I'm copying resource files from XComFiles into my mod to get unique craft graphics, but I can't seem to get the craft sprites to work.
It seems like the single number used to declare the craft's sprite tells the game its basebit sprite, minimized sprite, and dogfight sprite all at once. In XComFiles, the MiG31 is set as sprite 799, while the extraSprites ruleset declares the following values for MiG31:
basebit: 832
minimized: 799
dogfight: 810
How does the game know to use 832 and 810, and how do I get these graphics to work in my game? I tried setting the sprite to 610, with the MiG31 basebit and minimized both set to 610, but I can't set dogfight to 610 because both minimized and dogfight are part of INTICON.PCK.
P.S.: To the folks working on openxcom: Can you improve the error messages on segmentation faults? These are extremely common in debugging and happen from almost any missing piece of data, yet openxcom gives no data on what caused the segmentation fault. For example, if I try to access the base screen and it fails to find craft sprite #610 from BASEBITS.PCK, it could give an error message saying BASEBITS.PCK sub-unit 610 not found or something.