something requires loader armor, because it's about the only armor which gives some defense, and even then, their stats are sad aside from (potentially) voodoo.