Can compare now XPirates with this:
Both mods are brilliant. But Pirates seems balanced. You can slowly explore the world and get to know its richness. Like that.
XPirates spawns more "terror/incident"-missions.
LuoisdeFuines, will all the respects I would avoid comments like this. It is unfair to compare one mod with the other. Mainly because it is quite clear the difference of hours of effort given in each one of them (and also because both modders are still supporting them). The refinement level of both is quite different and also because the experience they aim to provide can be completely different (and sometimes difficult to leverage between difficulty levels).
In addition, because I am assuming you are scratching the surface of Xpiratez, I believe is the reason you are making this statement. The mod is a completely different beast with plenty supports in the early game and plenty of missions and enemies to keep you off balance in the later. If you complain about the balance of TWoTS+ wait to meet the mercenaries, the tough aquatic missions, the mansions, etc.