HI I finally find time to check scripting and tried some funny tweaks to this awesome mod ..
1) added acid amunnition for microtorpedos and increased weaypoints to 3 and increasing cost to 3 molectrinic components instead 1
2) checked armor shielding mechanism and created new type of shielding
until shield has energy each shield hit is reduced only up to small amount 20 - 50 (depending om damage type)
- so it makes combat much more interesting (take down shield , than finish with other weapons)
- suitable for Naga guardians
3) Find out that there are more than 10 types of damage in OXCE
- so I will try to make ION weapons use totaly different type of damege
- as well there is a possibility to design (import) new class of weapons or ammunition that takes down rapidly shield
(micro torpedo clip, GC - clip, .. )