Hi. Thanks for feedback, it is warm feeling to read this.
* When my units inevitably get MC'd and they are still in a group (the triton), they always drop the dye grenade first. This despite every one of them always having an actual explosive grenade on them too.
This is great for me as no damage gets done (and I probably wouldn't be able to complete many missions if they used the explodey one given how they cheat and do units they can't see), but this seems rather... silly.
Normal vanilla behavior.
* Despite having a transmission nexus, probably 70% of the UFO's only have basic info.
You need to discover USO with resolver to see his stats.
* I researched the Jelly Treaty but I'm still seeing Jelly UFO's popping up for the next several months. This includes that huge monstery thing that flies around the GeoScape; that turned up a few months later; I'm assuming it was theirs (no idea what it was). I did later get the Jellyman outpost defence mission and don't think I've seen any since.
Game engine limitation, no new missions will spawn after treaty, but old missions remains. And they can last month or two.
* There doesn't seem to be a "Repair Mag Armour" option. This makes losing an aquanaut wearing one of these ridiculously expensive (recycling gets back a fraction of what they cost).
* "Mag Armour" remains appear as "power armour remains" in stores and as "recycle power armour" in manufacturing.
Well... it was intended, but i can redone this in the name of balance.
* Alien barge has levels L0, L1, L2 all scrollable but inaccessible to units (no map down there).
You can float there. It is ocean, remember?
* Chainsword and chemical neutraliser target like weapons not melee/medkits.
Engine limitations. New possibility has been added by Meridian and Yankes in the newest OXCE, but 'if it works-dont touch'

* (Possibly intentional) Disruptor bomb explosions destroy deployed bioflares.
Normal vanilla behavior.
* I just researched Sonic Manufacturing and now I can produce the Zrbite battery... why would I want this? I assume it's going to be for some of the sonic sub-techs that I don't have yet, but this isn't clear; it has no ufopedia entry that I can tell nor does Sonic Manufacturing mention it. Surely it should only appear when one of them is researched?
Ok, i'll do something with that. Not an prettiest decision indeed.
* Military base defence against the church; the mini map looks extremely garish. The ground colour is orange and orange stripes! This makes spotting your (yellow) units very difficult, let alone the (also orange!) friendly military units.
Oh... maybe someone fix it for me? It is so boring to do...
* Manufacturing says "Acquire Suppressor" for the "Squeezer"
* Manufacturing says "Acquire Spawner" for the "Breeder"
Thanks, i'll check.
* STR_HEAVYGILLMAN_COMMANDER and STR_HEAVYAQUATOID_COMMANDER aren't a dependency for STR_LEADER_PLUS, even though the former two have the later in "unlocks".
* Same for STR_MEDIC_PLUS - doesn't have STR_HEAVYAQUATOID_MEDIC in it as a dependency
* T'Leth: I've researched everything (including all aliens/medics, squad leaders, most UFOs/technicians), but my research % is still just 91%. Research completed: 386 (wow!). Looking at the tech tree, it seems the entire Ion tech tree was missed.
Ion weapons becaame on the battlefield when you play bad enough. If you lose enough, more ions will spawn.
* MC Implantation protection bugs:
a) The Aquanauts page keeps saying "In MC Implantation" over a month later.
b) Any soldier you put this through always stays as "Unknown" on MC Training, no matter how many months you do it on them.
c) Their MC stats never show up on the aquanauts stats page.
d) Even months after I did the implant thing, the units are still susceptible to MC.
b,c)soldier must keep training for a month to gain results. Without breaks.
d)Please provide savegame, so i can be calm that it is not a bug.
* The blurb for adv medikit says "can heal more per critical wound treatment". But it still just heals 1 per 10 TU.
It restores more HP per one wound.
* One of the unresearched techs is INTERCEPTOR. "Get free with armored gillman engineer." Except I've defo researched them (the tech tree agrees), and STR_HEAVYGILLMAN_TECHNICIAN doesn't have any interceptor tech as unlocks
Tech is called 'STR_SEEKER', i have'nt hear about problems with it. Can you explain further?
I struggled with understanding how to use the new MC stuff once I had an MC lab. For one it talks about recruiting "M.C.-Gifted Aquanauts", but it took me a while before I could figure out how to "manufacture" them.
You need soldiers with MC-skill and proper equipment. (MC-disruptor, focuser and armor.)
Typos (UFOPedia):
* You spend the entire middle game (all the tasoths) with no effective grenades (unless I missed a tech somewhere).
There are TOO effective grenades. I want to remove them from underwater use entirely, but gamers will not excuse me for this.

Try magna-pack.
* Chainsword - the action cost is ridiculously high (60% of max TU) versus a heavy thermal lance (18 TU fixed). Especially given the HTL actually has a higher hit chance too (confirmed by equipping both on the same person). I can do 3 HTL attacks (150 damage) in the same time I can do one Chainsword attack (200 damage) when equipped on a good soldier, *and* each HTL attack has a higher % chance of hitting.
It is intended. Chainsword is more tool for breaching walls than combat weapon. As it written in ufopedia...
* The Thermal Shock Bomb comes too late in the game to be useful. By the time I've got it I've had everything alive for many months. The only things I've not seen/got yet are Freaks, tricenes, & hellcrabs, and they have 0 effect on the last of those so...
Maybe. But other way it will be too easy. Or not?
* I acquired a cyborg via manufacturing - the stats look as average as the rest of my fishfood.
They can achieve more after training.
* The Displayer/Sonic does less damage (110) than the Turtle/Gauss that you get ages earlier (120).
* Displacer/PWT only does 140 damage versus the actual disrupter which does 210. Given you can stick 7 disruptors on a aquanaut *and* reload during multi-part missions, there's no advantage at all to the displacer edition.
It is intended.
* In the entire game (before T'leth) I only came across 2 Ion Cannons. And no other class of ion weapons at all. That's 117 succesful missions.
Answered before, ions for bad players.

* By the time the Leviathan is researched and built it's completely unnecessary. I built mine and immediately had the Flounder under construction as soon as the Lev was finished. I didn't need to do another interception or mission at all at that point; just wait a week then do the final mission.
Just as vanilla game.