Hey guys,
First off I want to say thanks again to Nord for authoring the mod, and thanks to Meridian for the very entertaining play though of it.
I would like to ask you two (Meridian and Nord, specifically): Do you care that much if the text strings that the user reads are not consistent? I mean, I believe you would probably prefer if things look uniform throughout the game, but I also know that you have way more important things to do with the mod and with OXCE than bothering with spelling and capitalization.
So for example, in order to make the alert strings consistent, I had to capitalize the city names, so that instead of reading "ALIEN BARGE AT Darwin", it would read "ALIEN BARGE AT DARWIN". Writing "Alien Barge at Darwin" wasn't an option because of the way the strings are set up. I also spent a lot of time correcting inconsistencies and even misspellings in the
Vanilla TFTD strings by "rewriting" them in the mod's en-US.yml file.
Lastly, there is that problem with the mission briefings not showing up properly if you review the mission briefing from the battlescape (usually the mission marker is missing).
Now, it looks like the latest improvements to OXCE require the Russian and English mod-specific string files to be "the same" somehow, which means that all the corrections I made to the vanilla strings by having them get overwritten by the mod's English strings file are basically undone because they have been deleted. Again, no big deal because I know you guys are fixing important aspects related to gameplay. That means, though, that you will see noticeable inconsistencies between vanilla TFTD USOpedia, etc and TWoTS USOpedia, etc.
You guys are in charge of how to structure the mod and OXCE, so I am asking you: would you be interested in helping me edit the proper files so that the USOpedia, etc strings from the TWoTS mod and vanilla TFTD are seamless? In other words, I could go through the vanilla strings and make those consistent and correct on their own, and then adapt the TWoTS strings to match (instead of the other way around), and that way the vanilla TFTD strings file can be used in future mods, too.
It's really up to you two, Meridian and Nord, if you are interested in this. I am truly happy to do the proofreading and correcting work on the files themselves, but without you two including the files in future OXCE and TWoTS versions, there is no point in me doing the work because future changes might mean there is a conflict, and then work is deleted.
Thank you for reading this far. I know you two are dealing with much more important stuff related to the game, and I respect that. I love the idea of contributing somehow (even if it's really small compared to your efforts), but if it is not worth the extra trouble for you guys then I know I should just let it go.
Congrats on your newest releases.